Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1924)
_____________ „ PAGE PTVTF UNIVERSITY HAS TH IRD C lassified A d vertisem en ts Personals • « II w hat you w ant te Mil. buy what you w ant to buy through these column«. W rit« or phon« T W O Mr. and Mrs. R W Hcoggln ano baby of Murcola were In town Thur« day. , Mr and Mr« M O. PlUett and aon ware Springfield visitors from Thomp- ton's resort up the McKenzie river on Thursday. Mr«. M H Brown of Thurston a t " In I. rlngflrltl on business Thuraday Mr and Mrs. O. L. Btarey, were In from W altervllle Thuraday. LARGEST COLLECTION ' flRFfiQN NEWS ITEMS IWTFRFST Is bankruptcy, who defied the Wasco Ur O lL U I RL In I LilLO I gpped,n, about a month ago. baa rap- University of Oregon. Eugene. July itulated and paid a fine of 140 In tb s 17.—The third largeat collection of woks In the a tale la now to be found Brief Resume of Happenings of Justice court at The Dalles. George M. Tucker, demented by th s lg the I'nlveiNIty of Oregon libra.’ the Week Collected for FOR RENT - 250 seres ar»ln land. 3 FUHN18IIED Apartments and room« death of bis wife and a favorite grand it Eugene. During 1923 8,710 volume« miles south east of Junction City. son In a fire which destroyed their for rent by day or month. Elite were added to the library, making Our Readers. Jesse Hove m s J 10 17 home laat January, ended hl» life by ii' i.i, : t 'I and Main str e e t 0 » total of 130,470. Thia number la ■hooting him»elf In the head at the exceeded by the Portland I*ubllc Li FURNISHED epsrtm ents anti rooms F. O. Bunting, retired bualne«« man home of his brother. D. G. Tucker, CAUL AMD SEE Di. N. W Erarrj brary, and the State Library at 8a-. for r«m by d»y or month. Bills Ho* of Lakeview, died In Loa Angeles from ■even mile» east of Joaeph. on prices on plat» and other work, tl lent. tol. 31)7 Mnln streel. tf. knife wounds. ■ ■ — - ....-........... The state Irrigation and drainage In 1003 there WWfe 12.000 book« V nnre H»avry, m ornhant of Donna, Fig trees growing In the yard of «ecurltie» commission at a meeting In CALI. Hl* rside Dairy for purn Jer In the library. By 180« thia number wan In on bualnraa Monday. sey Wilk a»<l <'r am. Phone 34 »3 had grown to 14.000 aud the growth August Kakel In Canemah are heavily gB,em eItPn,iP,i the time for starting D K Mitchell baa returned to~hls U since then has been more than 800 laden with fruit. work on the Jordan valley project apr. work at Oakridge after visiting for WOMANS LETTER WILL per cent. i The fourth annual Methodist Epia from June 25 to August 25. The con NOTICE TO CREDITORS H E L P S P R IN G F IE L D »ome lim e In Springfield The total number of book» Issued copal camp meeting will open at Cot- tract was awarded some time ago to NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN that ....—— B. 0 . Smith of Natron was In town to readers during 1923 was 311.774 tage Grove Thursday, Morrison & Knudson of Boise. John W Htnv»n«. litvs li»»u duly sp* She wrllea; “I hated cooking be* on business Friday. pointed to I th» County Court of the volumes. Of these. 67.892 were is- Representative Slnnott haa arTived There is no shortage of water on niai» of Oregon for the County of route all I ah* lurnetl «our and form John Parker of Junction City waa sued for home use from the clrcula- | n The Dalles to «pend the summer the Warmsprlngs Irrigation district In I,«n» »« ttdmli'lalru’or of the Estui» etl gss | drank hot water and olive a Springfield visitor on Thuraday and tlon and reference desks. The num- recess at his home there. Malheur county despite the fact that of Cornelia Kleyeo», deceased and al!