Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1924)
D IV O T IO TO I N T t R « ” ! OF IFRING FItLO A TM i FARMIRB OF ' f . Qf W IL L A M t T T I VALL* THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS * twenty - first year FIBSI STREET IS 04376029 BPKINOF1ELD. LANK COUNTY. ORBUON, THURSDAY. PRESENT POSTOFFICE LANE FARMERS UNION SITE RECOMMENDED TO MEET SATURDAY County Mooting to bo Hold In Cham Commsrolsl 8, ala Bank to Improve Present Location So That It May ber of Commerce In Springfield, Be Suitable. July IS. s ■ —m^mswi ■ JULY 17, ■ ’ 1 “TM Paopla'a Papar" L IV I NUMBER 27 1U24. Democratic N E W 8 P A P IH IN A LIV E TOW N LIONS DEN FORMED; OFFICERS ELECTED Club of International Organized Recommendations that the bid of at First Meeting; S. Ralph the Commercial fftate bank to furnlah Dippel Elected President; a room for the Hprlngfleld postoffice' Chartered on August 1. lie accepted will be made by Building Inspector Fulllnwlder. ot Spokane, A local group of the Lions Interna who has supervision of all rented ent from all local*, tional club was perfected here yester Authorising tbo «radio« and ma postotfice buildings In the five states fteveral mallora of bu»ln»»« are to day with a special luncheon in the radamixin« of Flr»t street from E to up „« well aa dlaeuslon on the of the l*atlflc northwest. Mr. Fullln W. O. W banquet hall at which Ver wlder spent yesterday afternoon at the south tllne of Clark I’srk addi- i««u« of ih» fall political campaign as non H. Galloway, field director from tlon an ordinance was pa»»ed by the! they effect the farmer«' problema, It lihe local pow,office. Chicago, met with prominent business Kprlntfteld r ig ’ council Monday «ve-! |» reported. A luncheon will be had Bids for the leasing of a building and professional men for organizing a ntng. The work baa been underway nt noon under tihe direction of women for the next Un years were closed at Den and electing officers. Officers for some time by a city forte M members of the organisation. Spokane on July 1. It Is understood were elected as follows; S Ralph Hug under the d li» « - llo ii of the ■ ” that ’he Inspector will recommend to Dippel, president; G. G. Bushman, street commlmloner SALE OF U. 8. TREASURY the department at Washington that vice-president; FUMl C. W esterfield. The ordinance calls for a 32 font CERTIFICATES STOPPED the present site be accepted and that J secretary; Julius Fulap, treasurer; the hank will soon begin making al road way with a macadam surface --------- Harry M. Stewart, lion tamer; John F. teratlons and Improvement; provided »bout eight Inches lit depth , The eale of treaeury saving* certtt- lrrl K etels, tall twister. J. C. McMurray The council accepted Ute bid of the i^gte« n«s bei n ordered su spended, | PJ. In the contract to he signed. and O. H. Jarret were elected to t * ational - ll..e .l L .n b Isa Iskrt lh«t *1400 1 1 4 0 0 L . .ginning . l _ n | n . Tuesday. T It..atri MV Julv llllv 1 16. MCCOrd’ , ! j,arKer ■ Larger q quarters In main • re- F irst N hunk Io tak e the u arters a are re ■ ■> the ........ serve two-year terms on the board of sew er bonds at tar. Bids were to |„g word received by I*°**t»n*,,**i qulred fOr poatofflce business, directors, and J. E. Stewart and Dr. be open a( the previous special meet- y rnnk 11. Ilaralln from W. Irving 1 ™ -v. will v_ This be provided hv by uslne using nart part W. C. Rebhan for one year. Other postm asterI (>f the , u rn | r » room ai d wltn o'-her Ing but none with received [Glover, third assistant members will cooperate with John The city recorder reported to the general. No reason wan given this i ! changes In the building. K etels in his multitudinous duties. .tnilirll that the city had Hens on >«v- bu. the usual reason assigned The 20 m em bers necessary for the eral pieces of property In Sprthgfleld the f»,.t that they are tax-free, WORK ON NEW DAM granting of the charter have been that were being pul up by the sheriff »„4 Interest high,—a rate of 4 Mi secured, and the formal chartering AT SAWMILL STARTS for sale next month for delinquent pero ,.pnt compounded semi-annually, will be done by District Governor taxes. The city 1« Interested to Rome mon'hs ago the sale was SU- LADIES CIVIC CLUB Harry Ca'-ahan of Yakima, W ashing Work was hegun on a new dam at BAND CONCERT WILL .« ■ __ n - a . « . Ill amount 47 In atreet n the west of the • th„ Booth-Kelly sawmill »mourn of Of »164* »1648 47 111 Fifth Flf, etn -’d apended «pended | In the states M’“' which — will TOMORROW EVENING PICNICKED ON TUESDAY ton at an evening banquet of the lo paving. 47 -------- In Mill street and »77 60 -------- Mls«ls-dpU thousand dollars' ILHWUKKMW cal Den Friday. August 1- Charter v. . »46 , ----- ---- river except In the roast a ! run ud Into several thousand dollars In Fifth Street macadam according to . u , „ of Washington. Oregon L OHl h<.for,, Us completion. The crew s, Members of —w the -------- ladie3' -------------- civic club - , night — of ---- the -- Lebanon Den Ss July — 2« ' The Springfield band will give a ----------- ------------------- > - v- - v_ 1 « . .1 _ _ J g— _ J « . V. l ’A n o r \lo n in the report of the recorder. Plans were California This « s s done at, tBe ! ‘ rkln_ un<1,.r , — he direction - »ctlon of of I con<i>rt tomorrow evening at the cor with their husbands and fam ilies at- and a _ number of local 1 Hons plan to banker* and bucine*» discussed to buy the properly In r«»qu a t u of the . i t th a t th e Interest i J°bn C. Parker, master mechanic at ncr of Foufth Ma|n atreetfli ac tended the civic club picnic on Tues- attend. The regular meeting time of sheriff sale to protect the city. ' mun J ‘ n.'n, t ’.cv could pay In 'he mill, who designed the dam. The rofdln)c lo Jphn c ,»arUer, band mast day afternoon In Hansen's auto p ark.,the local lions will be each Friday mm hlicbor i bi * i 4kcn I structure will be of timber anil built ar hank«! The hand will be stationed on a««4s»v4m enjoying basket tanelMa. lunches. Another Another nnnn noon. their ‘teal». an<l money The old dam Is now * pourth on the approach to the picnic will be held the second Tuesday The charter members are: J. C. MISS EDNA BUSHMAN being held offlco sfj as t<> be out Qf of next month. Following the din- ’ McMurray. William G. Hughes. Dai AND GRAHAM SMITH WED - a - way of traffic. Re hearsals are heln ncr several speeches were made. Has B Murphy. H Elmer Maxey, on eve f . Monday and Friday night Mayor Charles F. Egglmann spoke Jam“» E. S ’ewart W Henry Adrian, In the presence of 60 near relatives ' v ? ' r dinarily. In the ChrlBlian church. on civic affairs and the need of im-^W. C. Rebhan, S. Ralph Dippel. Job.