Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1924)
THURSDAY, TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SIX abov« Oekrtdc* where sh e, «pant thn In« southern California, stopped in I waak vacatam i»* While lh«re they Springfleld Sunday on their way home front the south to visit Mr. I.aut did considerable fish In« hart.v'a mother. Mre. X A. Howe. Returned from Ccast— Mr and XL- Mrs It Evans of Onkrtd«« was ad Sprained Ankle—Guv Steven». o( l'aul Brattai», and children Mnuil. An L e ft for T igard— D r W H Pollard left Thursday for Tiirard to visit bi* Glen Anderson's sawmill, sprained r« |a an,( Lartnar, ccotnjanlod by Mrs [m illed to the Springfleld general lm.< his right ankle severely on Mouday ; itlley Snodgrass and daughter Maxine ; "n 1 uesday for an operation, mother. Mrs. Woods, who Is III. when he slipped as he was stepping t u r n e d Sunday night from Xewport Oom —At the Springfield general Spent W eek End Here — M i s s off some timbers. They went down on Saturday. hospital, July Id. 1 »81, to Mr and Maude Gorrle of i'ortland spent the i Mrs Hubert Stevens, twin girls. The Returned Home— Mrs. Anna Smith week end here vtsltinx her parents. Went to Cresweli— Mr and Mrs infants died at birth. returned to her home In Maplewood. John Winsenrled and Mr. and Mrs W as Dinner Guests— I. X. Endicott Oregon Tuesday after a two weeks' Picnicked at Hatchery— Ml«« Lu eras a Sunday dinner « at the visit with her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Joe Lemmons went to Tunnell's mill near Creswell SundtV and picnicked cilia Cook. Delbert Ivereon. Ml»« Ab home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur l.epley. on the coast fork Sunday. They re bin Cooley ami Clifford Fandrem Here from Portland—Miss Emms ( Went to Newport—Mr and Mrs. turned to Springfleld Sunday evening drove to the McKensle Fish h a lh o rv Massey of I'ortland if .V2*iUng i Harry M. Stewart, daughter. Char V isiting .1 M etcalf H e r n e -M r . and » ■ « » * ’ ih -T «‘» W M • H™ »« sister here. Mrs. X W. Emery lotte. and son. Morris, went to New- Mrs. H M Beebe of Kansas are »upper, Born—At the Springfield hotel. Sat- Port Friday; they returned from the guests at Ute home of Mr and Mrs W ill Arrive Soon— Earl I'arkcr son nrday. July IS. to Mr. and Mrs. Thom « » • » on Sunday. Oren Metcalf. They drove to Spring of Mr. and Mis John C. Parker. »Ill as Thomas, a son. weight 9 pounds. [ field from their home, and will g> arrive In Springfleld not later than 1 Motored to Yellowstone— Mr and on to I'ortland In a few days where Friday, acordlng to a telephone me» Left for Springs—A C. Wilson, pro- Mrs Jack Luirsen left Thursday on a' they contemplate locating. , «age received by his parents from rite prietor of the Drop In. left Monday motor trip to Yellowstone Xational 8. 8. Arlsona. on which he Is a f‘r»i morning for Belknap springs to stay Park. where they expect to spend two Back from Springs— Mrs Arthur das» fireman, la docked for repair« a week. or three weeks. Roberts returned Monday from Belk nap Springs where she spent the H>r# on v is it— Francis Adrian, »on Went to Portland— Mr and Mrs. A Underwent Operation— U A Shepp week. Mr. Roberta Is still there, at of Mr a„d Mrs J A Adrian of Eu Freeman left this week for Portland jer oj Springfield submitted to a ma work surveying the grounds. He will gvne. 1« here visiting his u n d e and where Mr Freeman has accepted a jor operation at the Merc.-i hospital return the first of 'h e week. aunt. Mr and Mrs. W Henry Adrian position in Eugene Saturday night. His con- _ Graduated . . . South— .a n V. — ,C . . He arrived Monday His parents are In Rebecca Wert Went to Wendling— Miss Anne dil‘on improving steadily .. . „ . «(lending the aumtner up the McKen man. former «tdde»t of the Spring Bidwell left Sunday to visit the J. Returned from Portland— Mr. and field high school, graduated from the 1 • r *er W. Lunceford family above Wend Mrs, John Oliver returned Sunday lavs Angeles. California high school Took W eekend Trip—Mr and Mrs ling fro ma 5-.iay trip to Portland. While with the class of '24 She presented w , | enry Adrian and Mr and Mrs Left for Portland—Mr. and Mrs. there they visited at the home of Mr •he Springfleld high school with a n ' Kt«n G s c , on took a week end trip Joe Lemmon, let* Monday afternoon an(, Mrs. Louis Helming annual from her high school. lip ij,« McKensle river hlghwav. They on a trip to PorUand to be gone for _ O„ i ’«ft Springfleld Saturday, »pent the Pcrt’and— Roy A Hum , a few days. Union Meets—The Mount Vernon . Back from v. .