The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 19, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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__________________________________ ______
Blind See and Cripple Walk
Woman O utild» the Momo
Mr». C M llrown was the lit" 1
man golf champion I» the I uito t
Hiato*. Mho won the tillo In H*9“
MI»» K M « »«llora drawn moat of
Specially for Springfield th e spot w here stood this man of God.
j First a h esitatin g m ovem ent forward
—then into « m ore eager kffort to’ i
By Robert Fuller.
I get n e a re r to him —then Into a wild
New York. Ju n e 1 9 —O ut of th e (rush for th e a lta r rail, som e crying
W est cam e a healer
1 hysterically, all pushing, »hoving ana
Into the very h e a rt of th e blase struggling—until It w as necessary t o ,
E a st, New York City, h e came, his dispatch a m essenger and call out po-I
w onders to perform.
lice reserv es to resto re o rd er C rip-i
New York paused, stopped, looked, pies fainted, babes In arm cried, men
liste n e d —and those who believed were shouted, d isorder prevailed. It was
seemingly- healed.
finally necessary to suspend the first
Men. womne and children—som e healing services.
crippled, some blind, all sick in bod
The Rev Robert 11. H Bell, of D en-,
an d mind—hundreds of them sw arm ed ver. a le ctu rer
In the St. Thom as j
1 Episcopal church th ere .Is the faith
healer from th e Weal. He is a tall .
man. ha y ears old. with light brown
h air faintly streaked with gray. I l l s ;
face Is stilt boyish
From beneath
Cash Prizes in Albany
bushy light eyebrow s peer keen deep j
Iho postara u»«d by I I " ’ * n i l 'l l
Htftt**« I> pertinent of Agri« u'tui«’
W ritte n
College Campaign
Through the Instrum entality
of the W oman's Albany college
league, ten prises, ranging from
9100 cash o r a scholarship in
Albany college to a num ber of
IS cash priaes will be awarded
for the ten best essays on Al­
bany student self help college,
located at Albaey. Ore., and for
which a campaign to raise IS00.-
000 is now in process through­
out the state. Priaes are 1100,
|7S. ISO, 115. 110. 110 and four
of 15 each. Any high school
student ia Oregon Is eligible to
e a te r. S tate h eadquarters are
la the Multnomah hotel, P ort­
land. with J. Henry Lang In
ebarge as director.
h r Florence It Sabin oí lleltltih»t<
ha» beer. elected president of Ih"
A m irlian Aaaorlallntt oi A natom ian.
M»» la iho flrai woman elected Io »H»t
Pennavlvanta ha» W>0 wum- n m al
«»tat« agenta
Th« avaraa« num ber of dlvort «• »r«
far In e ic w » of marrla««» In Turkey.
In Conan Ihn nimbar oí wlv«» a man
ha» ileterinln-» how wealthy h«, I».
y e AKU
up s e t t e r
Boalng at Arm ory Tonight.
A benefit boxing card for a chil­
dren'» playground In Eugen« will bo
hold thi» «venina ai ih« Armory Th»
card haa boon »rrana»d by Ih« Legion
and Elba Inda» of Eugene
Krankl« W ebb and Carl M artain,
Charlie Dawson and Tommy 0O«tar
nro e la t'd for ’h» main «venia of Ih«
blue eyes.
Dr Bell cam e into the East upon
. invitation from the St. Paul Epla- '
copal church of New York, mad > pos­
sible through a foundation fund c re­
ated to conduct divine healing serv­
ices. every two years.
“I do not clatm the pow er of heal
Ing." sfl»< Dr. Bell. “1 m erely conduct
the s rvtces In which It la stressed |
th a t God h ea'a and th a t faith in H is
cu rativ e powers will m ake well again
all who believe. T hose who would
be cured m ust love everybody. Love
th eir enem ies and have faith In the
Lord. Jesu s Christ, and feel the love
he had tf they would be healed."
Not only In New York City did Dr
' Bell perform many seem ingly mlracu-
Suaa for Wagaa
A J llarlilck ha» filed «nil In rlr-
i«u!| court against the AJaa Lum ber
|<obpany «»«kina Io collect *201 In
I wages alleged due him for wood ru t'
¡tin g II" al»o a»k« Judgem ent of 9131
on anoler claim which ha* boon g lv n
him to collect.
