Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1924)
FAOB POUR >-- — T in ’KHPAY. J l’NK 19. 1924 TH E BPRIÑÓ ElElj) NEWS Memorial to Victims of R-38 Unveiled TOWN AND VICINITY A handsom e memorial to the B rit ish and American »Ulcer» and men Home for Sum m er— Miss G race ‘ „h o lo»t at heir 11» «« aboard the air Male, teach er In the Portland school« ship It SR on Au«. H . 1U31, w as un r ached home Monday. Fh« will be veiled th e other day In the W estern h ere for the sum m er cemetery a t Hull, England. The mon- am ent waa subscribed for by ortleera R eturned from Salem— IX,rene Larl- and men of the Itcyiil Air Force and m er retu rn ed Monday from Salem relatives of the dead airmen. She visited Mr. and Mrs, TrubeVt Hen derson. R Confined to Bed— Rev. B B. Beck- e tt of F irst and 11 street has been confined to his bed for the past we k. ... .. . Left for School—Miss Dorothy 0 Ir a n i left Sunday for Monmouth to at- tend the sum m er session of the sta te norm al school there. . , W ent to Silverton— Mrs. John Toni- •o th and littlo n|,s-e. Mav El’ n S h rlv - In from W altervl'le— Mrs W alter er. I-ft Monday m onth.« for Silverton Bauch and p aren ts Mr. and Mrs. J S to visit Mrs, L. Erickson. Bauch w re in town front W alterville yesterday. W ent on Fishing Trip—J R Scott and son. Loyal F -ott. 1. 1 May and R eturned from Cal fornla Mr and Verdon May front on a fishing trip Mrs V W right and family return over last week-end. ed Tuesday from C alifornia w here thev «e.-nt over two weeks. They went W ent to C H o r n ia -M rs . Ruby k ir k d c o wh„ e P atrick went to Los A: g lew, Califor- nl* on Friday. She is a form er resi Stopped in Springfield— Miss G race McCann stopepd In Springfield S at dent of th a t city. urday to spend a f w day* v isiting M aking Business T r p — Jo e Lent frien d s on h er way to h e r home n ear mor.s w ent to M arshfi Id Monday on (;ran!4 j>.,s * business trip. He will be gone a U nderw ent O peration— Mrs. Myron w eek. ’Craig of R oute 2. Springfield, subm it Ill at Homi A. C. Ison, proprie- , p<j ((| „ o re r a tlon at th e P a to r of the Drop In has been confined cific C hristian hospital in E ugene on to his bed w ith Illness for some tim e Monday morglng. past. Back a t W ork— I. A. A’alen tin e was Had Sunday G uests—Mr. and Mrs hack on th e Job Sunday at th e Moun- F iy A bram s of W endling w ere Sun- „ jn & pow „ pUn( day guests a t th e home of Mr. aud a fte r a vacation of two weeks spent 4L to M e e t-A m eeting of th e Ixtyal I Had T o n sil, O u l- F r e d R„»eb rrv Mrs. John C. P arker. ; uT°h h V ' T ' ? “ " J L um berm an °f ” »« M ountain S ta te . Power ,w around Albany. t a i x s r j x ’ r .................. .................— Born—At th e ir home In T ren t. Ju n e A ttended Dance— Miss Lucille Cook 14. 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Irving Crow, H enry Tom seth. Miss Abbie C oold . Her» from C alifornia— Mr. and Mr.«. a son Miss Anne Hill, and Clifford Fan- Back from Conference— Hr. and Mrs ,llak " Smith accom panied h l th lr W ent to Albany—L. A. Sm ith and llrpm m otored to Junction City Sat- W. H. Pollard and baby. R obert, a.