Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1924)
Tl U WHI >A V. JULY 24, THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 1924. PAGE THREB Held. UPPER WILLAMETTE tire plant, and If put on again occa 80 d«ya unie»» a rising market war (lclen t. u |a «mall and compact, a Mr ami Mr«. K B. Tinker of Pleas- sionally till the plant la nearly grown rant« longer feeding. farm reminders nomleal In horse power, and dellvi To bill Ml»» Kid» Bristow farowell, ant lllll plan to leavu for a »hurt tho crop will be nice and clean, also a larger volume of air than any Hi'vi rtil luillii» nittl »1 bln* henna ot Mr. trip to Northern California the latter larger sod more tender. All age» and varieth.-» of fruit tret» The first Injury by the hop red er size of eoual alze. HUJ Mi». Claranro F. II)«to Haturtlay part of thia week A western Oregon grower referred are attacked hy flat borers. Ihe spider 1» UKUully in the form of »malf uriniiHHiti July I# Thu Mftarnoan w»» the qucntlon of the early preventive young trees probably suffer the most pale »peck« over the surface of the •Pont In guroslng iauti»il»; Ml»» «pray for these crop« In had aphis »erlouxly In Oregon, suya the experi leave«. The»,- »pecks tend to blend IT S THE EARLY SPRAY lirlRiow wa» pratontod with » pair region» to lain ('. Note, experiment ment station. A high percentage of giving the foliage a pale green or yel THAT GETS THE APHIS ■tatIon entomologist and got tihe en- young trees are killed their flrat or low appearance a» the Injury Increas-1 u f Im ii<l in min pillow c m «» mul Mr». H J English rorslvnd it consultation second »eason especially where hlvb ea. Some buckling of the foliage and i lteuna covered with bln< k pulth» Juat ' domement of the tipeclaliat. prla«. Itsfrashmimts war» aorved In temperature and prolonged drouth oc an unthrifty appearance of the vine« Jt'a the early «pray that gets tho Urn illnlug room. covers lining I m I i I as the pods are forming, and now 1 aphis. cur. Title borer attacking apple tree« are further warnings to the growet (or the following: Tim iu»»damaa, W. you have to put thn tobacco «pray on work« mostly Just under the nark, at of the presence of the spider, «ay« and «oil their bright clean look U Uristow, It. J Hngllah. Morton or above the surface of the ground. 1 the O, A. C. experiment station. You »ay the pe«ta Juat popped up OVER MILLION FORDS Uristow, Herman Knulann. K II. Tin Here is a darg saw ma ker. »nil thn Mlssi-t Klila llrlstow, 1111 over night like Jack'» beanstalk, and RETAILED IN 6 MONTHS Drainage in experimental fl-slda at The multivane fan for recirculating) chine with a 4-H. P. motor, you had no chance to get them till ! <la Kiiul«on. Marlon tlrlslow «ml Mar- O. A. C. ha« doubled the crop yield the air In the new type of drier de heavy friction clutch, five- Karol English an<l the bostass Mr». C. tilioy begau »wuriulng on the new ! Halt« report« from the 34 American Before drainage on »»me lands the veloped at the Oregon experiment sta foot blades, well finished pods? F llyile branches of the Ford Motor Company yield was mo »mall that profit wa« tion, Is the moat economical, and ef- and built sturdy and strong It may assn that way, bupt doubt-! «how that over a million Ford car» uncertain The larger crop obtained Mt«« Klila (lall lirlatow left Tuvsdav July 13 (or tbo Oratul Canyon In Art- le»« Isn't. It Is morn likely that a and truck» were «old at retail during after drainage ha» made good prof Our price on these is xona when» on Friday eyeing Joly 35 few "homeaeekera" hit the underside thn first six month« of 1924. The its. $120.00 of the leave« a long time ago before actual figure Is 1.038.978. which ex atm will become I ho wlte of Charlo» Ihtrnall Mamin Ml»« Bristow 1» Ihe the vine» -started Io run, and began ceed» the total retail sale« for thd Cash price $110.00 Moat pigs marketed In Oregon are -Is largely a matter of (laughter of W. L. HrlaUiw of Flea.«- colonising. It so happen« that aphli sam e period In 1.923 hy 133,095—an light weight, and are therefore grow This is a good buy and it right buying. You buy- ant lllll and great aratid dstighler of develop just aa rapidly when not average gain of 32.182 vales per ing a« well as putting on fat during w ill pay you to see them. right, here. seen a« when seen by Ihe grower. month. the flnlahlng period. To get the best Etjlah lirlatow, tlm first settler In Sometime« It la only a leaf here nnd i A comparison between Ford vale« results, careful attention 1« given to Iain« county. Tlionia» F Kahler of Blue Hirer there Uiat la Infetited. and even th e , In 1924 and 1923 not only indicate« balancing the ration« so