Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1924)
o J THVIIHDAY, JUNK 2«, Personals T P E BPiyN flFlK Ln NEWS 1924. 40 MILLION BUSHELS OF WHEAT SHIPPED Prune Crop Spotted With thq eat pretty well determined In Oregon, growers are reporting varyh.g prospects, In a general way the high hill orchard» are heavily laden while low land orchards are quite light. Intermediate elevations ¡vary The result will likely be a wide variation In sizes. The acute mol»- Itw e situation at the present tim e Is t auslng worr | to the growers espe c ia lly In the hills. Large crops and little moisture usually spells small sizes In the bills. The redeeming fea- Iture of tAe situation la that growers have given more care to early culti-1 »alien than In tbe past and may car ry the tree« along In good shape until I a providential down pour occurs. The ' great rain magnets of Oregon; I e . Fourth of July, haying season and § cherry harvest—may yet bring relief i to the prune men. Close observers estim ate the crop j at last year's figures, although others i raise the yield at least 10.000.006 J Bulgarian Pupils Must Do Work [ Her Make-Up Deadly | Dulgurla Has a new "compulsory labor service law" under which the Portland, Oregon, Juno 26. 1921 — pupils of the public school» do the Mr «ad Mr» Milo Thompson of 1 hunipeon'e rotort up Ih« MsKenzl» Hhlpuienla ot »h eat troni Mi» Colum work about llie building», fllrl» o t a bia Itlver lor Ihn eleven month« of holla ecliool uro here seen washing lb« wer» In lown yeslerday. window». The bleu 1« a combination M r« Georg« Qlbsoa o t Fall creek lb« present fiscal year »bow 10.395,10S of economy and. manual training. bushels esportati, o t Un» amount 15.- «u« In lown on bualne»« Humlny, Mr» Hm» Fttwver ot llarrhburg wa» 101,206 hushala were expomted In Ih« form of flour anil Ih« balance ot 25.’ ■ Hprlitgflald vlallor on Tumnlay M l.. Il« l« n . He«., b n . a position . , » » « • « • b u sh el. In .h e form of g r a in . n r thl« t h l , l lall u l l r am oun t lt.(73.I>60 11.673.560 b it'll Of th« Ketida drug »lore c l. were delivered In Europe, moat of F. H Lamler» of th« Hunsei orchard this going in the United Kingdom and of Creswell »»> In Hprlnafiuld Tuea n larger atnounl by a »mail margin', day with a toad of frull Including or 12.0SS.U9 hu.h'd» wa» delivered lo cberrlea. logan berries and »trawber- j Oriental deliveries were made to rle« Chinn and Jatan with th* form r Mr» Ai line»» of W ndllng wa» In i country probably receiving .h e larger Lillian Warren, of C a n a d a , adopted a modern "make-up*" when Hprlngfleld Monday on buvlueaa. atnounl. Oilier »hlpm-nta were made she reached California, and to Mn I* A. Hodge« was a Hprlngfleld to Mexico, lo California and Atlantic shocked her wheat-growing sweet-, vl.ltor front Marcola Monday heart, Dana Stewart, 30, that hoi ¡Coast port» No shipments thl» »ea- committed suicide by shooting. Ito»» Mathews was In town f«‘O0» l gOB wrr„ mad. Houtb American Thurston Halurd*« port» from either the Columbia Itlver John Currie of lx<aburg wae In or IMgent Hound. The total »hip- There’s a Sight Hprlngfleld on bu»lne»» Halurday inen i. from the N orlhw eal lo date NORTHWEST FOREST Rules of P arliam entary Disorder*' pound«. Mrs. Suburbs: "Why .Sarah, the l> Mteven« was her» from Camp are higher lhan for any o th er pre- A reformed kleptomaniac, after Few prune drier« are being built I __________ _ __ parlor windows are so dir! • 1 can't cr««k Halurday. STATION APPROVED som e time as a respected citizen and thia summer In the stale. Low re i vloua full fiscal year with 86.13S.197 see through them.” J A. Olsen of Jasper was a Hprlng bushels during this »«aeon compared members of a local civic body, again turns, medium crop prospects and a Word has just been received at tha ... _ _ _ta_ — __eU- tho i Housemaid; "Well, ma'am, I Just field visitor Halurday. with the high season of 1121 22 of appeared In court on a larceny charge waiting policy on the part of the come In the front door, an’ except fer W illia m llucka wan In from Walter- District Fore»ter'» office In Portland growers Is the cause of this condi 81.111,117 bu«hela "What have you to say for .'tour- Miss Ritz an' her young gent acroea that Congress has passed a bill pro vllle on a buying trip Halurday tion. With hundreds of acres in all the way in the windy, there ain't a Flour «hlpmenta from the Columbia self?" asked Htzsoner. aiding for a Northwest Forest Ex- Jtdm Henvey was In from the hop Is River during •*>!