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About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1924)
D IV O T E O TO IN T E R E S T O F • P H IN Q F IB L O A N D T H E FARM ERS OF TH E W IL L A M E T T E VALLEY 1["HE SPRINGFIELD NEWS — «■— TW ENTY-FIRST YEAH . . .... . J l, , COUNTY UNION MET IN S P R I N G F IE L D B utlsr Endorsed for Congress; State Union Reported Growing In Support fur lh« Hprlngfleld banda »utiuuvr co n certs 1» being widely »on trt bated by buslne,« snd professions! m en of the city. A lready »85 o r su f ficient funds to cover two co n certs has been raised, si cording to John [AytoTÄF» ci<i Wlasenrted and Js iu e s Pointer. th e com m ittee in charg e of idle cam paign Lieut -Gov Tuupin oí Rhode Island »st in lh«- presiding rhair o í the Stale Subscript Ions of »2 « silt have been Senate 40 mutinomi» hours in the m ade by many business bouaan ami effort lo s filibuster which had th e re a re «till a few to see It Is re '“ ‘r ’l . Z ’ w h r ä t f Ä Ä ported. Only one refusal baa been was giiHM-d, nearly causing the death m et so far. of two senators. A fter the business house« sro soil t iled o th er cltlsen s will ba ap p eal F IV E U N H A P P Y C O U P L E S ed to. Ikinars Include: G IV E N D IV O R C E D E C R E E S W. F W alker, u ndertaking estb- llshiuent. Roars lt«al E state office, Five unhappy coupler were separat- Hprlngfleld C ream ery, F arm a. ers' v , Ex bT J« '!« ’ O- K Hklpw orth In elr < hangs. Newlasda store. J. F Nadvor- coan Tuesday L illy May Goss nlk, tailo r «lint». Gffpnoa llu tu h h ix Is r was given a d ecree from Nelson to in p an y , Th»* WlHamaUe Nel It G ossler on grounds of cruelty. She Com m ittee Appointed by To Membership. Butin««» Men Donate Toward Springfield Band Fund in Or der Music May be Had: $65 Already Raised and Others Will be Asked to Subscribe. 24, 1924. Secure T ry More than 100 people w ere In at- i ten d an ce a t the Lane County F arm ers Union m eeting In Hprlngfleld Wood- man hall S aturday. T alks on Farm - e r's Union activities, legislation snd politics w ere heard In th e day's sen- i sinus Luncheon was had at noon, 1 served by th e M cK entle riv er local | women E ndorsem ent of the candidacy of jW . J S u tler, of Cresw ell, for con- Igreasm an from th e first Oregon dis- irlct, was made In a resolution d raft- • •4 by C- W. Allen and presented to th e m eeting B utler is a m em ber of ¡th e C resw ell union and a can d idate ¡on th e Independent ticket He seeks rUn W,,h LaFf’“ *lle “ nd h l" ,h ,rd fo r New ! ¡TWO ROBB EfilES IN t in IBIS WEEK Local Post M embers in M cN id e r Cup. E fforts to cooperate with th e s ta te | «ride drive for m em bership conducted' by the A m erican Legion a re being i mode by the Hprlngfleld pos* unde. ; the leadership of Car) Henseny and j C. A- 8 w arts, S pringfield's two cap-! tains In th e drive. At the m eeting o f , th e legion Friday night In the W. O. W. hall, th e men were addrenaed by; Georg». Love, county chairm an of the movem ent, who was over from B u -! gene. i Oregon now stands fifth In all th e! states of th e union In the g re a te s t' percentage gain In legion member- ship T he sta te legion having th e ' g re a te st percentage Increase will re-' - t ir e r ,'Up o f f e r i i by Han P“ r ,y- T he s ta te union has added m ore i than 250 m em bers in th e last tw o i m onths according Io rep o rts m ade by | H. C. Jackson, s ta te organlxcr. to the m eeting Halurdav. Mrs. O. B Jones. is ta ts secretary -treasu rer, of Mon- mouth. was presen t and ad d ressed the m ornln< m eeting of the farm ers. ford MeNlder, p ast national command- I e r at the n ational convention to be! hold in St. P aul, M innesota. The con- teat closes A ugust 15. Th.. com