The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 03, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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E d ito r ia l
lhthltshed Every T hursday at
C n i v e r ' l i t o f tiregon. E»tgene, Inly I
T he e ta le ch am b er ut com m erce plana to have all a l­
Springfield, Lane County, O regon, by
W ith Ford e ar No in noo ano now ; Income from regular and o b i lim e '
lied organisation» th roughout th e s ta le hack an all Ore-
In servit e and m aking a ir a ti, con Jobs brought |4<IO74 to Hie student*
i gun program of developm ent by d istrib u tiv e financing and i llnettlal trip front New York to Fhl of the I nlver-lty of Ur «on during,
H. E. M AXEY, E ditor
F F. W K STER FIEI.O M anager I coordination of activ ities. T hia program , w ith the asslst-
leggo over th e I.Incolli highway, the the y ear ISS'l-Jd. an Inoro»»« of »'<7«
B n ter.d a t second d a * m a tte r F eb ru ary J4. IM S a t the
•» th r ‘ rt tran aco u iln en tal *allrtM .la In th a lr national |t(jn who enjoy» rlKUrlna can have over the r e a r 1922 Î.I a« shown h
IreiMirt of Mr» C h r .ld t e U o ito d l', em ¡
postofflce. S r ngfteld, Oregon
puhllclty cam paign, should m obilise reso u rces and adcatt a world of p rac'lc
..I -
I,.. .... — ..... I
■ .1 I.
tage ; in a real r ady to use fashion
Th« o th er day one gifted g e n ic amt. | leyntent . . . re ta r, of Hi V M F A,
,tn d r n t, front regtt '
I -pj,,, a g e n d -a the sta te no» hag and th o se to be or--
T he Incom
worked nut the tlrw p.nblent Me fit*
Ona Y ear In Advance
g li.»
T h ree M n th ,
Stic ,y. 1 h a v e a dou b le r< spon d h lll* '. T hey sei ct th e b> I
tire I th-it the 4» mi'll,m Hr*» u»«l on lar Job* for lb e fall tarm » > 1 10.479,
Six M onth,
Single Copy
Sc . I sort of publicity - and expend Oregon num ev
* in telling the ihe in millien F*-r l». H • lurked un w i l l ' s odd tab brought the "tua un tal
wor'.i! about our advantages. Not )■ • «» Im portant I, th 'i
Th- total for retta lar nnd '
T ill RFFAY, JULY !. 1 9 «
would mak a rubber column. 2.WH) »11.1*7*»
i responsibility* to ih hom eaeekem who will pay th eir
olii Jobs during th « w inter term was "In lb« Dnya of Buffalo Bill*
• • • • • • • ♦ • • • • • • •
• ■ sh a re of such expenses in fu tu re en terp rise» of th is char»« m ile, h lth .
»II 429. During th e spring I rm reg
Then hulking fur rn i.l 'rouhi
• tor.
Editorial Program
and then
«mplo* u "ill
'fgW ed
Ill.S M .
C hances of su ccess can be furl h er increased to r those punctured each of Ihe Hr-
Fourth of July and Saturday,
‘ while the a p p re tta ta lo re ta rti from
Make Spri -gf.eld th e Industr al C entvr of Wes- • who com by thoughtful consideration on o u r port Thl*
odd Job, was 11.100, m aking the total
te rn Oregon.
• section of the country I, no - x reptlon to the r u l e t h a t
for th e spring term 112.859.
11. Develop a S trong T rading P oint: Build a City • i hom eseckers have huge problem s to m eet In a new coun­ day« and repairing a tire ev rv five
of C ontented Homes.
try. Moat of them do not hsv nt th eir d isposal exp ••
lit. im prove Living C onditions on th e Fa-m . Pro­
to assist them In th e ir selection of a location. F arm ers, In 4*H1 years.
m ote th e Ra s ng of Purebred Livestock and
as a rule, do not avail thcugselvea of su ch ngencles ns do
th e Growing of F ru it! W ork for B etter M arkets
Two r««l comedy and New».