| her Issued from the reserve desk, » The toregt fire airplane patrol for a number of other projects are suf pentuna having risun« again* aald oil l»y the gallon. Nothing helped un- again on Friday. HI I used Atllerlka'• Moat m ed l! Dirk Franklin we» here from the ra ta l,, are hereby notified to present chiefly used by students In the Uni- western Oregon will continue to make fering from lack of moisture, accord the name properly verified io tits un* cfnra act only on lower bowtJ hui Keavey hop yards on ing to a letter received at the office» ~~ Thuraday. , i »«rally, waa 245.903. Thia repre- llH headquarters In Eugene. deralgned at •ha office of Frank A. Adlerlk« a d s on BOTH upper anti < George P’att a of 20.8 per cent Hi City Of Rainier has voted to of the state engineer at Salem. Del'ue. Attorney for the eatate In lower bowel and remoras all gas and were Thuraton men In town on bust »entu an Inert l the total number of books Issued, and bonds and take up outstanding Subject to the approval of the execu Rprlngfield. Oregon within «la months poisons. Excellent for ot «finale t on- a Thurajlt I ; from the dale of thia notice. an Increase of 30 per cent In tho num- warranta , or street Improvement». tive committee of the American Le from Dated at Hprtn«fl«’d, Oregon. July Mlpatlon. Il»lps any rn«e gaa on th e , Mr«. |,ulu Key«« waa here ! her of reserve books issued. A t,re or,BinatllJg ln an oid burn- gion of Oregon, Crook county post No. buying trip Thors «tornarli In TEN minutes. W altervllle on 13. 1934. The number of periodicals contrlbu- e(j.over slashing destroyed the Faun 29, American Legion, of Prineville, ha» JOHN W. STEVENS. F L A N E R Y '8 D RUG STO R E day. Administrator. . Lee Davis «hipped two carload» of ted laat year wax 1.363. which has Harrold Lumber mill near Glendale. selected June 24. 25. 26 and 27 as tho dates for the 1925 state convention FRANK A DEIM’E, NOTICE OF ,lia T from Botsford to Wendllng thia been Increased thl^. year to 1.7..0. Threshing of fall grain got under Attorney for the Estât» of the Oregon American Legion. F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T . *•>',.k. one on Monday and one o n T h * « » publications Include :mont y. way at Albany last week with most Jl 17 24 31 A 7 14. Owing to a series of burglaries at NOTICE II hereby given that the Tuesday. 467; weekly. 129: quarterly. 193; bl- of the threshing outfits taking the f’ Salem which stirred the city r.o that underalgned. administrator de bonis B Coortrlght left Monday for Comp- m(,nth l5 2«; dally. 3; Irregular pub- road. Clarence Lennar«! of Drain was •n !non of the Estate of John E. Innls, ¡ton. California. ! Ilcatlons. such as government and With chiropractor» present from all business men held a meeting and ask Kprtnjrfle'n for medical treatment ileceased, has filed hla Final Acounl Mr. and Mr«. I. M. Francis "( foreign documents. 464; newspaper;, sections of the state, the 17th annual ed that the night police force be in In aald Estate with the County Mount Vernon were In Springfield ' Munday. convention of the Oregon Chiropractic creased. the city council granted th e Court of the sta te of Oregon for Lane request and authorized an addition of County und the «aid Court haa »et I Tuesday on bua.nea association was held in Portland. five men for immediate service. Kill Seven Skunks. Monday, the 4tlt day of August. 1924. Joe Kirk, of Portland was here for ,p U T IL IT IE S M AKE Fishing in the south fork of the at Ten o’clock A. M as the time, anil tn cllrsl lreatm“n’ Monday. Carle Abrams, secretary of the state FINE BUSINESS RECORD Santiam above Foster for steelhead Mr and Mr« William were) Teddy L atltl and Frank < ampbcll lbe Poi1nly Courtroom In the County salmon is attracting many Albany and budget commission, has sent out killed .even skunks one day 1a«t week (*,,Urihou«,. at Eugene. Oregon, a» the )n from W ultervllle Monday. blanks to the various state instil»- on On* I’ H Editil iton pi u ' Thia place for the hearing of »aid Final Arthur Ilh kaon of Wendllng re gurvey j uit Completed Shows Steady Linn county anglers to that stream. on Account. All person having objw - , treatment here Mon- o « ..,. h ... w . . » . » » • makes ten skunks (hey have killed Growth of Oregon's »150,000.000 t ’ obtaining the estimated expenditure, llena to said Final Accouut or any pur-( lately. llcis'ar Item thereof are hereby notl- ‘lay. ,ndU“ ry- ¡road Agate Beach. Lincoln county; of th e.e governmental branches dur- fled to file the same with the County! Fred Johnston wan In from , - o Mrs. Anna Erbts, Harlan, Lincoln ing the biennium starting January J, A Specialist. Clerk of sutd Coun*<!on or before the > burg on bualne«» Saturday. Portland, Ore., July 17.