Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1924)
THPKMDAV, JULY 19, 1K24. T U B S P R IN G F IE LD NEWS ClassifiedAdvertisements • ■ " w hat you w an t to to ll, buy w hat you w ant to buy through thooo column«. W rits or phono T W O F o il It E N T 360 »eras eroin land. 3 LO H T— N e a r Goshen a 4-y«ar old tulina aouthnaat of Junction City ! girls' coat. H a rry Chase, Hue**n« Jos*« Hovvrn*. M otor Koutn H. Phone 20F2. J lu 17 F I'R N IH H K D apartm cflto and rooms F I R N IB IlE D A partm eata and rooms for rent by day or m aalit. E lit» Ho for rent by day or month. K ilta I tel. 307 M ain >treat. tf. llo t« l. 2rd and M ain atroot. U I PAGE FIVE JU LY 4TH C ELEBR ATIO N NEWS ITEMS | Qf SPECIAL INTEREST success financially | u REGON fContlnued from page one, M, T. Collins. mlac expense»... Cash, for hanging f la g s _____ Cash, poet dated check...... ....... W illam ette V a lle y T ra n s fe r freigh t ................ .... .................... Coppem oll, to r ring wholesale 3 60 1 so grief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for 2.66 i Our Readers. 1« the ca««« of 126 paraosa arraateS tor alleged violation of prohlblttoa laws of the state In Multnomah coun- ; ty during tbe first six months of 1924, the office of D istrict Attorney M yera i baa obtained 102 convictions. Ram A. Koser. secretary of atate, and Carl Gabrlelson, at the bead of th e state m otor vehicle departm ent, le ft Salem Monday for Salt Lake C ity to attend the annual convention of secre taries of state, state auditors and tra ffic departm ent officials. 90.00 ! M. T. Collins, account show 60.00 T h e state tra in in g school for boy» at Am erican Express, on tickets 70S C A I.I. Klv raid« Italr)* fo r pur« J e r Cash, cloth on signs 2 04 Salem now baa th« largest population V ielt at Oriacoll Home— M arie Reduction In the number of fa ta ll- 00 In its history, 179. Jas Capps. labor on floor ...... sey m ilk and C r am . Phone 34Y3 W eakly left Tueaday for h e r home a t ' les In automobile accidents in Port- A total of 888.846.20 was turned Ralph Sweeney, labor floor il r u M y rtle Point a fte r u month'a visit at 15 00 anil from three in May. 1923. to ona K ra tt, signs on shown .............. 6,Oo over to the state treasurer by tbe state the Him Driscoll home, Mrs, G arris- ! n May, 1924 and from three in June, j, land departm ent during June. ( ' L. H a n ie n . mlac. expenses.... atm. slater of M m. Driscoll, in coin- ; 923. to none In June 1924, Is one of M. T . Collins, taxi, telegram s 5.35 A »even- electrical storm struck In he best records made in any c ity o f l«nle<| by her th ree children, la le a v -. O. Dean, light poles „................ 2.59 tbe vicinity of Coquille and Marshfield he U nited States, it is said. Ina the Urlaceli home thia week to re j IIO I H E I i n i . i l furnl lu re Wednesday, 26 oo and set four or five tim b er fires. W. Kenton, advance on m u sic. turn to Ogdon. I'ta h M r and Mra. j T he St. Helens Wood Products com July 14. at 1414 Eaat M ain atreet. Jack Hleuer, sign on s tre e t..... 8.75 j T b e M ilton Box factory which was Olga Slraahun. 