that enough ha« purchased the 13 » ire rnnrh at observant grower tnay canity lift sev a remarkable Increase In the coun protein and mineral mater will be 160 Ninth Ave. East l ’lea»ant lllll holoncliiK to Guy It er»! leave« and »1111 ml»« finding the. try'» buying power hut al»o »how «! provided to develop muscle and bone, early arrival« already on the ground that thin growth continues month by the exeprlment «tatlon has found. Eugene, Oregon PHONE 66 Carr Mr and Mr«. Carr are now month. In every Itmtance the month The finlnhlng period need not exceed living at Cota*» Orov« where flr —or >eaf, rather. Carr 1» following the carpenter bail Hence the de»lrahtllty of early ly «ale« In 1924 have shown a «uh- tie«« »pray», preventive, largely, for black stantlsl Increase over the correspon In June they The fire which ha« been burning aphids on bi-aiie and «qussh, and ding month In 1923 reached 170.747 which wa» apporxl green aphid» on cabbage and k a le,; (or several day» on Mt Ftaxnh reach e,| an alarming «tag» Monday after In all district« where the»« pests at-j mately 10.000 ahead of June valea In If th)« early «pray la thrown, tho preceding year. noon Although the nerby ralcher« tack Drag Saw Machines The Multnomah THRIFT Eastman Grocery had been fighting It »Ince Sunday at ternoon a general call (or help *»» nnnt out Monday about 5 p m. when thn ranrhe« of Mathew». Knnl« and lailrd. where In Immediate danger. Men and boya from Trent. Pleasant Hill, Knterprl«», Cloverdala and Ja« per nnd Thurston Over a hundred were soon fighting the fire and tiy back-firing, Ihe flame« were ronsld- erod under control a* 9 o ’clock and the crowd dl*t»er»e.t leaving night guard» Mr and Mr« Ito,. Davis of Centralia Washington who have been vl»|llng nt Pleasant lllll and Oakridge for the l»»t three week« left for Utelr home ln«t week The Mt»«»« WHms and Thelma Circle, who hav« been vb ltln g their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. I, F Cir cle, left for their home In Florence Tuesday Julv 33. Mr. nnd Mr«. C, F lly d e motored to Newport Sunday, July 30. Word line been received of tho ar rival of a baby hoy at th« home of Mr and Mr«, (««ran Manning nt Mo <le«to, C alif. July 4 Mr Manning 1« the non of C. 11. Manning of Spring ( agnln«t the underxlde of the lower Nr 8 Ralph Dlppel. Den list, Vltua leave» a little before Ihe beam« and »quaith «tart to vine. It 1» doubtful building. Springfield. Oregon. whether th« p ra tt» ever overtake tile A carload of coal arrived from the j plants until the bent of the crop ban middle w est for the Springfield Mill | been picked On the young cabbage a very little «pray will cover the en and Grain company on Saturday. Quackenbush’s Sound Investment is Not Spending What It Means to You A huslneg education meanH future success and financial Indi penden« e. It is the difference between a mere job at so much per. and a real position. Our school w ill be in wuslon during the summer months, and w»> invite you to join one of our classes Monday. It's a good school the rates are reasonable. Eugene Business College FINANCIAL PARTNERSHIP E U G E N E . O REG O N A. E. Roberts, President Phone 666 992 W illa m e tte Street Are you one of the many profit-sharing investors in Mountain States Power Company? Do you know just w hat this means in —the safe investment of your funds —extra income promptly paid P ro o fs —the development of your own community —the building up of an estate —the ownership of a marketable security —extending and improving vital public service * —investing a little at a time. The Moths are now coming out. Are they eating your winter coats, It is easy to loam more about these important facts—important to suits or blankets? you as a citizen and as an individual. Fill out the coupon and mail it today. We w ill send you free inter esting descriptive and illustrated literature. We are equipped to treat your winter garments and rugs with— EULAN Which makes them absolutely impervious to the attacks of the Moth w ! Mountain States Power Company Colorless, odorless, noii-poisonous—does not affect the fabrics. You will be surprised at the low cost Inquiry Without Obligation Investm ent Departm ent, M ountain S tates Pow er Co., .......................................................... 1924. fifectMc Cianuri O LIVE ST., ■ht <” H ANO *T M • • • • .V U 4 . "» Phone 300 _tuwr,>o«/ ***’ EUGENE, OREGON Please send me your investment information. *** : S tre e t.................. .................................. » 6 Name .............................................: City .................................................... — Sound Investing is Not Spending