■ period amounted to Well," said the r. k. "at the meet localities coming Into bearing each thing worth lookin' at.” pertinent station (or Oregon and land ranch on Halurday 3.355,761 barrel« which »how» «n In- Ing laat night they told me to U ke year a certain percenU ge of addition j e s t e r Cyr of the Anderson hop crea»e of 1,160,201 barrels deer t*<, Washington. tii« chair, so after everybody bad al drier space Is needed to take care Ground bogs In tihe State of Wash ’ The movement for an adequate! ‘ ranch was a bualne»« visitor tu of the normal Increase. The chief Bam« period of tbe ’«at fiscal year. ington have not been popular, even equipped forest experiment »tallón left 1 did .'* Fprlngflald Saturday. - « •• ' Interest being manifested la la the To »how the importance of th« orient when th »f aid n»t see their own ' . , , . (or the Douglas fir region l>aa been A A A. Armitage Armltage who llv»« Hr«a near new high powered recirculation types. Of Court« »letter •* market to thl» coa»t. of the toiai Ipfore C o n grya fqr aevefal year» shadows on the 2d of February. In Thur»too W.e a Hprlngfleld vl.ltor amount ....... * barrel. He had been looking over the cards Claims of cheaper d f f n g coots, great five counties, Okanogan, Douglaa, shipped. 2.186.716 barrel» and wad atrongly supported by cham Saturday. er output, and better control of c o n -t were delivered In the Orient with of greeting on the counter for som e Grant. Kittitas, and Yakima, definite ber» of commerce, timber owner», Jim Coolley of Natron waa in town about 60 P *r cent of this total In forest achoola, and federal, stale and tim e when the saleslady suggested; dltlons are put forth by adherents of campaigns were carried on last year on buxine»» Saturday. these new driers. A number of Cal ' » •ire» a lovely sentiment^ ‘To China. Direr liilptncnia were made private foreater* of the Northwest. to get rid of ground hogs entirely, John and Jim Hart were In Spring- ifornia driers have been sold In Ore the Only Girl 1 Ever Loved.” to Europe. Hawaiian Dlanda, Cen’ral with the result that an estim ated sav The Foreat Service ha« had a »mail field from ihelr home in Cedar Flat gon.—Oregon Grower. '•That's fine," he »aid. brightening. and South American porta. Atlantic station In the Wind Itlver V ail'y near ings of crops amounting to more than on Halurday. “I ll u k e five—no. fix of those, porta and California. 210.000 was made on 9.171 acres In Stabler, Wash., for some ten year« George Platt waa In from Thuraton During the month of March. 1924. The first of a number of large log but ha« never had sufficient fund.' to please," records for more than' 3.000 new these counties. In Okanogan County Halurday. rafts to be lo w sl front the Columbia carry on the Investigative and studies a district of 10 square m iles was en Mr» Char'e» Taylor of Thuraton Sure-fire. ¡birds banded were received by the Itlver lo California during the sum work that was needed to be done, for tirely cleared by the destruction o f Flora- “Do you think the new show (Biological Survey of the United States wa» In town on » bi Ring trip Sat mer season vr»z dispatch'd this week | est officers say. In spile of Inadequate about 15.000 ground hogs. The work will be a hit " ¡Department of Agriculture. T h i s ' urday This raft contained four and a half equipment and Insufficient penonne'. was carted on under the