-» ‘‘■“S hier and brotihcr Edward Hick- fam ily left Sunday on a vacation trip n rd ay night to a tten d th e dance th ere back In Springfield aft r an extended 1,1,10,1 ° f Richmond. California visited to Portland. a Leaving on C alifornia Trip— Mrs. trip through the east. Dr. Pollard ■* th e l*aul llriCtaln home, W ent Fishing—Roy H olverson. Ar- U K Page Is leaving Sunday night was s ta te lav delegate to the Meth being guc.-ts of M r; Hasel Moor«. th n r R oberts and I. N. E ndicott went <>n a trip to California. She will visit odist W orld C onference held in F, ring Repairing a t Mill—Work wa.i be up th e McKenxIe Sunday on a fishing relativ es in S acrem ento and San field. Mass. gun Sunday repairing a section of the trip T hey caught about 40 above | Francisco, and go on to Los A ngelet She expects to be gone a month. W ent on Plenle— Mr and Mrs. N. ■lock a t the planing mill of the local W alterville. A. Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n H arris Booth K elly saw m ill u n d er l i t « dlr«, W ent to Lebanon— Mr. and Mrs W e n t to Marcóla -M rs. P. M. Goss- of C oast Fork. Mr. and Mrs Eliva 1 (ton of J<»hn <’. Parker, m aster me- le r and daughter. Miss C harlotte, l e f t , Dallas Murphy, accom panied by Mr. T a -lo r aud son Elvis Jr. went io Hen- ' hanlc. Th« work Is now nearly com for M arcola S aturday to spend the and Mrs. J. E. M urphy of Eugene, drlcks p ark In Eugene Sunday, taking PB-led. The section under repelrs Is sum m er They wll Join Mr. G ossler drove to Lebanon Sunday w here they along a picnic lunch. They took a by ’ 5 feet, and requiring 24.IMI0 th ere a t the F ish er camp. 1 visited Mr. and Mrs. G. I. A reh art for num ber of p ictu res of the elk and the feet of lumber. ! th e daM. dee». W ent to Blue River— Dr. and Mrs. Moving W ires—Georg« Dorris com R. P. M ortensen and d au g h ter Alice. Injured Eye— D. Converse of the J plated the moving of his private tele E ntertained Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Beard of Eugene. F ish er lum ber com pany of M arcola “* D inner— Mr. *"« phon» wirt< , n t i'nl«,| They run ore and C harles W ilson and fam ly w ent w«3 In Springfield T hursday to have Mr». Bruce E. !«an»berry en tertain ed j MOUth Third stre e t to W illam ette with an inform al 6:30 d in n er Honda up to Blue R iver Sunday on a picnic, som e saw dust particles rem oved from , . .heights, and now follow the street night, In honor of Mrs. I»ansb«ry's „i„ , « r t spending th e day th ere. I his eye. »on, ___ . . . . . . . .. » 7 - Form erly tU«y crossed private aunt. M rs .’Hugo H allin who Is here , Hr, . J / " y“ ’ “ '*' W ent to Corvaltla— Mrs. Lida Mac- on iter way from C hehalis. W ashing- W ere Sunday Guests— H. L. Bosler ' " r “ " Wl“ * bulWI" « “ P“ *-- and fam ily w ere Sunday g u ests a t th e Gowan. Mrs John F. K etels. Mrs. C. ton. to W estfir With h e r so n , and ’ m l hom e of Mr. and Mrs. F ran k A. De O. Wilson. Mrs. H udson of Eugene daughters. G uests w ere: Mr«. H allin., Pue. T hey w ent up th e South F ork and Mrs, W oodruff of S an ta C lara Frank H allin, Ralph Hallin., George Rented Home— J C. M eats has '' to r a m otor trip. j w ent to th e D. A. R. Flag Day serv H allin, Rose H allin. G enevieve H allin rentod p a rt of the double hou«e, the j Ices In Corvallis on Saturday. __ .H ere from Roseburg— Mrs. Roby , Mrs. Em m a Olson. O. M. Olson. Frank Lovelace of R oseburg retu rn ed to h e r ; R epairing a t P lant—Two men be- a " d R a,Ph Hailin' left T uesday for " " • Borne F riday a fte r being h ere since gan work Monday at th e M o u n tain 1 fT"* .