Born— At th e ir home In Marconi.
m an u factu rers o r business men
IV. Tell th e W orld About O regon's Scenic Wonder- 'I T h e se ttle r Is o u r g u est—o u r possible neighbor. Must June 29. 1921. to Mr »»'I Mr« litarle*
t h. el 0 1 ,t . 19. I.«ne Fount* , t ’r . I
we let him find out at his own expense th e thine* wc E McDonald. a son weight 10 pounds ,
'I P« * t "W p resentation at my of !
can tell him w ithout coat to o urselves and protect hint
n CTtv Hall w a rra n t, 1ST to 185
*, |u (. rest <•< ,■><! Ju n e 28. '
Born—At th. Ir hume in Springfield. '
the Storm“
W hat has happ<ne>! Ill *oni developm ent cam paign* I* July I, 1924. to Mr. and Mr* Flo* I IS!
T he general uprising of women throughout th e jOf doubtful credit, and certain ly of no p erm an en t benefit F. Ibity. a d au g h ter; th - Iwby ha*
And Two Reel Comedy
country in protest against the destruction of na- More th an th e tru th Is often n. *i"«»rv to facilitate and been name*! E sth er I .olii"'
t'lcrh fist I«
turn! scenic beauty by obnoxious billboards has ¡take p rofitable the r location of a etti--r from one <■■<•
met quick response at the hands ot all shrewd ,j„n oj our vast co u n try to a n o th e r —B enton independent
‘The Lone Wagon’
Call for School Warrants
“ A Girl of the
advertisers who sense the fact th at one of the
. • ,
m ost potent elem ents in advertising is that of
goodwill. T housands of billboards have 1 ci
abandoned and unless all signs fail others are n> About I* million io-ralle.1 A m erican citizen» never vole
follow. The result will create favor in the eyes nt election. About one-half the qualified v oters of the
of all nature lovers, but also it will dem onstrate U nited S tates a re h abitual ballot-box slacker». Sinton
to the billboard users the fact that the only real M iche’e t, W ashington law yer m aking a study of political!
selling power is to be found in the newspaper, ap ath y u n co v er, th ese facta, an.! fin d , th l, evil
persistently and intelligently used. It is the news o r less comm on to <•* ry section of h e rountry. The
Plastered on a ' billboard, disfiguring 1*rre!‘t vo,c *‘ver caM ,or ,,r' 'den' a* In l»20 Th<
of tra
the highway, it becomes as offensive to the peo­ total vote fo r a ll ; re sid e n tia l candidal «« ill«! y e ir
2S.71S.S32. T h l, was S million m ore vot s than w> r CS»!
ple as it is ineffective to the trader.
Be careful with firecrackers and cigarettes on
the Fourth. This is the dryest season for many
years and a fire will sta rt easily.
We can appreciate our climate bv reading Ir­
win Cobb': s* .rv about a deg chasing a rabbit
and the w eather was so hot both were walking.
In 1919. and I t million m ore than in 19 12. Yet for , vt*ry
100 votes cast for rresW en t In 19?!). th !• r<? we1 e 9»
nt hont-H o r ab sen t«
nttd th e total num ber of I
«’ticker v o ters la 23,715.083.
T h ere ranno! be governati "it by •h- peopl and fu
V pi with on* half of (I - p o-,
it Every
voter should bo w illing to vote for h ; - country,
much at least '..hould be expected from him. 1! n
qulred of him.
Every man is boss in his own home— when the
___ i
fam ily is awav.
M ontgomery W ard, th» great mail o rd er house fin I, i
Its selling coat to be approxim ately eight p er cent Lc
The rich girl can well pick daisy petals and fa’ m e rc h a n t, v.ho com plain of th e Invasion Of th.. mall ■
Bay. “he loves me; he loves my m oney.”
ord*-r man and w an’ th e co u n try p ublisher to fight iheir
• •
b a ttles should boar th ese figures In mind. If th local
Driving a wife or a horse too m uch may m a k e l’,orB8 wnuld «rend five per cent of th e ir incom e on ad-i
them throw a shoe.
v ertlsing In th e ir local new spapers th e m all o rd er man
| would soon be put to rout, but w.‘ have too m any «hop-
11 m ust be awful to be a neighbor’s child be- keepers and too few m erc h a n t, in th e sm all tow ns. Even
cause they Will never am ount to anything.
__ today m any of th e local «torekenpera have not realised
• • •
" ~ t h a t ad v ertisin g Is a reco g n lied p art of overhead, like
Hot air and cold feet are usually pals.
ren t, light and h elp . T he patien ce of th e local publl«her
'w ith shopkeepers «uch as these, and th e re a re m any of
Tom orrow we celebrate.
them , is profound.—T he A m erican 17«,«.