« and friends, the marriage of Ml«« 1*1* The r,e«annt present ortniom concern r»f of (ho the hnn<1 band la provements for the city. Including a 1F. K e’els. W. F Wa'-ker. O. H. Jar J (‘Olid It Ions Hll‘1 th e low . tut 9 , »m»-. ns Mildred ltushman. only daughter to Interest alt those Interc 'ed in tak- trunk sewer sy s’em. Paul Brattaln rett. W. C. McLagan Julius Fulop, W. line with <M. - e policy a e-w a U r. accord,ng tot Mr., of Mr and Mra. O. O Bushman, and Graham B Smith of Eugene was held that of th e postal department la the Thl. new dam will he 1« f<*t hl».n, Ing up band music. A consignment o f , commented on the growth of Spring-,C. Wright, G. G. Bushman. C. Ivan at high noon on Saturday at the home withdrawal of ’ho 4>4 percent bonds „„d RO foot long The main atructure band music was received this morn- field since the days of his boyhood. ^Anderson, Harr , M. Stewart. Floyd of the bride's parents on W illamette be Secretary Of Treasury M. lion will be HO feet up and down stream. Ing It has been decided to support He likewise pointed out the poMlblli- C. W esterfield. John Henderer, Jame? A dirt fill 1« to be used It Is an,lei- the organization by public suhecrip-; ties of further development, and the! A. Pointer. heights. Rev. Haas. Methodist min-j Inking effect J “* liated tha, the work will take two tlon. All those Interested In helping advantages of an Irrigation system - ■ later of Eugene, officiated. th* cause along are to communicate through the valley. Rev. H. C. Ethel, FARMER KILLED WHEN montha to oomplste. The bride came down the stairway j W hltsell Funeral Monday. wllh John Wlnzenrled or Rev. J a m es; secretary of the chamber of com- on the arm of her father, passed over j TEAM RUNS AWAY a pninwsy „1 a green -— — — to ------------- of M” Addle W h ltsell.. Pointer of the Christian church. j merce. spoke on "A Bigger and Better Many Pay Fines. pathway of ferns the al i Th’' tar which was an Improvised garden wlie o f Thomas J Whl'aeU of E allL E. _ Little of Cottage Grove was fined _____________ :--------- ! Springfield.” Miss Osll Gray gave a Arthur Lindley, 59 ye.'.ts old, a Returned from W ashington—Mr. reading. About 30 persons attended. farmer living three m iles e a st of gate of latticework twin«! with IvF (-r„..k. w u held Monday. July 1« |n p;irln<tleW police court this vinca, sweet peas and ahaata dal»««. , ht. Walker chapel at 2:30 «clock I I ------- •orners. as were al- and Mrs. W. L. Danks and daughter Goshen near the Coast Fork bridge, w here the grm.m awaited ’h er and the th„ afternoon. Re» Ja"V*' ’ t’,"‘ * !„„ j „ m w Donovan of Bend. P. M. June returned Tuesday from Ridge Stage Dr ver fined. .died last evening at 8:20 o clo ck of ceremony took place. liecoratlons p, B.„r of the Christian church, offl Johnson of Bellingham. Washington, field, Washington, where they spent On a charge of overloading his injuries received while at work In Ms " M Mc- three days visiting Lewis Tale, br>, stage G. E EdwanL., stage driver be- « eld raking hay. He was r klng were sweet cl» , „ I C II Bluaslnger of Noth U throughout the house bride’s nt the The bride's Mr„ W hltsell died a, th e I P a r clflc, It c • EiiRwni> E j it(,bert«on of ther of Mrs. Danks, who Is III. John tween Oakridge and Eugene, has been down hill when the ’n> *• pens, da, »as and ferns fern vs ; little Muy Elton vhrlstlun hospital In Eugene. July 1 I llo rlty. and M M. Monroe of T ale of Otikrldge s’op >ed overnight fined »10 In Judge Wells' Justice frightening the horses The team ran eniy attendant rer girl She w«« «3 y ears old Best es <r # M s,hew s was fined »2 with the Danks family and went on court. He pleaded guilty. S. J. Pal- away, trampling Mr. LlndleU who had Shriver, the flower « »(tirisi In a lavln husband, sh e Is survived by 11 ‘ tu i-| for ; passing # a Mr^ ( fBr street car wh„ while e lt I, was was to R llgpfleld yesterday morning to in lk of near il-rin g feld . was lined been thrown off. The rake passed The bride was unloading passengers, D C. Corbett visit his brother. ,5 for