Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1924)
THURSDAY, JULY Coming from Walla Walla— Mr and Hera tram Thurston—Helen Her Injured In Dive—William Lightfoot Mr» J A Walk, »on INIIp and was in town thia week to have three bert of Thurston was a Springfield 'daughter Barilla are expected to ar «(Itches taken In his head »h ere he visitor yesterday. rive from Walla Wails. Washington was injured July 4 diving Into the Left for Springe— Mr. and Mrs Ar today to »pend a week »• •He O- <! Mohawk r iv r . At Newport—Mr and Mrs T. J thur L, Roberts and >Mr. Roberts' Hush man home. Here from J»*p*r— Mrs. Morris Went to Mareola— F G Lewis, trav brother. Karl Roberta, left yesterday H ills was In town from Jasper Mon Maxwell are spending a few .lavs at O oing Io C r a la r L a k e — M r and Mrs Newport. They will soon return to eling passenger agent for the South afternoon for Belknap springs to he day. ern l*adflc railway company went to gone for a few day». The men will Italih L- Kalliwh of Oakland, Calif their home in Chase Harden <. 'orula passed through Bpiliigfleld thi» Visited Mother—Fred Lemly of Mareola ou a business trip yester do surveying work there. Miss Herrick Here— Miss Gertrude ' week on their way to Crater l«ake Portland spent the Fourth in Spring- day. Herrick of Port'and visited in Spring To Submit to Operation Mrs. Lord Mr» Kalloeh was form eil Ml-« N»l field where he Halted his mother. fh ld over ’he Fourth as a guest of j House Progressing— Work on the of Pleasant HtU wa< taken to the lie William» of Eugene. Oregon A Went to Lebanon—Mr. and Mrs. A. Miss Alice Mortensen. Il W McKinnon residence in W illam Goshen hospital yesterday where »he W William», father of Mr« Kalloeh. C. Wilson went to Lebanon yesterday ette heigh!» »» going forward. The will undergo an operation In a ilA* j Is making the trip with them Visited Aunt—Mias Dorothy Abeen morning and will return this evening. rafters are now up. or so. visited with her aunt. Mrs. Ronald R e tu rn e d fro m Coast— John llu»!»- Visited from Mabie— Mr. and Mrs. Roberts during the past week She Here on Busineaa— E E. Hartung, Painting Floor—The cement floor - man returned Monday from Beasido Paris of Mabie visited Mrs. l'aris. is from Collage Grove. of the retail department of the Booth of the engine room of the local plant sister Mrs O. H. Jarrett and family Kelly lumber company in Eugene was of the Mountain Stales Power com where he had been since Thursday Here from Albany— Mr'-. Homer over the Fourth. In Springfield vlul’lng the local saw pany 1» receiving a roat of gray to spend the Fourth of July and Davis and children. Bobble and Nan-, th,» week end. He went In company mill on business yesterday. Fractured Arm—Fred Torbet, son cy, of Albany visited with rela tiv es, paint. Il will he finished next week : with Waller llem i ev of Eugene. Mr. o f Mr. and Mrs. J K. Torbet fractured here in Springfield over July 4. Goinf to Springs— Mr. an I Mrs B. land Mrs, II B. Bushman spent the Received Shipments—The t’arholl his arm in a fall Monday evening A. Wa,hburne and daughter Mrs. lie!- Fourth uear lai Grande on the lake Visited at Bryan Home— Miss Etta neum Wood Preserving company re III at Home— Mrs. D. W McKinnon Davis of near Thurston visited Mon en Martin of San Francisco. Califor ceived a carload of creosote from the side has been I’-l at her home on south day at the home of Mrs. Maul T. nia. are leaving Saturday eventng tor east ihis morning, and a car of poles Fob»* Springs. They will return by, Third street for the past week Traffic Finos. , Bryan and daughter Crystal Bryan way of McKentle Pass, arriving in from Collage Grove. Rented House— The Earl Parr fam Here from Portland— George Down- Springfield about Sunday evening Railroad Man Here—-G II Web N. Malarkey ot Portland paid a Ily has rented the property owned e.', Portland representative of the j ster. traveling frelgh1 and passenger *10 fine tor speeding In Springfield Attending Convention—John F. Ket- by Mrs. Milton Fenwick on E street Simons Saw and Steel oempanv was! el», local druggist, la attending the agent for the Chicago Milwaukie ami this week, as did C. H Causlin ot between Third and Fourth. a business vistor Wednesday at the state convention tor men of his pro St Paul railroad was here this morn Minnesota, and V. C Faust J C. Mel tils