17, of Cm cinrj.ti, O., M ilton W h l’ e of Oaden. arrived last J pany has been organized at St. Helens Aa I aiu leaving town I find It nee- Jakle Ralston, labor on lot. „ 1100 destroyed by fire sbout four weeks with a capital stock of 825.UOO aad week to vlalt at the Urlat oli home. > IS till ie greatest girl athlete in her m aary to dispose of a ll m y furnl state hl dir is chsmpion in swimming, Shefler. advance H u la abow 20 00 , ago. w ill resume work im m ediately. Mra W h ite la also »winter of M ra. j will Im m ediately begin construction e f hockey, tennis, shooting, base tkball '¡J. Anderson, acct. at show __ tu re F u rn itu re b In firs t chwn con 22.90 j One of the oldest women in Oregon the firs t unit of a factory to mai/u- Drlaooll. and sprinta She also does fancy dition and Itkn new Follow ing la a H. F. Rand, labor on lo t___ _ 4.00. Is Mrs. Harsh H elm lch of Albany, who facture broom bandies, mop and brush dancing and is editor of her college Hat; M. Troeper, camp d a n c e r.___ 8.20 celebrated ber 101st birthday July 4. handles and other wood products. paper W ant to Coburg— T h e ladle« of the Ivory bedroom suit»—dresser, J. Trosper. camp d a n c e r... .....„ 7.50 Building perm its issued In Eugene J. C. Pruitxer. assistant to Dr. E l Springfield Pino Needle clrol« went ‘ dreaaer table, dreaaer c h a ir and I-«on a Shepherd, camp dancer 6.80 during the month of June totaled 8207,- wood Meade, director of reclam ation, bed w ith tig e r ro ll apriugu. oHk Booa' •» <'«burg Tueaday afternoon to vlalt C A L L A N U F E E Di N. W . Em ery Fay Cameron, camp d a n c e r__ 4 00 900 In estim ated cost of construction. w ill make an Intensive study of the tho circle there. mattress i a •» . on prices on plate and other work, tt O tto Russell, camp dancer____ 6.20 Chiropractors from all sections of m arketing conditions on the govern Golden oak dining room set— Ex j Betty Cameron, camp dancer ... 3.10 tha northw est w ill meet in Portland ment irrigation projects In this atate N O T IC E OF tenolnn table and ala leather soat IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E Birdie Blue, camp dancer 6.60 Thursday for th e ir annual coaventlon. w ith the Idea of assisting to solve F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T . S T A T E O F O R E G O N FO R L A N E F. O. Bethel, advance on labor 1000 chairs and buffet w ith block m ir In the m onth of June 26 building some problems of fanners on the pro N O T IC E Is hereby given that the . C O I'N T Y . ro r Now heating atove. A. Johnson. dlgfng pit 7.50 perm its w ere Issued in Astoria, repre ject«. undersigned, adm inistrator de bonis j ' p. N. Hnydor and M a ttle Snyder, F. C. Noland. 78 per cent show 29 50 Living room --Golden oak library According to a statem ent made by non of (he Estate o f John E Innls, ‘ P lain tiffs, senting a construction value of 8170,- J. Anderson, athletic s h o w ...... tabla, podlatnl stand, throe gulden deceased, has filed his F in al Aeount I va. 16.00 825. A. A. Bixby, president of the Hodson oak rockers w ith uphulotered seats, In said Estate w ith tho C ounty: W illia m L. Gordon. T h e F irs t Na- J Shefler, cut H aw aiin show .. 86.55 Lum ber shipments from St. Helens Bay Cream ery company, 1500 d airy Jack W illia m s . B a l l y ________ window drapes and non-aag certain Court of tho S ta te of Oregon for L a n « tk > n a l bank. Eugene. O regon; 6 00 for the week ending June 28 amount cows have been tested for tuberculosis County and the said Court has set ttonal bank. Eugene, Oregon, The I. B. Dugan, music...................... bars. 15.32 ed to 1,500.066 feet, the largest for any in tbe vicin ity of M ilto n -F re ew a te r en d Monday, th e 4th day of Aoguut. 