direction of Ham Morgan of llnyden bridge «a» Itora- “Sure It will. Why. even the brings the total number for the year million feel lumber within the rafl tin- experimental work under Dr. J the Bio'ogical Survey of the United a Hprlngfleld busto» ea vlalior Satur Itself and bad a deck load of piling V. Ilofman, formerly director, has leadln lady blushes when 3he re- to 25.000. States Department of Agriculture. day and shingles. This method of trans- proved Ila practical value to forester« hearse» her part.” Mt«» Mary Wechter from Portland Nothing Left. "Speaking of railroad service In portatlug lumber |e used only during an|', '(tnih(.r' owners of the Douglas «tatt«d with h r mother on Emerald | U . S, Golf Chapip Alice: "I hear Jack has broken off Georgia.'' said a traveling sale-m an. llie summer lime winh comparatively fir f ri Blon „ |„ generally recognized. region. It Is Heights Sunday. his engsg nient with Gladvts. How ■« BP day I was w ailing for a train in >month •<*<. Such results as methods of natural re a sm all town. One hour, two hours. stocking of Douglas fir lands and did she take It?" LOST. Gold Rveraburp pencil m arked completely un three hours passed, but no train Virginia: “Oh, It Baited Up. relative humidity as related to for K It L. P h ase return to Rev Ed pulled In. I was about to hire a man Coach; "H o w In thunder did you est fires have proved the value of manned her.” gar II Luther and claim reward to drive m to the place 1 wished to J 28 get lb" »igtials mixed OB that play?“ such Investigative work, la the opln make, when the station agent said: Granted. quarterback; •'Well, you see I've Ion of foresters. “I wouldn't go to that trouble, air W ide (In a huff): "Oh. you needn't been playing golf all aurnnv r. a® T h » Logical Motive Ihiipt yop're so wonderful. The night The train'll be along soon now.” Exacting Boss when I saw the ball passed I yelled Guahtnglon: "My goodness! Here't "What makes vou think so?” •'Does your wife know how lo waah you proposed to me you looked ab another chap swum the English chan Fore!" "Weil," he answered. "I'm pretty solutely silly.“ dlahee?" certain of It. Here com es the conduc nel." Hubby: "A coincidence. The fact “I should say »be does. 1 can't do Dr. S Ralph Dippel. DentleL Vltua Lualilngton: "What for? Haa Eng tors dog now.” 1s I wa» absolute!« silly." them to suit her at all.” kulbllng. Springfield. Oregon. land gone dry?'“ 1 4. ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Celebrate in Springiield A 130-pound golfer from Engle-j wood. New Jersey. « the pew openi golf champion of the United Statefcl He is Cyril Walker, who shot BJ score of 279 on 72 holes- Wfyr hall s the sign oí i K v w a s ifc p ? The biggest Four day of July Celebration ever staged in this part of the Willamette Valley is being arranged for YOU. Some of the Features II . IO 5 STREET PARADE BAND CONCERT FREE BARBECUE ORATION— STATE LEGION COMMANDER, GRIFFITH FOOT RACES OPEN AIR DANCE FREE SHOWS BASEBALL GAME • M ineral O il AERIAL STUNTS ATHLETIC STUNTS Parade Prizes BEST PATRIOTIC FLOAT—$40. BEST INDUSTRIAL FLOAT— >86. REST DECORATED CAR— >16. SECOND BEST DECORATED CAR—->10. REST COMIC FLOAT— >16. BEST COMICAL INDIVIDUAL—>10. 11 —because the Medici family of Italy gained their name from practicing medicine. They became the first mon ey-lenders and used as a sign their coat of arms, which bore three gold en "pills.” Many save health and mon ey by using Enter a Decorated Float or Automobile in this mamouth pagent Springfield is host to oil Lane County Russian Type to keep the body free from poisonous food waste. I uretest Mineral Oil Is odorless, colorless, tasteless, it quickly soft ens the bov 1 contents and does not have the i ...¡.a r s jt effects of many cahhartlcs. One uf ii Puretest preparations for health id hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can pro duce. Flanery’s Drug Store A C X tx tt V n t M a n Phone ts Springfield, Ora.