D IV O T ID TO IN T IR B tT OF • P N IN Q F IK L O A NO T M I F A R M IR B O F T H « W IL L A M E T T E V A L L IV Ttt£ "SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-F1H8T Y KAK KPK5NGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OKKOON, NEW OFFICERS OF . 0.0. F. INSTALLED 26 ROUNDS BOXING IN BIG ARENA TOMORROW Card of F«»t Fighters to Start at 2:10 O'clock; Rival« in Every Match M aka Good Qoe*. Deputy Grand Matter Olton Promptly at t 30 tomorrow after Acts nt Inttnlling Officer; F. ",M’" bM""‘ card wi'1 "*,rt ln F . _ ra . », . . . J op«'» «Ir arona which haa boon com of I pi ••toil «1 Hlxth and . A . street. Tho art> Bnrnnrd New Hend Springfield Lodge Succeeding Ila Black. 3.000 M,KUt THUK8DAY, JULY 3. 1»24. "Th« P«opl«’t Papar" L IV C N e w S P A P IR IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 25 Celebration Program BIG CELEBRATION - STARTS TONIGHT July 3rd. 7:00 P. M.—Electing of the Uodtlent, of IJberty, ojien air dance carnlval PRESIDENT LADIES OF G. A. R. HAS OFFICE HERE July 4th. Mr». Charles Eggimann Returns from Convention and Opens Headquarter» Parade Tomorrow at 10 O’clock Followed by Patriotic Exer- cises, Barbecue, Prize Fight«, Baseball Games, Dance and Carnival. und u go' ll view of the ring nuif 10 A. M.—Street parade. in Springfield for Coming Year. ho hud from ev'rv section. 11 A. M.—Fourth of July oration, State American Legion Com Installation of officer* waa (ho fra, With the opening of the shows and The 10 roiunl main «vont will bring' Mrs. Char!«» H. Eggimann of dance hall and the lection of the God lu re o f the I (). (). F, m eeting laal ing, ,ih«r iwo Old rival,, ('b arile Daw in a n d e r, G e o rg e G r if f i t h o f S a le m . Springfield who wag elected depart dess of Liberty Springflelds big nlelil hi 8 o'clock In the (kid Fallow aim of Eugen« and Jack (¡riffln of) 12 M.~ Big free barbecue. hull, Oswald M Olson, who wan ap Portland They fought a 10 round ' ment president of the Oregon ladle« Fourth of July celebration will get 1 :0<) p. M.— Foot races and athletic stunts. of the G. A. R. at the state convention underway tonight. Details have been pointed district d>puty grand master draw In Engine almut a year ago, the) 1:30 I’. M.M—Band concert by Springfield band. held In Hillsboro June 24. 25, and 26, completed by the American Legion and ul the I (). (I F encampment III III,m l we k after the bout In Eugene they) returned Thursday evening from the C, H. & W. Amusement company Itlver on May 21. „»» tho installing fought ugaln In I'orlhind mid (¡riffln 2:30 P. M. 26 rounds of boxing in large open air arena. Officer E F naruani la the newly scUt th« |,« al lad Inlo^dreamland dor-) 3.30 P. M. Baseball game between Coburg and Springfield. Hillsboro In company with Mrs. Bert for the big celebration which la ex Doane and Mrs, Harold Hartl-y, both pected to be staged without delay. Inatalli«! tioblo grand, aun ceding K R-g the 3rd m u n i for a (0 m inute, All day and evening program , carnival shows and open air of the local G. A. It. ladles. Mrs. The parade tomorrow at lo o'clock (1 Black Ntrntch. Thin h*A been the only time* Th» ............................................... nrw w tnh’ii H l*»m ............. K<*«U 0- It ¡In hit« carv er of boxing th a t Ilawaon dance in big pavilion. Hollywood Six orchestra of Portland will Doane Is the new department secr- will be formed under the direction of j - * . •• ] tary. appointed by Mrs. Eggimann. J. E. Stewart, grand marshal of the * Mnshlar look hfa office aa Chaplain .'has been floored for th count lie furnish music. 