leaving his car on the Pacific over his body. The accident occurred z tw n traveling dress of crepe-back dren satin with hat to match snd a cor- Interment was In I-surel ceme ry. o of , Eugene »3 for aobut 3:30 o'clock In the afternoon. Visiting YiL'< - Florence io> u driving - '- . - e without a visiting Parents— ram n-,5—.»u . highway pavur.en* Several ribs were broken and one lung driver's license, and Guy W hitley »10 Cofftn of i<ortiand Is spending her sage bouquet of sweet pen« and lilies • ■ z » • V. 1 •« x x l f f ip 111 “ a . • X _ . _ _______ „ Taa .1 av-^ as <4 Wendling Boy Dies. for speeding Others < fined for <‘ cut pierced, it wa3 found- , the valley. Little Miss Shriver i vacation with her parents. Judge and of Here from Cottage Grove— Mr. and Mr Llndlev was born In W isconsin. ore a ruffle«! dress of pink organdie j Glenn H Knowler. 16 ye«r old son ting corners were C. T. Jones of Eu Mrs. J. W. Coffin. She arrived yes and carried a basket of pink sw eet of Mr and Mrs J R Knowler of gene. C. Caryull of Minnesota, and terday and will be In Springfield Mrs. Tom Alien, son Alfred, ana but ha(1 n red for the last 30 years . . X- A V Virginia «: 1 t, — lai»z\d O, v/-vm<x on his . . farm - — T H T — daughter visited at iho the V home near _ xw Goshen. e . in Is as««*. sur Wendllng. died at the home of his F. C. Groakopp of California, each »6. about 10 days. peAN. of Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Mortensen and vived by his wife, six sons, two daugh i-rncvuing wo- ................ Preceding the ceremony Mlos Fa- parents on Tuesday, July 16- Burial on > on,,,,»... Sunday. In and roree three sisier». sisters. The sons —- are Mrs. Breeding of Coburg was oper- family lamny »■ ... the — afternoon ----------- ters. ana i villa Welk. cousin of the bride, sang wtll he held In the Marco,a Mrs Ella Dole of Minerva was ad ••At Dawning." and "Because." The ,,rA on prlduy afternoon at 2:?0 mitted to tihe Springfield hospital Sai ated upon Tuesday evening In tht , the two fam ilies enjoyed a swim ming Haro](i of Portland. Howard. Arthur, i v e « at Springfield hospital. I party on the Mohawk river.__________¡Robert, ¡Robert, Dale Dale and and Jasper, Jasper, who who l live Lohengrin wedding march was played (,.clo(.k K(,v. l . Bailey, Methodist urday. ___ __________ home. The two daughters, Margaret by Mrs Arthur Bushman Irnmedl Kplw.opB| minister, officiating . ru s m u d _ J _ ik n and Mary May. also live at home. Survivors Include the lad’s parents, ately after ,h e service n was read M a The sisters are Mrs. Ida Carver ot and i»n". Mrs Knowler, one threccourse ire»« < G inw w wedding -.x«sssn breakfast ................. was Mr nu«i ---- bro’her, Minnesota. Mrs. Lewis Bert of W is ,.irved by Misses Aldus Anderson, LI , Knr, Knowler of Wendllng. and one consin. and Miss Mary Lindley of Eu * ( In McMurphy and Mamie Graham, in Mrs. Vornot, Lonsday of Eu- gene. The brother^ are Newton Lind tlmate friends of the bride. j gen«. Glenn Knowler had been an ley of Jasper, and Alfonso Lindley oi Gut of town guests were Judge and ; (nvnlld since his infancy when he was Wisconsin. Mrs Robert Tucker of Portland. Mr | M|r|eken with Infantile parolysls. He belonged to the Woodmen of the ------------------ — and Mr» O. H. Fllhlnn of Portland. World at Jasper. The body is at the Mr and Mrs. I A. Welk and fa m ily ' Will Grade Highway, Walker chapel, from where the fun or Walla Wnlla. Waahlugton. and Mr. M. Kenzie river eral announcement will be made later. Hlgreu of Junelion (’By. | th„ WRhway tbe nnd Mr" A Mrs. Smith Is s