Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1924)
THVRHDAY, JULY ClassifiedAdvertisements j TOWN AND VICINITY •all what you want to aatl. buy what you want to buy through thaaa columns. Write ar phena TWO 7.1 OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST The state Irrigation securities com mission has certified refunding bonds for 131,600 for the Payette-Oregon Slope Irrigation district. Bonds tor 1*000 Issued by the Crook County Municipal Improvement district No. 1 also were certified by the board. Returning to Work— Howard Cotton Visiting In Riddle— Larson Wright return«.! to bla work In .Marahfleld want to Biddle. Oregon on Monday Tumday nlgbt. noon to visit bla ristar. Mrs. J am er Brief Resume of Happenings of • for r«nt by day or mouth. B ilie Ho- Eldar, for a wank or so. for rant by day or month. Elite A comprehensive program to further the Week Collected for tel, 307 Main ■treet. t f . , Hotel, 3rd and Main eireet. Visiting Up McKaniii Mrs. H B ., tl the welfare of the agricultural, horti Hhodoe and daughters lone und Theda Injured Eye—Glenn Andersen of the Our Readers. CALL Itlv raid« Huir)- for pure J«r | cultural and livestock Interests of CALL ANU SEE Di N W. Einer» | left Hun lay to vlrlt at the Spark» Fl*< »»' r Lumber company at Marcola Key milk and Cr «in. Phon« 34 f3 Oregon was adopted at a conference war In town Tuesday to have a for on pricer on plat.. and other work. If ranch up the McKenzie river. apr. The small sawmill of Schulz broth of bankers and others at Eugene un tf eign hwly removed front hlr left eye. ers at Hall creek. 20 mils* eoutheast der the auspices of the agricultural Leaving for Canada— Mr. and Mrs. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S It Works Both Way*. commission of the American Bankers" of Eugene, was destroyed by fire. L e ft fo r N e w p o rt— .Mr. and Mr». J W. Coffin and daughter Florence NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that "How much being In the Army ha» coffin of Portland are leaving today ’“'feil Cline und little daughter went There has been a total of 306 foreiet association. John W. Htnveira, ha* !»«•• tj duly ap pointed b I the CtHlMy Court of Ihn Improved your boy Josh!" ito Newport on a vacation trip yeater- fires reported at the offices of F. A. The Cascade Electric company ban I for a trip to Brltlah Columbia. Wat« of Oregon for the County of 1 day morning. Elliott, state forester, thus far ibis i «eked the federal power commission "Come to notice, " said Farmer I siih a* administrator of the Estate Leaving to Go Camping— Mr, and season. : for a permit for comprehensive pow of Cornelia Steven*. deceased anti all Corntoaasl, "You are right. I hadn't Mrs. |. I). Larimer and Mr. and Mrs.* Moving to Utah— Han ltrlsccl) and Hop picking In the yards about er project on the Salmon çlver and perron* having rlalnir against raid considered It that way. I waa too e r ta te ure hereby notified to present busy thlnkln' nbout how much Josh's Leland Eubanks are leaving today to family are moving back to their old Harrisburg la slated to begin about Its tributaries in Clackamas county. the -lama properly verified to the un- bein’ In It hud Improved the Army." go on a camping trip above Oakridge home In Ogden, Utah the first of the August 1, about three weeks earlier The plans show that many miles of derrlaned at the office of Frank A. month. tunnels and canals will be required than usual. Returned from V is it— Mlee Anne Delhi«. Attorney for the relate In In the development. F a ir Enough. The drill attendance of the 13 na ttprlngfielil. Oregon within six month* llldwell returned Thursday from Visited at Stewart Home_¡Mrs. A conference of governors and from the date of this notice Captain (In barber ehop)- You Wendllng after visiting the W . J. ; Hazel Jarvis, nurse at the Mercy bos tional guard companies of Portland listed at Springfield, Oregon, July ought to cut my hair cheaper; there’s Lunceford family, heads of penal Institutions of Cali pltul In Eugene visited at tile home b> addition of #9 13. 