Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1924)
I 0 PAGE FOUR Chlorine In the prororatlone usad i water I» •<rrllla««l b\ tiro ’• " h ’ »■* Matheny. gat«»*. *_ a la h a w ton* twtrt p*r ni 11 Ilo ti i Tn«» a v e . n , ti? , , r . y the eterlllm tlon of * water barin , . rl ^techantr. and superintendent Bui« „y lhrra ,„nllh . Io eight teallM of of the Creka, California plant of« 18* Br 8 Ralph Hlppel. Dentist, VIHI» lesa. Authorities agree that ch in the proportion of two or «bree B ,UhMI Mountain States Power company vis buHding. Springfield. Oregon. part, per million, pnaluce. no harnv tH,P n ar«. ited the local plant today. Born— In Fairmount, Eugene. June ful eft ct on the human organism As] ' of «,r George McDermott and Bob Sk»lt«»n Went to Loot Creek— Mr. and Mrs. S3. 1934. to Mr and Mrs. L. F. Bur row. a »on. Mrs. Burnì« was form John Wlaenrled. Mr. and Mre Joe from IMftland wore Suuday visitors erty Mis* Florence Butnbrldas of l.emmnns. Hr. and Mrs. It. P. Mort In Springfield. en«« u and <l«i<ghtcrs Alice and Mar Springfield. ................ - » i» .» w .> « h garet. and Mr Wilson went to la>st OVER-CHLORINATION Wont to Ferry— Miss Abbie Cooley. Creek Ranch Sunday over the lava supplies from well« aud spring« are of fm , OF WATER IS RARE sterilised h , tw o ten th . to six tenth, seldom over chlorinate,I B u t. Clifford Fandrem. Mise Lucili* Cook buds. T h y stopped at Belknap and Henry Tomseth drove to Dew«) Springs, also. Raw surface of Health. Water 1» an absolute nee salty man's ferry Sunday and spent the I Motored to Albany—Mr. and Mrs. organic matter can grow, nor can afternoon. N A. Rowe motored to Alban-« Satur- . Injured Hand— J T. Brabham of uP , d(|v afternoon to visit Mrs. R owe's, any living being ««xlat. for aw length the McKenzie river had his Index jQn John Jjunbt,rty ant| family. On of lime, without water. To eueure . adequate and safe supply of thia finger of his left band mashed w h ile , ---- „ „ - ------------------- the lakt Sunday in ,.onnmnv company with with the letniber ’ at werk Monday at the Booth Kelly tys they drove on to Salem. They re- element la one of the first problems ' T H t of a clvlllted community. In Incor- saw m ill , turr.ed to Springfield Sunday night . . . _ ._ poratoi towns and etttee. the respon | ; The Lambertys expect to pass through *■ Returned to Springfield to Live----- . .. , albllity for a safe water supply rests Mr and Mrs Trub-rt Henderson re- Springfi- Id soon on their way to I .1 upon the mayor and city council. turned to Springfield from Salem yes-1,,orn1“' Under our present condition» of civ terday where they have been residing Went to London Springe— Mr. and ilisation. It Is becoming Increasingly • ~ ? 3 £ They expect to make Springfield Mrs. P. A Woolley, son. Vero, and more difficult to find a natural water a ,,,« ! .* t iiilin a ceutdreae in t b . m M »t ' ,f. 7 » U h i r . m « « " ifl 'i "< !»•<»•• «•harming « '?*.*'***,''VjT their home again. daughter. Miss Chloe. Mr and Mrs. supply that Is safe. The problem B JV I M m lU . of m ateW — boutevaHto a nd a ll l b - ¡Harry Woolley. Mr. anti Mrs. Miller. must be met by sterlllxatlon. Of’ all ««untorta of homa Burned Hand— Harvey M. A each an aona anj iw o daughters all of the methods devised for the purifi g»nd fo r e a r booklet I I te lls Ih a th rtllln « tU M V engineer for Davis Lumber company Eu<ene Mrs Emma oiaoo and O M cation of water, chlorination Is ih ul n a tu re 's w m slerland <“» r of Springfield rural route number 1 Ol*on went to London Springs o Olson