m ittee w orking with Mr. I Henseny Includes the following 1c- gtonalres: w . P. T yson, Paul Scatfe, O rville I Dean. Verdon C May. Ear! N Thomo- relstlon of electricity to agri- eoo. Fred T ellar. Cecil M ulltg.n E . Thieve» Enter Doctors Offices on Sunday Night and East man Grocery Monday Night; Flour and Canned Goods Stolen. L ast picture taken of Calvin Coolidge, J r., youngest son of the P resident, who died la s t week. T his picture w as taken a t the W ashington ball p ark as he w atched his favorite* play. La Follette’« Manager cu ltm * w as ill cussed by P resident W. Howells, Jr.. V ernon L M eats ,tB,ph T h e p ar(P ! poaf bm I x w r ( ,nce M’c K lln Charles W Black’ I andrem . i H a m lin ,! harles ; H e lle r-' Sydney with o th er men. T hi v w ere m arried rn a,| n ,.a r H eceia. T hose re- hurne Meat M arket. G ray's Clash and ,a Han Francisco. Ju ly IS. 1917. porta were referred to the county C arry WlnsenrlM l grocery, H prtng-i F red K M yers socured a de< r. rou rt field Bakery. Drop In, Hp'-ng hotel from Isabel M yers on grounds of d The couple was m a rt.... In E X C U R S I O N J U L Y 3 1 S T sn d T o m s Place restau ran t, Ander- sertton son B arber shop. W. It fo ie , re s ta u r EU* * M 1 , • TO CLEAR LAKE PR O JEC T ant Morrison and (Ylngan feed store. Haxel Johnson w as g ran ted . d - -------- A. It Snood sto re, W right a Hon, vorce from Edwin Johnson on ground An excursion to C lear L ak f s ta rt- hardw are 8. Ralph IMppcI, d en tist. of cruelty T he wife alleged th e hua- (nR from Albany on th e m orning of T h e work o( soliciting and collect hand ’»truck her with a mop. a broom July 3 , , , being pian n ed hy , h „ i»ure ing will go forw ard again th b week. and with his fist at num erous tim e s .; W ater Developm ent league, W aldo A concert will to. given a, F ourth and T hev w ere m arried D ecem ber 3. 1917. ’ Anderson, presid en t, according to a Main s tre e t S aturday evening a t 7:30 .IBll hu¥e tw o rh lld ren . T he under th e leadersh ip of John C. P ark given »25 a m onth allm ouy er. bandm aster. decree. w ife Is le tte r received by W. Fred W alker. by th e local cham ber of com m erce president. L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N N U M B E R 28 LEGION TO COOPERATE IN STATE CAMPAIGN SATURDAY A Paopla'» Paper® ..-B I. HPHIXtJI’IELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 13363734 •T h e M erritt B. H unt-' iey Mr. S w arts' com m itteem en are: j Raymond M itchell, P ercy W ood ward. Roland osbier K ing Fred Lem M ley. N oral. Mallow O N e t .l r t ton. Clyde O liv e r H E lm er' Maxey. Ray Mc, w |,Ilam >; ton Barber, Guv M. Lyons, W alter C o n ral, F rank E m erich, C arey Van V aleah. V ent Woolley, Marlon Adams Lewis McBee W a lt e r n o —ia- «- u « - ite r G ossler. W. Hen- ry Adrin, A. M. Rickm an. John L ar son. F. C. D illard. Floyd C. Woster- flfcld, Roy H olverson. and Eugene IC m Q ht . Congressman John H. Nelson of Thiavas, evidently drug addicts, brike into the office of Dr. E ugene K ester In th e C om m ercial Store Bank building Sunday nlgnt. tak in g tw o hy poderm ic syringes and needles, a fountain pen, th ree dollars in change In a dim e bank, a p a ir of cuticle scis- • sors, and num erous o th er articles i which happened to catch th eir fancy, as a tube of tooth-paste. A ttem pts were m ade to pry open draw ers with pen-knives, but th ese w ere unsuccesa- i T he office w as en tered through th e office of Dr. R. P. M ortensen adjoin i ing. T hey le t them selves into h is o u ter office w ith a pas3-key. and likew ise through th e door connecting the tw o offices, leaving it open. Noth- 1 Ing In th e M ortensen office was dis turbed. W hen Mrs. C lara F auver, office as sis ta n t of