198«. fornia. Washington and Oregon will men during June. nothing much to cut.’" ! of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stewart JOHN W. STEVENS. Albert Brownell of Portland, was be held in Salem September 4 and & Barber "Oh. no In your ca-T T «- E"‘artal"ad Oueata-M ra Eva Scott. Tuesday evening Administrator. and daughter. Mrs. Irvin Morris, und FRANK A DEUCE. elected president of the Pacific Coast to consider the installation and main don't charge for cutting the heir; we Attorney for the Ratal«. uin, und Miss Elma Cumpston of Ore. Beck from Camping—O. B. Kersey, Nurserymen's association In session tenance of Institutional industries, in Jl 17 34-31 A 7 14 I burg« fur having lo search for It.' line with a plan proposed by the na gon City were guests at the John F. E. E. .Morrison, and Hugh Sandgathe at Yakima, Washington. tional committee on prison and prison KeteU home this week. return'd from an 8-day camping trip Holstein-Fresian breedera from all Corn: "What «re you going to have N O T IC E OF on Bunday, They went far Into the sections of Marion and Polk counties labor. when you g e t your adjusted compensa F IN A . L u S E T T L E M E N T . L . . Visited Uncle ,rvln Kul<)p' nePh‘,w mountains Permits Issued to the Oregon Trail mountain with park horses and did held their annual picnic at the Mea- tion t ” N o r K L I» hereby given lb»t the of Julius Fulop Stopp,-d over the week considerable fishing stages and Baars & Coldiron, both dowlawn dairy near Salem, Thursday. do ...... with ua„. his unci«, Julius .......... Fulop ............... of . * W illie: "I thing I'll paint my house undersigned, udmlnlorator , . . . . . . bonis end « »• . . operating passenger and freight auto- ,, I Senator McNary, following one of kl. „ . , , _ . and maybe buy« a steeping porch. non of ih« Estate of John E. Innls. o Went to Cottage Grove Mr and tbe most strenuous sessions of con mobile lines between LaGrande and deceased. h«M filed h|s Final Acounl » » » <”> his way to What are you going to have?'" In suld Eatato with the County Stanford university. Mrs. Levi Noet went to Cottage Grove gross In recent years, has returned Joseph, were canceled by the pub Corn: “I think I'll have long gray Court of the Hl tile of Oregon for Lane Sunday, returning In the evening. to his home in Salem in quest of rest lic service commission. It was said whiskers and maybe a fit.” County and the m id Court has set Entertained at Lunch— Miss Flor- While there they visited Mrs ! Neat's that the stage lines had failed to Afonduy, the 4lli day of August, 1924,. ence Coffin, who has been here from parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. N ehon, and relaxation. comply w ith the laws regulating high at Ten o'clock A. M. as the time a n d ( .. , ... , .. . Roy O. Hadley, prominent resident way traffic. Perplexed. 14.« county Courtca.m |„ the County ’ or" “nd vlal,,n< par’ nt" Mr and of Oregon City, fell from a moving Kentucky Mountaineer: "Stranger, CoiirthoUMe at Eugene, Oregon, un the Mr* J ' W Coffin, was entertained at Promotion of the interests of Davis will you answer in« a question?” place for th,. hearing of suld Final lunch on Monday by Mra. Juhn F. Went Fishing— Clarence Fundrem. train near Banning, Cal., and was in- and-Bryan, democratic candidates, for k1?’^ When ‘he traln paaaed president and vice-president at the Stranger: "('«rlalnly. If I can.” Account. All person having obj«c- Ketels, Clayton Barber and Ralph Courson I Ing Friday In the Coast Fork ° rer hia bod* ' —de "Well, what’a this yere pure feud tlons to said Final Account or any par went fishing general election In November, la the lkk ,f y *,."'n r"*'f »re hereby nntl-' Returned from Coast— Mr. and Mrs law folks Is talkin' about?" of the W illamette river. On Sun | State Treasurer Myers on . August 1 i ------ purpose of two organisations that fii- J fled to file the same with the County , __ . . . _______ ------------ ------- — “ — I _ ,,, , . , -------- -------------------------- . . i l l t turn u rn n v e r approximately tlRfl J articles -- — ,________ , Clerk of said Coun";ion or before in« J <lar't a,,<1 a<,n' doe' rtdurneJ day Clarence . Fundrem caught three. w wiI1 0Ter 1350.- . ’ — ed of Incorporation In the said 11th day of August, 1924, at Ten *“»•»« f«»m thelr camping trip to '.h e,|Brre trout In the same place 000 10 varloua acbo01 districts of the state corporation department at ROBERT W. EARL o'clock. A. | coast, accompanied by the Barnes The sm allest one was 14 inches long atate “ lnlere#t 00 the al*t8 lrre' . Salem. Both clubs will have head- D istrict M snsgsr pqivd this 10th day of July. 1924 I family, their guests from Long Beach, j duclble school f u n d .