Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1924)
u or O. IJbrary OP BPRINOFIELO ANO THE FARMERS OF THK WILLAMETTB VALLIY THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS aanpci'i T.ta HI’RINGEIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1924 TWENTY-FIRST YEAR “Th« Psopls'a Paper" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 23 SPRINFIELD'S FOUR DAY School Director CELEBRA TION TO BE HUMMER ROAD PAVEMENT PASSED £ / eC f £ re (j L O Uk TO CITY ON CONDITION NEW DIREGTOH IS SEATED; FINANCES FDRVEM REP0BÏEDI,- Court and Highway Commission Will Surface Road If Springfield Will Improve Btreeta. Wins by Nine Vote, in Race With Four to Succeed Dr. Pollard. Retiring Member Tha atata highway commlsaion and nil» county will pave the »hurt Fred Louk waa elected achool di I ntretch of road between the Pacific Special M e e t in g of School highway and the W illamette river rector to aerve for three year, by a of nine vote» o v r 8. H. Pot Board Wodneaday Evening! bridge lf Kprtnaft.ld will pave the margin ter, bta nearest competitor on Mon | »tre* tj on this side of the Ballot. Canvaa.ed and Clerk «* of ,ho brM-fc Recording to Jud no C. I*. Bwrnurd day. J. W. Coffin was elected clerk Renders Financial Staiernent llurtiurd mid«’ u trip io Port Und and to aerve for one year. Ilia candidacy t interviewed (hr* conm lM lon following wn, uncontented. The polla at the City for Past Year. ______ ih meeting of the Springfield d ela -J ball war- open from 2 to 6 p. m. Fred Lout. newly elected member aatbin w|tb ,h e court a week ago. | Vote» were coat az follow«: 71 ■ ■„ now .... of the »i hiMil board for dlalrb t IP Il > |» up ■„ lo iH„ thè <-n« city «„ to «et act und and •"‘red Ixiuk 62 ...... uud J W. t'otfln. school clerk took . pavé thè piece of hlghway froin thè H. S Potter 1» thrlr oath« of office ni a «perlai brldBe to Hecond atreet and on 9«C- 8. J«' oh»en BO litg of the board called last night In ond to Mali, atreet. The Chamber of Mrs Paul Bruttalo 171 the m e city < i,y hall nan a at , 7 , o'clock » i iim - k for n o the m e pur-1 pa«-' (>„mwprrB Commerce la now inveatigating Inventlgntlng m thè e J- W. < offln Cash Prizes For Fourth Parade Cash prizes totaling $125 have been fixed by Clayton Barber and Jack Ijtrson, parade committee of the Ameri can Legion for the best entries In the Fourth of July par ade. A dozen local business houses have promised the committee to prepare floats for the grand pagent to be held t on the morning of July 4th. Big Patriotic Parade, Goddess of Liberty Contest, Free Bar becue, Free Shows, Carnival and Concessions Expected to Draw Many Thousands of People to Springfield. Springfields big four day Fourth of July Celebration program took defin Prizes will be as follows: ite shape thia week with the closing Best Patriotic Float—$40. : of an amusement contract by the Best Industrial Float—$35. j American Legion with the C. H. ano Best Decorated Car—$15. i W. Amusement company of Portland. Second Best Decorated Car—$10 I By thia arrangement i dozens of free Best Comic Float—$15. acts, concessions and other outside Best Comical Individual—$10. attractions will be brought here for po»e of canvaailng the ballot at the riM(l op thin work and aoundlng out J Thia Is Mr. Coffin's third term a» coat <n tma w orn ano eo unuiua in e j - the celebration. M. T. Collins and C. school election 1 the opinion of property - holder» -- ----------- along , -I-—- rl"rk «» of •» the - —Ueel »rhool M r I Umk > « i,k w ill Im i L. Hansen, of the amusement comp n n » s chair , n .,r , hfl r„u,«. T h're b an urgent n eed | Mr will take up h l. duties Dr. W II. Pollard, r» retiring any. have arrived in Springfield with man of the hoard. presided. a n d , f(lr t|,e pavement on both side« of the following the retirement from the their crew of workers and have al George Ditto wa» made chairman for br|tlge. If any of the roadway he. hoard of Dr. W. H. Pollard ready taken charge it,........ ... i, a t Itwaea Bprtagfleld sad tha ••»»«•iri, ' 1 Special trains and rates from Oak A truck load of merchandise has been donated by the The report of J W Coffin, clerk, m kbwBy |» io be paved It all ought FARMERS UNION TO HOLD I ridge. Wendling and points on the merchants of Springfield as prizes for the foot races to be for the school year closing June 18 be paved In the opinion Of th -c o u n j q , q PICNIC ON IVcKENZIE main line in the W illam ette valley held on the Fourth of July. Merchandise of every descrip 1» a» follow s: |ty court and hlghwa l commission who are being applied for. The plan of tion is pledged and there will be races for men, women and Cipsndllure General Report _By , bo j()b will be etarted on the Country Wide Picnic June 25 with the American Legion is to make children. The Fourth of July committee reports that a clerk .-. * -I®0 -rounty stretch as soon a» the city Free Barbecue; Ask Governor Springfield host to the entire mid- hearty response has been met everywhere prizes were sol Elections .............. I’” 90 , begin« to act accordingly. to Speak. western Or^pon on the Fourth of »50 1 _______________ ____ icited for the athletic events. C|^rlrBl July week-end. 2 50 CIVIC CLUB GIVES $100 Expense .. Following is a list of the races, prizes and donors: A picnic at the Fish Hatchery ha« A Goddess of Liberty contest and $ 382 85 Total 25 yd. race for boys under 8 years—First pocket knife, been scheduled for June 25 by the TO SPRINGFIELD ARCH a special edition of the American Le Instruction E«pense of $1.50, Wright and Son; second $1 Hohner Harmonica, Ket- Lane County Farmers' Union, with an gion News are now underway. Plans »25508 25! , Tracer»’ Salarle» els drug store. »4 70 The Women'» Civic club has donat- Invlta’lon extended to Governor Wal are to start the celebration- with the T est Book« ter M. Pierce to be present, and a ««I , ''d * 10° '" ,hf' ",w Springfield 25 yd. race for girls under 8 years— $3 ring, D. W. Roof; selection of a Goddess of Liberty Stationery and Supplie» varied prune««» program arranged. Thooe 182 58 *’h the Pacific highway at the en rBr,wu ...... at- small Brownie Kodak. Ketels Drug store. from the most popular Joung lady NfUce'Ianeou» 426184 61 nf ,h e ,ow " 11 , tending are asked to bring their own 25 yard race Boys under 12 and over 8 years— Sport in Springfield and Lane county. Also Tutsi I the structure la practically paid f'”' ' bB»ket iun, h«». while a free barbe- a half dozen maids and attendants belt. Hat or Cap, Halls Cash store. Espanse of Operation 1800 The pew arch coat nearly »1000. <nd c„rfee will be furnished by to the Goddess will be chosen. This 50 Yard Race—Girls over 12 and under 16 years— $3.50 J a n ito r « S-ilurv 3 0 7 .3 The C,¥,c rluh ** •** ,Mt ni'*’’,lr< the union. will be on the evening of July 3 and Box Candy, Eggimann’s. Janitor's Supplies 3.2 ¡nominated Alice Tomseth a» <andt-| Music. footracing. Jumping, and the most popualr young lady w ill be Fuel ........... 50 yard race—Boys over 12 and under 16—Bathing suit, 160 63 date for Goddess of Liberty and **» horseshoe pitching will be som e of awarded a »200 diamond ring along Water $2.35, A. R. Sneed; Finger m itt, $1.50, Wright and Son. 2og p2 «oonser her. The ladles are a ls o ,j be diversions. Member« are asked w ith the privilege of wearing the L l.h ta 50 yard race, women’s to and back—Electric uurling iron, 2867 48 planning having a section in the . bring their own horseshoe». Prises royal robes during the celebration. Total . »«.I I Fourth of July parade ‘ will be awarded In the various con Jack Henderer. P rize, for Parade. B s p .e s . of T b „ n n t , m ; . , lnK o , the Civic club le , t, 100 Men's Race, to and back—Dress shirt. Farmers’ Ex On the Fourth of Inly morning a llulldlug upkeep .n d repair. WV™ bo w n ,r< , ------------------------ — change and second prize, one box Jermoe cigars, The Loop. monster parade will be held with „ ..p lm eent and re p a ir» m - .u ip n o n , ____________ _ _ _ UNHAPPY COUPLES ARE participants from any part of Lane Women's Relay race, 4 blocks, four women to run—one 36 54) MARY BARKER WINS MEDAL SEPARATED BY COURT county. More than »100 In cash prizes l>air silk hose each, $1.25, Newland’s. Other Expen»»« 85 M w ill be awarded for the beat patrio IN TYPEWRITER CONTEST by Sack Race open to all—25 yards— $5 in trade at M. L. Library Books -------- — 852 5« tic float. Industrial and business float Total Bartlett»' Bowling Alley. Ml». Mary Barker, graduate of the ¡Judge O. F. Skip worth In f e c i t comic float and other entries. The M ias M a r r tia r s e r , g rn o a s ie m ««.