TH U R SD A Y, JULY 3. 1924. T H B B P R IN O F IB L D NEWS PAGE THREE UPPER W IL L A M E T T E W ant to O akridge— Mr. and Mr». F. of y o unaatera call them selves, bave Munday when bn lived up to bis nam e C. M ontgom ery and fam ily went to com pleted an Indian villa«« o u t of and caught a 40-pound salmon. Mr, ami Mr«. An run T horoughm an (lakrldKe Sunday on an o u tln l »dcln«» from the Booth Kelly »awmlll mill lour iliililrnn Uorilno, N arvan, Leaving for W asnlngton— Mra. Mil- At first they uaed th e lum ber for an W ant to W »ndllng— Ralph Couraon l(<Ma Kinmn. Vooeeal o f Ixmg llia ili, airp lan e about 20 fact Ion«, which ton Cyr and son Virgil a re leaving for C alifornia, a re vlalting with relative» and Clayton B arber went to Weud failed In Its trial flight. Nothing daun- Belllnbam , W aahlnton eith e r July 7 or a i T re a t and l'l« am iil Hill Mr» Thor- lln« Sunday to vlalt Mr. Barber*» bro tad, they erected a ahute the-ahutea. j *> » •» « » they will vlalt Mr». Cyr'» «UKhin«n 1» |h« tlutiKliler of Mr. and ther, II .Vance Hurt)« r. and now th e Indian village, which J l» ‘her, O. D. Lam oureaux for a month, Mm. W. C. Urualitnnn and »later of H«r» from W ashington— Mr. and they occasionally uhundon for th e ir J . II. Uriwhman Mr and Mr». Thor Mr». L u th er McVey cam o Tuesday Internet In baiyball. ouahm an expect to rem ain In Oregon from th 'd r horn« In Olympia. W ash Mill to Shut Down—A tem p o rary a f»w month« before retu rn in g 1« th eir ington, to look a fte r th eir Springfield »hut-down of th e Booth K< II sa w hom e In O klahom a w here Mr. T hor- property. mill will he effectiv e from W ednes ouahm an 1» Inlereatm l In oil. Is largely a matter of Injurad Hand— I) Zim m erm an acci day night to Monday m orning on a c Mr. and Mr«. M K. Hay» who have right buying. You buy boon at I'loaaant lllll »Inca th eir dentally aklnnnd tho back of hl« hund count of th e F ourth of July cele b ra right, here. School rloaed a t (lard ln er. Or< «on. at- badly In a »mall accident F rid ay In tion, according to O. H. J a rre tt, au- perl nt endent. tendllia the Teddy l.e a v ltle m eeting i th e Booth Kelly sawmill. left for llnaebura b u t week to vlalt W ent Fishing— Nela F lab er and Moved to Spring»— lig ; Jenktn» and w ith Mr« llay* m other. family, nerom panp «I by Mr. Jonkln»* H arry Fundr» m w ent fishing a t H en Mr a n i l Mr». W illiam Lawaon who i brother, AI Jenklu», who have been drick« Bridge up thi- McKenzie S un P H O N E 66 wore living with C F. Ilunny and fam I vlallln« here from INirtland, moved day. They did not have quite a» Rood ily when th eir home burned at T rent luck a» Mr. Ff»her did th e previous to H reltenbuah »pringa Monday. h u t week a re now with th e ir »on nt I'le tu a n t lllll Tile»d»y Mr». Lawaon W are O lnner Q uetta— Mr and Mra. fell from the porch at h er «on* home ! N. A. Ilowe w ere din n er KU“«t» a t th e I and hua been confined to h er bed i bom» of Mr. und Mr«. Jo h n N oherj ■Ince. Sunday. Mr. and Mr». ('. E Jordan are t r Joying a visit from Mr«. Jordan mo- j Injured Eye—J W, M cBride of the A bushieg education means future success and financial tile r Mr» Hid Nell of Idaarove, Iowa I Ftnher L um ber com pany. Marcóla, was independence. It is the difference between a mere job at I ’ I k u h a re belli« m ade for the an-1 lo town Saturday to have a piece o f ' so much per, and a real position. liunl neighborhood picnic which It; em ery rem oved from th e lid of lila ' held th e Fourth of July In th e p icnic' loft eye. Our school will be In session during the summer months, «toy« on th e T F. C ircle ranch at and we Invite you to join one of our classes Monday. Injured H and—L. E, I’aulu« of Mar- , E nterprl»«. Realdent of I'lvaaant Hill I cola, em ploye o f th e Flnber Lum ber K nlerprlae. and Cloverdale tu u ally at-, rom pan t ran a »pllntar In hla right It's a good school the rates are reasonable. lend thl« picnic which 1» looked for thum b while hum illo« lum ber the w ard to aa one of feaallng and re« I pa>t week. In« At th e b*ptl»m a| serv ice held nt I Spectlal T rain Changed— T he -p e th e Coant Fork bridge Sunday J u n e 1 d a l S outhern Pacific train to W end- E U G E N E , O REG O N 2!> ihoae who had Joined th e C hrlatlan I lln« and back which waa tak en off Church during the T eddy L eavllte. Funda;! will be off S aturday, hut p u t A. E. Roberta, Praaident Phone 666 992 W illa m e tte Street m eeting* »Ince th e l«ct l>nptl»m Ju n e buck again for Sunday. 22 w ere b aptlied A lar«e n u m b e r' H ave Indian Village— T he "South i of member» went to W altervllle In j S cond S treet Uan«.