^ _ , gv. quarters in Portland The Equitable Lift Assurance WM F, WALKER, Administrator1 (-„|lf..rni„ Back from Newport— Mr and Mrs Of the 16,000,000 pounds of the 1923 There were two fatalities In Ore- . do. bonis uon of the estate of Juhn E. ’ Society of ths United Stats* E. Swarts, daughter Miss Edna • Oregon prune crop pooled for mar- gon due to industrial accidents In th« lniil», deceased. 1 ' ' ' ' Phons 1187 Y GOBIXIN 8. WBTX8. < • *1N THE CIHt'l'IT COURT OF THE H*urta, and granddaughter. M axine1 ketlng by the Oregon Growers' Co- week ending July 17, according to 218 Castle Bldg., Eugene, Ore. Attorney for Administrator. I STATE OF ORBQON FOR I-AN'E1 Swart», re,ured Monday night from operative association, less than «,- the state industrial accident commis J-10-17-24-31-A7.1 COUNTY. i Newport «-here they sp et several OOO.UOO pounds remains unsold. sion. The victims were W. H. Pitt- | F. N. Snyder and Mattle Snyder, j duyH Whl,e there they fooU a 5 room The Hood River Apple Growers’ as- man, Nehalem, choker setter, and Plaintiffs, cottage and enjoyed the beach. sociatlon, according to an announce- Frank N. N'ugen, Peoria, killed while ment of General Manager Steele, has : driving a log raft. A total of 579 acd - William L. Gordon, The First Na W ent to Portland— Mrs. N. W . Em tional Bank, Eugene. Oregon; contracted the season's Bartlett pear dents was reported, erv and sb ter. Miss Emma Massey. . tional Bank. Eugene. Oregon, The Contracting and Building ,__ ____ ... _ tonnage of Its members to canners. Mandamus proceedings to compel W. F. WALKER Bank of Commerce, Eugene, Oregon ; ‘ »l>o has been visiting at the Emery Plan« end Eetlmatee Furnlehed The heaviest fine ever levied at the secretary of state to certify to and Jamea Albert, Defendants: ¡home here, motored to Portland In a FUNERAL DIRECTOR Free, Will Help You Finance TO WIU.1AM L. GORDON, D efend-j‘ «r driven by Mrs. Emery's nephew, Bend fbr a traffic law violation was names on the Initiative petition pro- Your Building. assessed in Justice court there when vldlng for the abolition of the public Full Auto Equipment unt; Lloyd Emery, on Saturday. Mrs. Bm- GEO. W. PERKINS IN THE NAME OF THE STATE <<y w„, r, OF OREGON: Y«u are hereby re‘ or"» vislti g h '3 ’«d ? '" " 1 f'"" ' " R *150 and *S2 coata on “ ebar«e oi I measure on the ballot at the general W O. W. block Corner 5th and D streets qulred to appear and answer the com-! r - ° v nB i>r s s ers imprudent driving. _ .(EwgfjdKtU- election to be held in November, were Office Phone 62 M Res Phone «2 J Springfield, Oregon * 4 .« r« f’kin d °W Want t0 Ashland— Dallas B Mui J " a . w T sorblad, Astoria attorney and ! flled ln tbe c‘rc“l‘ coun « Salem, a M . B U S IN E S S DR. N. W. EM ERY DENTIST Button Bldg. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 153 M Springfield. Oregon SHOE R EPA IR IN G Work Promptly and Carefully Done A. JOHN NELSON 509 Main Street W M. G. HUGHES FIRE , ANO AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at F IR S T N A TIO N A L BANK Springfield, ■ Oregon Pruning lantlng end Tree Work Specializing In Shrubbery and Lawn Work W. C. SHEARER « * S St. Between 6th and 7th Springfield, Oregon “The Loop” Your Home When In Springfield Pacific Feed & Supply Co. Distributors of Fishers Flour, Poultry end Dairy Feeds e e e O. E. Freight Bldg. East 5th, • Eugene D IR E C T O R Y ex-member of the state senate, was The hearing 1« get for July 2». appointed by Governor Pierce as spe- 1 The construction of the proposed cial prosecutor for Clatsop county. He B a k e r lr r lg a tio n p r o je c tlsa ste p n e a r - Call will have charge of all prohibition and er realization, as the bureau of reclam SU TTO N TRANSFER ation is making a final investigation narcotic drug cases. Harold Brown, charged with posing before recommending that the work Phone 57 1 as a son of George M. Brown, asso- start. George C. Kreutzer of Denver, hy virtue Home on Leave -Earl Parker, son ciate Justice of the Oregon supreme recently appointed director of farm bat certain Land Hale Contract of Mr. and Mrs. John Parker. court, in soliciting subscriptions to economics of the reclamation bureau, entered Into on the 2Uth da» reerhed home Sunday on 30 dav leave 1823 bit Frank