«-,- - General Outlay. Three-Legged race, open to all— 50 yards— Two cartons «1680 Springfield high school thia year. h a . court T u c d a y on gronnd» of deser- Springfield band has been engaged Sidewalk of camels, T. H. Hulbert, Pastime Pool hall. 11«®» been awarded a medal bv th e U nder Hon and cruel and Inhuman tr«atme n to play for the parade and also o» New Building Women's race, over 35 years, 25 yards— One 50 lb. sack < ««• ,,H „| Typewriter company In a test Clarence Elmer S e e l of 8pr'»8fleld July 5. Equipment of old Building of sugar, first prize, Gray’s Cash and Carry; second prize ■** for «need «nd accuracy Her record ««" .ranted a decree from Meta Neet. 1043 Following the parade will be a free Equipment of new Building side of bacon, Swarts & Washburne. 1679 29 was 55 word, a minute without error They were married here August^31. beef barbecue and plans are under Total Miss l.ncllle Male, advanced ty.ew rB >»1®. »"* 'he hustmnd claim s deser- 100 yard free for all—One hat. Hall's Cash store; second way to feed more than 10,000 people. Other Payments. 6978 . er student at th» high school, was Hon In March. 1.23. Olympian Sjtort coat, Springfield Army store. Just before the barbecue will be a Printing 85 85 BWBn„.(, b ..„rfiricale of merit In the On ground» of cruelty Nora Am- patriotic program at which time som e Boys' Bicycle race under 14 years—$2.50 in trade at J. Domsetlc Science 11« «6 , ro, She wrote 40 word, a minute brose was given a decree from James prominent Oregon speakers will de W. Steven’s bicycle shop. Manual Training 61 22 There are shout 30 In 'he Fvrlngfl.ld Ambrose They were mrarled at \a n - liver the Fourth of July oration. Miscellaneous Boys' bicycle race over 14 years—$2.50 in trade at Stev » « » * • high school taking typewriting and conver. December 10. 1.08. and have Races and Free Shows Total en’s Bicycle shop. »32.519 99 Hhown wonderful aptitude «<o children. The husband will pay The afternoon of th Fourth will be Grand Total Fat Man's race, 50 yards, over 215 pounds— Meal ticket, for -h work, according to the In- »»® a month toward the children . .u p devoted to athletic races and stunts, Tom's Place. and a large variety of free shows. ZACK PARSON'S HOME struc ors._________ ____ ____ _ j Maudle Powell was given a decree Several more races and stunts are yet to be arranged. A open air dance will be held every BURNS SUNDAY NIGHT Green Stock to b . So.d- from Fred N. Powell Thev w ‘Te mar- evening on the lot back of the post- . I d .r c e of of Zack Z.aca l>ar*on« ............- al The Community Cash store. W. M. Bed at Drain. September 10. 1910. She office. A huge dancing pavilion is to The residence , ' rh ; en M H. - . I ' " ■ I ”, - - - • • 'h o t h e r . be built for this purpose. Big Fight Card. de 4. whe ( , . n l t s t R , „ nlMrlrt o r , Kirk waa given . d ecre. from One of the biggest fight cards that r r Z o i T u n d a i night. Nearly ev- ........ ...........lock and flv u r a. e . t l - |w , n » . Kirk. alao. by default. i has ever been framed in this section i is now being assembled. At least a rvihln« 111 the hom e was vulned by mated at »1800 will he sold, according - - ~ , i v water according to Mr C 8. Illllon. truatee. of the L. M i Entertain past Granda More than Dozen Candidates G riffith Will be Orator of the ha]f dozen bouts will be pulled ofr nre or ly ■ Travla, Inc., of Eugene. The dat. The I’ast Nohle Crania of the Expected to Compete for $200 Day at Fourth Of July Cele- on the afternoon of July 5. The best ’ "p raona was In bed at bh" time tb„ S1, )p ha« nut yet been set. i Springfield Bebakeh were entertained fighters in' this part of the coun bration in Springfield. Diamond Ring and Royal Rob; H -""waa started, and did not n o -ip )B| ms are estimated at approximate ¡Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. tr y are being invited here for the ' " ' M ' .n rluinns had made con |,. »20.000 svalnst the store, accord A1 Montgomery, Mrs. Montgomery great fistic occasion. C cT ge Griffith, better known as lic e It until th e f la tm s ■ ......... ,.n h ,.r« s H eine toll Five popular Springfield girls have and Mlsa Marv Roberts being Joint •Idarabto headway. An alarm was |„g to Mr. Dillon, hostesPH. Member» present were: entered the Goddess of Liberty con 'Sm ilir” George.' newly elected com Has Leave of Absence— Earl Park- turned In at 9 o'clock, to which ’h., ie Oregon American L»e- . ... - r p..», Le Bertie Walker, r re 'dent, Cora Hln test and are competing for a »200 mander c i the er «on of Mr. and Mrs. John l Para- Graduates May Teach. -------- ------ fire department raspontlod. and ano gion, will fch thè orator of the day J . at p er, diamond ring. A dozen more entries zvr ond first flint class fireman on thA ine and the t "l'l o'eliK k when It waa dla-! Eight students who gradual*! In eon, vtce-preald1 r J u n e Korf. seere , , ".r '.'i ih it the roof wna .H ll »mold-' teachers training work at the Spring tarv end treasurer. Pearl Clark, chap- will likely be announced by the end the Springfield Fourth of July cele U n fed States battleship Arizona, is bration. He w ?l speak following the <"v"r" 1 fle'd high Hchool are eligible to re- ’a n, Mabie Mortensen. Jennie Barn- of this week according to the Am-r- expected to arrive home on leave of ®r,RF' - 'reive one year teachers certifica tes! ard. B essie Bench. Kate Brumett. Ican Legion committee in charge. The parade on the morning of the Fourth absence July 7, according to word re and Just before the htg barbecue Patient« «1 Hospital 1 according to word received from Guests were Lillian B'ack. Grace I.ani contestants out now are: ceived by the young man's parents. starts, according to pl»ns. Charlotte Stewart. n n,.< kctt of Springfield was nd s t BtP Superintendent of Public In bury, Mrs. Pcmbcr. and R P. Mort The Arizona has docked at Bremer Musical numbers and other speak Pauline Driscoll. al it, . Si rlngfldd general hoa strurtlons Churchill hy principal J. enaen. Refreshm ents of sandwiches. ton. Washington. The Arizona is the ers will be on the progra m being ar Alice Tomseth. sister ship of the Mississippi, which I Tuesday ns a medical case B. Torhet. Mr Torhot has the appll coffee. Ice cream and cake were ranged. The Springfield 20-piece Grace Wallace, * Mr<""w M t'oltraln wna admitted cation blanks fur the certificates and „erved. recently had the explosion on board. band has been engaged to piav both Mildred Pember. . „ t h e hospital Tuesday evening. > n y of ’he graduates may apply j ----------------- Working In Eugene— Miss Eunice A m b X A nw av. n m ed ical ease through him. Celebrate Birthday All are- Springfield high school glrte. days of the Fourth and wilt receive appearances. Parker began work «V, their ------------- FNlMfl LJ- r\ . yesterday - ------- - noon a , ,»d veatertlay --------------------- 1 The "bnh birthday of M yma Me- |»fi«a Stewart. Miss Pemher and Miss $200 fo- The local legion committee fool t in th9 n eu and Dillard abstract of W allace graduated this »ear and Miss * « r r l la n s a k e r e n te re d the hos Marrlape Licenses Issued Klnnon was the occasion of a delight- _ .1 over * — - — — securing — »»« s»t w w ♦ Y v w vx new n* com W ) . t'- e in » Eugene. -x - — - W « 2 «, Parker Lvi •• Iz «V »• 1 is kJ An. Melvin llansaker enter n , marriage II-1 ful party at the home of her parents, j Driscoll la3t year at the local school, elated the Miss en pltal Sunday and waa dismissed y es j censes hnve be> n Issued to Chester and Mrs D W. McKinnon on