headquarter» are in Port Traded Property—Charles Wilts« I Booth Keelly sawmill. fession at the Eugene chamebr of lug on psld s fine of ,5 for peslng ihe h as traded his Marcela property for' Here from Corvallis— Mr and Mrs. commerce rooms yesterday and to land. street Intersections at a faster rate som e land at Springfield Junction. Jess Seavey and familv came from day. Building Home— The Thorwald Ny- than 13 mite» per hour. Huns Olson Back from Myrtle Point— Miss Paul Corvallis for the Fourth of July cele Stan house 1« well underway, and is paid a ff> fine for driving with an Left for Loa Angtlea— Dr and Mrs in e Driscoll returned Sunday after bration. leaving again on Sunday for improper license plate Eugene Kester left Sunday for Los now being plastered SDending Saturday and Sundry at their hop ranch there. Angeles. California, where they will Myrtle Point. Visited Sen—Mr. Ebby of Dallas spend two weeks while the doctor Here from Portland— Robert and visited his son. Harrison Ebby of the does some special scientific study of Jerry VanValxah are Halting In Mountain Slates Power company this the stomach. Springfield from Portland, having ar week on his way to Belknap springs On Vacation— T C. Johtuon left rived here Tuesday niSht. They j to spend a month. today for Portland and Seattle where have Jnat graduated from the North weeks. His . Here from California— Mr and Mrs he will spend three Pacific School of Dentistry. Joe Talllferro and son of Alemeda. daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs Hauled Lumber— James Anderson, California, former Springfield reel R L. Lovelace of Roseburg arrived truck driver for the Booth-Keily lum dents, have been visiting In Eugene last night and went on to Coburg and ber com pan v, hauled a truck-load ot and Springfield during the past week. Albany. lumber from the local eawmill to ' Visits Parent»—Mrs. H e in Martin Left for Washington—Mrc O. Hoff, Santa Clara Tuesday of San Francisco. California, arrived who has been visiting in Springfield Inspecting Lumber— A. Anderson, Monday night on the Shasta for a visit for ten days at the home of her Inspector for the Nicolai Door Manu with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. daughter. Mrs Jivhn Tomseth. left facturing company of Portland, was Washbume of Springfield. Wednesday for Seattle to spend a a visitor at the Booth Kelly sawmill week: ahe plans to go from Seattle Situated in Marshfield— Friends of Tuesday, looking over a carload of to her home In Spokane. the Lafe Moore family will be inter lumber ested to know that they are pleas- ’ Portland Resident Here— Mr. and Here from Portland— Mrs. Myrtle antly situated at Marshfield at 715 Mrs. Clarence Green. Mr. Green's mo Palmerton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs South Broadway They are enjoying ther. Mrs. May Green, and his bro lohn Richter, was down from Port the climate o f the coast city to the ther. Howard Green all of Portland and over the Fourth visiting her par- fullest. • stopped over the week end at the mts. To Hold Dane«— The American Le home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J Lep-! Returned from Florence— Mr. and gion post will hold a public dance I f on th lr way home from a busi Krs F J. Grimes and Miss Osil Gray from 9 to 12 o'clock Saturday night ness trip to Aahland They were a c -1 vent to Florence to spend the Fourth in their open air pavilion back of the companied to Portland by Mis« Jennie >f July on the coast. The,- returned Post Office. Clayton Barber, chair Hoi verson of Springfield. o Springfield Sunday evening. man of the dance committee, promises Miss Hallin Here— Misa Dorothy | good music for the event. Went on Picnic—Mias E lsie Wed- Hallln came Saturday evening from Il«, Mrs. M L. Bttoy and sons Har- Guests at Parker Home— Mr and Bridal Veil where she visited rela and and Wilbur Dean Buoy of Eu- Mrs. W. E. Hoidredge and daughter. tive« and friends on her way from !