1924 Bank of Commerce, Eugene, Oregon; E. W . Knapp, music____ ____ 30.82 K itch en — I clock. Jewel 3-burner at Ten o'clock A. M aa the tim e, and the Hudson Bay d is tric t w ith in th e w eek this year. and James A lb ert, Defendants: Booth-Kelley, lum ber . . _______ 523.37 oil stove, o n * brnakfast table, on« Mie county Courtroom bi the County laat tw o weeks w ith but three r e U n ive rs ity of Oregon summer term T O W IL L IA M L. G O R D O N , Defend- W righ t A Son. hardw are........... 26.34 kitchen treasure. Inlaid Iln o lM m . Courthouse at Enftene, Oregon, aa the actors. registration has broken the record S T A T E I Headerer, electric ___________ »no now rongoloum rug 7x9. one pta. r tor t h . hearing of said F in a l ¡» » t: 57.00 It Is reported th a t the dam a t th e Account A ll person having ob)«c IN T H E N A M E O F T H E w ith 883 enrolled Is tha Portland and SO gallon oil drum, com plete kit lions to said F in a l Account or any par - O F O R E G O N : You are hereby re ; J - Troaper. cam p---------------------- F u ll R iv e r fish katcksry near Lagtase Eugene sessions. rben w ar« not. one sot dtahoa. gar tlcta’a r Item th ereo f are hereby n o tl-, ou'red te appear and answ er the com -: M Troaper. camp......... _ .............. has gone out. It Is thought that about Customs houss collections at P o rt den loots and o ther miscellaneous fled to file lb * M m « w ith the County plaint herein w ith in a l l ween» *yol,‘ . W . R. Denny, d in tin g p it.......... a m illio n and a h a lf tro u t fry of th is c le rk of M id c o u n « .|o o or before the Hie flra t pubUcatlon hereof. • “ « « „ shepherd ram n land for the year ending Jane 30 article«. epring's hatch. Intended for p lanting .a id l l t h day of August. 1924. a t Ten > « i » •" “ * P P ~ r ° r “ new er the «nepnem . ram p amounted to 31.164.142, m arking a new Term s: Cash or bankable notes. o'clock. A M. E lite Hotel. rooms for actors . la the lakes aad springs of c e n tra l p la in tiffs w ill apply to the court for record for tha d istrict. C. L. Chase, ow ner. J. K . G reer. Dated tbb> 10th day of July, 1324. “ >• «*Ma»T therein prayed for. to w it: Spong Hotel, rooms tor actors.. Oregon this fall, were washed in to th e • T h e stage men of tha state of O re WM F W ALKER A d m in istrato r r° r * decree that the amount dug by Betty Cameron, transportation Auctioneer Deschutes when the dam gave w ay. r* ( H ill's store, glass and buckets gon w ill bold s tw o days' ooawent Ion Hale starts at 1:30 P. M prom ptly de bonis non ot the eetale of John E • « • r u i n e d • * * Dale A rth u r, Robbie Burns and W - hint» <le<e«se<l sons claim ing by. through or under at th e new Stage T erm in a l hotel In at 1414 East Main street a t 17th Inni», (loceaaed you be forever barred and foreclosed10 . Roeaell. transportation A. Anderson, convicts, escaped fro m G O R D O N S. W E L L S . at., H m ile eust pavem ent on Me- 8 î. C la ir, expense of g irls .... 16.00 Eugene July • and 16. ae of strict foreclosure from a ll right. - H. — the state penitentiary at Salem w h ile Attorney fo r A dm inistrator. C ranberry marshes e f Clatsop coon- being returned to tbe prison from th e K a o ile . J1 10- 2.50 J-10-17 24-31-A7.1 title and Interest under and by virtue O. Cleveland, labor on floor I of th a t certain ljxnd Hale Contract Birdie Blue, (am p. fare ex. ____ 8.00 ty are now In fu ll bloom and give brickyard where they had been em • ntered Into on the 20th da» of June. promise of the heaviest crop ever ployed. P h illip Forester, also involved '1923 U , F ran k E. B la ir and wlfo A l Dave Stew art, music .................. 