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About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1924)
THURSDAY, T H E SPRINT? F IE L D N EW S T 1 l u i t r . Dr cDDiiur> i?ii?v n w ru /Q KINV»r1LLM llLWO Published Every Thursday at Springfield, L««« County, Oregon, by THE W ILLAM ETTE PR ESS F C. W ESTKRFIBI.D M anager B . B MAXEY. Editor stored a t second class m atter. F eb ru ary J4. IMS a t th e poi,office. Springfield. Oregon In « ““* ways y °u alw*y» p*y for what you COUNTRY BANKERS ASKED gvt even If you don’t always get what you pay TO RALLY AGAINST CHANGE for. i • • • IN FEDERAL SYSTEM It la hard on a girl to m arry a m an whose mo Chart«« A. Faircloth of Tampa, Tello ther was a cook. of Costa W hich Will Bo Passed The biggest things In life are the sm aller things. Along to Producer« If H andling of Non-Cash horns Is Stopped. JU L Y IT. 1924 In the Iranaacllon. If. however, «be payee bank I» not a m em ber of the system . then a difficulty arises Often the payee hank w anta to m ake a high collection charge and thia the Fed- era) R eserve lunik will not perm it. I The com m ute« on th e collection of I n o n c a sh Reins of the F ederal Re | serve B anks has recom m ended that I the board prohibit th e F ederal It” serve Hanks handling n o n cash Items . They contend thia work Is coaling Ih» , Federal R eserve Hanks 19 cents per 1 Item and th a t only s*-< of the mem-1 her banka, mostly In th e largo cities T he dellclou. beverages served at our a re m aking u;>e of this facility, Mr Faircloth recently m ade vigor fountain are a subtle tem ptation livrd T h ai's why so many on» p ro lest against this recom menda- _ lo with«,end (Ion. lie pointed out that If this a « r-! V.H.pIc lisv» formed a habit of d rin k vice he dlscontlnuod II will cost th e ing here regularly. m em ber hanks located outside the | Fed. cal He , e v e cities and b ra n c h ' »“•'» h» ' ,u *' Soda with a “S N A P” that can’t copied be By Robert Fuller. New York. July 17, 1924 —C harles A rislrvlolh. P resident of the Nation • • • I «1 City hank, of Tam pa. Florida, has Most of the platform builders have more ham gone to bat against some featu res of THURSDAY. JU LY 17. 1924 Ihe F ederal R eserve S ktem whloh mers than nails. he believes to Injurious Io Ihe sm all Editoria! Program Not all the all-day suckers are found in candy e r bank« of the country, ami Inimical lo Ihe Interest of ihe farm er». stores. • • • Make Springfield th e Industrial C enter of W es "It Is high tim e." ho »ays, “for Ihe tern Oregon. Many a young couple use the fork In th e road hanker» of America lo lay aside every Develop a S trong T rading P oint; Build a City it. fo r a spoun. ihlng that smack.« of »elflshne»» In of Contented Homes. » .o h T " * '» fr" " ' considering m atter« affecting th e ay» c l t l e . .1 le a s , $8.000.00« to c d l e . . III. Improve Living C onditions on the Farm . Pro tb .r o hem s T his the fa rm e r, s u d i " * frw h fru ,‘ ” r p” r ’ fru it Juices lent so that each proposal for a mote th e Ra a ng of P urebred Llveatock a.nd E d ito r ia l C om m ent change may he considered strictly on o th ers using the «mail hanks would »«^ “•* o l,,*’r m slerla « «rv of Iho • 1 th e Growing of F ru it; W ork for B etter M arket« Absolute «loanlln,«» It« m erit to the end th at the system have lo pay They have no, become (tuest quality. IV. Teil the World About O rvgon’a Scenic W onder Is m aintained botti Insul» and out A STRONG CANDIDATE. may ren d er the grnatpat possible s e r used to having th e ir non-cash Item« land. A fter fighting fo r th re e week«, a fte r Injecting rellgtou* vice to the banking and business In handled w ithout a collection charge. side Ihe founlaln issues Into th e m eeting a t every conceivable opportunity, ters*!