— (Special.) (Special.) i j Mr». Anna *. 1925. »aid lllli day of August, 1924. at Ton Hubbard Teylor and Charlo« Dav* county. Teacher: "You'll have to stay In Government trappers have been o ’clock. A. M ,, , Thurston were Springfield vlel- —A survey Ju»t completed by the Ore- A bond issue for the construction Dat. ,1 th b 10th dny of July. 1924 * 01 1 , after school and work on your geo gon Public Utility Information Bu called to Klamath Falls by Elmer of a high-pressure water system for WM F WALKER. Adm inistrator,« « « Saturday evening graphy lesson. You didn’t locate a reau covering the principal public Williams of the United States bio do bonis non of tho estate of Jaim E protection against fire will come be single one of tho cities." service corporations of the state In logical survey of Portland to deal bui t Unni«, deci-ased. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE fore the people of Portland at the W illie: “I can't locate them with the rabid coyote situation on the I GORDON K WELLS. STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE dicate that business lg good. In no November election. know how to tune in on tho *h«»l<’ i Attorney for Administrator. case has there been any recession upper Williamson river, where the COl'NTY. James Hammond. 67. who haa aerv- -'I J 10-17 24 31 A7. F. N. Snyder and Mattle Snyder, during the past tw elve months, either animals killed 28 grown cattle in 10 in the volume of production or in the ed 11 years in the Oregon Plaintiffs. vs. number of customer« supplied tentlary for the murder of Ike B oom The public service commission h a , William L. Gordon. The First Na g(trvlt,0 ln Portland was granted J conditional authorised the Portland Railway, tional Bank. Eugene, Oregon: 5 The companies included In this sur pardon by Governor Pierce. • tloual Bank, Eugene, Oregon, The Light & Power company to discontinue The annual meetings of the Lane , train service between Oregon City Bank of Commerce. Eugene. Oregon; vey have an aggregate investm ent in j Contracting and Building w. F. WALKER the state of Oregon of approximately and Linn County Holstein Breeders and Canemah pendtng completion ef Plant and Estimates Furnished and James Albert. Defendants: .associations will b» held at the Wild the new section ot the Pacific high TO WILLIAM L. OORDON. Defend »150.000.000. and are as follows: Free. Will Help You Finance FUNERAL OIREC3OR . California-Oregon a . n o r , ’-s'— Power Co., Med Rose stock farm«, owned by C. B. way, now under way between the tw o Your Building. ant: Full Auto Equipment Eaatern Orogon Light A Power Swango. near Coburg. Friday. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE GEO. W. PERKINS Cities. OF OREGON: You are hereby A field of wheat near W. O. W. block Co . Baker. Mountain States Powei row e. ot Federation rteuoruciou waeac u— Varlou, ^ ^ 0 8 o< the Cascade na- Corner 5th and D streets plaint herein within six wt-eks from C o . Albany. Northwestern Electric Pendleton measuring 48 acres belong tlonal , oregt oti,e |. than the Salt creek. »ifflee Phone 62-M Rea* »'hone 63 J i Springfield, Oregon io n th e r e o f, a n d i Co.. Portland. Pacific Power & Light ing to James Thompson has Just been creek and Wlnberry creek water- I you fail to so appear or answer the Co.. Portland, Portland Gas A Coke threshed and the yield was S26 sacks. #he(Jg which hare been closed to ' plaintiffs will apply to the epurt for Co.. Portland