Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1924)
I 1 - ■ * ■ « • « lassified Advertisements I X W W P M fc e ».ndi; • » W IH W W II Los Angel«» and vicinity mted mora ...... uncuun ntno utmo will apeak on "KW'Jl Amerlcanlam.. at 11 a. m. At 1 p. m the «object will be "Me and My House.'1 Home theme« of vital Intereat to every or.« of u* will be dktcuaaed at both the«« aervlcea. The choir will «Ing. •a«« n n e m a a n iT c n c n y •th county agent'« office, eight ateera I were Infected with rabtea and died rw- OF SPECIAL INTEREST =*n,ijr « lumbar In 1923 than did the whole »«’« . i. t . ii. «„ •tat« of N«w York during the year | dprague river, preuumably Infected of the la«t official census, with enough from the bite of a rabid coyote. left over In favor of Loa Angel«« to Brief Resume of Happenings of J. A. Churchill, atate superintendent , I provide home for a complete new of public Instruction, haa gone to r o l l HALE A Ford truck Fall at ►«»»< >- « »*•’- I" I p'"’« <>n 1 , tha glg„ of lMlg Enough the Week Collected for Washington. D C., where he will at ■treet near Lincoln school. Addreail . , . , Thompaoii'» lllnek«mlth ST,op. Kaat ., .. . . . . lumber wa» brought Into lx»» Angelo« Our Readers. tend the annual convention of the Na Eugm« 1649 Willamette J 27 J J i , , , . ... .Multi «treet, June 19 2d iiarhor It. 1923 to build 202.000 flv tional Education association, June 30 CALL AND SEE Di. N. W. Emery WANTED-- Cherry picker«, men and'room bungalow« a •»««/, day. »Jill HUH*» I«» W ■ n The Mutual Creamery company of 1° » He w a. accompanied by Ft tit MALE Calf and three flu« pig« Hut 11,1« lumber waa not need en pdcee »*»»• B* d o t h »'- “ j older hoy«; bring pall«; good crop. Hee thuni at churl«« Went Place Portland haa opened a cream-buying Mr». Churchill. tlrnly In the con contrurtion nor I Ian« Furuuet, Htr. Junction nm itlrciv iru cion of home« homes n o rt I Salem banks will help finance a new Glenwood June 19.M of „ used ..e lu s lv .ly in DR i S o T to R l P n E « . . 1 - at F rc-w au r. It can — be - safely estimated that the loganberry pool formed at a m eeting ---------- .. .. -u „... (.o V N T y -------- ...o , it.v taide Dairy fur pure J«r- Angeles. It ---------------- Is intimated a .u that about wheat crop In Gillian, county will be of «9 growers who had found no mar- ..y milk and C ra m Phone 34C3 , K «' »HAY. Hplrella CorwMer, . Jo ,, per re n t of It want Into oth» r sec* Lena M. Lawrence. Plaintiff .. (fir. t bth if i« M I I ( drove, P V t O i f r*. a * I I 305 St l , I t oting«« p , . . a . . the poorest ever harvested In the conn- . »«r tb«fr f™“ ' The ‘>lan forn’u,at- es. apr. It , , -a . . . tlons of California and Into Arlxona. ed Is that grower« will finance th e nav« taken ov«*r Mrs. Lannon s t Walter E. loiwrence. defendant i picking and arrangements will then be SUMMONS work Anyone Interested drop mo M< tit washing and patch . . ... Preschsd Last Sermcn— Rev. liar Medford was choaen by the Order ma(Je f()f ,.annio< „„ „ c(Jgt plu, baBla. TO; WALTER E LAWRENCE, de a • sr»l. Juno 12 IP ing at 10S1 Kaat Main Nt . of lie Molay In state convention at i ry Neat, p n w h M nls farewell s r fendant: u i • . ' The effect of motor competition up- J 12 1926. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Salem, as the place of meeting next . . . . . Ft HNIRHEI) Apartments and rooms m<»n. * l lh” •‘^ •n d a n l Mission on the passenger traffic of the Lnion last Sunday night to a pa- «<a n o .se |<W“ OREGON 'OU are hereby required for rent by day or month. Elite laat Hunday night to a „ park'd Prea«haa on Jonah. Pacific system 1a being felt at Baker. .. . houa< , Ito appear and ar.sw r the complaint year' K d ea r out to the sidewalk About (wen- f ||w| a(?M|n it you | n tbe above en- The Alsea Telephone company haa I The ral|road bag made the announce- Hotel, Srd and Main street The (lr«t aenuon in a »«r(«a on * ,flvu sick were . frayed for and five titled »« r - within from date a a.»pli> the public ---------------------------- aervlce commie- j ment that tha, tne (he tlcket gelling force - . - - - - - - - six weeks - ------------------------ -e i*"u d to .MV- ticgei selling iorce w ill u. lllhb nharacti-rn to 1.