Dr. K ester, enter« A j h e of fice room s Monday m orning, Sq? found them In confusion, w ith papers and o th e r artic le s sc attered over the floor. A d ru g prescription had been filled J for a p atien t by th» F lanery drug J store through the office o n a previous > day, and It was thought th a t the prow- lera, learning of th is, hoped to find narcotics in the office. T he robbery Is th o u g h t to have oc curred betw een 6 and 7 o’clock In th e evening. A bout 6 o'clock M. M. i Peery, of th e F lan ery D rug sto re In the sam e building en tered the drug I store, and a s he did so saw two men - coming dow n the sta irs from th e of fices. T hey w ere desrlbed as being young. One of them w ore arm y trou sers. I T he E astm an G rocery sto re was rob bed M onday night w hen thieves pried open th e back door and carried off a q u an tity of stock. The heavy sh e e t iron doors w ere pried open w ith a crow bar an d e n tran ce w as gained t o hhe m ain sto re room. \ S ev eral sacks of flour and som e canned goods w ere tak en and hauled r i l I? * * al,' " ' ’inh:lp T h e rro p rie- to r does not know exactly how much • » • w as taken. The thieves found no mon- er jan d m em ber o» th e C lear Lake pro Wisconsin, who will manage - the T he husband w as given a d e c r e e f i n a n c e com m ittee. Presidential campaign of Sen. Bobt. Misses Dole Passes. In th e ault b ro u rh , against a g ain st him him by by H. LaFolIafte on the Independent's ,, , T h e plan as announced Is t o ’«q uest W O M A N IQ A f T i n c t U T i i i v Mrs Ell,, hole, wife of Lorenxo , hp w,f„ , he case of Ella D ennis every town an I city tn th e W illnm etl - OMAN IS ACCIDENTALLY ticket l»ol,. or Minerva. Oregon, died at th e Amhro e She claim - Vtt„ PV delegation In any SHOT IN LOADING GUN S ;rln g f|e ld hospital Ju ly 17 nt th e »ho was living in ad u ltery with hln. num ber th a t fc»‘ seen fit Mi. Ander- CHAMBER PICNIC MONDAY ag.. of ..9 years, (, m onths and 14 days I,eeause h er first husband w as alili son a .sO th at !t j , hlipert • H. W. E yler of four m iles east IN HANSON AUTO PARK She was aurvlved by h er husband, and living T he husband was given the havp saTer!,, of filt, atBte officials pres ° f hprlngfleld was accidentally shot by on daughter. Mrs. Iva H ansen of d tto rc e on a cross com plaint. le n t, In c lu d in g th e g o v e rn o r. Each p er by h e r b" ' b ri<h t A fic n ic in Auto p e M inerva, Oregon T bo bodv w a s _______ _____________ son will be required to look out for on T " e,tday m orning when the B<,ross thp , „ * npxt lilts IfTSan ■■-llir.h 5. __ 11 shetgun which he w-as . 1 loading w«e . shipped S aturday to Hoquiam, Wash- S E V E R A L B U S IN E S S his food, ..... own .— ........ but .. oth erw ....... ise ...c the pro- * n-gular meeting of the Springfield Ington. Funeral arran g em en ts w ere ; P L A C E S M A K E C H A N G E * raln ,or the (,xcur'tlon <3 Planned. “ !M K"‘ ■ »e acc e n t was due. It iChalnber of co m m erce Monday eve- P L A C E 5 _ M A K E C H A N G E ---------------------------------ls (hollRht. to a f„ ult). 3pring the , Thp 3torp was brofcpn JnU> bptween In ch arg e of the W. F W alker, u n d er tak in g e.ttahllshqient. S tate Grand M a tte r Here. KU^1 ' betw een the hours from 6 to 10 o'clock m ldnl&h t lwo o'clock when it B usiness changes th is week Include The accident occurred at th e ir farm In ‘he northw est r a r t o* th e park. It I was found by th e police. The act w as 'th e estab lish m en t of g new real e s 'a te L. E C a rte r of P ortland, s ta te w hile th ey w ere out shooting genhers Saw m ill O rdtred Sold for »95,000 firm by P e te r J. P alanuk and Frank grnn() n|RM(.r (hp , Q o p 1(M,gp Mrp s ' is for m em bers, th eir