*’ a* a live hunch ; th e evening to a tten d th e meeting» ...... ■ 1 1 being conduct d by the tx»nvllte Soul j W innl« team at th a t place. T H E DESSERT LOOKED Mr and Mr» ('. F llv d e a re enjoy- F O R W A R D TO In« a vl>li from Mr Hyde'» m other, a t d in n er Is alw ays Ice cream . a ld e r and her baby from W ashington. Many persons sa y our cream Is b e tte r th a n hom e m ade Ice R eturn*d from E a ite rn O regon— Mr> II T M itchell and eon. D K. cream —It Is so cream y, rich and Mitt h d l. h a ie retu rn ed from onafern, full of the m ost delicious pure O regon a fte r »pendlp« 2*4 week» flavoring. They alw ays ask for there. They w ere acom punied by a second helping of o u r cream . Ml»» J e a n e tte W lllgerodt of Enter- l»rl«e. who expect« to m ake all ex tended vl»lt nt th e homo of Mr. and Mr«. D allas Murphy. ..... - Bellingham la Mrs. Cyr*» old home. ter Mary Elizabeth, and Mr. Carl Ot- Thia la her first trip back for a ll aon picnicked at Dilley's pirate years. grounds on Coast Fork Sunday. Pienickad on Coast Fork— Mr. and j The Carbollneum W ood-ITesorvlnc Mrs. O. B. Kiwaey, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. (company shipped two carload» of erw- Swart» and Mias Edna Swarts Mr. loaoted poles to Brooklyn, Oregon and Mra. H arry W hitney and dnugb- . urday. THRIFT UaL- I C E FREE DELIVERY Monday, Wednesday, Friday Eastman Grocery Holverson Bros, Props. What It Means to Y ou Eugene Business College ANYW HERE You and the family can visit Portland at surprisingly small expense. Take advantage of Southern Pacific season tickets. Sold any day; 15 days stopover privilege. Week-end fares are still lower. Start Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Its comfort, safety, and convenience, make Southern Pacific service worth more to you than any other form c f transportation. Special this week for $1.39 Gold Gillette Razor, formerly selling at $6.00 Sfjringfleld $127.60 AiaSBLZ And a 50c Tube Colonial Club S having Cream It’s Automatic FAiRBANKS-M ORSE HOME WATER HAN’T U S T turn any faucet— in home, dairy or barn— »ml y ou git an abundance of run ning w ater, under presiure. N ot a »witch to turn or ad justment to make. T i e plant J “See Our Window” operate« from any electric light torket or home lighting plant circuit. Pump« water from ci»- tern , »hallow w e ll, »prlng, »•ream or l«ke. 11»» »turdy gal vanized »teel tank. Dependable Fairbank»- Morse Pump. Ca p a c ity 2 0 0 gallon» p e r h o u r. See iu tor detail». For fu ll information ask any Southern Pacific Agent Southern Pacific EGGIMANN’S C. OLSON, Local Agent Phone 65 To Gasoline Users of Springfield Dj and Vicinity aa aa as We take pleasure in announcing we are now ready to serve Lubricating Gasoline to the car owners of Lane County. LOOK FOR OUR SIGN AND GIVE LU B R IC A TIN G GASOLINE A T R IA L . LUBRICATING GAS Is a Scientific Petroleum Product— A Food for the Combustion Chamber No Carbon— Greater Mileage— A Cool Motor Own Your Home F.J.GRIM ES / / P tU M B IN G C O M P A N Y T he homo ow ner la eathllshod In th e com m unity. H e takes a keen In tereat In local a c tlv 'tle s ff ^ p c l n t f f i e l d , P h o n e ? ' See pump demonstrated In our window. In order, to mako his property tncreaao In value. M oreover, ihe 1« Independent and fu rth e r on hla way to prosperity. ÜNIV^ITY'fOREGON Ai Wo know of m any E ugene peo ple who accu m u lated th e first paym ent on th e ir hom e by sav ing with ua h ere a t th e F irst Nnlloniil W hy n o t open your account today and m ako your sU rtT a e aï ■aaa Lubricating Gasoline Lubricates B BY THE LUBRICATION of machinery we re duce friction; by the reduction of friction we re duce the amount of power necessary to propel the machine—and can therefore reduce the amount of fuel necessary to produce sufficient power; hence an Increase in mileage with a saving of fuel. By the use of LUBRICATING GASOLINE the carbon is removed from the cylinders, eliminating the stinking, burning and pitting of valves, excea- sive wear on pi3ton and scored cylinders. With the elimination of carbon you have done away with the excessive heat and pre-ignition. It is proven by actual test that you cannot boil the water in your radiator while using LUBRI CATING GASOLINE. Drive in to our station and bave your gasoline tank filled with a superior gasoline. It Cost No More Than Ordinary Gasoline. Lubricating Gasoline is being sold by over thirty of the largest garages and service stations in the city of Portland at the present time. Get our prices on tires before going elsewhere. many others. Goodyear, Goodrich, Gates, Fisk, U. S. and Bosch and Delco Ignition Systems, Stroniberg Carburetors and Gabriel Snubbers sold on trial. ■aq The U N IV E R S IT Y of O R E G O N ü contains Th e College of Literature, Science and the A rt» with 22 departments. The professional school» of A rc h i tecture and A llie d A * » ~ Business Adm inistration—Ed u * tlo n —G rad T h e First u ate S tu d y— J o u rn a lis m — Law— M e d ic in e — M u s ic — Physical Edu cation— Sociology— Extension National OF EUGENE For a eataloiur or an # information um ta TA» R rjittr a r , U n lO tritty o f Oregon, fragen«. Oregon ÎJ| Th» « ih Vrai Upen» Sepnmber 25, W24 Bank Since 1883 i Spingfield Garage m Authorized For« ind Chevrolet Service 414 !¡ in St. >0 Supplies il Phone 11 v.ngfield, Ore. %