or an average of 39W bushel«. camping for a number of weeks, may DR. N. W. EMERY I the relief therein prayed for. to wit: Call A series of six picnics, beginning be closed soon if present weather The six light and power companies ¡for a decree that the amount due bt O K N T IS T ¡ascertained and that you and all per* during the first six months of 1923 ln Multnomah county at Gresham. conditions centinue, according to for SUTTON TRANSFER ¡sons claiming by. through or under Produced 411.963.103 k. w. h. of elec- Monday, are Heiug bald by eight ooun est officials. /4 •--»»* a ~ Sutton Bldg. P h o n . 20-J ^4* foreclosed I you be forever barred and foreclosed ry Holstein Freslaa associations of the j Almost 100.000 pounds of squirrel Residence Phone 153 M an of strict foreclosure from ail right, trical energy, Phono 57 W illamette valiey during the week. title and interest under and by virtue, p or the first six month, of 1924, poison waa distributed In the state Springfield. Oregon iof that certain I«and Sale C ontract' th(l productlon rose to 470.683.880, z The Oregon caves have been ex* during the fiscal year from July 1, m tered Into on the 20th day of June, i incrPase of 58.720,777. or an ac- p<,rien< ing the heaviest year in their 1923, to June 30. 1834. according to _______ 1923 V Frank E Blair and w i f e (lll.rpaHe ln ,he output of these history. During D u H n e t the h e fir first month and the annual report of Ira N. Gabriel GEO,. N, M cL E A N ' Ice E Blair, vendors to you as ven SHOE REPAIRING a half of the season, from May 15 to son, assistant biologist of the rodedt idee and In and ’> the following des | companies of 14 2 per cent, Automobile, F ire and L ife Work Promptly and Portland Gas e. A r> Coke Com JunP 30. 3000 vtelt<*a had registered. pontpol ^ „ l o n of the United States- cribed land and^premleea in Lane I Thp — . I N S U R A N C E Carefully Done County. Oregon, to-wit: pany. which is the only Important gas loaaeg ¡n Rregon, exclusive of biological survey. Surety B °n d « , Phone «17 1 The K tt of NE<w See. 19 Twp. the « ate and an Portland, during the month of June pjve JOHN A. NELSON My businexa Is to protect ycur c o n t a in in g 80! a” »*007 . . . , , --------- r i v e of m the 13 □ax-palllng m achine. South. Range 1 Hast containing business Also lots 1 containing ; 15M.399J>-0_cubc ,*et - aggregated 1761.424 according to a re purchased recently th Canada have acres of land 509 Main Street 800 W illa m e tte 8t. Eugene Oregon 69.27 acres, W 2 containing 36 10 , te first six months of last year port prepared by Will H. Moore, state beeQ <je | | TW.Pd to grower» of the Salem acres, lot 3 containing titling 11.78 acre« and I ,iutpu, up to June 30 of thi.« year was lngurance commleeloner. There were vici_.t _ The pullers were purchased 17 acre«, all In Sec 19 751 940,710. This is a net Increase * tw #, o{ #9 Ore# lot 4 containing 2" funds advanced by the state e f Runge 1 East of Wll . . . 542.190. 190 or or 10 10 8 « per per cent. ___ ____ _______ , _ WM. G. HUGHES Twp 19 South. Range E a s t or w ti f t 777 A. A. ANDERSON The first consignment of’peaches for o rPgon and Portland chamber of com- F IR E AN O A U T O IN S U R A N C E lamette Meridian, contalng In a Thp jnrrPa)iP ln the number of CU»- the 1934 season reached the Salem merce. The money will be repaid by BARBER SHOP acres' c o p i ed’ t<7’Warren D /c a r te r : tenters taking service from the seven N O T A R Y P U B L IC canneries last week In most sections the growers ln Installments covering $1.50 H a irc u t 40c by d e c i page 298 Vol. 80. also ex* utilities Is equalb| satisfactory. There of Marion county the crop will be a period of years. , Office at ceptlng therefrom 13.31 acres con- aro gt , he prPSPnt time neirly a quar short, but prices probably will make $3.00 Razors $2.00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK One man was killed, a score of veyed to Joshua Coin