°f.»th e fanllJ y ^Monday visiting friend« in Spring-j S ta te s Pow er com pany plant cleaning Is tall in Springfield visitin g a t the ¡o u t one of th e boflers. A new tele- home Mrs. Em m a Olson. e field and Coburg. ! phone booth has Just been installed H ere from O akridge—Bill N esm uth th er e and p ain te d - lin e from O akridge Friday, bringing Kentucky’ Celebrates H ere frem W estfir—W. C. Callison w ith him a fine saddle horse, th e prop at First U . S. Ab'bey e rty of one of th e Southern Pacific stopped in Springfield S atu rd ay on - engineer!, and will have it treated hr his wav from W estfir to Eugene to ji -veterinary for an injury received visit his p arents. Mrs. CaPison had j been in Eugene Frldav. The»! While at camp. 1 retu rn ed to g eth er to th e ir home on Put in C ulvert— The stre e t cleaning ■’u n ‘l a J'- d ep artm en t under the direction of Stop c ity —E vangelist J O. Bo- -*W llllam Donaldson, chief of police put vce anc| »rife who held E vangelistic in , sm all culvert a t the south end of! SPrvlees in th e B aptist ch itm ’i In F ourth street adjoining th e Cotnmer- , 922 „topped on th e ir wa t from Cal d a l S tate bank building. i Ifornia to W ashington, and s re n t ! T uesday night w th Rev. and Mrs. T eacher Left for Home— Miss Anne L uther. Hill, of the English departm ent of tho I Springfield high school, left for her Visited at S taten — E E. Lee and horn.- m M errill, Oregon, this week !'’■ '« ’“ d r Mrs. E lm er Ferguson vlslt-j accom panied by h er two slaters, Ruth w ,,h ch a rlM Lee a * f:ia,en ,a ,t and M argaret, stu d en ts a t th e fn l- * " * k ' Mr. L e ’s nephew Bill H apton v erslty of Oregon, at Eug ne. T heir "I3 ’*- whom he had not seen for 26 fa th e r m itored up from M errill and y ear* waR ,h e r* a b o f' harlp,, Lee th e y all returned with him. | '» e*Ppc,e d ’o arriv e to visit his b ro t h e r E. E. Lee about Ju n e 29. Z-ÍJ. Í <- Picnicked up McKenzie— Mr. and Picnicked at Riverside— A p arty in Mrs. George Catching and Mr. and eluding Dr. and Mrs. W. C. R e b h a n .' M rs. W. B. Scott took a picnic d in n er Mr. and Mrs .Paul Basford. Mb« Con a n d supper with them and motored , stan ce R"hhan, Miss Josephine Cooley up the McKenzie riv er Sunday. They ar.d Dr. A. C. O sterholm enjoyed » w ent w ithin half a tulle of the sum picnic Sunday a t R iverside park m lt over bhe lava beds w here they en sp o rts of swimming, boating and ba«e- Joyed a snow ball fight. ' ball w ere diversions. id W ent on T rip— Mrs. F. E. Bean, Mrs. H. A. Lom bard, Ms : Veda Bean, a n d Miss M aurice Lombard left for P o rtlan d Mond:| to be th ere for a f-w days. Mrs. Bean plans to go on to R ichland, W isconsin, to spend the sum m er with relative:! and frl nds, M iss M aurine to S eattle to spend the sum m er, Miss Veda to S eattle also to Join h er aunt. Mrs. Art Buchan, with whom she will go on to Deer Lodg , M ontana, and Mra. Lombard return to S pringfield. R eturned from Convention— Mrs. C. E. Sw arts. M b s Edna S w arts, and C. A. S w arts retu rn ed home Sur.tlay from Portland. D uring the past week Mrs S w arts and Miss S w arts a tte n d ed the grand lodge of the O reder of the E astern Star, and Mr. S w a-ts a t tended fin'h the .Masonic and th e A m erican Legion conventions. Home for Vacation—Joe Clark, ac- com panled by one of his sm all pupil Billy Knigbf, re a c h 'd Springfield T hursday to spend the sum m er with his p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. J. L lark Left on T rip— Mrs. Maude T. Bryan He has been teach in g the pa t y ear d au g h ter, Misa C rystal, and sister, at th Hill M ilitary acad etn ‘ In P o rt M rs. G race R o b erts le ft W ednesday land. m o rning on a trip n o rth to Vancouver. , B ritish C olum b'a. They w ere accom Buck from Bandon—Mrs. S. Ralph i panied as fa r as B ellingham , W ashing Dlppel —i and ..... '» ---- . . — Ifttl • daughter, Mary Pa ton, by Mr. and M rs J. M. T h o m s o n s tricia, M rs, ,'.ev| Neat, and Mr. a id p a re n ts of Mrs. B ryan and Mrs. Rob Mrs. Stcvei Gallier, p arent.' of Mrs e rts . T he T hom pson» will v isit th eir Dipped, a n in Springfield Friday c h ild re n In B ellingham fo r a month They motorc-l up from Bandon w here ®r sJx weeks. T he o th e r p a rlf’ will Mrs. Dlppel e rd d eu g h ter and Mrs. T t'u rn to S pringfield ab o u t th e first N eet have be< p spending several days « f July. visitin g the G alller family. Mt «mor-j -»A«’ ..w r 7, I $ r Iter. bHWHH 1 Harry Waal g oat to lo d i—Thu property of Mrs, D A alrr««(, , uuui^r frl«’i»»la of . Ha* will bw T hird and Fourth on , ,, , . . NaOl , . ipiaeeed to know that he 1« going to Will Preach In Iug«ne— A A An , (i(|, iMb* c h a rt« of Hr C. dareon. Springfield barber, will prea« h r hur<»h ihef". at tho aervloea at the Salvation A nn' | ,,,|| , | iui It h at a m em bership hall In Eugene Sm.ddy night „houl one thousand Mr S e a l will O le . Quilt to Aid ~ G i- i It” > M I I ......" *«• " •" th e tor „• hus haa don.tvd donalstl a fine quill quilt to m m Hie e .«■•'•«------------ Bible 1 't.n l .r d ---- MiaatoB. - ---------- Eugen«. **«»•»• M.dhodlat L adle.' al l Th« quilt will day morning June ..n d prohat lx» sold at some future ■-ale, of I he al-l P ro w from California—Victor '»’■ her. son of Mr anti Mr John S her re’ c h n l Sprltivfleld Saturday night I h l. Fortl hug which he hail driven all th« wav from Ihirtervllte. Callforn > 11« cam e from t ’altornla. where he has been attending college, slept» d wllit hla inreiii». ami left on Sunday for Camp Lewi» where he »ill atlend the c ltls e n .’ training achtiol n. .. B aptists Plan Program s The ll.iptl.ta of Hpflnufb'M »r« m iniai a unique program for th eir mdav .v enina »orvie«« during th e mm r m onth., tn the form o f « n le .t between the ntett anil women ■ rttat PC IhS men a te Io ha s» tupíele charge of one »rrvlce and « wont n the item On i en“a night the men will f u r t i tab ihr musical i re tra in , usher, m ake ill ’Ut « tu rn i, e tc . and III« p asto r «A in nr«•<*» h «»n a i» ro M iln « *tu Safety F lett T o u rlil Pullman Contluctur "H av en 't I lobi you not Io clean «hoc« In tho car a b le.' ’ Porter: "Y««'lr. but the man In th a t M*ST. Gold E versh arp pencil, marked E B. L. Pb atte retu rn to Rev Ed berth ha« Ih« lace» tied to hla toea.'* » r 8 Ralph Dlppel. D entist. V itu t gar II. Luthiir and claim rewurd J Jg building. Springfield. Oregon I ' ' ■■M W Dr R. Ralph Dlppet. Dentlat. Vilu« hulldlng. Springfield. Oregon. ny sort of printing from the smallest to the largest job gets the same attentisn. Just ask Central for í / ‘í 2 please” and you are on the right line for correct printing. '4 Í.Á« The first abbey on th e Am r'can Continent, the frtj'p iG M o n ,j.try , located neat New H aven, K vrtucky, is th e scene »his wet k ol a D ia. n.ond Ju b ilee ra rtic «♦. ,b « n by m any s a»e and h t i r . <1 ginta es f«om all over 1.« ctu fitiy . ih e ICght Rev. Edmond Obr« h t Abbot of G ethseniani, has «■ z«d th re 28 yearn. T h e lib rary is o re of the la rg e st »ud n o e t vah a lle on .nc contlnant. I t c o n ta in s, more than one tb u c s a rd velum« s m a..e be- twveti th e ten th ntv’ fo u rtet nth ten- ' 'ri.»». » WV1C»? 'I f The Willamette Press t.’ - t it n n c h a r W r r , Sunday Ou»»le— M t - Emma " 11 Pr 1 ... ,, ,, u oi„ « .le r of -li.- l i b « “ n w om ens night Hl . n «' M O bon. Mrs. lingo lla ’lln si i»r nt the setele-» will be In Ihe hand« Of an i children Frank. It t lp h . G nevi«»«’ t h e » O ll ie n »tul Ihe la a lo r will pre«« h H i»i and Georg»', and Mr »n I Mr» <»n » prom inent woman rh a r a c te r of B ritt*,» E L ansberry went Bumlav af le.-ni'on to Ihe hottie of Fred John th« Blhl«. Kpei lal mtt»‘eal num bers w ill fea son west of Eugene, about seven ture each service m iles on the Elm ira road The men will have charge of the Mr and fir-i ►. rv»<« Sun I iv n going Ju n e Picnicked up M cK enii Mr« Van«« Barber, of Wetulling Clay n. Itoff B arber, of Springfield, and Ml«« Blind P>a th ? wUhdg Dtlgan of Eugene went up the Judget "Hid you ever aee the pria- McKengle river Sunday taking along a picnic dinner. They wen* a« far a t toter al ‘ he bar*"’ Wltne«« "Well. Judge, | ( waan't ex C astle Rock While there they en srtlv a bar but everybody waa g ettin g Joyed some fishing all the drinks they want»«! '* R sllrcad Men H er,— I. L. Graham district freight and paaaengee agent Blonde Bess Opines of th e Southern Ihnlflc railroad »1 " I’m following the »|o« tor'» Instruc Eugene, and F C, Lewi«, traveling fr ight ami pasaenger agent with Eu tion» a n i exercising with dumbolla gene lieadqtinrlers were In Spring Tonight I go hot »ebark riding w llh Percy an i Fretldl« “ • / ’ leal trips of Inspection Io the South T tii, la Serioua. «•rn Pacific depot. *‘A woman »ob m arri«« « man to Left for lowa— H W Coolidge, a reform him ha« a life long Job - anti I'gaadena. California, florist. left then «he db» »U hoat doing R.“ T uesday for H s Moines, Iowa, via Portland, lie had been vlaltlng In this A Fa c Queatlon vicinity with S. H. Cairn« and n num She "You men m ake me Greti you her of old friends. Mr Coolidge, wno >r<> kmwklng talkative worn«« la a nineteenth roualn lo th e Pr«tl w()i>|| a< # mBll«r of fact, you like «lent, lived near Springfield M year* ,B|kBl| vr wnm«a a» well a» you like ago W hile her« he ah... visited in Eu („ hrn( n„ w k,u c getto with A. E. W heeler and Will lb ■'What other« “ Voran.