------------------------- ,
T h ird street. Mr McKinnon I» b r .o t
Ing th home «lies on th e hill, b-d ■
In? »hat the place h a , prospects of
beine to Springfield w hat F airm ount
heights i, to E ugene and Council
In from T hurston— Mrs. C harles
W ent to Wendi eg —F. G I.ew ii. C rest to Portland.
T av ’. r - of « T hurston was a Springfield trav elin g p assen g er .agent for the
Left H ospital— Mayzle L*e, sm all
v isito r on T uesday afternoon.
S outhern Pacific railw ay company
m ade a trip to W -n d lln g Tii;«*day. d au g h ter of E. E. !-ee. who ha ln»n
Picnicked on River— Mr. and Mrs.
! ill In Ihe Springfl Id h ospital with
W H enry A drian and Mr. and Mrs.
May 3 w as *11*
Leave fo r Bend—G«orge Perkins, i typhoid fev er sin-
l’I l a f . Sutton rlm lc k e d Sunday on Ed P erkins and fam ily and Mr. and m issed from th e hoapBal this week.
th e M cKenzie river.
Mrs. Jim Davis leav e fo r Bend this
H ere for T reatm en t— Mr»
lie m i
Go to Crsrter Lake— Mr. and Mrs. mnrwtng to be gone o v er th e wee k- f! 'hw lnd of M arcola was In town Mon­
L aw rence May and Mr. and Mrs. V er­
day for t-eatm en t.
don May a re leaving toda • for C rater
W ent to Bend— ^ lay to n B arb er of
H ere from Noti—J. A Bnrgota of
th e offices fore of th e local Booth-
a Springfield visitor Tu«-s
Mnde T rip to Coast—Mr. and M r . Kelly saw m ill left y esterd av for B e n d '^ ‘‘>,i wa
F ran k L en h art go to C rescent Fit' to­ w here he will spend th e h o'iday wl -h fla>'
d ay and will re urn bv way of Bandon. hie p arents.
W ent to L orrane— Mr«. F. E A rch­
T hey expect to be gone four days.
On V acation— L E. D ank, of th e r end tw o d au g h ters. Ixmlsn and
W ent Through
Springfield— Mrs. M ountain S ta te s Pow er com pany I, !Y !ry:ir t, w. nt to la .rrn n e to spend
U leda C rone of G rants Pass wpnt on a two week«’ vacation, beginning the w eek en d with Mrs. M E lrkm an.
through S prlngfle'd y e,terd * y on h<-r last T nesdav. Mr. an 1 Mrs. Hanks,
R eturned fro Motor T rip— Mr. and
W54« up th e McKenzie river.
and d au g h ter Ju n e, leave Monday on
Mr*. Verdon May have retu rn ed from
a m otor trip to C rater Lake
At W ork Again—Howard B. Free,
th e ir honeymoon trip to the O regon
land, who was taken sick with pleur­
Here for Tim e—F la r nee D A ldrich cave« and F ra t r Luke, and a re now
iti? S atu rd ay afternoon, wa abb- to a student in W illam ette n n lv er,lty . a t hom e to th e ir friends on Eight,
he back at work v -aterday.
cam e E ttn rd a y to spend som e tim e in *treet In tw een I) anil E. They got
Springfield In ’ he In terest of Bunday back from th e ir m otor trip Sunday,
R eturned from Newport—Mrs. W.
school work. U p I s stopping a t th e
C. Rehhan and Mrs. M* Murray re ­ horn Dr. and Mrs. N. W Em ery
I M«>“ »ved to Salem — Mr. and Mr*. F.
tu rn ed home Sunday a fter spending a
O. W ilson and sons Clifford, H obart
w eek a t N ewport.
R eturned H ome—Mr. and .Mrs. S ’ev- and Donald m otored to Salem Hat- j
cn G allier, p aretn s of Mr«. 8. Raleh u rd ay afternoon to visit relatives.
V isiting at Tom sete '-tome—M r, O.
