Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1924)
THURSDAY. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE POUR JULY 8. >»24. Springfield The Watch of Railroad Accuracy D. W. Roof Jeweler Springfield Repairing a Specialty B. V. D. SPECIAL.................—...........- ..................... 95c UNION SUITS................ .............................. ........ S I . 49 SUMMER UNDERWEAR SPECIAL. CAR..... .......... 79c WORK SHIRTS. DRESS SHIRTS. SHOES. S P E C IA L L Y LOW P R IC E D Buy It At the ARMY STO R E I. O. O. F. Bldg. Springfield Welcome to Springfield and to Wright & Son Hardware and Furniture Store I Make this your headquarters, meet your friends here, under no obligation to buy—just come make yourself at home. The best butter Friends! Neighbors! Countrymen! Lend me your ears! I come to praise this town of ours. 1 come to ask your loyalty to it. 1 want to interest you in its solidarity, in the solidarity of all the pimple of this community to the end that each one of us shall be mon* prosper ous and happier. Up at the corner the other day 1 overheard one of OUR FOLKS relate with much self-satisfac tion the fact that he had just received a piece of goods for a big city mail order house, which, he claimed, cost him a few ninkels less than he could buy it in this good old town of ours. An editor s shekies are hard-earned, but I have one to spare to bet that this neighbor really lost money If he figured on tin* charges and un seen costs. He paid freight, whichever way It was shipped. He bought on faith, and faith at u distance is not a sensible thing these days of shod dy material ami incompetent if high-priced, work manship. He had no chance to first examine tin* goods contained in his order. If tin* goods are damaged, he must return them to a distance und take chances on getting his money back after a long period, and perhaps after long quibbling. All this takes time—«lays and weeks whereas at home In* would never have picked a damaged, or poor, or distasteful piece of goods. Let us have loyally! Loyalty to our town is good business to every soul In the community. Every dollar you spend here makes the man you spend it with the more able to spend money with you for the things you have to sell, w hether you sell livestock, drygoods, potatoes, butter or the labor of your hands. Sending money to the big city, except where it «•an't be avoided. Is helping the big city and mak ing the whole people of the big city that much more prosperous. Let's keep the money in our own town and make ourselves more prosperous. The big town never does anything for our community save to milk it. This town and neighborhood is our home. Here we are bringing up our families and educating them. Here is where our happiness lies. Here is also where our duty lies—a duty to do every thing in our power to advance the interests of our home and community. you can buy in a home product—one made of pure cream so that you get the wholesomenoss with a most delicious flavor. Springfield Creamery MITY NICE FOURTH MITY NICE PEOPLE MITY NICE TIME MITY NICE BREAD HELP MAKE IT THAT WAY Springfield Bakery FRED FRESE, Prop. S E E HALL-- before buying elsewhere Still catering to the MEN and BOYS C00DS the best and prices the lowest ns possible. Hall’s Cash Store Men and Boys Wear 428 Main Street “Going Fishin” Wi* have the basket, reeto, rods, leaders, flys everything to help your game. Henderer Electric Supply Wright & Son Special Sale Buy Fly Spray FOR YOUR STOCK NOW The Willamette Press does the kind of pint- ing that cusomers are proud of, they tell us. The latest designs and FLOUR FEEDS, GRAINS, HAY, The best values Cement and Shingles Men’s and Boys Suits, Morrison & Clingan Hats and Shoes Corner 3rd and Main C. W. Black E. C. Black Take the Hills on High Use HYV1S 100% Pure Pennsylvania Oil ■ We are headquarters for the best makes in the above andmany other lines. A complete line of Men’s Furnishings of all kinds We also carry Springfield Service Station 5th and Main Rowe the Realty man New listings of property of all kinds. Michelin and Kelly Baloon Tires Phone 50 Phon* 44 Farmers Exchange SP R IN G F IE L D FARMS, CITY PROPERTY, HOMES. N. A Rowe »