¿A '
Swiss Cows Wrestles for Title
lous cure» but In Weal O range. N. J . j would be healed.'*
as well. T h e blind were m ade to see | T here wax a m ovem ent which took
—and the lam e to walk—by p ra y e r, forw ard alnioat everyone on lb« first
and the actual ’’laying on of t h e : floor.
Dr. Bell reached out and drew gent-
hand».” T h ere a re »cor a of people In
both places who testify to healing'' i k I to him a little boy 5 year» oh»,
or to having been g reatly benefited ! a cripple, it was »aid. »Ince birth.
W ith th e church packed to capu< - 1 •’Oh Lord. Jesua C hrist.” he In­
ity, following th e opening Communion toned, “ make this boy ho he call walk
services in New York. Dr. llell step ! Quickly Dr. Bell laid hl.i hands on
ped forward, gazed a m om ent a t the the boy'» h‘-ad and p a ss e l them down
the body.
crowd and »aid:
’’Oh lx»rd. Jesu s C hrist, m ake thia
"Come ud to th e a lta r .all you who
B atting “ A c e ” of Browns
hoy au he cau walk.’’
Then Dr. Bell stepped backward»
and holding out hla h a n d ' »aid
"W alk —tow arda me. luy son."
Tlie m other tear» stream ing, »moo
tense. H etaautly at flrat, then quickly
another— and » n o th -r step 111« hoy
took—until he reached Dr Bell The
m other with a sob clasped the hoy to
her and. kneeling, grasped Dr Bell'»
hand and On luted:
"H e has been cured. My boy haa
b-en cured. Oh Ix»rd. I thank T h e e ”
To Be Finest of Convention Halls
An annual w restling tourney fo r cows is held a t M artigny, Sw itser-
bmd, which is attended by thousands of farm ers from all sections.
The cows w restle until one tro ts off in defeat. The final winner is
crowned queen and g i' _-n choice g razing p astu re for one year. Photo
show t the L ...I — ;L f:z ti ; title.
i flu m a llo n .
tin« of 200 P u retest preparations
f o r le a l l h ar.d h y g ie n e
Kvt i f Hem
th e liest th a t skill and ra r e can pro­
Million av erag e hum an beings, was
the son of a livery stable groom.
Y et you have pessim ists predict-
The Jjlb o r G overnm,^ t
f jlg .
Ing hard tim es and sensible ^usl- land has abolished ail duties on
riess men actually frightened
automobile«, m otor cycle«, m uring
th e ir own talk about a bad Pre3 > p jrtu re fi]ms and watabes— and
dential year. ____
i th a t
gp|te of G reat B ritain ’»
We are indeed “fearfully a d ' ^ m l l c w ar debt,
w onderfully made,” and well may!
highly intellectual A nw n-
-w e praise the Lord. W hat horri-
Republic is p an n in g a tax on
ble things .MIGHT happen if our rad.o sets, which is aboui as rntel-
glands ran wild, as in the case of ' K-nt »’ “ wouM be to ta x school
a little Ru*3ian boy four yoars oi l books or new ideas.
To alio
He w ears a full beard and ha« such tw enty billion dollars w vrth o f se-
abnorm al power th a t he wrestle-« curitiea to go untaxed and p at a
successfully with grown men and tag on hum an in g en u ity 1» foolish,
m u s t be watched last he s tra n g le !1® Pu t Jt miloly.
h is playm ate», having the brain of
a child and no realizat'o n of power
Mason J . Aldrich bought a Bible
D octors say the un fo rtu n ate boy , a t auction for tw enty-five cents,
h a s excessive developm ent of v a ri-, and found in it two bills, one fo r
dus glands, especially the thyroid *100, the other for *2. A wonder-
ful bargain, new spapers call it. But
I ' -Marvelously we a re balanced, ’here a re b etter th in g , than *102
'a n 1 w 7 should be g ratefu l. A t th . ! to he found in any Bible. T here is
E q u a to r te m p eratu re 140, or th e salvation, m ost m p o rtan t, and if
iu q u a to r.c e p
h»low zero th> you are m ore interested in money
tNe m f e J u c o ’ ^ r h b o d remain-«! than salvation, as some are, you
ih X m
n . t a change o f one do-¡can even make money by reading
w hile o u t a i ^
^ L S ’^ J o b , th e P salm , stim u-
chengf s . -o J'” ndT . j,
„ ho, . , late the m ind, make the brain work.