member of the i l»c« graded and mnradamlzcd Fined for Deer Meat. All 'i I bi ororlty »I the I’nlverslty r,,f’k to n pctliton received by E lm an Brooks, of Sw isshom e. was w here «ho atten d ed for ¡ nccordlng of Grrg.jn count» court. They ask that the fined »50 in ju stice court in E ugene two years She wi i » m em ber of tbo lb road he Improved by the district su W ednesday fo r the enssi s ion of deer is of ‘ 24. Mr Sm ith g rad u a,'; I | rn no, and porvisor. C.harlcs Nr m eat. .Tack W ells of th e sam e place icturr eh •sltir hl dv t'l fr *om Iho cooperation with tht »tele, A , p |,l eooet" was acquitted on Iho charg e of pOS- In IB, R Hi belong the vied hv h as been ,c hual- mill , ssion of a doe. ■ ,s ns fraternity, dl »4805 Is » vullable for W aiving exam ination before Jus- E’ir te nr trie’ th .1. H urrah n rfent Inn of the Peace, W ei's P ease w as I th h T h ’ i o u |d e hound over to th e grand ju.t on $300 ■ frier to theh N;w Pum ping Plant Installed ball a. two v C harles King w II, florist of W( s, n. c. mid Vh orb Springfield, lias Instnllod n unique Pieknlcked at Resort. w ater spraying and F airbanks pum p Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Donaldson. Ira Give« Blrthdny Party. ing p lan t in his greenhouse The sy s Nice and Mr. and Mrs. John Vaughn tem of spraying Iho flow ers m akes of Springfield, and Ransome Miller The birthday ofiGswnld M. Olson on the i-a’llng. "It ain ’t going to rain no and family of Eugene went to the ,iu v |6 whs the occnnlon of n dinner m ore" a Joke to Mr Klngswell. E. Dillard resort on the Coast Fork riv party given by hl» mo’li r. Mrs. l.lii E. Blossom and W L. M cFarland of er Sunday where they enjoyed a pic ma Olaon al their ’.mine Noon, gii” west Springfield ’h ave also Installed nic dinner. were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. I.m shei F airb an k s pum ping system s, placed rv and children. Bruce Jr., Maxine nnd hv F. .1. 0 rimes Seeks to Collect Wages. I’hyllla. Al the fi o’clock dinner Curl A suit to collect money alleged Obon nnd Mr. and Mrs. Rlley Snod Left on Trip Mrs. Dallas Murphy due In wages has been filed In cir grass and daughter. Maxine, were ad In company with her mother. Mrs. II. cuit court against the Camas Lumber ditional gunsts. Decorations were T. Mitchell, and friend, Mias Jennette company. L. E. Mathews filed the largo bouquets of gladlolas. A lnrge W lllgerodt of Vn, -rise, left Tuesday birthday enko was served In honor of suit. on a trip to A bland where they will Mathews seek s »1S7.50 for hlm sslf, the occasion. visit r d a ’lvoe "d friends. They will »191.60 for Vern Mathews^ »36.10 for go bu way o' ie Oregon caves, arid Leaving for Portland— C I- Chase Guy Mathews. »54 for M M KlmbAll. <f Crater Lake. Mrs. and family arn moving to Portland to ndurn by w »60 for Bob Baughman. »35 for lev'ng r Mitchel, are form morrow. where Mr. Chase has accept Murphy and Crow. »35 for Al Higgins. »180.42 for er residents , ' .'»ehland. Mr. Murphv ed a position In the automobile bust Will Holman. »8M.74 for L. D. Mil news. Their household effects were plana to Jolj t* em lator In Ashland ler and » tor We* N eat «old yesterday They hare lived In and motor bom« with them. They aprtogflehl fo r 1 the pas, 14» montta will b« gone 10 d*ys. Ordinance Passed by Council Th« lain« County Farmer« union will Improvement now Underway; Ha.urd.y in the K _ __ «’hanibnr of Commerce Thia 1» the Buys Sewer Bank Buvs ri-gular quarterly meeting of ,ho coun- from City. 4 1 union and delegates will be pros- m tv AN Ol .Y1V1P1C ON OUR HOME GROUNDS