Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1924)
D IV O T IO TO I N T IR IS T OF BPR IN G FIgLD ANO T K I FA R M E R * OF THE W IL L A M IT T g VA LLEY THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNT Y, OIUCOON, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1024. TWKNTŸ-E1I18T YEAH u. r o. \ u L ST. mm m PAVED TO BRIDGE .. u a TO DECORATE STREETS W ITH TREES Will A I m Enter Float In Fourth of July Parada; Moating Night« Conflict. First L a d y Sees H e r Son Graduate HO BIDS ON SEWER BONOS RECEIVED Í Z Í T " " Property Owner* nnd Chamber Arrangements to secure KO over No Offers for $1400 Sewer Sonde at Time Bids Were to Consider 18 Foot Paving; «r«#p tr»e» with which to decorate be Opened; Petition on 4th Court nnd Commission W illi“" h" 'r M district of Springfield .for tlm Fourth of July celebration will Received. Hard Surface Highway, i ha matto by Ihr 4L organisation. It Milt street from th«' W illamette w a. announced Bridge Io Main .tra c t may ba paved , M *’n ,U )' nl« ',t at M In lb., near tutor« | „ . t e « , l of Hacond | chM' rn i“ n Oi lhe thr 41, meeting "T h e People'» Papar** L iv e NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 24 4TH FIGHT GARD bib m n ic n o N Charlie Dawson, Miller, Boyd, Griffin, Carl Martin and Webb to Appear in Big Open Air Arena During Celebration No bide were received for the *1400 A bunch of the toughsat fighter» in Oregon who have never failed to put up good battles have been placed on the card framed by Charlie Dawson, promoter, for the Springfield Fourth of July Celebration. All are grudge fighters who have met before and are known to be well matched. The card In the big open air arena should be a hummer. A N '’,•l * ” roB<U In .ew er Improvement bund, at the fu' tJlH »pedal meeting of the city council en t’ rpri.e. 11 J,r r e ,li member of the com- < -ha in her of Commerci So through i mittaa on the 41, final for Ilia parade, i jira « property ow ner, along Mill «Irai t bava agreed Io «land the coat announced that evorythlng w a. In of an U foot paving leading under readlnnra a . regard, the plan, for the the Southern Pacific track. .11 w a. !<"*»• » » '« « »» >h" ««*» ha. held last night. The meeting w a. for the .p e d a l awarding of the bond, but another call will have to be made to dispose of them. The council discussed with the American Legion methods of policing reported to the r guiar m oataU g o f i " * h- ' ° ,m bl* lb« clLt and the prevention of flrea A committee w a. appointed to con during the Fourth of July celebration. Ilia Chamber Monday evening The county court and the .ta le fer with the chamber of commerce on A half dozen special officers will he In the main event Jack Griffin, of highway commission h a . agreed t o ' “ *» ," te ro,,’” ' n'r “ ’* • p r- ” ’ ' sworn In beside, a number of Legion Portland, will fight Charlie Dawson, t-«Ve front the Pacific highway to the tln v the two organization. meet on naires will be deputized to handle of Eugene, 10 rounds. This will be bridge hut limy want a .,a ra n ce that the .am e night, and aa the 41, m«f- the large crowds. a 145 pound bout. Dawson holds a Kprlngfl.ld will hard .u r f.e e on till. ar* » lar*’' nun,,M'r "f ra**" A petition signed by about 200 citi draw with Griffin on their first m eet aide A . the paving on Mill street of the chamber, a later or- zen . w a. received by the council ask ing but the last time the pair met would a a v . a block of paving to make ««"'“ "on. It w a. thought a w l.e Ing that the Fourth of July celebra Griffin knocked Charlie o u t Dawson a through hard -u rfa re highway and P '"n lo • * » « • * ’ »hat “ tion he not continued over Bunday. is determined to put the k. o. on the the property ow ner, are coming for ho that they cati attend both meet- It w a. referr«d to the American Le I i Mr,* c j v,n Cool,d8'- first lady of the land, and her oldest son. Portland lad this time and the fams Inga. gion for consideration. While there ward It may he that Mill will be paved John Coolidge, as he was graduated from the Academy at Mercersburg, should get their money’s worth oat I. no city ordinance or state ’aw pre Instead of Second street. ra.. last week. Mrs. Coolidge motored from the capital to attend the of this one bout. excrc iscs. ranting the bolding of amusements The Chamber of Commerce will FARMERS ENJOY PICNIC A special six round event will be AT FISH HATCHERY land baseball gam e, on Sunday Urn have a float in the Fourth of July, between Carl Martin of Wendllng and ........ American Legion comm ittee received parade II w a. voted last evening A ! OAKRIDGE CITIZENS IN ¡Frankie Webb, the Portland bell hop. MISSES WALLACE AND silver offering by Uie mem ber, pros 1 An all-day picnic and free barbe- 'the petition and said It would he prop STEWART ARE LEADERS Y^bb be was robbed of a <nt started the cost of the float on cue w a. held y ea ta rd ll by lhe Mount erly considered with a view of »at JAIL ON MOON CHARGE ______ i clslon when he met Mar‘ln in Eu- Its way and a com m ittee appointed V’ rnon Farm er.- union at the Mr- l.fylr.g the petitioners. to take care of the building of t h e 1 Kenai» F l.h Hatchery, (toast pork During a discussion before the coun Dry Squad Captures Still and Arrest Head Field in Springfield Goddeas of *en® !a3t week and is CMnlnK hack “ » Liberty C on te«; O ther. Expected * * even. Th<! ’ ° P tU r W endll"K Seven Alleged Moonshiners in float announced that donations would a,|d coffee were furnished by lh e un- cil as lo what w a. the nentlment and blacksmith always draws a crowd be lhankful'y received from mem ber. Ion. while lie cream and confection» w hat w a . not the sentim ent of the Upper W illamette Country. to Enter. when he goes on with a tough boy. not present at Monday'» meeting. T h e , *ero »old In booths. Singing and people In Springfield the resolution _ The sem i-finals will be between Carl ami resu lt, of lhe special election committee appointed on the flo a t. speech«» wore diversion» for the Charged with having liquor In their I,. . , . ’ ° r>Ce W allace and MJss Clhar-i Miller, of Eugene, and Larrv Boyd, held a few y e a r, ago was read. It possession seven clt ««ns of Oakridge Itte Stewart are running a close race of s e t t l e . Boyd ha» beaten Miller but were U K lllggln« and F <>. Hpencei. | *arge crowd that gathered there. An appeal to the people of Spring A quilt made by the needle clu b .! was voted nearly three to one for M X ' M ’’ L* ” °' C° n te’ 1 the hacker« «* lhe locaI lad d- la" field to put their prem ise. In sh lp J h e ladles' auzlllary of the Farmers' , town operating under the conditions and many gallon» of moonshine are In according to Incomplete returns com- i he ghouid take the visitor i n t o the custody of the sheriff. The big piled by «he American le g io n com- A curu ,n raiser e X t is y « to be aha*e for the Fourth of July was union, w a. ruffled off. and netted that now exists. made by members of lha Chamber, »round »20. Thia to the third quilt j ----------------------------------- haul was the results of raids In the 1 mlttee this morning. Miss W allace « le n d un Th card a . », t. Both for appearance ami fire prot'-e (o he dl.po.nd of In this manner ADDED MAIL SERVICE Oakridge section Tu-«day and Wed- j Is said to have polled 17,000 votes and , h h„ „. i .a . * Hon It was pointed out thet there Aprons are being sold also by the FOR LOCAL POSTOFFICE nesday by deputy sh eriff, and Diet- M is. Stewart 15.000 to date in t h e ' j * ™ t « J T T ? -------- - I trlct Attorney Clyde N Johnson. popularity contest. M i« W a l l L e S Legion is p i n i n g on should be a general cleanup and j ledles the proceed« of their needle- weeds and grans cut. j *ork to go toward the expense« of Additional mall service has been George Veatch. O. H. Starkey and being backed by the ladles of the G ‘ T * pe° P 6 “ 8pCC “ <* — were taken fu e sd a -, and A. R. , r arena' ________________ The Chamber adjourned to meet In rectng a new hall. 8everal dances authorised for Springfield by the pos- John a month at a picnic In the S p rin gfield : have also been given with this end in tai authorities at 6:30 each afternoo- a large shipment of moonshine said i Miss Alice Tomseth. candidate of T O E R E C T RIG C A E F T E R IA when two locked p o u ch « will be sent to havo foun() ,n y e a tc h s car i the Civic club, has 5000 votes report-1 ° B U L A C t ltK IA Eugene auto park aero»« the river, view. Melvin Hansen who runs the park has ! ................ . . to Eugene by street car One P°u> h was cap„ lred. Yesterday one of the j ed and a large number of backers F 0 R DEEDING 4TH CROWDS will be for Eugene and the other for |grgM t stills aver taken by county pledged, tl Is believed she will be . Invited the chamber to uae It for this ; EMIL MEYER, 83. train No. 12 northbound. officers was located on high prairie In the running strong In the last few EIaborate preparations to feed tha occasion. PASSES AT DEERHORN First da»» mall, registered mall and and Ed Hosted. Chrto Bodcn and Jack days of the contest. Mildred Pern larg* Cr° Wd expec,ed here on the Emil M yer. 8j year« old. for *7, ’ n>»11 ‘>a n ’,!* P®’ 1 t’acka*«" w,n ** and Lee McCauley were taken to Eu her of Springfield, and Sadie Golden ^ourth 01 are being made by the To Build Tabarnacla ................... ......... of Deerhom. ---- » nt in these pou. hes. This ad- ,fPns and )ocked ,n couflty ^ h . of Eugene have 2000 votes each. I American le g io n . Supplementing tha years a resident dl«d A wooden tabernacle 60 by 10S feet j,,,,,. dl-lonal service allow , the !oertl p ost-, Ho(ltr, and fuund n , ar Oakrldge d n . big free barbecue will be a large c^ e- Is to he built on lhe Methodist camp hl" hon’'' thP t,f . 1 ..... —Il »....II .....vSSW OVA- .. . . »'V»- , teria erected 4 at k a C SwTK and <1 VS el W a 4 », street - ‘ — - - Sixth Mat» ................................. ................... meeting ground, at C o llag e Orora I . . . ■,'u"’’'-a| were he,d at .Offlco to cleanup all mall every eve ,h , , t |„ and 8howed , he officers American Legion, are expected to en- that, can feed hundreds of people. 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning at ,,ln* th# hf* ’ y pBrce’ P” "' w!’pro lf was f^veral kegs of liquor ter candidates within the next few with voluuleer . help the '•><' M ount Vernon remoter,- up the Barbecue meat sandwiches will be T h e throughout conr'r..... nlers I » « * « ’ " and four d,"Pa< > « •’ pi««« containers full of moonshine days. u“ w e .L . McKenxta river Rev. Platt preached «>< <'aoh day north and a"U,h i ' <ak™ car » .id to be-1 The Legion putting no restric- served free and the cafeteria w ill had been laid Monday, and a number long to veatch. the Oakridge black tlons on the popularity contest ex- rufntoh other kinds of sandwiches. from Sprlnfleld plan to aastot with t“"’’ral u U1 i .. . .,, . . „ __ salads, pie. cakes and other repasts. Many at Picnic fro m Here. smith. .cept that a candidate must poll 50.000 ■ he erection of the frame structure. « A » ^ « r to survived by his wife ,ii ik, • ,k j , to feed A large number of persons from votes to be eligible for the diamond , It 1» . the , desire , . to , of legion , „ Mr«, Bernice VanValaash and Dr. W. f"”r ’ "n" ani1 J,1''' ' ,',UK ” J? ! Springfield and Eugene attended the i -i_ - - t - u . , . . . everbody as quickly and economically Put on Royal Purple ' rln». The T he contest contert Is open onen to all am- ' , , .. . .. . , , H IN,Han. of Sprlngflel'l are members ’ ' )|f)>rnln L R M„ypr annual picnic given by the P. E. O as possible In order that the btg cele The encampment branch of the bitious young ladies who desire to bration can go on uninterrupted. Not of the church commission which Is , • — _______________ _ R. Meyer and ! '««'•‘rhood - In Eugene Monday night. Springfield I. O. O. F. lodge put on run. the ,x«,filch , conference e cabinet, and Springfield. Clarence Deertiorn. The >",'d f t «»«* a person will go hungry if plans carry cabinet and of Ml9B the Royal Purple do-tree Friday night true according to the com m ittee In as auch are Interested In the building Rrp . Mra B,,rtha Cody. Stewart of the Fairmont district witb Vernon Grimes ns the candidate. charge. Springfield People Marry operations. Lillian ttuerlnger. Mrs. betitln Three attending from Springfield. In T h- cerem onies took place In the ____________________ Mrs. Besides this rafe’eria which the le- Marriage Kernses were Issued this t Suerlnger. all three of Mrnmouth. I '’'»ding members, their fam ilies and odd Fellow s’ hall .follower! hy . social their guest», were: Mr. and Mrs. Ab session during which light refresh- »'«'ek by the county clerk to Verdon glon wUI ° ”frate there wlI> he dozen Methodist Held Picnic. Mr,. Nettle Barnard