by deed recor< • million users of lipht and up for this defR-iency. $1.00 Fitch Shampoo 85c Sprlngfleld. Ore8°" passengers bruised and battered, two s,x0’ acre°s X e y " I , - w e r and gas In «he stale of Oregcm Approximately 460 persons are at locomotives and a baggage car reduc to S. P. company for county road This p-m ber would be expended if tending the summer school which ed to junk and the lives of hundred» Pruning, Planting and Tree Work • urposes. by deed Vol. 85. page -01 the score or m o-- o ' small pinnt« in opened at Salem recently under the ot vacationists jeopardized when two Specialising In Shrubbery and DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL and 202, and also excepting therefrom the stale were included. of m the state e u normal trains s on m the branch ' , , ..«.„1 c .r m ilrond purposes. , . . direction 01 e »im u iu ... school passenger train e « Astoria sw ria uruncu Law n W o rk right“ of wav «fnd depot ground« as On June 30. 1923. the total numbe facu, DENTIST faculty. The The school school will wll continue over of the Spokane. PoT ’nnd A Seattle W. C. SHEARER shtnin bv deeds of records. »11 »»ch "t’ll’v u e-« served by the seven a period of six weeks. - railroad collided headon at a point #17 B 8*. Between #th and 7th Phone 43 deeds of record In Lane County. Ore 1 companies Included In the Oregon The Baker reclamation project is to about one mile west of Rainier. Springfield, Oregon w<?n a8 w name , Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. gon. and containing hereby t o j ’e com ,,„ blic n f l,ltJr Informat, (m Bureau The year which ended June 30 show bag jngt nKted th(j voyed 117 avree of Land, more or was 221.179. On J u n e 0 J 9 2 4 . .he > ed the greatest slaughter of coyotes commlssionpr t0 proceed and other predatory animals for any This summons 1« puhllshed for six number ha-' risen to 241.660 an In- 3» crease of 20.381. or 8.5 per cent. ' {he ,nyest^ atIon of the n ^ e r consecutive weeks in The year in the history of the state, ac COLLECTIONS News 11 order of the Hon. G. F. Sklp- 1 project at once, it Is reported. cording to Stanley O. .Teweti. preda No Co lection. No Charge. wortii. Judge of said Court, made J. C. Simpson was In town today Your Home When In Two cities will entertain the annual tory animal inspector ef the United W illamette Collection and Credit i ijgted und first published July 10, from Mabie having an Injured finger meeting of the Oregon 8tate Bar as States biological survey. Predatory Springfield Service treated. | ! social Ion this year. The Dalles and animals numbering 7604 were repre I 1 i)°4 860 W illamette Street, Nick Me»Jr om Camr creek was WHITTEN SWXFFGRB. Attorney i Hood River, on Setpember 19-20. The sented at the o f f e in P -la n d dur Eugene, Oregon. for Plaintiffs, Residence and Post a Springfield visitor yesterday. ! first day will be passed at The Dalles ing the year by efclr.s and sculps. U i Phone 378 Office, Address: Eugene. Oregon. Charles Grant of Thurs'on was In and then the lawyers will go to Hood this number, 5153 were coyotes. Jly 10 to A. 21 town on business veeterdav. Continued dry weather throughout River. I etr nrury of Jasper was in town IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE William Anderson, who lives 45 June caused a further reduction in STATE OF OREGON k tllt LANE ve-. te" ' ’ . miles from Marshfield, on Myrtle crop prospects, and it now appears ¡COUNTY E. P. I'arr’vim was In from Walter- creek, came to Marshfield last week probable that the 1924 Oregon wheat Distributors of Fishers vllle hl« morning on a buying trip. All kinds of gravel for con I Lena M. Lawrence. Plalntirf for the first time in almost a quarter crop will not exceed one-half the pro vs. Mr- J M. Thompson le*‘ ‘bis nto n- Flour, Poultry and Dairy Feeds crete or road work. We of a century, and the improvements : duction of last yeur says F. L. Kent, Walter E. l.awrence, defendant , . SUMMONS | hing *0 a t'e n d the M e 'lo d lst cntti.? which he viewed caused him much \ statistician ot the United States de make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk I TO: W A LTER E. LAWRENCE. d e -^ „ pp(1 „ )n C ottage Grove, partment of agriculture. Weather surprise. fondant: __ „ « .n ..