« preached by r ported Instant healing Mr. first publ publication of thia this sum summons. Nolle« Mr Neat N««t of of first cation of m ons., B|on for authorily t0 abandon U a . reduced The same order 1« under- lt«v. Luther at lliu Baptist church «. tsw * l a n d IF v /t a a Fa O 9rx u n a w i . e Fz-.» w a n t ... ....... • « " - ■ »«<::« - r , ...... M Ï" " ' X S a « ,,“ " '.'! « " ÎJ . . . o w o. c for the next two months will be given butter at the Newport store will now - . 'court for th* relief prayed for in the Fast progress is being made In the Grande. I court for th" relief prayed for in Uie 1 Faat Sunday night, thn subject being. Jon Had Ousata— Mr, and Mrs John ,.,,mp,alnt m-wlt: the dissolution of ,:onatructlon of the Natron cut-off and ' The Magonlc iodgos and Eastern ah. "The Man Who Tried la Run fimi It at the Eastman store. P. H Roamsn of south of Eugene w ere, ¡w ha e« n ‘, yoSK«ml’nthe ? Ct pUInt"«“1 , « «’.'ng Th?»l be- 400U m,,n ar(; , „ lu ar,i employed 1,1 the gradlni! gradtn,i 8tar chapters of Linn county are Emery, J 29 Away from God " . j guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs »ummons h published once a w eek : and tunnel work. - laying plana for the county-wide Thn men of the church will have 8PECIAL PRICE on plat« work. Dr ¡N. W. Emery Hunday. for six successive weeks in the Spring t-re<1 o su ck ele for the past 6H memorial and religious cerem onies charge of thl» «»rvlr* and they are N W. Emery, dentisi Hutton Bldg fw orthX Juda byof°rtdher in G G sheriff of Lane county, tendered which will be performed Jointly at • planlnng a special musical program. w o r m , ju d g t * o r tri6 abovF* p n tlti***! . ho b<*td nt th p M a s o n ic court, made and entered on the 3rd hla resignation to the county court gathering to be held at the Mason, . Every on® Is envlted «»peclnlly wen. Hunters Psnallxad. day of June, 1924, and Is published to take effect July 1. »nd Eastern 8tar home in F ore«, If you are a non church goer try For ht-nllng without license Charlie -he first time on the 5th day of June,. The Kran)te QUarrlea near Halne,. Grove, July «. • pending an Interesting and a profita Hnrberger and J Jen»«-n of Junction 1 WlUlamx & Bean which have beer. Idle for three years, j B u te Treasurer Myer« invested 35C- ble Sunday evening with ua. city were fined 926 each In Judge Attorn> ys for Plaintiff will soon resume operation«, according 500 of the soldiers bonus urn n Wells Justice court Monday. Gained Postoffice Address Eugene. Oregon to reports from Baker. county, school and improvement bonds. wardens found them hunting In the J-5-7-14-25-J-3-10-17 . ,.» < • « « l e The appropriation was apportioned a s NOTICE OP FINAL ACCOUNT of tne the n New fiiIlnwo. , ijoqqo | n Klama Klamath county __________________ _ I A feature ot ew Aatorta cele , foIlowa; 2«.OOO In Nolle-" H hereby given that Hubert woods. LN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF b''»Hon July 4 will be the mustering . ............... .. yield yjeW 4.90: < M ; »22,000 >22 Kenady the administrator of the e«- _______ ______ Salem Returns to Idaho— «' B Donal I -os. THI THE STATE OF OREGON FOR into service of Company G. ISSth In 8choj, bonda to yield 4 63; »5000 la tat« of EHxaheth J Kenedy, deceased, ha« filed hl» flnul » co u n t In aald «»• son of J. T, Donaldson of this city, - B.<8 « t t .T H .ln t l« U ° trr’ OreK° ” D“ 1On“ 8Uard M° rr° ’ « ”“ ty bonda to jrleW 4 9° : late with the Clerk of Lane County. writes his father from Hup rt. Idaho, y( ' | Major Leman D. Forrest. Civil war jjsoo In St. Helens wa-er bonds to Oregon, and that Saturday the 12th that the rood» are good between here D M Thompson and Thompson, his veteran and owner of large tracts «. yjel<l 5.25. and »5000 In Oregon hlgh- day of July. 192». at He hour of 10 Mr Donaldson has Just A M ha» been fixed for time for pass »ml there | wife. Meador wife of Joseph Meador, timber land In Lane county, died a, way bonds to yield 4.60. ing upon «alil final ucconnl. All person nintored from l os Angelin, stopping ‘I ?»