16.30 1.50 grown la that section. in the break, was captured by guards ice E. Blair, vendors to you as ven- T erm in a l T axi, hauling music dee and In and to the follow ing de» Fay Cameron, trans, eating An up-to-date hydraulic gold-mining a fte r being pursued for app ro xim ately 6 25 crlbed land and premises in Lane W . Kenton, 6 piece orchestra . 229 00 plant w ill be installed near Foster on I six blocks. C o n tra ctin g and B u ilding Couniv. Oregon, to-w it: . W. F. W A LK E R 5 86 the South Santiam riv e r by a com T he E H of N E W Sec. 19 T w p. 19 I ' * ona Shepherd, camp work Aa a result of the severe drouth fir Plans and Estim ates Furnished 6.75 pany of Albany capitalists. South, Range l Eaat containing 80 M Troaper, camp w o rk .............. various sections of eastern Oregon F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R Free. W ill Help You Finance acres of land. Also lots 1 containing J. Troaper. camp work .............. T be 8506.006 bond Issue for an audi during the past few months th e re 7.60 Y o u r Building. F u ll Auto Equlp'oent 59.27 acres, M 2 containing 3S.10 ( T De Fahro<l carap w ork __ 3 00 torium to be erected on tbe campus of probably w ill be a noticeable decrease CEO. W. PER KIN S acres, lot 3 containing 11.78 acre« and « M e w ,« music 32.50 the U n iversity of Oregon carried at In the number of tro u t in many of th e W . O. W . block lo t 4 containing 27 acre«, a ll in Sec. 19 S tew art, music C orner 5th and D streets streams in that section of the state, T w p 19 South. Range 1 East of W il H H .w a M .n show 67.85 a special election In Eugene. O ffice Phone M Rea Phone 4I-J S pringfield, Oregon lunw tte M eridian, contalng In all ’ J Anderson, cut ath le tic show 50 10 T h e forest fire situation in Oregon according to the m onthly report of th e state game warden filed w ith Gov 1214.16 acre», excepting therefrom 40 F ,o Bethel, work camp show 20.00 is not serious at the present tim e, de s ire s conveyed lo W arren D. ( a rte r w j f^ p ip y , labor dance floor 71 06 spite the continued dry spell, aecord- ernor Pierce. DR. N. W. EM ERY ¡by deed page 298 Vol 86. also ex dan<.p .......... 2.66 Ing to F. A. E llio tt, state forester. Four in itia tiv e measures, one re fe r Call 1 ceptlng therefrom 12.32 acre« c«n- O B N T IS T 1 veyed to Joshua Caln by deed record- Foster, night watchman 20 00 Ending the long drouth and at the endum and three constitutional am end SU TTO N TR AN SFER Sutton Bldg. Phons 20-J i-d page 312 Vol. 86, also excepting Springfield Band, m usic...... — 135.60 same tim e offering tem porary relief ments referred to the voters by the therefrom about six acre» conveyed M rg p fc, Hansen, four cashiers from the heat wave, two-tenths of an 1923 legislature w ill be on the ballot R esiden ce Phone 163 M Phone 57 to 8. P. company for coonty road 80.00 inch of rain fell In 12 minutes at Bend. a t tbe general election in Novem ber, R ' j^irpoee«. by di ed Vol. 85, page 2 0 1 1 ..... . ...... S p rin g fie ld , O reg o n 20 Receipts at the Salem postoffice dur- is announced by the secretary of s ta t e and 202, and excepting (her fro