1 Mrs. Hartley wa3 a page at the con day. and Jack Larson, chairman of Hight supporter Io the noble grand I" oapedaUy a. ki d the promotnra of the] vention. the American Legion parade commit W E Walker, and 'lie |e ft mil porter unl to a ,. or. Griffin for thia bout ao Mrs. Eggimann has been working tee. The formation of the parade will Henry A. Kerf Hugh Jolllff la t h e , that he will have a ohanc« Io wipe In line for th« office for the past be with the head at Sixth and A July 5th. new I n a iile guarllan At th next iopt old mark against hla r cord i nine years. She was for three years streets and extending east on A street meeting on Wednesday evening al k The alx round aeml final will bring All-day carnival and open air dances. department treasurer, one l.fear con Marchers and floats are expected to ,i clock ( W lllaik will be Inalnlleil together Carl Miller and Larry Boyd *• aa vice grand, and a number of ap They have fought a draw and both i 10:30— Band concert. ductor, and one year senior vice-pres be in line before 10 o'clock. The lino ident. She has been a member of the and order of march is given in other polntlve officer» will take up ihelr an, anxious to win 2:30—Hand concert. dulie« council and the board of trustees At columns of thi3 paper. , The atx round special event will ‘ 2:30—Baseball gam e; Eugene vs. Springfield. the time of her election to the presi Prizes tor the parade are to be bring together Frankie W hb of Port ! dency she was also president of the Jin cash as follows: Best Patriotic THREE FAST GAMES land mid Carl Martin of Wnndllng. In local organization She will attend Float—$40. B est Indu trial float1—$35. •hetr last flgb' Carl got u decision DURING 4TH CELEBRATION! the national convention at Boston In j Best decorated car—$15. Second best July 6th. after a close bout Frankie Wnbb «ays September as wll! four delegates from decorated car—$10. Best comic float Thr«w* wtlff huMobnli from«*« 'hut the decision was lint right and 2:30— Baseball game between Eugene and Springfield. Portland. Mayor Eggimann will ac —$15. Best Comical individual—$10. thia time th«re will he no doubt of hava b«*«*n llntM up by Karn«** Skinner company her. Judges will be Judge J. W. Coffin, who la tb‘ better man. for th«» «th. &»h and 6th Th* Spring Springfield, J. E. Shelton, Editor of There will be a good preliminary fl»M team will play Coburg (ho 4th. I i the Eugene Daily Guar!, and Donald MANY ENTER FLOATS and Kugann th«* f»th and 6th All will bout lo atari thing* with and with, ! Young. Eugene attorney. ihre« grudge fight» topping the rard IN PARADE ON FOURTH I»«* played oa the local f»ih «trnet Immediately following th “ parade gurund*. beginning promptly nt 3:30 It look» Ilk« a real tre a t for the fight The Fourth of Julv parade promlae» 1 the M«T>hr quartet wll’ sing sever- fan-.,. P. m. to b- a fageant that will long be re-jB* e le c tio n s and George Griffith, of The Springfield |ln**up la aa follow*: Under the Direction of J. E. Stewart, Grand Marshall membered Scores of floats and dec Salem 'S u te '''»'" an d er of the Ameri- Maurie Knight, catcher; Orval Mull MISS WALLACE LEADS of the Day. ! orated automobiles will take part In < an Leg,on- wln dellv-r t i e Fourth of Igan. pitcher; H eil lMivld*<»n. flr*t IN GODDESS CONTEST the parade. The formatilon will be July oration- hnae; Ern<«t Skinner, «econd bare; I Barbecue Feature. LINE OF MARCH. at Sixth and A street. 11 Mulligan, short »lop; Mac Ed ] Ha* Q ualified te r Diamond Ring by Enough beef to feed several thou Those who have made entries in mundann, third haae; Jean Delp, right Turning m More than bO.OOO Vote* sand people la now being barbecued clude the following: Form at A Street heading west between Sixth and Ninth field; Joan M«nl». center ft Id; Jack In Fourth of July Competition. Eugene Play Grounds, Ketels drug by B. A. Washburne in deep trenches street a t 10 o’clock. Proifeed west on A street to Mill street, D tn ot,. left field; Delbert Buckman, store, BftothKell-f d.uni ber company. dug at Sixth and Main street. The aubatltute. thence south on Mill to Main street and east on Main to Loyal Legion of lo g g ers and Lumber big open air feed promises to be one With a vole of more than &0.00c Seventh street. men. Grimes Plumbing company, of the main features of the celebration Ml«» Grace Wallace, of Jasper, haa ORDER OF MARCH. as Mr. Washburn's ability to barbe DEPUTIES APPOINTED FOR Springfield Mill and Grain company. qualified for the diamond ring In t h e ' | Patriotic Section. Odd Fellows lodge. Gray’s Cash and cue is widely known. 