? J J “" . R PhlniT3. E J hla home in Eugene, aged S6 year«. j „ j Kurtz an orchard 1st near Ashlev, Ethel Tomlinson and A D rr having objection» to »«Id final ac off here In route and then going to Tomllr-Hon, her husband. Emma G Fred 8 Currey, secretary of the Salem has succeeded in extermlnat- count are notified to file the same with Ills hum In Idaho. llan len and Thome» Harden, her state fair board and manager of the jng several colonies of gophers thar the Clerk of la« Probate Court of husband, Jennie Walker and John gtate fair for the past 18 months, has were damaging his trees by the sim ple lain« County. Oregon, on or before If you are looking for Frod J Aeb,eh“lnHd Ne»HWai? tendered hla resignation to the board expedient of connecting the exhaust «aid date Dated this 11th day of GOOD SERVICE Sam A«hl.v '. Ben Ashley and Anna j Slash burnings under permits la ot his tractor with the animal nm - June. 1921. ROBERT KEN ADA. Step In—we give It Aehlev. hla wife, William Wilkerson.! gued by duly authorized fire wardens ways and starting the engine. The AdiulnDlrator. ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Jr ar.d Myrtle Wilkerson, his wife. _ ln ( , ™ on under carbon monoxide fumes from the ex- Margnret Groner and P. J. Groner are B«a,n ^ rmi, e<1 Ore« ° n )ckl klUed entlre colouies. William« « Bean. Henry Hchrenk. I*rop h -r husband. Bushnell, wife of John • proclamation Issued by Governor haust quickly auieo en Attorney» for e«t*lo. J 12 19 26-JJ 3-tO T Bushnell, the unknown heir« of Pierce. Experiment, have shown that pra^Uc- — Cool Kitchen —Ready”liiid" to start ^ U,. d „ n ^ t: , r bo r r “^ o dne. - M1o T i i X X X — « . •«II what you want ta «all, buy wbat you want to buy through that« oolumna. Wrlta or phono TWO m h p u i i i u life saver in summer B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Plana and Eatlmatea Furnished Fr«a. Will Help Vou Finance FUNERAL DIRECTOR Your Building. Full Auto Equlp-uant W. O. W. klock Office Phone «2 M. Rot. Phon« «14 GEO. W. PERKINS Cornar 5th and D ttreeta Springfield. Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY W. H. BROOKE OENTI8T Attorney at Law Sutton Bldg. Phon« 20-J Residence Phon« 153 M Springfield. Oregon SHOE REPAIRING Work Promptly and Carefully Done SUTTON TRANSFER Phone 57 ANO AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oregon nlng, Planting »nd Tree Work leclailxlng In Shrubbery and Lawn Work W. C. SHEARER 517 B St. Between 6th and 7th Springfield, Oregon ‘‘The Loop GEO.. N, MeLEAN Automobile, Fire end Life IN S U R A N C E 3urety Bond«,. Phone 617 My bulinare ie to protect yeu r bualneaa I 860 W illamette St. Eugene Oregon A. A. ANDERSON BARBER SHOP STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California! 91.80 Haircut 40c 93.00 Razors 9200 91.00 Fitch Shampoo 85c II Your Home When In Springfield Pacific Feed & Supply Co. Distributors of Fishers Flour, Poultry and Dairy Feeds DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. COLLECTIONS No Co lection. No Charge. W illamette Collection and Credit Service 860 W illamette Street, Eugene, Oregon. Phone 378 O. E. Freight Bldg. East 5th. Eugene Pearl O il is refined and rc-rcfined by th e Standard O il C o m pany’s special p ro cess to insure th e h ighest quality k er o s e n e —n o n -c o rro sive, odorless, clean b u rn in g an d e c o nomical. A v o id dis a p p o in tm e n t- ask fo r P e a rl O il b y nam e. Call WM. G. HUGHES Springfield, W ith a conven ien t oil cookstove and Pearl O il you don't have to lug heavy coal and w ood — to o v e rh e at th e kitchen. V R National Bank Bldg Phon« RS8-J Eugene, Ore. JOHN A. NELSON 509 Main Street , Pearl O il’s cook ing flame is h e a t con centrated a n d — for th e w arm season p a rtic u la rly — a life saver! Contracting and Building w . F. WALKER FIRE __"hfp fire to keep up Oregon JOHN M. WILLIAMS Attorney for Vet. Slate Aid Coni.. Soldiers nomi» I 'ana. L. K. BEAN Attorney Rtnte Laud Board, ptate School Fund Loans. WILLIAMS A BEAN ATTORNEYS »66 Wllllamatte St. Eugana, Or«. Ucanaad to practice in all Coorti of tha State, and United