m ( , u’ rd. n rln tln g adv. all land u»>-d for rallri-ad purpoees. H B Freeland, streetbanner 3160 |ug the q uarter ending June 30 were T he tim e for filing completed petitions : right of way and depot ground« as Register Pub. adv.................. 4 2n 845,240.27, or approxim ately 82000 for in itia tiv e measures expired a t 5 GEO,. N. M oL E A N I »hown by deeds o f records, all atirh S i n r l , & W ash., nv-at SHOE R E PAIR IN G w s. 34 34 more than at the same period of 1923. o'clock Thursday. deeds of record In Lane County. Ore- W ork P rom ptly and Automobile. F ire and L ife 40 60 T h e port of Astoria has Just closed' gon. and containing herein to be con- Holverson Bros., meat About fifteen rafts, of half a m illion IN S U R A N C E C arefully Done 1.75 feet of spruce each, w ill be brought to I Its most successful year in the hand .veyed 117 scree of laind. more or H enderer Elec., lights. ....... 8 u re ty Bond».. Phone <17 lens. Jack L eeler. w ork on camp. 25 do p ortjand from the Q uillayute riv e r for ling of wheat. T he o ffic ia l records JO H N A. NELSON My business is to protect your T his summon« Is published for six Sw arts A W a s h . meat, 34-35 the M ultnom ah Lum ber and Box com show that in the period from July 7. business consecutive weeks in T h e ^ r l n g f l ’jld guUon Tn)n!t m o rin (. 509 M ain S treet 1923. to June 30 of this year, com 4 00 pany. 860 W illa m e tte St. Eugene Oregon Sewn l ) o rder of the lio n . G. r . Skip prising the grain shipping season o f 134.91 worfth. Judge of «aid Court, made Snr1ngffe4ri N e w -. Fr n tirg A total of 16.624 m otor cars from 1923 24. a total of 3979 cars, o r 5,- 13.25 'J u ly 9th. 1924. ¡H . B. Freeland, p r in t in g s other states registered in Oregon dur W M. G. HUGHES Dated and firs t published July 10. Seringfleld News. tele. acct. . 25.05 ing June, according to a report pre 361.079 bushels of wheat, was receiv A. A. ANDERSON F IR E A N O A U T O IN S U R A N C E '^ W H IT T E N S W A F F O R D . A ttorney 21.00 pared by Sam A. Koxer, secretary of ed at the local elevator. N O T A R Y P U B L IC BARBER SHOP 41.38 state. Oregon w ill receive another a llo t I for P lain tiffs. Residence and Post P c o th -K e lle '. lum ber , O ffies at 10.00 ment of 80,000 pounds of cannon and O ffice, Address: Eugene. Oregon. M . T. CoMins. »d In Oregonian 81.60 H a irc u t 40c Rev. George Douglas Byers, report other w ar trophies captured during th e Jly 10 t<> A. 21 Eugene F ru it Growers, grape |ulce F IR S T N A T IO N A L BANK 83.00 Raxors 82.00 ed murdered on the island of Hainan, late world war, according to word re Springfield, Oregon 3.06 $1.00 Fitch Shampoo 85c near the China coait. presumably by ceived at the offices of the adju tan t- __________ Gro. Dean, mowing lp‘ 4.00 brigands, was a graduate of Albany N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T 1 ea general at Salem from the w a r de college. Pruning, Planting «nd T ree W ork partm ent. Upon receipt of these tro 4.25 N o lle ' la hereby given that Robert j f ¡vt. S tew art, wood T he red spider, a menace to the hop Specialising In Shrubbery and Kenadv D e a d m inistrator of the es- C afh n.,v , n f1r Tn„ :1n phies they w ill be distributed am ong 2.SO DR. S. R ALPH DIPPEL crop, is doing considerable damage in Lawn W o rk ta le of Elizabeth J. Kenndy. deceased,, p , n. n. . c r Show the various counties of the state. D E N T IS T has filed his fin a l account in said es- ' the hop fields around H arrisburg. The W . C. S H E A R E R 14 00 T h e dryest early »um eier conditions ta le w ith the Clerk of Lane County. Ballet Banner» bug turns the leaves red as w ell as 617 B 3*. Between 6th and 7th Phono 43 7.50 I ev» r experienced in sou.hern O regon 'Oregon, and th a t Sviturday the 12th B a’ let '49 Crr.ip the hops. ..a»«— « fB r* .