Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1924)
tuvkhday , junk m. 1924 T I IE KPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE 8BVEN I Went Fishing—Mr. and Mr«. John •A LE OF IMPROVEMENT BONOS * | David Rralnard. North Read con Wlnzenricd, and Mr. and Mra. Joe NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN that the tractor. was Instantly killed when ha Lemmons went flailing In Clear Lake ( undersigned wIL receive written of »•II what you want to Mil, buy what you want to buy through these was struck by a lever on a wheal west of Eugene Munday. torn for the purrhaae of 11*00Ml of scraper. He was supervising work on columns. Write or phono TWO ’ Improvement bond» of the Town of the clearing of the Simpson Heights ________ _____ Hprlngfleld, at h h office tn the Town Had Guetta addition to North Bend. He was M Arr7m«W*"du"’7nna Brief Re’ ume of Happenings of ► Olt HALE A Ford truck Coll a, WANTED Cherry plrk.rS, uha and Mn». Kay year« of age and is survived by a wife Tbumpeon's III mi kmilth i+hop East older boys; brink pall«; good crop fore 7:00 o'clock on th*°23rd r-w- . I*, . if .... «... *O1U wer« Kunday dinner fucata at fh* and daughter. the Week Collected for M«ln atroci, Junr j# 2 q liana Furuaet. «tr. Junction. 'day of June 192*. a' which time fche home of Mr and Mr» John C Park- __. 1 ___ ___ . . Allan A. Rynon l.aa been recom June 19 2« b*d» W*H I b* opened and 1 conaid Our Readers. •r of Hprlngfleld F o il HALE Calf and three fine p*ga. '•red by the Common Council of said mended by John 8. Coke. United He., them a, charlea West Clave. MltH K. C. HIIAY. Hplrella Carse* Ur’, | T®?rn- State« attorney, to become his chief 305 «lit HI., C o tta g e G rove tir e I . Sal'* bon‘1" "baJV b“«r Intir’et at Twenty-six carloads are estimated assistant tn the place of Thomaa H. Glenwood IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ’ I»«.. as»« of ^|X pHr centf ) p<af the W rate • » the tonnage of Hood River straw Maguire, who e. signed to become at have taken over .Mra. Larlaon'i Hiinini, payebl*. • w wniiilttltyi g and * 11 * STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE berries this year. ■**--• uiv ran.« hairy fur pui., Jer aeml-annunUy, work. Anyont lnt**rr»t«d drop me »old honda mav be retired at any In COUNTY torn*.y for the Union Pacific on June ey milk and t'r urn. Phone 3* ri Lena M. Lawrence, Plaintiff a card. June 12 19 ter-at paying date after one year from Central, a small settlem ent weat 30. The appointment will be made by apr V«. tt i he dale of Issue, after notice has of Eugene, Is planning a Fourth of the attorney-general. Walter E. Imwrence, defendant \ \ AN r i* ,h - 7 d | a a e m odern hottae been given for the r tirement «f the July celebration. SUMMONS Mm'« waahlng and patch j - Holding - ___ — - --- - ra that -••••* m wz legal •> e a t evidence r v i u n i t »; n a u no had for yeur or »o. Address I* tj. Box value; and the »aid bonds will become TO: WALTER E LAWRENCE, de »28. ing at 1051 Eaat Main Ht due and payable on or before ten fendant; Eugene is the first city in Oregon been »»bmltted on the part of the state year» from the date of their Issue. over the top in the alumni part of the to connect former Multnomah County J 12 19 2«. THE NAME OF eM THE STATE FIRNLSIIED Apartments and rooms * ? ’*’ b""d" ,,r ,n a ’*ioiin»a of »60« 0«. ^ )F IN OREGON ."'mi’ ara'h h f , 8T^ T j University of Oregon gift campaign. Commissioner Dow V. Walker with the »500 U0 and 1400.00 reanei «Ively ll'dx t,. . e . . e her"by required Mr and Mr» N. a . Rowe have a for rent by day or month. « ' « • will be r e d v e d for any portion of L id Hied again « y o k i n ' , £ h* S’ rnpla,nt charge ot bribery on which he was The Royal Anne and Bing cherry new * door Ford a «elan purchased Hotel, ;~ t and Main atraet. tf bonds, and the- will be sold Io the ti led J ilt within J th£ a. bove en‘ indicted, CUruit Judge Campbell Haturday. crop in Lane county la heavy thia year — , bidder submitting the htgbea, b id ,‘ f brought his trial to a sudden close by GOVERNORS WORK ' ».a ............. "«■•lillun'’, and the cherries are ripening rapidly. therefor above par. directing the jury to bring io a verdict l?h d y.'