wives an d m em com m itted betw een rounds of the po licem an. An offer of »«5,000 ha., been receiv Berkholder, p artn ers, who have an of bers of th e ir fam ilies. ed (<>r the plan* of the W ostern Lum flee In Eugene. T h e G rim es Plum bing was a v isito r a t the reg u lar m eeting field w hore the shots w ere rem oved. A picnic luncheon and social m eet of th e S pringfield lodge last night — — ...... .................. Took Motor T rip— Mr. and Mrs. bi-r and Expert com pany at C o tta g e , company h a s changed It» location, sub- „ n .. <-> » ing will be held from 6 to 8 an d will a t 8 o’clock. Following the reg u lar N. A. Rowe left S aturday m orning on Grove and J u lg e O. F. H klpworth tn letting portions io the Mode M illinery ln(,Ptln_ ^,^.,„1 aeasb n was entnved f '*** r° U *’ he followed by th e business m eeting. the bankru. y | roc red Inga has or- establishm ent and the A. F Flow ers ra fra a b m e n ts o f e re. ... w er A t U ” burilP<l ,WO W ock s on Coffee will be furnished. Lunces will a trip to Albany w here they vfeited dored It «oH. The o ffer 1« from M ro a| eata te com pany . ’ K stre e t In fh© vicinity of the Paul brought and served cafeteria style Mrs. R ow e's son. Jo h n L atnberty, and A nderson .f A berdeen and Is said The «new real estotq firm , u n d er S' al' '* . p„ m„ , nv w l. b B ra" aln residence on T uesday after- ................- ------- | ; family. A fter a sh o rt stop th ere th ey As thi3 is — th e --------- first mixed • social In he the Bwt received for th e proper the nam e Hprlngfleld R ealty com pany ( , n , , rlrt d en -itv cran d m as n00“ ' ’’ *’ supposed to h**8 beP,‘ m eeting th e cham ber has had in w ent on to P ortland to visit tw o sone. N ick L am berty, and Mr. and Mrs. ,y which h a . been In the hands of haa , a ke„ o In Ih e ip a to lr . of p a r te d by youngsters p.aying with ( uioil him » iiu tu o p iu vc is utr-ni m onths and th e place is ideal for a P e te r I-am berty over th e week-end. th e receiver since s u it was In stituted th,. Com m ercial S ta te Bank building ' r - r te ^ ttk T w i« ria ltw l" ^ « m a,che8- thou*5h th ® actu a l origin *« j picnic a large crow d Is expected On M onday they w ent on to A sto ria .g a in s , „ by the W estern , .oggtng Mr Iht.anuk has moved to Hprlngfleld. t ^ T v He N° ------------ More _ ............................ . ..r . jE u g m e lodge on T uesday night. H e ,h cag h the flam es cam e dangerously and S easide for a beach trip , and on cotnpaiy. than »150.000 Is owod and he and his fam ily M ail to Chaage. will be per has been in Springfield and v icinity noar fence a t the Brattftin j lf) ; Into W ashington. by th» concern. f - l ! addressed to W endllng, nuinently located here. since la s t w eek-en^ Mm C a rte r properly. froni w hlch lt Iulght b ave haw k ’ nd M arcola will be s e n t by | T he G rim es Plum bing com pany, Is with him. spread to the house, had the wind way ol i '” geoe and the new s ta r line ' Loft on Motor T rip— Mr. and Mra. Second Oregon Reunion. form erly In the F. J. B erg er building been strong. w hich h a :‘ been established th e re b e - !B- M ash b u rn e and daughter, M rs. A reunion of Iho old second O re a t 215 Main stre e t, ha* leased new No Services at Methodist. ginning Aug ;"t 1. T he change has H elen M artin of San F rancisco. Cal g a i regim en, will be held In P o rtlan d q u a rters In the P erk in s building 338 ' G irl Reported Healed. been announct ’ by- P o stm aster Frank ifornia. left for a rtip to th e co ast .ta g u s t 12 a t Ihe L au relh u rst park. Main afreet, form th e E ugene Bible i T h.ire will he no church services Miss Alice Goddard, 18 years old. It. H am lin. This, new route will re- In th e W ashburne