Stata». SF3IKGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con crete or road work. Wo make a specialty of crushed rock and rock stud. Bunk ers nt foot of Main on Mill street HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. FRANK A. DEPUE ATTO RNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Button BuUling Springfield Drago n. ir „ or r p a n 'rn unknown uiinuvwii claim ing any partte. Calming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In or to the real estate dewribed In the complaint herein, defendants. SUMMONS To D M Thompeon and Thompson _ _ hie wife, Meador. arHe of Joseph Mea dor. Silas J. j Pnxon, Saxon, J Joe. m . 'R."phllHpa. dor, R. Phillips, Emma G. Harden. Thomas Harden company Qf Tw0 person, were killed and 1 « »00,600.000 feet of fir timber in the others were more or less seriously lw- Umpqua national foreat. lured in 2060 traffic accident, in Ore- eon during May, according to the After having been idle for 17 year. T A cWef old Balaley-Elkhorn mine west of n f t y per 8aker l* h*1“« cleared °* wat" a“G cent of the month's accidents, or 102» operations will be resumed at an early ( 20#0 <ere due Ham Wilkerson. Jr. Myrtle Wilkerson Lvnatructlon crews have begun t 386 were due to failure to give right 1 Margaret Groner, P J. Qroner, and laying of rails between Crane ana of way. 102 resulted from cutting Bushnell, wife of John T. Bushnell. Burns on the Oregon Short line ex- corners. 57 from speeding and 83 from alao the unknown heirs of any of tengjon «nd expect to have thia sec reckless driving. «aid defendants who may be deceased completed by August , W ater from a sand filled volcano and also all other persons or parties ¡unknown Calming any right, title, es- 20. _____ crater ____ may solve Bend's water prob- i tale, lien or Inter-et In or to the The gigtera stage line is a new p offej, to made to m e her1e!nI't d’efend''arnD ed *" C° mplalnt transportation company that will oper c(ty' councU by a local concern la ac- > IN THE NAME OF THF STATF ate between Eu«ene “nd Bend' Mc’ cepted. The crater is located w ither O F O R EG O N , .-o il are hereby requlr- Kenzle pass, open for the first time to two mlleg (rom the center of Bend ed to appear and anew- r the complaint motor vehicle travel, will be the gate- jg owned by the Bend Brick rom filed against you in t h ' above en- way. pany. A well was drilled 327 feet titled Court and tause. within six jjr j R. N. Bell, re-elected as grand ¡nt0 the floor of the crater more than. B c a U o n 'T th D im m o n s.“ a n T if vou of the Jerand ‘«= F*ars a«° a“d th,e ’ ’*PP,y ” 21 rail to «o a •'rear and a iswer, for Masons, has served 17 years in that . that tim e has Uittl was as na tapped t o at that -- -------- want tnereot thereof m the e p plaintiff is in iu i will wui apply appiy capacity capacity and and is Is the the oldest oldest grand grand chap- chap- \ Dever never been been diminished, diminished, regardless regardless o of f to the Court for the relief prayed for | ain jn point of service in the entire , be fact that thousands of gallons are •n the "omrlslnf to-wlt: for a de- worid. taken out daily. ’• * . ' ‘ cree that you and »ach of you have ' . ,, Widespread interest and specula- no right title or Interest In or to the » iace APr11 u - 19'00° automobiles following described real property, to- entering Oregon from California nave tion was aroused in Newberg over th e been of wit : uw-u fumigated to prevent -------—- spread recent discovery of what is believed ('<•0110160010« twenty feet west of the the foQt and mouth disease, according t0 be tbo foasil remains of some mam- E lX n M u llig a n 'sX n ." « c o rd s kept at the Ashland fumi- moth „ „ h isto ric carnivorous anim al. Itlon to Lnne County. Or gon. which gating station. point is 1302 42 feet w est and 335.20 i A cilat|on allowing the state of Ore> feet south of the portheaat corner carry the case involving the D U C Nor”73. No’ f No. ¡2 D . Oregon com iulaor, school bill on ap- William Myers, an employe of the- Yamhill Electric company, in clearing the Ole swimming hole In Chehalem creek near First street, came upon nine th nee west ou the north side peal to the United S tales supreme several disarticulated leg anu jaw of Ninth Ptreet, In Eueene. Oregon. court bag been signed by Judge Bean bones lying on the bedrock of th e .tw ntv (20i feet: thence north six fpderai court stream beneath four feet of water, ty (601 feet- thence east twenty (20) , ot federal court. ? 