íU ,a |‘. “n" *-r. for want A carload of Ford cara arrived for For tnro* throwing hot pennlea pennies to children „ . . i W. COFFIN. Ithereof.'th; dalnG ff"w ii7'.';/i"r. WUu ‘ rbT ‘n« »<* ON HIGHWAY Recorder of (he Town of ’court for th>- relief ornvei|PMy i ° *»**’ ,n th<! a,ree,a » Portland dentist mast of not guilty. the Anderaon Motor company Hatur J 12-1. complain,. to-w itT S K d .a s X io n of *“’rVe M daya ln * “ *' b« re‘ ° n ”T‘" “ 'On Nine 1 of the “ 12 ° Oregon irrigation Governor« of eleven Mateo Invited the marriage contract existing be- paT • f|ne ot »100. projects. Interest on whose bonds was Tho Cartoline um Wood Preserving to swing pick« on two “free days” In ' tween you and the plaintiff Thia » , . . . guaranteed by the state, met interest company shipped Dr a carload of creo t.Boo persons contributed ............ •' ««rio».i ot creo »m . n which i (i0 persons contributed tbelr their " r 8 ,ta,ph D,Pt>«>- Dentist. Yltua summon« to published once « week , ’ 10 ,11 commun,” r mePt' due the atate on June 1. according to aotwl poles to California on Monday, J serviras towurd putting In condition ¡ Springfield, Oregon. HeldI New«C* 7 ‘Te a**k* ,he Spr,n«- 2<H | ,r e * heW Par’ B ° l • report «»“ P“« ! ““O ¡»»ued by State «« Well aa on« t<> Aritmia and on« Io mountain .h . Eastern i„ _ I ..... ....... X V t o g ' V t : L ° F- 8k “' ^ “«'“ « « “ ‘^ “• « r U b y t h e R o ^ Treasurer Jefferaon, The pro mountain section« sections or of the Dlx Quebec 1« Highway, a Ihrough route south «•our«; made^and C° mmerC'- I Pa'd 330 28 *“ ‘ “> from Cincinnati to Cumberland Gap, d«y of June, 192*. *nd la published Tht‘ *t>te ,Uh commlg«,° n appointed at»te; »34.2** SJ was due. The sum * Alai« AND HER' Di N. \V. Emery a a v e th e ir services fr-e Represent«' 19**flr,t ,lm e ° n lhe 5tJl da>' of June ®*rt Rom ol G lo r ia as master Hsh ° f »891* is unpaid. on price« on plat«« aod other work tf Uvea of 2*7 banks. 162 hotels and civ warden, to aucceed Carl Shoemaker. Pendln< appeal In the supreme ic dub« In cities on the route from Williams & Bean. whose^ resignation recently was an- ' court. Portland city official« are re- Poatnfri,A t,o™“’r« for Plaintiff. the Ohio River to Ht. Petersburg and NOTICt OF FINAL ACCOUNT Iostofflce Address Eugene. Oregon nounc • strained, by an order signed by Chief N oth« L hereby given that Robert Miami. Fla . partldpaled In the work J 6 -7 H 2 6 -J .3 1 0 1 7 Ì Excavation work hai started at Fir Juatice McBride, from enforcing a city K euad. the administrator of the es of reconat rue ting these sections of the tate o( Elisabeth J Kenndy. deceased, route. --- ,n d Thlrd •treet« 10 Medford for the ordinance prohibiting foreigners from IN THF has filed hla final arcuunt In «aid ea STATE OF ‘ OF erec,lon of » warehouse for the Belling soft drinks. The plaintiffs THE _______ The Governors of Kentucky. Indi late with the Clerk of Lane County, OREGON FOR Mason. Ehrman company of Portland, lost in the lower court of Multnomah LANE COUNTY. Oregon, an« that Pwturda, the 12th an«. Illinois. W isconsin. Michigan, C. R Scott, plaintiff. to coat »30.000. county and appealed. The case will «lay ..f July. 192«. at th - Tniur o f to Ohio. T en n essee North and South A M has been fixed for time for pass Carolina. Georgia, and Florida helped D M Th V" n<rry baa been test out the validity of the ordinance. Harry o. B. jonnson, Johnson, wno who has log upon «aid final account All pt-raon wife. • nd Thompson, hla principal of the Roseburg high school Lane county has returned to the old having objections to said final ac to construct a mile on each “free day.“ Sila« J. Saxon. RJ p Í h L Í ’ e '° r tbree years, will be prin- policy of road construction and main count are notified lo file lb « same with The volunteers gathered at Pineville |A «hley. W he, Tomlln«on and a n 1 clp' 1 of ,be Aatorla high school foi tenance, the county court having ap the Clerk of tne Probate Court of h 7 m U,O n ' h ,r b“«b« * . Kmma ' the coming year. pointed Edwin Tuller ot Cottage Grove I a« ne County, Oregon, on or before ( huabar.d.“ Jennie ''"valker, , r and J<în r Sixty four firea ln Oregon outside aa roadmaster. He will be account If you are looking for •aid date Dated thia tltb dav of June. 192*. GOOD SERVICE J .h7 , b“3bBi. Edward Ashley Oi Portland during May resulted In able directly to the court and will have ROBERT KENADY. San? Aehllc and N e,t|e H. Ashleyi > lo• a<’,, “« r e g a lin g $498.675. accord- full charge of all road work. Under Step In—we give It Aduilniatrator. Aahley h 's w i f e " u u m * e y « nd A nna ln g to “ 8um,nary compiled by the the former court one of the commis William« g Bean. ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP sioners attended to the road matters. Jr ar.d Myrtle WRker‘.on ¿ » " T f e ’ t‘ ,e ,,re mar’ baI- Attorneys for eatate, Henry Rchrenk. Prop. J 12 192« JJ-3-10 dairy food commia- commfa- 'v'rr,h..r7 (i ro"Fr “n'l P J. Groner With 250 delegates in a tten d a n ce1 The state Bla,e U M*ry “ and “ loou — One filling tails fo r days T^?' ,M h“3hnei.1, wlfe of Jobt> ,rom Oregon, Washington, Idaho and B‘o,ler has under the laws > n y said <lefendant«nt nhoWm ? el|^ a°‘ Britlah Col“ mbla- ‘he Northwest t0 ,dopt and eatabliab “tandards of — ^(o fuel -teasted ceased, and ale,, « |, « h e r ’' p ^ o t s Moo#e aaao<da“ o“ b«ld a three-day q“ llty and purlty of e« B ■o,d ° r — iHeady to light or parties unknown claiming any convention In Portland. offered for sale for human food pur- rfcht. «Rie. estate. ,ton ò r ^ e r ^ n poses, according to a legal opinion Instead o f several H. A. Miles has bean granted per W. F. WALKER Contracting and Building ST l° 'h? . real ea‘« « de«crlb«l m - prepared by Attorney-General Van heavy loads o f coal mission by the Tillamook county court w ,Bkle op,nlon wag Mte<t Plan«, and Estim ates Furnished the complaint herein, defendants FUNERAL OIRECTOR Free, w ill Help Veu Flnanc. T r, • *. T Pa? f'C C,ty bT J' D M,ckle’ alate dairy tuid food SUMMONS - and w o o d - one easy Full Auta Equip-,itnt h l. i? 'I. T?omp"on «nd Thompson * * Ci ,r< e t(" ,OOt commissioner. Your Building. filling o f Pearl O il “la wife. Meador. wTfe of Joseph Mm “e“«®rs, teams, rigs and autoa. I „ CEO. W. PERKINS W. O. W. block dor. 8llas J. Pnxon. J as r ph lllin . n v" T T ». Statements by Dr. J. W. Morrow of Emma O. Harden. Thamal h .M m ' Hubbard B Kenntaton. 79. Lane Portland that there were quantities of often lasts for days Corner 5th and D streets Office Phone «2 M. Has I’hona (2-J ! w’.M ,e A ^ ‘,’ r^ , John w Y ikw e 2: COUB' y r* ‘dK e“t ,OT 39 yaara “ d a UQUor used and kept by official, at Springfield. Oregon OREGON NEWS ITEMS O F SPECIAL INTEREST Classified Advertisem ents Lightens a kitchen task b u s in e s s d ir e c t o r y in a good oil cook- stove. DR. N. W. EMERY W H. BROOKE OINTIBT Attorney at Law •u tten Bldg. Phone 20-J Rasldanea Phon« 163 M U. 8 National Rank Bldg Phone gSM-J Eugene. Ore. Springfield. Oregon SHOE REPAIRING Work Promptly and Carefully Done JOHN A. NELSON 509 Main Street Call SUTTON TRANSFER Phone 57 WM. 0. HUGHES FIRE . AND AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon Pruning, Planting and Tree Work Specialising In Shrubbery and Lawn Work W. C. SHEARER • 17 B 8t. Between 6th and 7th Springfield, Oregon ff GEO.. N, McLEAN Automobile. Fire and Life IN S U R A N C K Surety Bond«.. p hOna 817 My butlnera la to protect your I butlneta I »60 W illamette St. Eugene Orenee A. A. ANDERSON BARBER SHOP $1.80 Haircut *0c $3.00 Razors $2.00 $1.00 Fitch Shampoo 85c T h e L o o p ” Your Home When In Springfield DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phorte 43 Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. Pacific Feed & Supply Co. Distributors of Fishers Flour, Poultry and Dairy Feeds O. E. Freight Bldg. East 6th. Eugene Oregon JOHN M. WILLIAMS Attorney for Vet. State Aid Coin., Soldiers Bonus Loans. L. E. BK a N Attorney State Land Board, Slato School Fund Loans. WILLIAMS <& BEAN ATTORNEYS 8S0 W llllametta Bt. Eugene, Ore. Licensed to practica In all Courts of the State, and United States. COLLECTIONS No Co lection. No Charge. W illamette Collection and Credit Service 860 W illamette Street, Eugene, Oregon. Phone 378 SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC 3utton Buldllng Springfield Oregon. Pearl O il ¡9 easier in every w a y — al w ays ready, easily controlled, and n o over-heated kitchen. F o r best results he su re you g e t th e Standard O il C o m p a n y 's P e a rl O il. It's refined and re- refined kerosene o f th e h ig h est quality o n ly , a b s o lu t e ly clean-burning, odor less and n o n -co rro sive. A v o id d is a p p o in tm e n t-o rd e r Pearl O il by name. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Calilctrnia) I Ham W u geT L i W"' ? ° MargareJ o T ^ e r pMyj rtlS r i ef hi“ ^ ^ Bushnell, wife o f John i ' X h n " ? " daU<h,er- died ThO” tbe ■ta,a h° m9 “ UDlru<! by L 8 - ° ’rd“ X *“"1 ground, were branded Addl“. newly ap- ^ e Oregon i t . , . “*"0 the unknown heirs of any of bearing nearly 1000 names fair board. Dr. Morrow's statement and « r ie" .h " ? h ’r*,° may be deceased w*r* “ubmltted to foe state highway regarding liquor was made ln coonec- unknoCS ctolmln,r «^yr8r trt,Or„r,ar’le" d’ panm eot «»«Ins, any tlon with his resignation os a mem- U te. lien or Intercut R ^ o r t i ,b e *“ ‘he locat,o° 01 ,be Albany «*«• ° f ‘b* »«lx b«*rd a few days ago. h ^ w i^ ‘ de*endaCrIb*d ' h® COmpIaln< id '“88' Wd” "PeD’ .' CbarleB U McNary ’ on tbe reI>“ b' IN OF OREGON -on nr STATE e<l to appear and "newer the’ comTbuLV fle d uzalnst you In ,h , titled Court and cause, wiihln six weeks from th» dale of the firs, p"b- fa “ to' w "nd lf y,’’J wan, thereof the to the Court for the relief prayetl°for , ln the complaint, to-wlts fo r fi de- and "rb of you b«ve fWl„w8.„< l^ c r i b ^ ,^ ’,, p ^ r^ , R T at0S oi The D®ne8’ city coun C "“"•‘" ‘d • broken collarbone “nd h'8 Wi,e puinful Injures when an 1,n,omob,l° in wh,ch they were riding <>n ,he Colu“ b‘a river highway over- tUrDed' Trustees ° f W illam ette university Wl" make ever7 effort to retain Dr. CarI Gr**K« Doney as president of the ln9ti,ution- “ was announced after PreSe“ ted 0,0 wit: <’ninmencin< twenty feet west of the' use of fireworks in Mult R W U ^ 1 ™ nler of , ot No. five in “°n>ah county outside the city limits Hon to Lane VCoun"vMOr*8Bn ’ D° n" ’ in nOt be toIera’ed this year. Sheriff Point Is 1302 42 fee*''w e-W nd 37520 I,urlburt ann<’unced that deputies will feet sonih of the northeast corner pa,ro1 al1 roads of the county on July O' th«^ Charnel Mulligan and wife 4 t0 onforce this order. L. C. No. 73. No’f No 3’ 71. r- n -1 Dr. Fred E. Gullck of Portland was ning thence west . , the north side 7 , \ r' " T " * Ol 1 or,land was of Nln'h Street, in Eugene. Oregon reeI‘>c,ed president of the Oregon i' w n t v 120) feet; thence ’ orlh six- st£ te Dental association at the annual tv (60' fee,.- thence ees, twenty (20) co n v cn tio n o fth eo rg a n lza tio n ln P o rt- 'to Vh» rto’, « T L h ^ B,X,, y <6'>) fee’ land' D r J “ • Richmond of Eugene I s - i s . « a - S f x i s '■ , i ' « -« * •« * « ■ lican nomination for United States sen- ator in the recent primary election by a plurality of 61,85* votes over his ( nearest competitor, George L. Baker, and a majority of 38.419 votes over the combined strength of his three rtVaJs' Baker' K' K' KubH and H. H. Stallard. according to the complete official figures as compiled by Secre- tary of State Kozer. __ — * . Whether the state irrigation securi- commissiod wiil approve the ap- plication to develop the so-called north unit project in Jefferson county prob- abl.v will depend upon the success of the promoters in proving that valua- Hons are sufficient to warrant certlfi- cation of bonds. This was indicated by Governor Pierce following a con- ference with a committee of the Port- land chamber of commerce. The time for paying the second In stallm ent of the state income tax, which under the law is June 20, has been deferred until Ju'y 20, according each e f 'bit. have no right, title or Natural gas. said to be of the petro- to announcement made at the office er L h ' a'n ° r tJheret0 whntsoev- leum type and reported In quantities of the state tax commission here. ¡forever b a U ^ r e n W n V ^ ' £ ■ a“" 'cle»‘ , » « « “ a city, was Members of the commission said the , settin g any claim thereto. discovered issuing from eight fissures time for paying the second installment This summons is served upon you ihe dry bed of Tule lake, seven of the tax w ai deferred because of a by publication thereof for six oonsee- miles southeast of Merrill suit now pending In the supreme court utlve weeks in the SDringft’ld News I „ ... a newspaper of general circulation I Renl°del*ng of the First National In which the constltutionalky of the puhllshed in I-ane County. Oregon, in banlt of Kogene to combine the present act Is under attack. (conformity with the order of the Hon b®nk site and the adjoining building Officers elected for Oregon grand entlried V T Z rt'm » d <,Ke / th.P "V°Te *nt0 a slngle '"ru<',ure- baa been star,- j chapter Eastern Star, in session st •yuiiHMi t ourt. made and entered o n 1 ___ * ■* . . . . ’he 1.7th day of Mav, 192*. Date Tht rem°delln8 will cost Portland are: Worthy grand matron, Mrs. Mary Alice Durdette, of McMinn of first nubllcation the loth day of »JOO.OOO. according to estimates. MBy' 192<' j The Oregon grand lodge of Masons, ' ville; worthy grand patron, R. Frank UNO Ä RAY. In session at Portland, elected Oliver Peter. Hillsboro; associate grand ma Attorneys for Plaintiff. P c toPfice Addre.“«, Eugene, Ore P. Coshow of Roseburg, justice of the tron, Mrs. Caroline Lewis. Seaside; gon. supreme court, as grand master for associate grand patron. Dr. Daniel O. M 15. 22. 29 J 5 12. 19, 26. next year. George 1$ Cochran, grand Webster. Portland; grand secretary. Miss Nellie McKinley, Portland; grand master, became past grand mastor. treasurer, Mrs. Marie Smith, Portland; Philip L. Jackson, associate publish grand conductress, Mrs. Leonora Kerr, er of the Portland, Oregon Journal, was Corvallis; grand associate conduc THE SUPREME DELIGHT appointed a member of the board ot tress, Miss Margaret Barnes, Grants , regents of the University of Oregon. Puss. Ther is nothin: aildren like The appointment of Jackson fills the In a spirited contest Prineville was so much as a p¡ vacancy caused by the recent death of our icb selected for the 1925 convention of the i c t Charles Fisher of Kugene. cream. All lltld. i revel In It American Legion at the state conven Material reductions ln food costa and tiltey should net be deprived tion iu Portland. The vote resulted I in the past year are shown in a com of good Ice cream because I, Is in a victory for the central Oregon parison of bids submitted to the state town by only four votes after Marsh rich, wholesome und nutritious. board of control for supplies for the field had withdrawn from the field. Everything we use In making various state institutions with prices Prineville received 63 uptes and Med paid for the same commodities a year cream is pure. ford *9. ln tl. membership reports ago. Except for coffee, which has ad Eugene took hi<h honors with an in vanced In price from 19.2 cents a pound last year to' 2>H cents a pound crease froui 12: to *80 in the year. Tillamook. Oregon City and OnUrlo at thia time, all tu p le supplies show ware others ol the poets honored fer a dscllns In ralueu. Sugar, which last large tncrense. In membership. John year commanded »1.(0 per 100 pound« R. Quinn, net ini, d ccmuMuder, wae is now quoted to the sU te at »7.0» per the principal speaker at the m eeiiug 100 pounds. Caturday. • EGGIMANN’S -• • • • .. J