4th OF JULY PERIOD Fourth of July popularity con teat for The fighters will weigh In for the 1. Marshall Day and Aids. Carry store. Mountain States Power the Goddcaa of Liberty. She Is the boxing contests at the open air arena Deputies appointed by the town first to qualify and unl<«a a dark 2. Goddess of Liberty. company, the Woodmen lodge. Amer at Sixth and Main street and the fight marshall, William Donaldson, for the hora« Is »pmng In the race at bhe ican Legion, chamber of commerce. 3. Children M arching by States. Fourth of July celebration are as fol laat minute thia evening It la pre Stewart Fuel company. Springfield start at 2:30 o'clock. Foot races in 4. Civic Club Float. lows; John lsirah, Jess |» ra h . Noah dicted that Miss W allace will carry off Cream ry company. Springfield gar the streets for which merchandise 6. Cham ber of Commerce Float. Hildebrand, and Ed Cupp These men. the fine platinum set diamond ring age. Anderson Motor company, prlxee are offered will be star’ed at 1:30 o’clock. During the afternoon 6. Fraternal Bodies on foot. together with Marshall Donaklson and offered as a prise to the most popular Sneed's department store. There will Springfield and Coburg will plaf' a Traffic Officer Will Patten will keep young la I also be a number of decorated cars. 7. Springfield Band. baseball game. order In Springfield during the cele Anyone may enter a float or dec 8. Mias Charlotte Stewurt la well up Eugene Playground Float. Band concerts will be held at both bration The state law will he the In (he voting and It la possible she o ra ted car In the parade. The only 9. O ther Patriotic, F raternal or Civic entries. Friday and Saturday bv the Spring- rti'e. according to Mayor Charles Eg condition is that they have their en will be able to munter strength field band hired for the occasion. glmann A further flre-pr* venllon enough lo win. Mias Alice Toinaetl,. try at the place of formation before Industrial Section Floats. Ba ehall games will be held Satui measure providing that fire-crackers 10 o'clock. Civic club candidate. Mias Pauline (day and Sunday with Eugene and 10. Four L’s Floats, large an,I small be tired off only on Driscoll and Ml.,a Mi'dred Petnher are | Springfield playing on the Fifth street pared streets will be strictly enforced, MISS JONES TO TEACH 11. Booth-Kelly Lumber Company. still In the race. I diamond. according to the Mnrshnll. Till« 12. H arry M. Stew art Fuel Company. All catidelateg should chi-ek In at MATHEMATICS IN HIGH Starting tonight (he big dance floor. in ans that they cannot be Herd off I,he News office before 10 o'clock ’hla 1 I 13. 1 the larges* open air pavilion in Ore- Springfield Mill and Grain Company. even In alley ways. Miss Blanche Jones, a graduate o f i(con and , hp carn| Tal show9 wfl, ron evening Money and tlrketa ahould 1 I. Ketels Drug Store. he turned In at that time. \\ illaniettte University in the c,asa i continuously until midnight Saturday At Hoapltal—Mrs. Kate Itldwell. 