« of America. and F aircloth contends to m ake a Jlw|| BM , hn povaragOS a re d istin ctiv e a fte r allow ing the oil stain ed McAdoo, to lead in the bal- ■ "E very hanker, farm er, stock ra is charge now would create a g re a t d e a l for th eir delicate, satisfying quality— THIS NATION OF YOURS loting fo r day a fte r day. th e D em ocratic p arty did the er. In fact, every one affected should of preju d ice against the «valein ' our service I» m arked by eonllnous No one realizes how things grow in America, thin« it sofauld have done at the s ta rt and nom inated w rite to Hon D It Crlsxlnger. Gov effort to please custom ers. how rapidly we are climbing toward really gigan- j ohn w . D avta for presid en t. T he D em ocratic nom inee ern o r of the F ederal R eserve Hoard. Th« Doubtful Q uantity It's So Oslleloua—You’ll Like IL Toe tic enterprises, w orthy in size of the richest is w ithout doubt one of th e ab lest Democrat« of thi» W ashington. D C . voicing objection lull: "W hy. I didn't know y o u , country. Recently some figures Of New York S gen eratio n , a man with a proven record of ability, of to any o rd er discontinuing Ihe hand drank liquor.* •'S«« Our Window” National City Bank were published. In May efficiency and of honeaty and integ rity . ling of non-cash Item s by F ederal lie Phil: “To he frank, old man. I don 1893. deposits in th at bank am ounted to twen- I)p J,,,, pTOW1 his ability as a law yer, aa a bu., Incas serve B arks." know w hether I .|o m yself." ty-five millions. On April I Of this year t h e an ,j a diplom at. Ho ha» »erved hl» country well Non t'a:,h Items. It appear«, are bank's deposits were seven hundred and fortj on many occasions it 1» tru e th e ch arg e of reactlo aary notes, draft», acceptances and other millions. the total resources nine hundred ami w,n flung a t him . Ute «ante aa demagogue« charge forma of security having a fu tu re dale Flora M cFlim sey at th» Seashor«. run. Male ( aller "Is MI«» Flora In?" thirty-four millions. In the report of t h i s April ,j,at Coolidge is too conservative. of cash paym ent As at present op the bank showed am ong its assets more than nine- The cou n try would he safe in the kr.*id« of e ith e r Cool- erated when a local bank which Is Maid: "Yes. hu, th e poor glrl ha«! ty-five millions of United S tates Government ¡<jge or d h v I r Both a re branded «» conservative. N either a m em ber of th e Federal R eserve S' I had to go tn h.-d whil« h er h ath ln ’l bonds and certificates. And in thirty days that upppenh« to th e radical elem ent o f his party. P erhaps stem sends a non-cash Item for col s u lt'j bcln’ w ashed." have elapsed since th at reporT w as published, the the radical elem ent of both p arties will <o to l«a Follett«* lection from an o th er bank which Is bank has a profit of a million and a q u arter on »pitat ta a possibility th at will be di»cus»«*«t repeatedly a m otnber of the svstern th ere 1» no the increased value of its Government bonds, tj,e N ovem ber election. charge for collections, the F ederal Re This isn’t a governm ent to sell short, and not • Tjje D em ocratic p arty ha» n ev er had »uch antagon serve B ark acting as the Interm ediary one to m ake its citizens worry. Ismg an(j b ittern o n a» It has today. McAdoo supporters • • • fought S m ith b itterly . Sm ith su p o rter» a re b itte r at MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE Oaa Year In Advance »1.25 T h ree Mentha Btx M entha ............... ........ 75c Single Copy ,. Justice may be blind but an Atlantic City judge ' 8c held a bathing girl for fu rth er exam ination. Dignitaries of the Methodist Episcopal church Khl Klu* Kian •»«”"* « •« t^nwcratic par,) suggest deporting all aliens caught violating the » -» " ^ t IMvi. b ttterly on th e convention « o o r ^ P er Volstead act. That new idea would enable t h e h»t>* «**» «» * hy h,< b ro th er, ( b a r k y , was offered the Shipping Board to earn a profit, if it got all the v lce-rresidentlal nom ination T th - N --brask.. g o v e rn ,- business The Methodist gentlemen are m istak -ih»» ><“ '* '» hln> 11 »«ca-prcoW« n .ia ’ nom ina en in their statem ent that ’ aliens m ake up t h e ’“ ™ «e ha« ridden in to office on th e reflected glory bulk of those who break the Volstead law.” Gen- <* th* 0111 Commoner He ta a law y er by trade, but a.