- Springfield, Oregon of July, 1924, nt th-“ hour of I® . Ooddess Guwn are being felt this season w ith prac 15.09, V itus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. day T h e Pendleton Packing & Provision tica lly no ra in fa ll during the m onth A. M. has been fixed for tim e for pass- Cnnvai(f. 20.00 lug upon said final account. AU person company at Pendleton has started con just ended. T he Rogue riv e r lias drop 20.00 i having objections to said final a c -1 ' ' ,in<' r struction w ork on extensive Improve- ped to the lowest stage ever seen and II (( 2 00 ¡count are notified to file (he same w ith 1 anvas slip menta to increase the capacity and sm aller 8trearas throughout the coun- C O L L E C T IO N S 3.25 the C le rk of toe Probate Court of ' ’' v- *n Oregoalnn efficiency of the plant. try are at late fall stages. Some have No C o ,lection. No Chnrge. 2.50 ; Lane County, Oregon, on or before Gas and O il ......... Y our Homo When In Nancy Gladys Scarbrough. 25. practically d r' :', v. . ur .g June W illa m e tte Collection and Credit ‘ said date. Dated this l l t h day of irr c|ght .................. 1.25 S pringfield daughter of Dr. L. D. Scurorough. only .09 of an Inch s f rr..u foil. June, 1924. Service ROBERT KENADY, w ealthy re tire d physician and prune A llc'.m ccta for riv ers and h a rb o r 060 W llam ette Street, * S5.50 Total A dm in istrator grower of Cresw ell, com m itted sui Im provem ents under th e : t of con Eugene, Oregon. Expense tin 9hcw. A. G. W oehrel W illia m s * Bean. cide by shooting herself w ith a rifle. gress, approved J;. - . : . ,c< i by Phone 378 20 00 Ton H aw aiian Show Attorney» for estate. ' Can Th€' Gladstone city council has in- the war tie parte:,' it tor fiscal 25.00 J 12 19 2<; Jl-3 10 Ton ni Show i : C -..s bay. io no structc d the city atto rn ey to prepare year, Inc tide In a bill to amend the ch a rte r to allow ' 8663.006; Coes riv e r, 53000; Yaquioa IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E p),j0 v S n k e Show a $20,0i00 bond issue for tbe lastu ib a y and harbor, .721.690; C latskan ie TATE OF (T tE U t)N F O R L A N E tlnn of a new w:it e r system m uilad- river, $iH 00; W illa m e tte riv e r, above D istrib u to rs o f Fishers All kinds of gravel fo r Con M. Lawrence, T a lu tlff Le stone. Portland, and Y a m h ill riv e r, 81S.9OO; Floor, Poultry and D airy Feeds ert o r road w n ik . Wè Columbia riv e r and trib utaries, above C e llf ornin dati•ymen and farm defendant W a lter mak< a rpecinUy o f crushed who k »st heavily In the recent foot ' Celllo fall 3 to the tuouth of the Su ake c. V. : rock itnd lo ck s anti. B u n k- and ftlouth epid emiq are appeal ing 1 riv e r in Oregon and W ashington, r ’ w $104.50 Jack I Ò. E. Freigh t Bldg. ers n ; foot of Mn:n on M ill fi n I m t : $1090; Co lunibta a td low er V /ilia m o tto to Orc:Lion for bel p in restocking w It m lin c chairs . 