16. Grimes Plumbing Company. of 1924, was e lec’esl teacher of mathe night. who ha» been III for som e time at her 17. M ountain S tates Power Company. matics and science at the Springfield ' Green Stock Sold. home, look a turn for Ih" worse on ! high school at a regular meeting ofi $35 In Fines this Week, 18. Grays Cash and Carry Store. Tb„ bankrupt stock of W. M. Greet,. I Sunday and was taken to the Pacifti the school board July 2 In the city | Thlrt:'-flve dollar? In fines was net- proprietor of ¡lie Community Cash 19. Springfield Creamery. Christian hospital In Eugene. , hall. George Ditto, chairman, pres i ted ln Springfield police court this store, was purchased Monday by Har-J 20. Eggim ann's Float. «¡•’ed. ! week from persons disobeying traffic Purchased Bowling Alt»y— T rilhert ry M. Stewart, local fuel dealer, and! 21. Jack H enderer Electric Company. The work of repairing the L incoln! ordinances. Frank Collier of W est Henderson a former Springfield resi Is being sold this week. The build-, 22. O ther Industrial Entries. school was tendered to Wilbur Lep- SrringfleM and G. A. H osteller of dent. ha» returned to Sprlngfl, Id and Ing occupied by the »tore has b e f i t 1 ley by 'he board, the remodeling of Bend were each fined $10 for speed 23. Comic Entries. taken charge of the bowling alley leased by F J Grimes, for hla plumb ! the high : ~hool to Alfred Morgan. ing. W. F. Marks of Alvador, A. L. 24. C. II. ft W. Amusement Co. which he purchased front Melvin Ing establishment. Mr. Grimes has Cummings, and Carl Hunter of Eugene also Iraswl the upatalrs of the build Bartlett. Springfield Garage. were each fined $5 for cutting corners. M arriage Licenses Issued. in g 26. Automotive Agency Entries. Marriage license« have been Issued Mrs. Walt r Platt of Thurston wss 27. Industrial Automobile Entries. during the la3t week to Charles Mor Neet-McBee Wedding. The Springfield Mill and Gialn a Springfield visitor Saturday A wedding ceremony was performed ton Neet, Springfield. And Melvina M J. Wearln of W altervllle w its company received a carload o* mill McBee. Lowell; Dominion H. Kimball. at the Fred Hill home on Fifth street run feed, a ear of oil cake meal and here on business Saturday. Oakridge, and Alice McBee, Spring- yesterday morning at 11 o'clock when GRAND JURY ASK NEW a car of mixed ford front Portland GIRL INJURED IN WRECK field; Ray H. Davis, P a n d o n, I. Melvina McBee, daughter of Mr. Went to Oakridge— W. F Miller, Monday. MEN FINED FOR LIQUOR JAIL BE CONSTRUCTED and Haip| Bella Ruter. Eugene; Lyle and Mrs. C. H. McBee of Lowell, was general fr'dght agent of the Southern , , !Layton Hartzell, Mapleton, and Mil- united In marriage to Charles Morton Pacific railway with headquarter» In The building of a new Jal was . . Underwent Operation—Rev. B. B Convicted for driving an autonio- , idrad Emma Harrington; Howard A. Neet. Justice of the P-’ace J W. Cof Portland, accompanied by L. L. Gra Beckett submitted to a major opera blip on the public highway while again recommended by the I^ne . . . „ „ u... Miller, Lebanon, and Bell Gamblll. Er fin performed the ceremony In the ham, district freight and passenger tton at the Springfield hospital Mon- druak. Leslie Hixon, Dayton Hileman County grand Jury which made Its gen«; Ft-ang L. Kincaid. Wendling. nresence of a number of friends of agent of Eugene, passisi through day morning. and Lloyd Smith, wero fined by Judge report at a short session Wednesday. and Norma D. Cox. Wendling. the couple. — ---------- ------ — j Wells in Justice court Tuesday after- Opinion that the Jail should be built Springfield yesterday on the way to Oakridge. A car of wh'at arrived at bhe local no,,n- Hixon wns fined $100 and Mie on the northwest corner of the court New S h e riff Appointed. Ambrose Anway, C3. D4«a. depot jiesterday from Wallula, Wash 0,lh’>r tw<> *R0- Hixon drove the car house lot and the present site con- Frank E. Taylor, republican nomi Ambrose Anway, 63 years old. died Coming from Wendling—Mr. and ington. conalgned to the Springfield which overturned