- tlenien that go down to the sea in ships to meet «’*’'•"< <° r*P‘’r'«- h“ had ” °‘h*’r ’h“" the rum fleet twelve miles out. are, as a rule. tha‘ obtained through hl« rep u tatio n .» a “Joiner” of Americans Of BC • n a tio n s . to lg es. fo r u ftfch he acted In a legal c a p a c ity T he only • • • stren g th he brings to the tick et 1« to have W illiam Jen A Philadelphia editor has been adjudged, by the Bn?an w ithdraw hl« opposition to Davta and get oourt. insane a t night, but sane in the daytime. ’nt0 ,he h“ n<* wa*on- Actions of m any other people would Indicate In th e vice-presidential nominee» th e D em ocratic con- they are in the sam e class. Only the co urt h a s , •entlon did not have th e name fo resight a» did th e Ko U Ot ruled on their case as yet. 1 publicans. B rig ad ier G eneral Dawes Is a poultlve char- • • •’ , acter, a man of g reat ab ility in buslne»«. in professional fields and as an organizer. H is work fo r the A m erican In 1921 we paid 60 per cent o f our taxes to arm y In F ran ce and la te r aa th e firs t budget com m ission the federal government and 40 per cent to the er has given th e country confidence In hfs ability, his In sta te and local units. Now th e reverse is true. teg rity and his honor. T h e co u n try h as no such con fl it's about time we started some tax red u ctio n )deiwe ,n y je D em ocratic vice-president lal nom inee.—Rec- d o se to home. 1 ,,r(j P re ss E llensburg. FOLKS IN OUR TOWN Credit may be a Necessity P erhaps now. you a re able to pnsh cash for the things you b f ’. But th ere may com e a To Oregon ’s Tlacationland tim e when it may be neceaaary low roundtrip fares to go Into debt. E stablish your credit by paying your hills now C rater i-ake, T illam o o k, N ew port, Cooa Bay beachca, Oregou Cave», tbe M cK enzie R iv er and scores o f d e lig h tfu l m ountain resorts in O re g o n are available for your vacation this summer. Special lo w ro u n d trip fares ore now in effect to ail points. Stopovers along the line. w ith F irst N ational cheeks. Those accepting them acknow l edge your ability to pay and It will no, bo long before you and your honesty a re known. A n d on Friday*. Saturdays and Sundays even low er roundtrip fares arc »«»Li, w ith out stopovers along the route. T hese fares have a return lim it o f 16 days. Goodness For complete inform ation and copy o f our hcHtklct “ Oregon Outdoors” communicate w ith T he First Gracious National —» Bank C. OLSON. Local Agent Phone 65 By OF EUGENE Edward Since 1883 MiCulloogh AUTOCASTER G o o d m eavsns Southern Pacific ! I HOPE NOT • V fE A DO PTBO IT Open Air Dance Every Saturday Night £■' O 'j f - it j^ A -Q IQ Auspices Springfield Post t H Î N T S Ç . • Tb<- t", d. cy of th e newest ad to chan, i tue tension nod welqlit vance r ail. Is .Implicit)- of of n piano Riih i', .n ei, un n o i 's'- control ?• lc r 1. ra d io coni- metit. by changing t i e tun.'n.'. p;i.-«:ed m i- of w ires and i-ontrol» changes w hat is .allied th e "nato ru l um n in ■ frequency of the radio tun.-r or T his n atural to w n o e r f'O' of th e !>'»t and I the musical strli ' Simple t t In th e world 1« the frequency is the ra le of vibration which I» the e de.-t for flu? tuned one t ile, <>,.<' V-.o., ,-et which tn*'e-: tw o l ours to a » e nl and ho <0. sj.te m If a piano strin g is tu n «1 to the fr>-pi-n if i . ' i i ) m o- cm ,,.-i A. Ph no m anipulation all lo, »1 stf, tl >na can fa? tm.. rt to quickly and sc ,,i.d, which |M the ,d t c t » f n dii!» lo ir ' r';s!',n< e a’ ions aa fa r sw »y <!, It will . I ve off n , rWP’l fb a t b . 2,000 miU . cai '«11/ he reached. ffeqner -y n hencrer If Is d ’ dncfs-il »1 t of thea. , w I not. however, <>r d rin k . T h at hupp a» la. uus.; tuning the string to 2"d cych» I« au ,o’ r o loud nothing more than making its n at J o r ,ked to explain the va r i u ral frequency 2fri cy cle , so th at al, m . of a c. dem ..... ' nrlntlotiH Its easlc- . , r natu r,.1 ra le of vi bration I» i <n » I m « per setoed. it joBuenaere ■ nd co I I j correspond > i\ kh ìt • / ,. à T.r .y D o li'!, le- ili.-s-o ira d lf yfm "enn't gei an y ib lrg " out of y ir -t i et '1 le, «e, -<l ‘io S'eìl ih th e s c- cult ' ls p io ubiv n 1 In ih» et bnt l i your 'n crial u. il your bea« tb n. A brn«s pia*» coi dcn». i la NOTI as sotia netory ns an iltinninm i p ian <-n> because brasa piate,, c r . r<sle qui 'ly , csp e d il!) If y<>u m a licer ocean". rive; i o r lakes. Il- lm l uen wlll not corrode r.iid i u i resistane« ls 1«*». American Legion Good Orchestra Fine Big Floor il