autom obile th ie Spanish A m erican w ar v eterans from j university, for 1 year, sub lettin g th e . In th e M ethodist Episcopal church j all parts of Oregon will he In atten d east sld " to Miss Ontl G ray of tho ¡eith er m orning or evening on next who fell In th e cannery in Eugene last place the sending of the m ail by th e , m orning. From th e re th ey m ay go n u m b e r' on in ,° thp »tat® of W ashington, vis nnce The reunion In the 25lh anal- Mode, and upstair» offlco room to Sunday. In o rd er to give everyone a S eptem ber, dislocating her hip In such Springfleld-W end'.lng train iting R ainier N ational park. They v ersary of the m u sterin g out of th e the Flow ers real e sta te com pany. The chanoo to a tten d Ihe Cam p M eeting a way to be called Incurable by th o ¡245. will be gone about a week or 10 days. regim ent. Heveral local v eteran s plum bing company will have Its form- In C ottage Grove. The young |e o p le 's s ta te compen uition specialists, was m eeting will not he held either. T he heeled in sta n tly at a m eeting con- S ta rts to W ork— Roy A. 1: m phreys School Repairs Complete. new tab ern acle th e re will ho dodicat- ducted by Rev. O rville Benham in S u cash ier at the Syrlngfield dt , -t. will K einodellng and rep airin g of th e ed F riday of th is week, In.-tead of P tip T uesday nlghl, according to lo- ta k e up his d u tie j again tom; -row C orner Nets $30. I peonl* who w itnessed the h uling i a fte r an absence of 90 days, spent 'o r Lincoln school w as com pleted by W ll- earller, a s previously announced. C u’tlny the , orp r nt Second and I 1 ■ cru tch es a re handing In Ihe big n le raost p o rt In Portland. H e Jt hur J. Lepley and n s d s ta n ts la fa Main Is lh, offei e te r which six p e r lent ut Six, tilth and W illam etl" | purchased a residence in Eugene ^hursdaV . W ork had been progress- Injured By T ra in . sons w en fined In ihe Hprlngfleld po slreels.«siin| she walked 28 blocks j whftrp hp on,i hi3 fumiiy W|ji m ake ' ’ for a week, the m ain problem be- lieu court ibis v i -k Each was fined Alfred D. Geddes, civil engineer cm- ,w uf U)em yestPI.dny. j th eir home. In his absence O swald M .: '»g to eeonomixe space. P a rtitio n s »5. T he off, n d e r, H, l.n’ lln ployed hv the city of Eugene on 'h e ,(bfi npx( henllng m eeting Is an‘ Olson, w arehouse m an a t th e d e p o t,, w ere torn out m aking a d ifferent sys- of Cresw ell. Leo w il n of W arm work of w idening th e lo w e r ditch nt I il ns being »Friday night. ih n s been taking his place, w ith M a x , Wm of room s—those too large w ere S ausser S tew art W edding. S prings reservatio n , Edith Vann,in! W ultervUle, narrow'.»- escaped death Cogill doing the w arehouse w ork. I made sm aller, nnd those too sm all S urprising th eir friends. M b s Char- of Albany, J. 11 l-'pencer of Tacom a. at (5 o’clock S atu rd ay evening when _______ ____________ w ere m a d s large enough to use. A E ntertained a t Dinner—-Miss Flor W ashington. G. W. Henman of l'or- lo tte K l-w art. 18-yearnl! d au g h ter of th e W endllng branch line train struck V isited a t McKinnon Home__Mr. section of a hall form er’y not utilised ence Coffin of P ortland and Mrs. I.all, valli«, and S. E. Llbhv of Eugene. Mr. and Mr H arry M S tew art, and hla autom obile at the crossing n mile Gilo of Eng- iii had dinner la t cv< nt’d Mrs. P ercy A. MacDonald visited wus changed, Tom Alh o paid a line of «2 for park 'H ieran Sau ■ r. stu d en t at llw Enl. e a st of town. Mr. Geddes »vas throw n nlng at. the hom e of Mr. an I Mrs. nt hhe D. W. M cKinnon hom e Tues- lug too elm - i o n fire hv Irani, and A. c r - ll.y or lin g o n , w -re mnrrlPd in d e a r of Ihe dem olished car, on tho Lindley F uneral S