«ne. and Chloe Woolley went on a Faith, of Dexter visited with Mrs. Chehalis to make her home with her iwimming party on the soil'll fork of Hoidredge's brother John C. Parker parents at Wewtfir. While here she h e W illamette river on July 4 and family over the Fourth. Other visited with her aunt. Mrs. Emma guests at the Parker home were Mr». Olson and cousin. Oswald M. Olson. Motored to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb of Eugene and Mrs. Ralde- Mrs. Obon accompanied her to West-1 Ichn Oliver motored to Portland yes- baugh and two daughters of Santa! fir. Miss Hallin will be a senior In erday afternoon. They will also vis- Eugene high school next year. Clara. t at Tillamook. They will return Sun- lay evening. Leaving on Trip—O. B Keeeey. I Returned from Trip—Clayton Bar Hugo Sandgathe, Forest Fritts and ber returned from Bend monday morn Here for Fourth—Mr and Mrs. Glen E. E. Morrison are leaving Saturday Ing accompanied b< his mother. Mrs. Mtto of Coquille were her to spend to 3pend eight days in the mountain« H. L. Barber of Bend. They came he Fourth and the week-end at the With four saddle Jiorses and .two by way of The Dalles. While at lome of Mr. Ditto’s parents. Mr. and pack horses they will go up the south Bend Mr. Barber went on a fishing Mrs. Gecrge A. Ditto. Miss Dorothy trip on the Fourth of July with hla Mtto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. • fork of the McKenzie river to Fra- zell's crossing, on to Box Canyon ran parents, with his brother and wife, Seorge Ditto, was home from Mon- ger station, to Irma Bell lakes and Mr. and Mrs. Thad Barber of Wend- noutb for the occasion as was their H o n e lake and back i*d way of lltig. and Mrs. Thad Barber's parents. laughter. Mrs. Delbert Bucknum. Mr Horse creek to Foley springs. They Mr. and Mrs. Chris Caspers of Eu Sutknum and son Earl will sptnd the expect to spend some tim e fishing. gene. Forty five fieh were caught. «reek at the George Ditto home. TOWN AND V IC IN ITY 10, DELIVERING BIG STICK IS MILL'S PROBLEM Delivering lumber 42 feel long 1« a problem |u*»llng F M. Oaeden, In charge of lh«’ deliveries of lumber naiss of Ihe Booth Kelly lumber com pany. The slick 1« II by 14 Inches by 43 feel, ordered through the Eu gene office The mill crew will ex perience little difficulty In culling th» slick, since >he local mill Is equipped Io handle (hose up to 74 feel in length llul gellin g It io Eugene 1« the pres ent worry. Il Is thought probable *hal <’. K. Grimes, driver for the company, will take Ihe lumber over Io Eugene on Ihe lilg (•»chard truck In Ihe wee hours of (he morning when traffic should he tightest. Civic Club to Rlenlo. The laxlle«' Civic club held Ihelr last inoellng of the year In ihe chain her of commerce room aai M o'clock Tuesday evening Mrs. Maude T. li t *an. irtd d a n t. presided Plans were made for a picnic to lie held for the member» and Ihelr fam ilies on Tuesday. July IS, The affair will be a 4 o'clock dinner, and all mem hers are a*ked to lie present and lake a basket lunch. A program will he given at that time The meeting was adournad until thn second Tuesday In October. 1 - Open Air Dance Every Saturday Night Commencing July 12 Auspices Springfield Post American Legion Fine Big Floor Good Orchestra Announcement We have purchased the stock of the Wilson Variety Store on Main Street and many people have asked us to continue its operations. This we decided to do for a time and if the people of Springfield will support a variety store we will PUT IN A FIRST CLASS STORE FOR YOU. Our prices are always the lowest and we can save you money. It may take a little time to build up a complete stock but any items you may call for will be stocked as soon as the demand appears. Lets go! We will give you a real store—Will you support it? BELL Theatre FRIDAY-SATURDAY “ West of the Water Tower” Comedy and News. SUNDAY ONLY Fred Thomson • In “The Silent Stran- ger Two reel comedy— ‘‘A Good Scout." WEDNESDAY “ THE PURPLE HIGHW AY” and Last tw o episddes of “ In the Days of B uffalo Bill ANYW HERE You and the family can visit Portland at surprisingly small expense. Take advantage o f Southern Pacific season tickets. Sold any day; 15 days stopover privilege. W eek-end fares arc still lower. Start Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Its comfort, safety, and convenience, make Southern Pacific service worth more to you than any other form o f transportation. SATURDAY ONLY Good grade Aluminum 10 8 2 2 Qt. Qt. Qt. Qt. Dish P«n Covered Kettle Percolator Rice Boiler 89c 89c 89c 89c For fu ll ir. formation atk any Southern Pacific Agent SoiiiMicrn Pacific C. OI SON, Local Agent Phone 65 1»24. Several Surprise Specials, drop in and get yours. HILL’S ECONOMY STORE