went to London Springs on a most practical and efficient. It will T H R O U G H S L E E P IN G C A R was In town I eaterdav receiving picnic Sunday. be necessary, therefore, for an In Bervb-a D A I L Y betw aaa P o rtla n d an d W e e « treatment for his right hand which creasing number of communities to V e lk e n to ru , by th« he had accidentally burned with Install rhlorlnatlon plants. DISABLED VETERANS TO O n Installation o f chlorination steam while at work. nion a c ific ystem MEET AT SALT LAKE plants. City officials are frequently m a k e . Ih a I rip very <-om»ortabla Leaving for Washington— Mr and Reduced fares to Salt Lake City are to beselrM with all kind« of complaint* Mrs. Sidney Ward aud family are be granted to members of the DI»- People Imagine that all their 111» »re L « t e u r rae rvaan taltvaa m ak a your Itin e ra r y .n J s -re n e a v ee r reservatio ns. •«•■ leaving Saturday morning on a mo abled American Veterans of the World due to the chlorine In the water. The tor trip to Goldendale. Washington War. b . Southern Pacific, on account conditions most frequently complaln- J. II ( A ’KlLf, Tr«v»ltnM !••»•«-ngcr A«»M They will go by way of the M cK riiil. ut Iha fourth annual convention o f. ed of are a dlsagr» eable ta s u and od with heail - iua H cm « »» . Pas». <17 l i t I well Itlorfc. K » rlla n 4 organization to >*• *»etd at Salt ¡or. «erialn skin eruptions, « ramps and w W <Mll tMFr«« ttn!1y tjj =. « t f e U lb ; drop him a card or •« M r« ** Here from Chico. Cal.—Jerry Lnnce- The orgxnlae'.l on ha* arranged »3 v im aglnsiion 1« i n « U'M MrMt’llIlAY ford arrived Saturdatl from Chico. Cal- fa c t that complaint* continue to corn«« O w ral Agent. Vlaltsd at Plant— E lm er TOWN AND VICINITY W«nt to Victoria—J. M. Elder left Sunday for Victoria. B. (*. Here for Treatment—Charleo Hagar of Marcóla was 1« Sgrlagíi.W Weduee- day morning for medical treatment. Stopped In Springfield- Mr. and Mrs. Hills of above Oakrido were in town yesterday on the way to the coast. Went to Newport— Mrs. W. C. Reb- kan and Mrs. McMurray left last week-end for Newport «o spend the week. Here Thursday—George Swanson of the Fisher Lumber camo at Marcóla was a Springfield business visitor Thursday. Went to Portland—Or. A. C. Oater- holm left Saturday for Portland on h is vacation. He will return the first week In July. Underwent Operation — Mrs. Fred Tryon submitted to a major operation at the Pacific Christian hospital in Eugene on Monday. gom — At the Pacific Christian hos pital in Eugene. June SI. 1*34. to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rasmussen of Mabie, a daughter. Went on Picnic— Mr and Mrs. E G Button. Mrs. Zoila Cantrell and son. Alvin, and Fred A. Cllngan picnicked Bunday on the Willamette river , Here for Few Day»—Mrs. O. C. Riggs and two children are down from Oakridge for a few days, They arrived Tuesday. one y - v Is the nation’s Greatest Playground U P S Here T h urada^ G eorge ] abOTe Wen,ntng. of the Fisher Lumber camp at Mar-1 cola Springfield businea». Went to Salem— Mrs. Emma Oleon Thursday j left this morning at D o'clock for Went to Portland—Dr. A. C. Oster , Salem to aren d the funeral of her holm left Saturd U for Portland o n ; brother-in-law, N P. Olson who died k ls vacation. He will return the first i Tuesda in that city. She received w e k in July ' televram yesterday. She is ex- - ; pected to return this evening. Born— At the Springfield general hospital, Jane 31. 1924. to Mr. and ( , Went to Corvallia—Clayton Barber Mrs. Harry W Parks of W altervllle ( [went to Corvallis Saturday to assist a son, weight 8 pounds. Jwith the posting of American Legion Had Ear Treated—Mrs. Ray Goff circulars announcing the Fourth of of Eugene brought her son to Spring- July celebration In Springfield. He Held fee medicai treatment Thurs- posted them from Monroe to Corval The ted ¡s suffering from an lis, and through the Corvallis busl- Jness dbtrict. Infected è*«*- Returned from Silverton— Mrs. John - Undeevra. n t Operation— Mrs. Wal ter Rauch of Wattervrtle »abmltted Tomseth and small niece, Mayy Ellen to a majqg op-tfaliòn Friday morning Shriver, returned Friday afternoon M th“ P ta ffc «Ghnstian hospital in from Silverton, where they visi with Mrs. Bertha Erickson for a tew Kugen*. *• days. Had Ear Treated—Mt»- R*V c,o{f Here from Portland— Mrs. W. of Eugene brought her son to Spring field for inadical treatment Thursday. Foster of Portland arrived Sunday to | The ltd .ft antferlng from an infect' d spend the Fourth of July with her i ***>•-* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. D e . ear. Pue. Her husband. Dr. Foster, is a ’ “ Mrs Rogers Recovering—Mrs. C. J tending the medical conference at! Rogers Of the Wilhrw apartments Is Vancouver, British Columbia. Improving after her recent illness. V isit ng at Snodgrass Home— Mr. "Ìlrt Berg Injured— Mrs. B*rg dis and Mrs. Earl HUI and Mrs. Hill's | located her hip on Saturday when she mother, Mrs Lncy Holland visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Riley | ■lipped-aod fell. Snodgrass Tuesday. They are resi Wortrtng at Farmer's Exchange— Miss Hazel Edmiston of Thurs'on be dents of Cottage Grove. gan work Thursday at the Farmers H ere from W endling— M r. and Mrs. Exchange, ftkltjg the place of Mrs. B. B. Courtright and daughter Paul Grace WobeifM who is spending a two- ine of Wendllng arrived Saturday fo r 1 week vacation ftp Canada. a visit at the Max Cogill home. Mr. Went to Convention— Mrs. Charles ¡and Mrs. Courtright spent Saturday- while Miss Paulin» | Eggimann. Mrs. Bert Doane, and Mrs and Sunday here. Harold Hartley left for Hillsboro Mon remained a few days longer. She iy morning to attend the convection leaves for home today. e f ’ the Ladle* of the O. A. R. They Preparing for Tournament—The lot next to the Methodist church 1» b e - ! I wtl return 8aturd:H ing prepared for an athletic tourna- j I Here from Portland— Mr. and Mrs . u l O r N eet name Saturday evening ment to be held by the church prob , from Portland to visit with Mr. and abl ; Saturday, with contests of horse l Mra Levi H Neet. They returned to ¡shoes, tennis and volleyball. Th» Me- their home Sunday. Mr. 0 . R Neet is 1 thodlst church horseshoe players I . brother of Levi Neet. 1 have had their challenge accepted by I the Baptist players, and a game will ; New Barn Nearly Done—The new heW #ornetlme ln tbe near future dairy barn being built on Mt. Vernon Visiting In Wisconsin— Mrs. C arl, J«rso > farm, the property of C. E. Olson Is now visiting her sisters at ■warts, la finished all but the "tan ckions. It will accomodate 22 head Wisconsin Rapids, W isconsin, after] o f cattle and 40 tons of hay. Mr. and an extended stay In W est Virginia and | j t r s Swarts accompanied by their Washington. D. C. She expects to b e| daughter Miss Edna Swarts and their In W isconsin for a month or two. grandaughters. Margaret. Helen and „ Trainmaster Hera— E. 8trood. train j M axine Swarts motored out to view master of the Soutern Pacific rail way company with headquarters it* th e new barn on Sunday. Eugene was in Springfield Tuesday L eft for Victoria— Mr. and Mrs. S. on business. O W right and son. Guy. left Sunday Went on Picnic— Mr. and Mrs. John for Victoria. B. C. to be gone about F Keteto ------- and ------ Mr. and Mrs. Clark B. . month. Mrs. Jim 1U Eldar, A»»««» ♦ daugther, ---- — « f Mr and Mm. Wright, who with Wheaton went up the McKenzie be h e r Children had been visiting at the yond Blue River Sunday, near the Cas- koine of her parents, left the « m e nd< National Forest reserve, taking day for her home In Riddle, Oregon, along a basket, dinner and spending They returned to accompanied by her brother Harry the day there. Fprlogfleld In the erasing, eating W rig h t their ever, ng meul on the Camp ere k Attended Meeting— ” »hn F. *•»*>* road near Myers' greve. Cf the Ketela drug company attended Went to Salem— Mr». W H en w «d-! » m eeting of «he Retail DruggHta as- aor'stlon In the chamber of com m erce, rian lefl for Salem ‘’unday afiern' n, rooms in Eugene at 8 o’clock on Mon motoring down to visit her brother day night. The d ra ft'» tr are prepar Harry W. Scott and family. An ing for a druggists’ sta te con «Jntlon pound boy was bo i to Mr and Mrs. tn he held In Eugene on July 9, 10. Scott on June 19. The Sco’ta are aad 11. A program la being arrango.1 well known In Springfield, having r lv Med hero a n u n il-r of times gor that time. off Womens Shoes GRAHAM’S MONTH END SALE Opens Thursday June 26 HIGH QUALITY IN EVERY PAIR OF THESE RELIABLE SHOES. OUR REDUCED PRICES CHALLENGE COMPARISON UNEQUALLED ELSEWHERE. EVERY PAiR SEASONABLE STYLE TO PLEASE YOU. PAIR WE PROPOSE TO CLOSE YOUR CHANCE TO BUY FOR HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. Dress rump □port styles Sandals DresB Pumps ln colored auede with French heels, including values up to All Colors $13.00. Priced regularly at $6.50— For Children and M e n CLOSING OUT CLOSING OUT CLOSING OUT $5.00 Patent Leather One-Strap, low heel, priced at only ....... .................. 5 3 .3 5 $6.50 Gray, Tan, Brown Suede with one Inch leather heels, at .... 5 3 .8 5 $8.00 to $10.00 Gray Suede in French and Spanish heels, strap patterns 5 5 .8 5 $8.00 to $10.00 White Kid Pumps, strap and tongue patterns, at ... 5 3 .8 5 $8.50 to $10.00 Black Suede PuinpH In plain and cut-out patterns 55.65 Bo^s' Victory Tennis Shoes, Regular $2.25, now 51 85 Black $2.95 For Women For Women B uck Grouped to sell at— In gray and heaver elk In strap •atte rns. Prked at $5.00 and $6.00, at— $4.85 $3.85 Children's Wide % Hose Pink Cordovan Red Cham pagi.e OUT THESE LINES TO THE LAST FINAL $5.00 Goodyear Welt, white buck and $7.00 Gray Suede Leather Trimmed Sport black leather perforated pumps 5 1 .9 5 Extra Values of accumulated sizes of Pumps, priced at ............... 5 4 .3 5 broken lines In Misses' Strap $7.50 Beaver Suede with blue elk leather Hhnf>s .......... 95 c trimmed sport pumps 53.6 5 $3.50 Patent Leather, white cloth top, button shoes, sizes 5 to 11 ..... < « $7.00 to $8.00 Beige Suede, lattice cut-out $10.00 Men’s Sport Oxfords In two-tone— sport pumps a t ........ .................. 5 4 .8 5 brown anil smoked elk .... 55 35 »3.50 Genuine White Buck, plain toe sport $6.50 Brown and Black Calfskin Street oxford, rubber sole .... 5 6 .8 5 Oxfords, priced at .................. ¿3 gg Youths’ Advance Tennia Shoes, Regular 75.00 to $7.00 White Relnskln Strap $2.00, now ............................... 3CJ Pumps and Oxfords, pair 51.6 5 Cuff ¡O 528 Willamette St. 828 Women’s Sport Hose .. Richelieu Rib Purple Fawn Gray Black White $1.10 pair 1 1 i