on the Mohawk road vfrt»d Into a park was expressed. at the Springfield hospital June 30. nee for sheriff, was appoint d sher Mrs. B B. Conrtrtght and daughter, Mill and Grain company. ( diaries K. Brown was Indicted for He was a resident of Crow. Inter iff to succeed Sheriff Fred Stickels, about S «'clock Sunday Injuring Miss Pauline, will arrive today from Wend | tho burglary of the S. K. George cigar ment was at. la u rel Hill cem etery on resigned, by the county court Satur _ _ ___ ____________ Gladys Nystrom of Springfield. ltrig to spend the week wlt.h the Mnx He pleaded guilty before Went to Scotch L a k e-M r and Mm. Thp c ,r wa" not ,,a'"y damaged »tore. Julyl. Mr. Anway Is survived by one day. He took office July 1. Sheriff Coglll family. W. N ixw g and J. W. Coffin motored but MtsH Nyatrom was hurt severely Judge G .F. Sklpwortih and was sen sister. Mrs. L. T. Chapman of Vene Stickels resigned to enter business to Scotch lake and the lava beds S u n -|and *" ,ho M*'rr>' h.wpltal where tenced to not to .exceed two years In ta, and by a son, Charles Irwin An and turned over the office to the new Went Fishing—Dr. W (’. Robhan. rtav. Mr and Mrs. E. N. Dillard like- ' 11 1» announced she will recover. Ml«» the penitentiary. ly appointed sheriff after making his way of Oakridge. Dr. S. Ralph Dippel. Levi Neet, and wi»e went In another party Chrla Hoden and Ed Hosted w e r e ____________________ E,ho’ Hu«hfi'' "f Springfield wa., also semi-annual report brolh-'T, Baron N eet of Portland, left riding In the car. Indicted on a charge of possession of Passes at Age 75 laat night on a four-day trip with nra,„ ey Traxel 75 y ars oM was The you ng men Implicated George a worm for making moonshine. They Meet W ith Mrs. Lombard Lulu Keyes was In town from Wal guides, packs and pack horses to go Mumb of W altervllle ns the man who will plead later, found dead 1« the yard at hla home In The A. N. E. A. S. club met at the tervllle Saturday, fishing on the south fork °f tho Me sold them the I ioozp and he was fin,si 1 ' Mabie on June 28, a victim of heart home of Mrs. H. Lombard last we k. Lem Drury of Jasper was In on Kotizle river. $350 after he pleaded gtillk 1 Given Stiff Sentence. 'failure. The body was shipped to Sum The house was decorated with roses bu»lt>i».,s Saturday. George Veatch, Oakridge black- mlt on Sunday morning for burial, and sw eet peas Delightful refresh Nick M eier of Camp Cre. k was a Here from California— Mr. and Mra smith, who wa., arrested while In pos ¡The funeraly was held Sunday after- ments were served. The ladles spent C o n s tru c tio n W o rk F in ish e d . Redford nnd family of Doris, Calif Sprlugflchl huslqps» visitor Saturday tho afternoon doing needlework. Club The W ait n C onstruction company session of liquor, was sentenced to noon there. Charles Grant of Thurston was a ornia are visiting at tho I J. Mnn- members present were; Mrs. C. E. serve »lx months In the county Jail has Just com pleted th e rnri'aclng of warlng home. They arrlv ,1 Tuesday. Springfield visitor Saturday. A car of shingles from the Super Swarts, Mrs. M. J. McKlln, Mrs. N. D Stevens was In from Gamp Greek Mie Cm tnge Grove L orane ro. d and Is nnd pay a fine of $500 by Jtidg,, Wells moving It : outfit. T his ri - 1 wa In Fuser,» Justice court. He plead d Shingle company of Lebanon was un- W . Em ery. Mrs. Georg Catchlttg, Mrs. Here from Gate Creek—Mr». R. W. S atu rd ay on a buying trip. g rad e’’ t--»t y ,n r and Is know n ■ guilty to the charge Saturday and Is In ' : ' terday at the Bnoth-Kellv O. E. Browning of F u c-n e, Mrs. J. Garl Carpenter wns hero from Dou Davis a o l son L. G. Davis Were In In the county Jail. sawmill. ' TV. Coff’r, end the hostess bond p to e d No. 9. glas Cardens Rnturday. town from Gate Greek yesterday. Order of March