« ' W. L. Gray representing the Sou ers at foot of Main on Mill bureau records show a rainfall at O. E. Freight Bldg. Uniform attire attire^bas zhaa been adopted IN THE NAME OF 1'"'* • ' j , | . hern h„rn Pacific i>ap|riP railway railw nv company company w a s' street. East 5th. I OF OREUON 'OU are hereby required for inmates of the Oregon state peni- Portland of .68 Inch during June, and „ ,be "complaint in Springfield this morning Inspect aeeor(1:nB tp announcement a total deficiency since September HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. to appeur a 1 1 In the above en* | ¡„,. lumber which the Booth n„i,*„m„i.> v ,n l. n o f filed agallisi ' .x v .e k s from date ; „ ,, to sacrom en to, A' M' D i m p l e . '*ud<n of 1, 1923, cf 16 8 • in< hea. I titled . l i l t with Oregon pensions have been granted sawmill is to s (bg institution. Gray trousers and ¡of flrt-l p u b lb .i' .1 of th is sum mons. California. l ’L; home is in I ortlaod. 1 hickory shirts will bo the color of the as follows: W lllUm ,1. Powers, Pori- 11, answer, for want and If you ¡al’ FRANK A. DE PUE Ross Mathews oi Thurston was In ’ new garb. th eieo f, the p L iiU ff w III apply to the j land, $15; Mary ( Whitson. Portland. A TTO R N E Y A T LAW 'co u rt for th s rellet prayed for In tihe Springfield yesterday. Eleven crates of Chinese pheasants, $80: Fred 11 W U -011. Portland $15; • unplalnt, to-w it: the dissolution of W H Anderson of the Anderson Leland fi. H anfo-l. La Grrnde, $12; JOHN M. WILLIAMS NOTARY PUBLIC , . , „ ,,, , h WHPk 264 birds 1 all. from the state game ¡the mi ••riase co n tract ixl. tln 1; be . hep vnrds has been 111 tn past wetk : - William R. Hun t, Portland, $15: Mark Attorney for Vet. S ta i- Aid Com.. ........... ....... , ' ...... : farm at C o.vallls will be released in tw een you and th e plaintiff. T his 3prinp8cld " j t l >n Ja ea H. once a w eek : with toustlltls. Clatsop county, where for several W. Baker. * ■ u fl2 Koldlers Bonita Loans. ¡summons ¡.; puh'lshed Oregon. t J* Bu dll g Mrs Edith Rhodes of Eula returned Liats P fi i six su re ,‘solve ki in the Spring rmined effort has been Gustan, Po tlanC $'2: William P. Wat L. E. BEAN ! vears h tl ' — 1 Held N-'ws. 'by o d *r t *' G F. 8 k I)-1,o |1Pr home after n few diTk;' visit son, Portland, $15; Jamos B. Layton. Attorney State I,aud Board, I made to . ck the open lands with i worth, Judge of 1 ab.ivo .'title d here this week. Mrs. Bert Gates and son, Emery, rds. There has been no Rye Valley. $19 Juila E. W ilsey, Stinte School Fund Loans. these gam lo u rt, m ade 1 I em ored on th e 3rd The Sprlugfield Mill nnd O rs'i open sea:cm in Clatsop county elace '■»ndleton, 830: Charles T. Smi'h, we>*e in town from Marcoln jester* d«y of June, 1924, and is published WILLIAMS A BL^N lh*> first tim» 1 Go 5th day oi June, company shipped a carload of w' at propagatic started but success has Portland $16; Frederick D. btraube. * ay. ATTORNEYS 1924. to Cnshmnn yesterday been re' I by the lack of grain Timber, $12; Albert W. Dunmire. Ml', and Mrs. John W. Conaway ofj William.; & Bean. Do'han, $12. Morrison and Knudsen company re j th , ro 610 Williamen© St. Eugene, Ore. At. ,rn ys for Plaintiff, Eugene, former Springfield resident«, eeived a carload of coal from Utah Lleunsed to practice In i ll Courts P ostoffk e Address: Eugene. Oregon left last night 1‘ r Portland to tako y J 5-7-14 26-J-31017 yesterday. of tho Rtat . and United Htates. I heir baby to a child specialists. B U S IN E S S I H RECTORY “The Loop Pacific Feed & Supply Co. Eugene Oregon SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO.