Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1924)
PAGE THREE THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. JUNK 26. 1924. outfit not strong enough to do Jhe 1 In, the experiment station reports, j Leaf spot of cherry and prune Is work right and In s reasonably short reported motil generally where Ire a time Is >howu up by harvest result« Correspondants ar« crowded or on thin soil. Wh«-re In Oregon. Thorough covering of ev known to he troublesome It la sprayed ery particle of surface on the tree Mr. and Mra. Scott Lyon« and «on. for according Io the direction» In the from top to bottom 1» tbe recommen UPPER WILLAMETTE dation of lbs experiment station for Ralph, of Ooabnn havo gone to Tri f O. A. «pray cal« ndar. , 111« houan occupied by Mr anil angle Lake to »pend the uumuior. Worms cun be kept from the late 100 per cent control. Mr«. Chari«« llaln«»» ami family up A boy wbn born to Mr. and Mr«. j cherries In tho cherry worm districts |(u(tle«i>aM« <r« k, above Trent, burn Crow, Jun« 14 at Trent, by spraying a little »we«tened pola A MILLION MAD «<) to th« (round Monday morning t iiarll« Hofffman who ha« been at- Oi.ed water on the upper surface of MEN IN AMERICA Jun« 23 before brwakfaat. A fir« had I tiding school at Hpokann. Washing the leave». Tbe »pray 1» made of There will soon be a million Insane been atarled It* a atovo In Ui<> front (on relum ed to hl» home at Goshen lead arsenate paste Vi pound, molas part of th« bouae and tha family Friday, June 20 s e s - d o not use honey—2<iuarts, and In America at tbe present rate of In crease. w r« pr«parlng breakfast In th« kit water to make 10 gallon«. Experi Dr. J. Ivan Dufur, professor of Ner chap wh«n th« fir« »»« dla<ovar«d by enced grower« Just drive at a mod«-r vous and Mental dk»‘ases at the Phila neighbors. Moat of th« furniture was * aie rate b«tw- ,-n the rows and do FARM REMINDERS • • • • • • • « • auvrd Th« hou««. woodshed and milk • not stop as the rodman flashes a delphia College of Osteopathl and Htrgery speaking today before tbe boti«« w«re totally destroyed and bad Additional mean« of combating llie Utile of the solution on each tree Oregon Osteopathic Association at th« wind been blowing »trong It would top—-not enough to poison the fruit, unsatisfactory wormy apfde la des Albany, startled the assembly by quot- hav« been a bard fight to aave th« troying wormv apples at thinning but plenty to kill the files that lay In statistics to show (be astonishing gralnor I and barn. Th« Halms» tain | •the cherry worm egg. time Thi« practice, recommended by Increase of Insanity In the United lly wor« taken t<> thu horn« of A. C. The hop red spider develops rapid the experiment station, 1« suppl m en States. According to Dr. Dufud "Can Miller of Trent. ly In hot dry wenther, and fast grows tal to spray control. cer la not the only disease which Is At th« Pleasant Hill Christian Bn j Want to »tart beekeeping? Here are Into large colonies from the few rapidly Increasing In this country In deuvor Meeting Sunday, June 22. Mra. I seven wit ,, to gel a start listed by -calterod Individual« first appearing spite of every effort of the m dlcal M E Haya « • • leader iho aubjoet b e-; II. A Sculler, of the Oregon expert ¡Standard control la »praying with con profession to control IL The rate Ing "Th« Chrl Ulan Endeavor Pledge.” ment station: Buy purebred Italian centrate commercial llroe-sulfhur 2 of Increase of Insanity Is fully as During lb« bu»lne«» session It w a s ! bees In modern h ive; gel your neigh gallons, calcium caseinate 1 % pounds, great as that of cancer and no medi voted to put »30 of tho treasury tte j bor to hlv« a swarm for you; buy dusting sulphur 5 pound», and water cal or surgical cure has been found ward the minister’» «alary and »30 to , bee» in old hive and Iraunfer Io mod I lo make 10 gallons of »olutlon. Tbe ward lh< lent meetings which h a v « , ern; hlv« H colony from a bee tree; ! untb-rslde of the leave» must be cov- for either.” Sts >. the Doctor. "Th“ remedy for this alarming situation been held I He last four week». The 1 buy nucleu« from reliable dealer; buy I er«d as It is there the spiders con- lies, not so much In tbe curing of treasurer reported that »71.71 was bees by the pound with queer jgregate. Directions for making and thoee unfortunate Individuals who are wade nt tbe Pleasant HUI picnic. The second cover spray for codllng- using the >pr.A| can be had by writ already In Institutions as in the pre (if much Interest to the people of moth In eastern Oregon is applied two ing to the agricultural college at Cor vention of new cases by Instituting the Pleaaant Hill district la the a n -! w e e k s a f t e r t h e first vallis for a copy of the station circu proper treatment «arly. tiounrement of tbe engagement of i lar, "The Red Hop Spider.” A third rover spray, aays the experi Auto Intoxication Is the cause of Ml»« Effie Olboon of Ixmg Beach to ment station, 1» applied four weeks Th«- poor economy of using a spray most nervousness according to the Allan Wheeler of PPnsant HUI. Mie«; later, and a fourth four weeks after Gibson taught In Union high school the third. No I at Pleasant HUI the winter of European canker, destructive on 1923 24 along with Prof. M E. Hay». J certain varieties of pears and occa She was not only active In h w »rhool »tonally appleo, Is materially reduced work but took an In church - l|< rutting out canki-rs and spraying and communlly affairs The p«*t, with tiordraux before full rains eel wluter »he ha» been working for her M ia t> ti degree In sociology at the University of Oregon and assisting Monday, Wednesday, Friday Doan Young Allan Wheeler Is the I HjVlnglleltl ...n of Representative H. C. Wheeler $127.50 of l*lea»«nt HUI He 1« a gradual« j of th« Pleaaant Hill high school and pa« been attending tbe Bible t nlver- alty al Eugene The announcement of the engagement »«* ma le at « party given for Ml«« (Bb.on by Ml.« It»«« Itolhwell and Ml«. Helen Burke at Hie home o f Mr». E. C. Sanderson In Eugene The revival meeting» which h»»« It s .Jutomatk been held by the TeddM Leavitt Sam FAIRBANKS-M ORSE Winning Team tb s last four week« In a tent on the grounds of the pub HOME WATER PLANT lic school, closed Sunday night. June U S T turn any faucet— in 22 Monday evening a reception w s- home, dairy or barn— and given at the church In honor of the you get an abundance o f run new members Both the church and ning w ater, under pressure. We are selling under orders from headquarters and will Christian Endeavor room» were pack Not s switch to turn or ad ad. After an address by Mr Leavll justment to make. T {ie plant continue until our stocks have been reduced to the re and Rev. W. A. Elkin«, refreshment« operates from any electric light quired amount and until certain lines have been entirely were served by the ladle» of tbe socket or home lighting plant church Mr. Leavitt left Tu eday for circuit. Pumps water from cu- sold. W altervllle where he will conduct tern , (hallow w e ll, (p rin g , TH IS IS NOT AN ORDINARY SALE. BUT A SALE meeting» stream or lake. Has sturdy gal Mr and Mrs Oreahman are msk vanized (teel lank. Dependable W ITH A Ing Ihelr home In the cottage on the Fairbanks-Morse Pump. C a ranch of E. It. Tinker. p a c ity 2 0 0 g a llo n s p e r h o u r. See u* <or details. Mr and Mrs D W. Faust haamoved onto th'- Cobb ranch. Community News By Spacial additional buildings and a memorial court In honor of the forty-seven' stu dents of the University who died In the service during the World War, It called attention to the fact that the American Legion and the Unlv»r- slty of Oregon are both dedicated to the same Ideals—the promotion of, ettiaen-ship and patriotism WAR MEMORIAL TO BE —and commended the campaign to RUSHED TO COMPLETION the citlxens as meriting generous and whole hearted support. University of Oregon, Eugene. June 24.—Assurance has been given Ameri The Carbollneum Wood-Preserving can Legion officials of the speedy company shipped a carload of creosot- construction of the War Memorial ed railroad ties to Salt Lake C l f , Court on the University of Oregon Utah on Saturday. campus, by Robert Kuykendall, presi The Anderson Manufacturing cor dent of the alumni association’ and na tional chairman of the alumni gift poration shipped a carload of lumber to Colorado Saturday. campaign The official presented Mr. Kuyken The Springfield Mill and Grain com dall with a copy of the resolution pany shipped a carload of flour to passed by the state convention of Roseburg Saturday. the department of O r e g o n which heartily endorsed the University of Born—At their home on East Main Oregon Gift Campaign to aecure funds through gifts of alumni and other street, June 16, 1924, to Mr. and Mra. friends for the purpose of constructing W. J. Culver, a son. researches of Dr. Dufur and he ad vocates overcoming the ‘‘self polslon- Ing” by putting the body machinery In proper working order by Osteopa th Ic adjustments so that It can auto matically elim inate Its own waste products. .ft I C E FREE DELIVERY Summer Vacations Holverson Bros, Props. Low Roundtrip Fares C. J. BREIER CO. See one or more of Oregon’s wonderful resorts this summer. Low roundtrip fares make it easy. The Tillamook, Newport and Coos Bay Beaches, the mountain resorts, Crater Lake and the O re gon Caves as wrell as many other delightful spots offer a great vacation. O r see the scenic Shasta Country along the beau tiful Shasta Route. Our Great Sales Campaign will Continue Until Our Object Has Been Attained J A sk for our Oregon Outdoor Booklet S o u th ern Pacific C. OLSON, Local Agent Phone 65 REAL OBJECT S — « I -w J THRIFT Is largely a matter of right buying. You buy right, here. Eastman Grocery F .J .G R I M E S I It.- - > Men’s Shoes One lot Dress Shoes in sample and stock shoes P IIIM 9 1 N G C O M PA N Y II . - f—. I S p rin g field . P h on e d J See pump demonstrated in our window. $ 2 .9 5 One lot Shoes Men's D re s s $ 3 .8 5 $ 4 50 Special this week for $1.39 Gold Gillette Razor, form erly selling at $6.00 And a 50c tube Colonial Club Shaving Cream No Vacation for Your Dollars While you are gone this sum mer, jour dollar» will not be taking a vacation, here at the First N ational— nor do they wish one. Won’t It be a satisfaction lo know that your funds will be here working hard while you are playing and that when you come back your balance will have grown wlthbut effort on your part? If you were a depositor with us, you, too, could enjoy that feel ing Black Kid Dress Shoes, wide toe, medium heavy sole— $ 4 .9 5 Brown Vici Kid Dress Shoes,round toe. Very ser viceable— $ 5 .4 5 Brown Calf Oxfords, plain toe. Extra good wearing quality— $ 4 .5 0 Copeland ft Ryder Oxfords black or brown— $ 6 .9 5 & $ 7 .5 0 Men’s Muleakin W o r k Shoes, extra good wearing sole — $ 2 .2 5 J Outing Shoes, bicycle toe. Inst the kind for sum m er wear See Our Window” Ihe First National Bank OF EUGENE Since 1883 $ 2 ,2 5 to $ 2 .8 5 Shoes of nil kinds m e d iu m Heavy One lot Pumps and Ox fords, broken sizes—• Work $ 1 .3 9 Sample and stock Pumps and Oxfords. Patent leath er, kid and suede. All styles— $ 3 .8 9 Satin Lattice One - Strap Pumps, Spanish heel— $ 3 .9 5 Blue and Gray Hollywood Sandals— $ 4 .2 5 Patent Leather One-Strap Pumps, plain toe, Cuban heel— $ 3 .4 5 Black Suede Pumps and Oxfords, low or medium heel, lnttiee front— $ 4 ,9 5 i - f l ”.? Misses’ Patent L e a t h e r Hollywood Sandals - $ 2 .9 5 Misses’ blue or gray fine st run Pumps HARD <^2 8 5 * $ 2 .9 8 Misses' P atent L e a t h e r O ne-Strap Pum ps at — $2 AR to $ 2 .9 5 One j,.f Infants’ Shoes and Children's Sample Shoes, all sizes— «»86 T Q n f \ MILES ON TWO 1 O U U YARDS OF SCRIP. Your mileage is greater and costs less w hen you travel on Red Crown gasoline and Zerolene oil. Use convenient Standard Oil Company Scrip, in $5, $ io and $20 denominations; accepted by Standard Oil Service Stations and dealers wherever you motor. Fine for touring. Saves carrying cash. Economical. $ 2 .8 5 $2 2 5 to $ 4 .5 0 P itn u i. — r Ladies Pumps and Oxfords White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords, black trimmed— Sample and Btock Shoes and Oxfords. Good val ues— P H O N E 66 I $ 1 ,3 9 ■of quality I 8TANDARD OIL COMPANY < C A L l/ü R N 1 A ) ''“R