Hipp'd, r tu rn ed to ’ hoir hom e In T hey w ere accom panied bv Miss Alice ;
H off of Spokane. W ashington Is h ere
Ban Ion a fte r--e n d in g some tim e s ’ Morten n. who visited th e re nt th e !
visiting h er daughter. Mrs. John Tom-
Mr. and Mr- H. hom e of h er g randm other. Mrs. Ilcn-i
wrih. She arrived In Springfield Sun­ ’ ie Dippel home.
r Hipp. I. p aren t of Dr. Dlppel. w h o |ry Sehoinaker. The party re tu rn ed !
have been h ere from Bri t - norl. Ne ! hom e Hunrtny evening.
W ent on Fiehlng T r:p—ital'a.-' Mur braska, went to M arshfield ¡Sunday
P cnlckrd at F erry — Dr. and Mrs.
p ry and Jam '-s P o in ter return**!
Stung by H orneta— Mt«s B nlalt It I’. M ortensen and d au g h ter M ar­
T hur day form 'tv Mekenzie r ver
¡P eck, d au g h ter of J. H. Peck, ran In- g aret, Mr. and M r,. Howard B. F re e ­
w here they «pent a w eek's vacation
; to a h o rn ets' n est y esterd ay mo'si- land, and Mr and Mrs. T rnh r t H o n --
1 ing while picking h e r-'* «. Sh« was d - r on f lq n lck el a t John K avoy’s]
H ere from P ortland— M r,. Mayhle l'o:toned by fh<> h»< stin g s, and r
f. try Sunday, Iho occ; Ion being (he
H arvey and df ugh’c,- Je rry of Port- ceivod t , .«‘n i- it firm a I* al phy i . '" h w edding iC nlver.sary of the Mor-I
land w ere Springfield visitor* T n«a-,clan.
1 t 'n eng’ and thp 5th wedding anni
day. Tl - have he n ipen-ting som e
. er. *.. V of th e Ilend rso n s’.
H»re from G aribaldi— Mr and Mr-
tim e In Eugene.
Il L. «'hase and on Billy, a rc h e-e
e tu r n e j fro C a n a d .— Mr *. Grac
M otored to Corvali!»—Miss C lara from t -ir In, » fi G aribaldi vi ttl g
nt. I Mrs. Mandi. T. B ryan
W h c m otored to Corvallis Saturday at tin- hom e *,r Mr. r 'h r - o ’« n a re n 1
.-laugh'er Ml-« C ry -til returned
to v isit a t th e home of b er cousin 1 Mr. and Mr H enry Cha e. T hey n r I Sunday from a trip north and on In-
■Whi'e th e re she o te n d id tt., r r 'o n 'r i v e d Sunday and vlll re tu rn to t h * 'r ! | O ,.a ,
T hey slopped In Portland,
Bi.nday-School p.cnlc a t W aterloo on home Saturday. Mr. Ch
Is forem an | l,|t .,j re.alive.* In Bellingham . W ash
| In the saw m 'll of 'h e W hitney lu m b e r, ing on. visited th e sis r of Mrs. Bob
com pany of G aribaldi.
ert * and Mrs. B ryan. Mrs. Mac C asti ■
Have G ueats— Mr. and Mrs. E is
B arnes, d au g h ters W illa and C.’ - j i »
building House— D. W. McKinnon ls |!" Br' ‘"erton
ln S*!Ut" ß'
V at,couver, British Coluro-
and «on Jim all of Ixjng Bench, ( dif- going forw ard on th e co n -tri. ’Ion of ’v,en l p"»
ornla. a re g u e-ts at th e Jam e« I,. his new hem e In W illam ette heights.
C lark home. T hey arriv ed la s t * e-1 The ra fte rs a re now up. T he house
1» betw een E and F s tre e ts and face.*
B r. 8. R alph Dlppel, D entist, V itas
building, Springfield, Oregon.
H ere’s w here you get it -
Baker - Button
Box 606
7 West 7 th
Eugene, Oregon.
W e| help you get good pictures fom you
new negatives Buy ycur fresh films here. We are
Eastman Agents.
Send all rolls here for best resutsl.
n r«
Get the Tonic
of the Out-of-Doors
T he T ouring Car
, D a tr o if
Mutable Hliaa
Be sure that your efficiency anti your comiort this
summer have the help of that car you have always
intended to buy. You know its value you know
what an essential aid it is to a fuller activity, an easier
life, more healthful hours out-of-doors.
Delay invites disappointment W hy wait? Buy nou't
f —
D t .r r lt , M i.h lg .n