aturday. C. i S w arts as guests of Miss Edna ¡d a y night. T he McDonalds a re Marsh- E ntering of Eugene »10 for speeding. R oseburg on Monday. I lie »suing opposite side of Iho track from the Funer.”' services for A rthur Lindley. field residents, now vi it Ing tn E u Sw arts. — ---------- --- ( people had intended Io keep Ihe m ar- ear. He Is In th e Eugene hospital gene a t 'h e hom e of Mrs. MacDon- G oshen farm er who was victim of a U nderqoes O peration— Mrs. A. G riagn a secret, h u t th o new leaked suffering front a crushed hip nnd serl- aid's parents. They are cld friends ' run-awa»- w hile raking hay In hla Held M arriage Licenses Issued. 1nJur| es Vhy3lclana be. llnm pton subm itted to a m ajor op- out. and I, was announced by Mrs During th e past week licenses have of Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon, w ho knew ¡July IB. w ere held In the W alker c.hap- «ration a t the Sprl tigfleld hosp ital R ausser's p aren ts a day o r 'w o '" ’or. I])ove )jp wj| 1))vp been Issued by the county court to them 10 years ago In Eugene. Mrs. j el S atu rd ay m orning at 10 o'clock Mi'. S au sser g rad u ates from tdie yesterday. th e following couples: R obert L. S tev M acDonald will retu rn to M arshfield ; Rev. T heodore L eavitt, form er p a sto r u n iversity a t tile close of th e sum m er On Honeymoon. enson and Elslo L uader, both of Cot- Saturday, and Mr. McDonald will Join ' of th e S pringfield C hristian church. R eturned from Visit— Mrs. *R. p. , -tslon th is year. Mrs. S au sser was officiated. Mr. Jhi l M r- Ralph Cline, who w ere lag s Grovp; A rthur II. Foote and Han h er a fte r a fishing trip. Morten ien nnd dau g h ters. Alice and a m em ber of the 1924 class at the m nrrlpd In S p rin g 1-! -id nt tho Metho- nah H erm an, both of E ugene; John M argaret, returned from a trip to Springfield lilgh rtrhool. W e n t Fishing— H e rb e rt Cex ann laine county prune grow ers will ills,, parsonage th is week, have been C. George, W asco, California, and P ortland and Salem y esterd ay a fter Glen Anderson slilpi ed a car of min- njoylng a honeymoon in Newport. M nry Howell, of E ugene; C laire A rth -] Riley S nodgrass left T uesday on a j m eet thl < evening in the Eugene Cham a w eek's absence, They visited Mrs. M ortensen's m other. Mrs. Olive Sello- Ing tim b ers to U tah y esterd ay from Mrs. Cline before h er m arriag e was nr Beagle and H azel W illiam s, troth o f , fishing trip n ear O akridge. T hey will her of Com m erce to organize a local Miss Pauline Jack. Until young poo- C ottage G rove; A ugust F riedrich j re tu rn this week-end. . of the Pacific Co-O perative IT u n e Yarnell, m aker, during 'h e ir trip. pie w ere m em bers of Ihe 1924 class llahrke. Lebanon, nnd Ida E. M irfh , j ------------------------------ G row ers association. An o rg a n iz itlo n plan on a'ten d in g . al opening next w eek, th e d ate ns v et Io be announced, according Io F. J. G rim es, proprietor. T ho iid lln e rv shop l i e s had it ■ walls enl mmlned In light gray, nnd both Ihe i Ininhtng chop and Ihe mil- 'Inery shop have been rem odeled ami renovated, with p artitio n s added, Attending M eeting«.— Reuben Sm ith Vitiferi a t Albany—Mr--. A ru th u r of th e Springfield high school, and Binila and W illiam F. Jenkins. Eu-| George P la tt and C harles G rant of m ust bo com pleted before A ugust I in atten d in g the M ethodist cam p m eo'- R oberts spent last week end visiting ! f»vere prom inent In stu d en t body ae- gene, and Ma leline W. A nderson. E u-1'I’b u rsto n w ere business visitors in if th is y ear's crop Is to be ruarketod Springfield yesterday. by the Pacific body. lugs in ‘Ingo Grove th is week. ! Air«, p'çiç d X-I s nt Albany, tlvltles. gene.