B. Blair anil wire Al- , , h ,, „ . . . Oregon newspapers throughout the is now going over the proposed pro- GEO.. N, McLBAN Ice E Blair, vendors to you an ven- *r 1 ' * bat,le3hlp Arll°n'>- n°»' state. » was arrested at Eureka. Cal. J«c‘- Automobile, Fire end Life dee and In and to the following des i <”>eked at Bremerton. Washington. The state irrigation securities cenv- Sheriff Slusher of Clataop county IN S U R A N C E in I-ane Mr Parker Is fireman first class, do- mlaslon has set August 6 as the dat« stated that a number of prominent 8urety Bonde„ Phone «17 ninty, Oregon, to-wit: 1 Ing service as engine man on his ves- Agtoria bootleggers Indirectly had for hearing tbe land settlem ent com The Etk of NE*s Sec 19 Twp 19 pej My buelneca le to protect yo«r >uth. Range 1 East containing 80 called to his attention the fact that mittee of the Portland chamber of buelnete res of land. Also lota 1 containing i Had Guests 860 W illamette St. Eugene Oregon Professor end Mrs. R hijackers have been unusually active commerce with relation to the devel 27 acres, tot 2 containing 36.10 1 opment of the North Unit Irrigation acres, lot 3 containing 11.78 acres and ¡L Kirk of Kalama. Washington ar- In the city during the past few weeks. district in Jefferson county. T he O. H. Heckey. director of agriculture 1 conference will be held In Salem. T h is the home of Dr. and Mrs W. H. Pol- of the state of California, has ap A. A. ANDERSON Meridian, eontulng in all pealed to Governor Pierce for per district contains approximately 10«.- (Contlnued on Page Six) BARBER SHOP res. excepting therefrom 40 mission to send 6000 head of cattle 000 acres of land, and If developed iveyed to Warren D. Carter now pastured In Siskiyou county Into will cost >8,000.000. 31.50 Haircut 40c page 29S Vol. 80, also ex- Memhers of the desert land board southern Oregon for grazing purposes. 33.00 Rezora 32.00 ,, herefrom 12.32 acres con- The Turnridge Logging company, expressed a willingness to vote for 31.00 Fitch Shampoo 81c E X P E R T COMING TO operating southeast of Mill City, was the proposal of the city of Bend to j; trade waters of the Deschutes river EUGENE contpany for county road Will Give Free Derncistration compelled to close down because of for an equal amount of water from the low water in the Hammond Lum- i by deed Vol. 85, page 201 Mondny, Tuesday and Wednes- ber tem pany log pond, not enough Tumalo creek, which is desired for DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL day, August 4, 5, and 6. water being available to float the municipal purposes. The city of Bend D E N T IS T J1 has filed application for the appro at log*. priation of 11 seco-id feet of water Ofborn Hotel Phone 43 ' The Oregon supreme court will re from the Tumalo creek, which at from 10 a. m. to 4 y. m. cess August 1 for a month, accord Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. * present supplies irrigation for the T H R E E DAYS ONLY 117 scree of Land, more or ing to announcement made at tbe Tumalo irrigation district. On above date the noted rupture offices of the court clerk. Most of - 1 "Arrest all motor vehicle drivers This summons, is p u b l i s h e d | npplla,Ue expt'r ’' c - **'• the Justices will spend their annual R(v<< a . free fr_ . demonstration. demonstration . . . . . . c nsecntlve weeks In The Springfield ¡give who in any way violate the speed vacatlona at the various beach re COLLECTIONS > "You will at once realize the dif sorts. regulations and prosecute them to made No ("o lection, No Charge. ' the limit of ti e law," was the su « ference between his highly efficient. 9th. 1924. Uly 3 l l . W illamette Collection and Credit •* Armed highwaymen held up the Os- , gtanf4 Qf an ordpr , ,sue(1 a, Sa,pni Dated and flrat published July 10, j absolutely sanitary appliances and wego State bank, forced two bank Service ' ( 924. by T. A. Raffety, chief Inspector lor ¡the Inefficient uncomfortable, smelly •fflclals and a woman patron Into the the state motor vehicle deportment. 860 W illamette Street, vault, locked the door, scooped up Eugene, Oregon. Office, Address: Eugene, Oregon. | r p ' w ,,li their bulky, plainly vi»l- about 32900 In cash and currency and Copies of the or r were s- it to ail Phone 37B u der the state Jly 10 to A. 21 hie p- Is and their ndcmlnahlo chaf- a number of travelers’ checks and officers operatin traffic bureau. Ci cala! refevence waa —--------------------------- Ing I getraps or the v a rb l's mrl'l made their escape. made in the order to The Dalles-Call- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TH!'