of Richmond, fred J. Morgan. d>ughh?r. and Mrs. „sents were served. ¡Cecil May and Audrey Perkin». b o th ior more sl,ort order M«nds selling The Methodlat Brotherhood held Its California, and Mrs. Pearl Pealers of 1 . I of Springfbld; W illiam George Ed- sandwlche8' coffee- ice cream and Moran's parent», Mr. and Mrs. Coffin annual picnic anu Inst meeting before Bellingham. Washington. • wards and Clara Coy. both of Spring- j 8oit dr,nk3- of Minneapolis, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. B irthday Party. autumn on Friday evening In the Han-1 Dan Crltw and daughter Jean. Mrs. field; Norah Alton Keeler and Es- MAY-PERKINS sen park. Over 6ft persons were The sixth birthday of Mildred Mor it'--»r Isaacson, both of Veneta; John COBURG AND SPRINGFIELD Lida MacOowan, Mr«. Henry Korf. preset.!. The ladle» of the church gan was the occasion of a delightful The Methodist church of this city and Miss Elsie Weddle. V. Kimball and E lsie Anderson, Junc TO PLAY BALL ON FOURTH were Invited to be present, and a . , . _____ party at the home of her parents, tion City; Gene G. Kelsey. Harris * « wan (ho sconp of a Qulot. but pretty basket lunch aud wb ner roast furn- „ ,, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morgan on Satur- Coburg and Springfield will cross burg. a .d Lydia Storll, Eugene; W il Fore»t Air Patrol Here Again. . . , w e ld in g Sundav afternoon. June ZZ l»h»d refreshment for the occasion. A d o , afternoon from 3 to 5 o’clock. liam A. S - eart and Harriet ¡?. Pear bats In Springfield on the Fourth of An air patrol oT the Oregon forest i, h i B o m when V e r d i» C e d i M ay program and outdoor »ports were dl- 1 “ • . , Sixteen little guests were present. A sall. both < Eugene; Claude Goble July according to arrangements made |ar.d Mis» Audrey Perkins were united will be maintained agnln tihla »untnier. ' ____________________ (In matrimony by the pastor, Rev. T. L 'u tn a n t Lloyd Barnet of San D i'go color schem e of pink and white was Erwin and Be Me May Akerley. M ln-iby Jess Meats, chairman of the base- out * In the decoration», crepe erva; and to Vo non H. Haley and , ball com m ittee of the American Le- ha» arrived at . the Eugene flying field i | ' carried 1 D. Yarnes. ■ . n — M , 1 as . n , n WA ,4 paper caps, and « the ice z cream and GladjTt M. I,andon, both of E u gen e.' glon. The teams will play on percen- with two DoHavtlsnd planes and a Rev. Jasper Hera— R»v. F. M. Jus-1 Tho j,r|de was attired In a beautl- birthday cake. Mrs. Frank Nagley — — — —— — i tage and are expected to be one of per, Methodist Sunday achool worker mj gown of white satin, and the squad of non-commissioned officers to the ehelf attractions on the athletic and director of educational w ork,1 grootn in a suit of appropriate color, establish the patrol a'-ong the lines of Eugene assisted Mrs. Morgan In ar ranging the nam es which were played Visiting at Washburns Home—Mrs. program. spoke at the Springfield M ethodist' -pho church was beautifully, but simp of past years. W hile th “ rains have Claud Washburne of Jum ’Ion City The Coburg team to going through church during the church hour Sunday )y ()Bcorated with carnations, ferns, lessened the fire danger the patrols came Monday to spend som e t'm e with a sucessful season and while Spring- will be ready for work when there Is morning. Rev. Jasper was a forfner Bnd ,,|nk roses. Daughter 111— Mrs. Isaac N. Endl J her husband's parents. Mr. and Mrs. field has not a reular team there are clasemato of Rev. Thomas p. Yarnes, i immediate« i after the wedding Mr. again danger It 1» announced. cptt, accompanied by her 3on. Junior, j B. A Washburne, while her husband sufficient fir « class players here to local pastor, when he attended K im -¡and Mrs, May departed by auto for left Tuesday morning for San FTanels- attends the cltisen ’s training camp rt make a hangup outfit that will give ball college. a short trip to Crater I-ake, the Ore Stopped off in Springfield— Mr. and Co, California, to be with her daugh- gon caveB, and other points of Inter Mts George BJorzet of Cottage O rove; (ert Mrs. C. E. W llllti. A telegram Fort Casey. Washington, where he is »he visitors a run for their money. It with the coast artillery. She plans is ooMlble