« .i.. night »1 f a ade m»ort, and relumed phrevs. cashier In the springfleld de- „ Farmers' union held a meeting last . . . . . , , • . u . — to their homes on Sunday, Reteurned to Portland— Robert and n|gh[ (n the(r (n Gard. pot Is back from his leave of absence Gerald Van Valiah left Sunday for ens. a social time being enjoyed. Ice which he spent In Portland. He I s , q „ vacation— Mr and Mrs F It PorUand after visiting in Springfleld cream and cake were served. expecting to locate his home In Eu FlanerV and daughter DorotP left for a week. gene, and Is looking for a residence t Sunday on a vacation of 10 days or D ism issed fro m H o s p ita l— Rev. B two weeks to Ranier Xational tark Had Tonsils Removed— E X. Dill B. Beckett who recently submitted to I j ' there. ard. electrician at the local Booth- a major operation at the Springfleld I Attended Convention— Mr and Mr« and British Cn'umbla. During their Kelly sawmill, had his tonsils remov general hospital was dismissed from J R. E Moshier, Mr and Mrs. Dallas absence Mr. FlanerV« p laie In hl» drug store I« being laken by M M ed on Saturday j the hospital Sunday and returned to I Murphy, and Ml*» WHIgerodt attend- Rented Property-M r. and Mrs. Lu- h l. home. led the Dlatrtct Sunday Cchool con Peery. ventimi at the McKenzie Fish hatch . _ _____ Took Trip— _ Mr and ___ Mrs. B. A. ther McVey rented the Ben Skinner property between here and Goshen on E MHs ” Edna Sun‘“ r “ ‘“ U' ‘ P‘Cn‘C Wa"hbur"" ",on ' ‘ laU1’*' and * ’f” Junction City, and daughter Mrs. Hel Swart-j, and granddaughter Maxine en Marlin of San Francisco. Califor Moved to New Res’dence— Mr and Swart» left this morning for Xew Went to Wend'lng—Clayton Bar- nia, left Saturday, driving up the Mrs. F J. Grimes hare moTed during Port on a vacation trip. They motor- ' her went to W endllng and back Mon McKenile river hlghwav over ’he lav* t h * pest week to their new residence ed down. , <l».v 1° visit with his mother. Mrs. beds and Into Cook county. They re . » i n «inter H. L. Barber and brother and wife, on Eighth and G. street. t turned to Springfleld Sunday evening . » V v Back from Vacation— Mr and Mrs Mr a d Mr ' anTe ®*rber- before Went to Portland— Mrs. John Rich- sl(jn(?v gi(Jn^ Jr hare they left on a motor trip to Bend on Went to Cottage Grove— Dr X W. ter went to Port’and Tuesday to v l. re, urne<1 {n>m (hejr VBcat,o|> 3pen( (n Wednesday Btnery. Rev Thomas D. Y arne*. and It her daughters t ere . e w l re- GoWenda,e Washington, where they' T)} Buy Reereatlonal Equipment— turn the first of the week. v t« i,'T ~ u ' 7 “’ / ' T° BUy Kecrea,'°ral tq u ip m e m - « '>»»*" « McKIhaney went to Cm visited Mr. W ards parents for two The official board m eeting of the Grove Yesterday to work on the Back from Idaho— Pearl Snook and weeks. 'Springfleld Methodist church In the ’¡«bentst-le which will open today for brother Bert Fnook returned Sunday j Epworth League room of the church the Methodist camp meeting The Were Dinner Gues's— Mr. and Mrs _ , , , . . .. night from W eiser, Idaho where th tf ... .... Tuesdav evening delegated Dr. M . H work had to he apeeded to completion Harry M. M hltnev and daughter MarT , . .. ___ _ , visited friends for two weeks. . ... . ' , ’ Pollard to look into the costs of » and volunteers from various town» Elizabeth, and Mr and Mrs John „ . . , .. slide for the children on the recrea are assisting The formal dedication Going Fishing—Mayor Charles E. K eteh were dinner guests of Mrs ,,____ of the structure will be Sunday. a Eeeimann leaves this afternoon to Lida Mac Gowan and .Miss Elsie Wed- and Returned to California— Mr go fishtng tn the Long Tom river be- die on Sunday. Had Guesta— Mr and Mrs. Will low Monroe. ____ _____ Mrs Lowell Eno« and small «on, Mr ‘ ______ Krause ___________ and family o f ____ I xjs _____ Angele« ,C"l! ed McKenlle—Hr an>i Ca'lfomla, stopped Saturday at t h e ' and Mrs Clinton Weiss and small Back from T ,11,m ook-M r. and Mrs Mrs^ W H Pollard and children. h„ m<. ,)f p M Ga r. „ mftn at daughter, and Herman Erne, left 1» y 9 ixmg and ^ ^ » r n M Thun,. Ruth. Jnle. Robert and William p ic the ^ „ y aawin||, Th,.y ,pft ,lay for We„w nod. California, after dav from a trip to Tillamook, where nicked up the McKenzie river Sa’.ur- on Sunday for Portland where they »b itin g «Ince Friday, at the home of thpy spent th ‘ Fourth of July. , da i evening. L W. anil L E.Elliott. ¡expect to locate. Officers—Os wa'd Will Install Officers—Oswald M Returned from Mountain.