. order t-wl or. wire trusses which nev- A lease for 25 years of a municipal fornia highway. Old Oregon Trail sec OF OREGON FOR LANE ■lit. All of these unscientific ly owned industrial site was granted tion of the Columbia river highway, , device tnekex your rupture steadllv Lena M. Lawrence, Plaintiff to A. C. Coggins, Dunsmuir lumber Salem-Tillamook highway, lower Co worse instead of better, s s you well - man, hy the Ashland city council. Ac vs. All kinds of gravel for con lumbia river highway, and all maca Walter E. Isiwrctice. defendant know Mr. Redll«h's up llanees. sci- crete or road work. Wo cording. to the terms of the lease, Mr. dam roads open for raoior vehicle SUMMONS cntlfb fitted bv an r oort In pe*-' Coggins must have a box factory on make a specialty of crushed TO: W ALTER E LAW RENCE, dc traffic. son, will give security and comfort the stute within six months. rock and rock sand. Bunk- f The first census of Oregon, which IN THE NAME OF THE STATE for Fears to conic, not only Io those era at foot of Main on Mill Because of the shortage ct >• iter has been tucked away In the ar stroet. < O R E G O N o u are hereby required with recent, and email ruptures, hut I In central Oregon this sea.- i il chives of the state for more than H EN R Y W. CHASE, Prop. */ of three-quarters of a century, has been In the above en- hy far the cheapest In ‘he long run. Hathaway, representing Iho of. t the state engineer, has bemi d- found by Jefferson Myers, state treas Many ruptures hip new healed bv 1 0 minlsloring the water of hi I'as- urer. The census was found during 1 i chutes and Its tributaries for ihe a search by treasury department of Mfih formerly neces dialed opera- benefit of irrlgationlsts, power in- FRANK A. DE PUE J. ficials for Information dealing with >n; hut do not delay. i terests and muni palities. ATTORNEY AT LAW the early history of the state. The» | • Children should never carry a rup- 111 existing he-1 Me ib e.s of the state board of con- volume was compiled by Joseph NOTARY PUBLIC ,, T h ls ; , ”rc '”1° manhoo«: er womanhood, a* I j i i ldl.'hed once i w oik'"hey cun he ensllj n -to i d to i norm- i trol. Mayor Glesy of Salim and pr > dv Meek, at one time United State« Sutton Springfield ' inont nun of Albany, Corvallis an l i »rshnl and a relative of President ......... — aj con(jj(|nn hy a ,,,‘o rcr mechanical Buldlbtg Oregon, n i other Willamette valley cltiea will go l i Ik, In 1345. This was about tw « field N « - . i y order of G. F. Hklp- These clean and snnltarv j to Clear fake, 1 .no county, ¡.ily ..: yiars ai er the organization of the the above entitled method. In entered on the 3rd ' I ' ”s w ill here be in >sti n) pr-'Clnted. to investigate the feasibility o* «b provisional government of Oregon a t ft, Cbompoeg. The census showed a Squeak - Squeak - Squeak ,1 ity of June, 1 '.'4, and is published! If wl'l not cost you anything to be laining water from that 1. municipal supply. It is pro) »ed to population of 2110 persons, of which Repair that aqueaky wiheel boforu deal to you and those dependent on pipe the water from Clear lake for number 1269 were classified as male« W ill’ama & Ilean. Ita too late. you." Attorneys for I’lalutlff, | use in W illam ette valley cities and and 861 as female«. The old volum e 31.50 per wheel Postofflt'o Adilro.-'s E' gene Oregon Home Office: 335 Boston Block j towns. la hand-made. J-6-7-14-26-J-3-iO 17 Springfield Service Station Mlancapolls. Mina, • )regon ! JOHN M. WILLIAMS Atl ,rncy for Vet. Stain Aid Com., Soldiers Bunns Ioan s. I,. E. BEAN Attorney Slate Land hoard, S'lnte School Fund Loi ns. W ILLIA M S & BEAN A TTORNEY) 860 Wllllametto 6t. Eugene, Or«. Licensed to practice In all Court« of the 8t«te, and United State». you fall to so appear or answer the llbY i*«»1 Ashland Saturday night 1 Vlaintlffs will apply to the court for to Join his wife. They will drive the relief therein prayed for. to wit: | bacg together in company with Mrs - for d.”' . o T M u r p h y ' s mother. Mrs. Mitchell, and of Enter- RUPTURE SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. f