17.00 Eaat 5th sti i et. ÌT A T E P T1 hiçh preducing, smunti anim als to re- p rivet, be ow Vancouver, W ash., and Ketclien. piano a tm DI H I.N R Y W. CHASE, Prop. Portland $437.090. store th eir herds. ao m p ln ln t' L tn N o t more than 2 ■ per cent of the In c o irp iT n c e w ith a decision reach in tho above en- ill 33731.81 T ob il weeks from date flnxi planted In M erlon county this ed at a meeting ot the Orsfpin stato III n of thia autumon». season w ill be pulled, according to ■ livestock senliary board. G overnor A. DE P U E i iibswer, for ,wnnt Hi d It W e n t to New port— T he C. I. Ander reports received by G overnor i iere« Pierce signed proclam ation modl- Iheteof, tho ; la'e ifl w ill apply io the son fam ily tn company w ith the II. from the grower». T he ehort n o p is j tying m a te ria lly I i t ei. bargo regula- ATTO BW EY a t LAW couit for th re lie f piayo.l for in th e , J O H N M. W IL L IA M S c,m iduii’.t. to-w it: the dissolution o f ! w - s , e'n f;m lly ot Eugene spent the llue (0 continued drv w eather. , tions adopteit fo lk wing the outbreak: N O T A R Y P U 'll 1C A ttorney for Vel. S ta le Ahi f m t, the m arriage contract existing lie -. Fourth at N ew port. nd -loath dis -as iu C a li Follow ing a m eeting of agricultural of tho foi Sutton Springfield tween yi u and the p la in tiff. T h is , --------------- Soldiers Bonus Loans. ev - rd e r reb- ,v»d th e -------------- --------- inic'U c i s of Oregon a t the Oregon fornia. T l summon» l.i p b ll ’hed once a week Lu illng Oregon. F ath er V a - J o h n H am lin , tall.- ¡A gricnltu .1 college.^ an autom obile requirem ent tl it irn its and vege able» L. E B E A N ____ (or six success«e w « e n in the Spring- A tto rn ey State Lit d Board, m 'd e tbrouuh shipped into Oregon from C a lifo rn ia j t'li Id ,’ fWH. by order f <•'. F. Skip- ,-r of Postm aster F ran k B. Ham lin. .. , t „ Ind. -p-t c. nee. McMinnville. Newbarv be fum igated and took the ban o ft Left for Aberdeen— Hob Young of worth, Jvdg, ot the above entitled e tjite School Fund Loans. s v „„, j r n T he tlm o ut the co, greenhouse products. 1 he order glso Aberdeon. W ashington, left Sunday V >urt- • A » " * * on ’ "J visited h e r , from his home In RO.O-, . . . ’ ........................ dfty ot Ju 19t 1. and 1» published burg last week. H e was on his w a y ^ ^ „ q gpent U rg e ly Jn itU (.y ir< Allowed steep from C alifo rn ia to m ove W IL L IA M S & LEAN for 111» home » H e r a v is it w ith this (he firs t lim e on tue 5th day o f June, Home from Pendleton, where he a t- proj ( lh „ v#r|ou, 1choo,g pf through Oregon and the embargo was attorneys brother, Iru Young, of Springfield. 1924. tended the encampment of the O. A. | thg gU|< tNkohlng , ^ c u lt u r e , and rvntoved as It related to wool and 860 W illiam s«« 8t. Eugene, Ori». W llliktu s A Bean, it. Accom panying h im w ere I d s ' dl, c„ M l ,g problems, in addition to hides offered for shipment Into t h l * A tto rm y s for ria ln tlff, Llcensod to practice lu nil Courta V isiting Sister— Mr». Sadie Dye Poatofflc« Address Eugene, Oregon daughter and her huaband, M r. and llm <) # ci ubr j »pent out In the Held. ■tat«. of the Elate, ,-md Unltod States, earns Saturday night rrom Cortland . J-5-7-14-28-J-310-17 M rs. E. E. Richards and children to v is it h e r slater, M rs. A rth u r Sneed. Auction Sale B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y 61 T h e Loop Pacific Feed & Supply Co. Eu ene Oregon SPRiNGFiELD GRAVEL CO.