'font: thence south sixty (60) feet When they entered the store of Mrs. Huge tusks 3 teei i « ito the place of beginning In Iuine frean or at Creswell a few nights ago. Inches In diameter at the 'County Oregon, and that you. anil b lar, ,e„ „ bouquet of roses hang•' found. - I I - __ ! s s u « i F i ■' 9* ? « i b K n v o n ¡ r a * r a i r n l i t i S l i t U la* S n r « • « • « « « * An effort will be made by the Ore 'er. and that you and each of you be owner. Goods and cash to the amount gon Pioneer association to have Lone Ftr cemetery tn Portland, kept a s a forever barred and enjoined from as- of 9100 were taken. !',e Ttils8 s" u m m o ^ ish.eerved upon yo.J The oil derrick and drilling equlp- park. A resolution was adopted at tbe fifty-second annual reunion of the as by l ublicntion thereof for six consec- ment of the W est Coast Oil company soclatlon that the pioneer dead in t h .» utlve weeks In the Springfl-ld News.) at Dairy, 22 miles east of Klamath I a newspaper of general circulation wa„ entirely destroyed by fire old cemetery be not disturbed and published In J." of an unknown origin with a loss ol that the grounds be transformed into conformity with the order of the Hon a park as a trlbu'e to the folk ot ear’y O. P Sklpworth. Judge of the «hove approximately >25,000. days. Officers elected for the pioneer I entitled Cmtrt. made and entered on The Columbia county grangers are association were; David S Stearns. the 12th dsv of M»v. 1924. Hate agkjn„ tbe townspeople to come with t . th . . l. . who came to Oregon tn 1857. Portland. of first publication the 15th day of “ --------- '‘L “ . , h . «„.,«1™ them and celebrate ln the country this j (dcnt. the Rev Bruce Wolverton, Miav, 1924. year on the Fourth. They are plan- , Portland, vice president; George H. YOUNG * RAY. Attorneys for Plaintiff. nlng a big picnic celebration in Hines, Portland, secretary; William ' Poe' office Address, Eugene. Ore Sievens park, Yankton. M. Ladd, Portland, treasurer; Charles gon. The Douglas county association o f 1 T. Dickinson. Oswego. Mrs. Mary Bar M 15. 22, 29. J 5. 12. 19. 26 Portland held its 13th annual Douglas low WtlktM and L. H. Baker. Portland, county day gathering and picnic at directors. Peninsula park, June 22. The mem An attempt to escape from the Ore bership consists of 780 former resi gon state prison was frustrated when OUR ICE CPF AM dents of Douglas county. J. W. Lilly, deputy warden, sent 14 Is an ideal d e ;-• ■ rr,I Harrisburg will have a community men to aolitury confinement. 'he only dellcloua. 1 whole house. Preparations were started fm a planned to escape through a 40 when a score of business m n met and foot underground passageway leadii g som e and heal'! ul well. We inspected plans for the building. The from the center of a woodpile to a are glad to serve It to ' ou here estimated cost is »13,606, with an point outside the prison wall. Thoae or to »end It to your home, additional 91066 for equipment. were declared among the -------- , implicated luiF11' --- , w henever you order It. Try It Gall Hathaway of Bend has been ■ mogt dangeroua , t 'mlnals in the prison appoint'd by State Engineer Rhea ’ and included f it . wh made th» dar and know how good Ice cream Lupar to take charge of the distrlbu- |n ( escape over the wall «ever«» can ba. on of wator frem the DesUiutes rlvar months ago Th' plot to gain free , He will t.pportlon the water accord- dotn waa conoai icd -averal weak« ago. 1 leg to the number of acre« under trrl- and had it been juc. eaefut between 20 1 gallop at tbe present time. The acre and SO men would huva left tha prison. age total« about 42,000. and It Is clalBl- Deputy Lilly decla d The plan waa ed there la plenty of water It It la to gala the outside ef tha wall under rover ot darknaas. apportioned equitably. EGGIMANN’S