— Mr. and Visited Mother— Mr and Mr« John' Olson Is golnz to Irving Saturi;' • Its. lu-att Holverson and family re- Lamberty and daughter Charlotte of SPECIAL PRICE on plate work. Dt rs • ; to install the newly elected turned Tuesday from the mountains Albany, who spent two weeks tour X W. Emery. rt»-ntlst. Sutton Bldg officers of the I O. O. F. lodge there. _________ S a te rd fg evening. B ack fro m C olorado— M rs. John L o ra h . who sp»n' th re e m on th s v D It- I n r at G ree le y and E a 'o n . C olorado, h a ' r? *u m e d to h e r home in S p rin g - IBB 1 M arrlags Llcsnsss Iseu sd . Du ring the pa«t week Counly Clerk H. S llryaon ha« laaUetl marrlag" Il celtKna to the followlug persolle; Itole eri II Dean an i Pearl H S u rer bolli «f Cottage Orove; O M l.aPukr. Oak rldge, and Etimi Adams, both of Oak rlilge; Robert Wm Neal* end Keho Sproea, holh of Eugene; Samuel Ro bert Smith and l<la May Barbar. holli of Eugene; Graham Smith. Eugene, and Edna lluahman, Sprlngflet I. Heti ry J Pironi. and Vernila Mae Kixupp. both of Eugene; George I) Helin. Dat laa, Texas, and Florence Crandall. i ■ JULY 17, 1M4 j Eugene, Joe Hobertson and Alla Ath- tein . bolJl of (takrldge; Wa>ne Henry , Ak«rs, Oakland, and Alice Tiina. En gene, all I Donald Willi« Htolberg. Wendling, and Hasel Ireland, WetnP Il iik Jail on Bad Chsck Charge. Vernon iVitae. IL of la»well, Is In 'ha county Jail charged with giv ing a forged chock to a Eugene gar age 11« Is alleged Io have »Ignod the name of lk»vls to a check tend ered In payment for garage service Noted as n good cook because the has a COLONIAL. And she will tell you it is the quick or slow cooking, and the steady, even baking which can be done with a COLONIAL, that insures just the right results. There »re m any reaaona fo r the superior ro o k in g qiia lltle a o f the C olonial Itunx**. Il» P acific Const ITrelm x 1» wltle Mini shallow wht it in e u tiK q u icke r heat mid m ore hem fro m less fuel. It» oven co n stru ctio n m id hem d ls trih u tlo n are s c ie n tific a lly correct, the result o f over fo rty year» ex|M*rl- ence in designing m id m an u fa ctu rin g stoves m id range». Hum s any kind of fuel w ith equal satisfaction. Priced from $57.00 to $122.00; Sold for cash or on credit: when in need of a stove see us, we have sold 35 of these ranges this year. Get yours today. Wright & Son AUCTION SALE field. Hill’s Economy Store Announcement BELL Theatre FR ID AY - SATURDAY The W onder Police Dog RIN - T IN - TIN OF Housefurnishings at thejresidence Corner Mill and C Streets SPRINGFIELD In “ W here the N orth begins’’ I One of the best N orthern pic- I tures ever made. T w o reel comedy and News. SUNDAY ONLY G loria Sw anson In ■BLU EBIR D S EIG H TH W IF E ” Comedy-------‘ Don’t F orget” W EDNESDAY Bill H a rt 1 W e have purchased the stock of the W ilson V ariety S tore on M ain S treet and m any people have asked us to continue its operations. This we decided to do for a tim e an d if the people of Springfield will support a variety store we will P U T IN A FIRST CLA^S STO R E FO R izOU. O ur prices are alw ays the low est and we can save you m oney. It m ay tak e a little tim e to build up a com plete stock bu t any item s you m ay call for will be stocked as soon as the dem and ap p ears. Lets go! W e will give you a real sto re— W ill you support it? Several Surprise Specials, drop in and get yours. In ‘The narrow Trail’ a"d "The W 4 a M an” By Emerson Hough Beginning a t 2 p. m. I am moving away mid will hold a Public Auction Kale of all my honscliol l furniture, compriulm; Hi • following aril lea: MfiU BruiiH'.vlek ( abitmt Phonograph and lid records. Schultz upright Piano in m ahogany cune. 9x12 Wilton velvet Hug, nearly new, 2 oak Rockers. Hound dining table and (i tb a iia to maleli, Buffet. Ivory Bedioom Ktille, in, hiding Simmons steel bed and spring; . Ivory dri a a r, dressing table and bench. NxlO Bril' Is lug Dxl2 Linoleum rug. Simmons Heel sanitary eot and m attress, iron bed and H c t ii iin i- spring. 4 I,timer Florence autom ati'« oil range rinisheil in blue ena mel like new. Hoy's toy auto and wagon. Other »mall article», e |C. Prospective bidder» are Invited to tall at Hie home any lime previous to sale and Inspect these furnishing». Term»: Cash or bankable note. Arthur Hayman, owner. Corner Mill and C Streets, Springfield, Ore. HILL’S ECONOMY STO IE Commercial State Bank, Clerk. J. K. Greer, Auctioneer.