And t>-e c arin th a t fle e in g n®. , a
- k i n g money, or
cold i avoiding »in.
«> “absolute zero
ile to us, and we a re
“T i lend dignity to th eir bobbed
¡leads,” E nglish women w ear fil­
al lets of gicen and gold, or little
V r-a ir,« to n predicts th a t
f. —. di ::et an Increase of spikes, in C o d d c« of L iberty fash ­
( i a v e a r “ a I except laborers. ion. The re I dignity of a bobbed
WHY r-Kceot th e lab o rers? T heir head, is a well shaped skutl. N oth­
children ext as much, w ear out. as ing is more dignified th an the sym ­
m any «hoe» as other». The Gov­ m etrical head of an intelligent
ern m en t can afford to pay its w ork- woman, bobbed or not. Eventually
w r-!l
ond should rem em ber th a t all women will cut th eir h air in t
»uch fashion
t h » c h ild - o f -a laborer m ay be th e auch
fashion as
as to show th e whole
th e. abape.
most im portant citizen -f th e fit-
’ ears o end
h e ,..'.
- ¡t A -ifta k ,» .
t u n or.
iu u . Kcfc 0
. 1« one of the first requirem ents for
wounds, hum s and sprains.
W henever you suffer a cut or
-scratch, paint It wllh P u retest Io­
dine to prevent Infection nnd quicken
healing Excellent also for taking tih»
or»n«»s oul of Insect b it's and In-
We Spend, Also Save-Full Beard at 4—W hy Except
Laborers?—Old Men Crave Learning—Money in the Bible
The G overnor o f Connecticut,
past fifty, will en ter Yale U niver­
sity, to specialise in history and
pjy «'..ology when bia term ends,
a; m at is norm al. A t fifty, men
really w ant knowledge and value
O ther hundreds of millions were i it. In early youth they crave ex­
invested in real estate, bonds,! ercise and ex citem en t
stocks, etc. In the world’s h is to ry ' In childhood we lo«k them up in
th e re is nothing like the way in schools, forcing knowledge into
w hich the A m erican people both them by a pum ping process, when
S PE N D money and SAVE money they ought to be out o f doors. And
Savings average th irty m illio n ! when they are old we tu rn them
dollars a day, about th irty cents out into the golf field» and let them
a day fo r every man, woman and make geese of them selves, when
they really ought to be studying.
child—not bad.
because It was once a ruatom In
N orthern E urope th a t newly wadded
couples should drink mead (W ine
m ads from honey I ror a "m oon." o r
J7 d»y.i. In the new home, or any
P u n e is s r
' A mericans are saving money es
n e v e r before, and prohibition'
w ill find com fort and am m unition
in that.
Savings bank deposits increased
la s t y ear one billion one hundred
an d fo rty million, a good deal of
m oney, and th a t’s only a small p art.
call it a
Drug Store
dTI. J/ »JXi sLiC
George S isler, h u ttin g ace o f the Hi
i L o u is B row ns nnd m annger o f m m
j - Iuh. whose absence on the sick list
hist season fo r some tim e g re a tly uf-
! fected the nice o f Ills club. T h is sea
son Mister Inis come buck to Ids o s e
and Is h u rtin g und fie ld in g In sensa­
tio n a l fo rm .
Chicago liiiM long uon<h*rvd w lo it io <|o w it h tin* «»hl urn* »»rt»» b u ild in g o f the
W o rld 's l u ir. In JitcLson |»nrk. It I- now pro|M»M*d to « o n v c it ih v l»«,M U lllttl
b u ild in g In to th e liir g w t nnd I u * mi <om»*ntl«*n h ull In the w o rld nt wn «•\|»«*ndl
tu re o f more th»m
it w ill *»* »t
p«*r»ons uud th e re w ill he |»m
visio n fo r the h olding o f u th U d lr <*<»ht<**ds.
J )r u i S far»
Springfield. Ore.
-a t
Now Is the time to repair your
roof for the coming wet w eath­
Our stock of
roofing is very
M in e ra l— $3.25 R oll
C erta in te ed R oof S h ing les —
$7.50 sq.
Flags and 4lh of July Decorations
] Bo>s paper 1 • . hats, Uncle Sam Eats,
ers, Caps and cap pistols an
Fire Grack