two games may he played stopped off In Springfield thia morn had been received on Monday, elating est. Raealvad Naw Machinery— The lo- to stay until the first of next month. during the four day celebration. Upon hhelr return they will make ing on their way to Marcola to spend that Mrs. W illits la seriously ill. oal plant of the Mountain States Pow their home In Springfield. the dull Mr». Bor)«et was formerly er company yesterday received a Dance Hall Going Up. Miss Dorri» L. Sikes of Springfield. Working at Park— Charles W hite of ctirra-draarlng wattmeter as a piece Parante Vlaltlng—Mr. and Mr». Bid A new dance pavilion, estimated at erected on the Mr. Flahar Here—O. H. Flaher, of of new equipment to record the cur ward L. Coffin of Minneapolis. Min south of Goahen Is employed at the | 5()0 c08t> ig Returned from Washington— L. A. rent between th^ generating plant Portland, part owner of the Carbo- nesota, have been In Springfield dur Hansen auto park putting In a new celebration grounds south of the aod the distributing ayateto. The cur llneum Wood-Preserving company of Smith and family returned yeaterday ing »he past week visiting their daugh »tore front for Mr. Hansen, and mak Post Office by the American Legion rent per hour can thus be estimated. Springfield, was hore yesterday look from Kalama. Washington, where ter« Mrs. Alfred J. Morgan of 9prtng- Ing other Improvements. and the C. H. W. amusement company ing after business Interest». He went they have been spending a tsro week»' flald and Mr* Donald Young of Eu with the expectation of haring It fin on to Eugene to visit hls daughters. vacation. Want to Portland—Ernest Black ished In tim e for the Initial dance gene. They will be here for several Leaving for Dallas—W. C. McLag- Grace and Minnie Fisher, who are at left Thursday on a business trip to Saturda ) night weeks. an Is leaving for Dallas tomorrow on tending tho »ummer session at the The Springfield Mill and «rain com The pavilion will be IftO hy 10» Portland. business for the Mountain States University of Oregon pany received » carload of corn from feet, with an 80 by 88 dancing space. Olen O. Anderson shlpped two car- Power company. Iowa on Tuesday nnd another from A total of 20.000 feet of lumber w m Nebraska on W ednesday. The com load» ef lumber to Utah yesterday Elected Head G. A. R. Ladles. •¡u s e d for Its construction. Following Hera from Seattle— M r. and Mrs. pany shipped a carload of wheat to from the Yarnell siding One car of • Mrs. Charlee Blgglmann wa» • i the Fourth of July celebration the Visited Fathan—Emery Rlchardaoa W ill Hoffman of Seattle arrlved Sun- ties was shipped from the Chase lum • elected sla te president o f the ‘ American Legion will take over »he Powers on Tuesday, and received one and family visited Mr. Richardson s dty to vlslt. thls wweek at the honte ber company at Yarnell to California • Oregon department of the ladles • pavilion exclusively, and use it a3 father at Richardson station on hhw of Mr. and M n. Arthur Peterson and from eastern Oregon the same day. the sam e day. • of the G. A. R. tpday. according • a dance hall the rest of the summer. Coo» Bay ■ line yesterday. Th<t ’ re Mr and Mrs WUI Darling of Sprit,g- • to a wire received by her hus- • turned last evening. Went on Plenlc— Mr. and Mr«. Dal fleld, and Mr. and Mrs. C. R Mead Runnlng Staqe-i-The Bend auto The Carbollneum Wood-Pr-wervIng, • band from Hillsboro. Mrs. Eggl • las Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. John of Eugene. company shipped a carload of creo -1 • mann has been state vlce-presl- * stage whlch rneke« tw o trtp« a day F. Ketels picnicked on the W illamette Mr. Wilton Improving— A. C. W il to McKenxIe rl’ er polnts h as a de- Tho Anderson Manufacturing com river above Natron on Thursday nre- acted poles to Portland yesterday, con ; • dent. She baa been an active O. • ton. proprietor of the Drop In la 1m- signed to the Southern Pacific r a il-, • A. R. worker for many years. • pot at tho K etels druF store. T h » pany »hipped s oarload of fin ish ed ' Ring, taking along their basket lun- fn cfltt/. Ho *• "0 * abl° t0 **• up ■»»age bogan runnlhg Mondar. way company. ches. and around during part of the time. lumber f* Illinois y**terda:l. m m wa m a aa