Groups of friends and organizations mander In Springfield to make his gaged in secretary work during the Miss maiden- speech on the Fourth of July. summer before returning to her stud terday. B. Harrington. Florence, and Olive Monday afternoon. About 26 small a~" backing each candidate. ies at the University of Oregon. She , fE „ ll Creek waa in ! Kink. T tem an; Crancey Crites and frlends! of n ,tie M|sa McKinnon from i Tonweth h»» been endorsed hv th e, -------- --------------------- - has had considerable experience in R. "r, '.i Msturdav for treatment IH byl M Cellers. both of Springfield: pr)mary dpp. r,m ent of the Baptist Civic club. Miss Wallace by the I j « - j s ,mm0M o{ Camp Creek wa8 r . ,,(ir(lftn(, nnd My My (,hur(.h accompa nied hy their teach-1 dt -s of the G. A. R.. while a group the work in Portland. i •prlngfleb p rlu g fleh l Ha.uruu) B aturuay_ i ------------ _ _ i v|pKU ( n ,pn Ih., ap ,,„ r, lnnd, nnd bustness yesterday. P W Glaapey o . « rPfih r,,„ Erlrk, on. Ellg(,ne ; Lee Williams ITS. enjoyed cake and ice cr am nnd of Masons are hack of Miss Stewart. t n Bryan i«»«.ow« c came o m a In In f r from o m 1 Douglas ---------- John The Davis brothers of Camp Creek Saturday to have hla so n s arm i r m i anil Hermlna Custer, both of Cottage w ern entertained from 2 o'clock until Other organizations In Oardens yesterday, wivre Springfield business visitors yes Coltraln of Fall Creek under- Grove; Kenneth Spencer and Mar 5. Each child was glvsn a favor, nnd are expected to bring out candid e . j terday. at their first meeting. wpn( nialor operat,on at the Spring- guerite linker, both of Eugene: Mel gantes were played. . LEGION MEETING FRIDAY • vln Moe and Evelyn McGee, both o? Ticket good for toe® x o s a\e hospital yesterday, . A meeting of Springfield Post * h en printed nnd nre being dlstribut- M Nppt Qf npxter had hpr Eugene; John M. Scott nnd Esther .1 Students Given Credit. • No. 4®. Amerloan Legion, bn» * • CHAMEBER MEETING MONDAY • Itohlrson. both of Eugene: Theordcre Two »indents In the Bible class nt ed hy the girls. tonsils removed Saturday, • been called for Friday evening • • The regular meeting of the * ¡the Springfield 1,1«'. school. Juanita The G od d cs of Liberty will ride L. Koran nnd Lucille Parson, he'll of ed. • In t.'ie Woodman Hull. At Hint • • Springfield Chamber of Com- * X k and Frem ont Torhet. have re- In the b e,.on »' Float on the Fourth Oakridge. . Fourth of July com m ltt-e ♦ • merce wil! he hel 1 Monday night ¡ ' etved e e r tlf. ............ th.-n t o ‘July nnd will wenr fine robes now he- • will report nnd further rlan« will • Hera from Oakridge— Miss May • important business is to come he- • , h a lf ev, ,' t In N w Tc 'antent » tng made in Portland for the occasion, $45 in Fines Paid. • he nimle to handle the big cole- * Feno motored down from Oakridge • fore the meeting according to of- • Fines totaling «4r> were .Tee’ 1 i T h p c e r tif ic a te s are the results of » t rillion. E v ett member of the • • csterday for a visit with the C. E. • fleers. The Women's Civic club * in the Springfield rolle '• ' this I. is taken I« the work. A r ton tractor for it e In the Uni- Swart» family. She returned to Oak • will give a dinner before the hut I * . pint In the city Itre urged to be • week from persona f iT - > 'my ___________________ _ ¡ted States Forest Service In Cascade ridge this morning on the train. . |„ attendance by Commander • ness session in Morrison hall. • traffic nrdlnar.eec I > 1 - of M«. E A Cha’fee of Fail Creek ’ National Fores» was receive 1 vester- Those who will be present at the • • Freeland. , Roseburg end M. C I’ i; ' ' ■' >■ ’ i: a c idetitly overturned a boiler of i day at th > Fuutliern Pacific depot • Member» of the C. 1!. & W. • dinner are requested to notify the • Case Filed In Justice Court— A getto, wore fitted »I® for t om Vancouver, vancouver, Washington, v» »>iu«si,»>. c ___ • Amusement company, who have a bol’ln't water whl'o washing on Mon-;from • secretary of the chamber at once • .Tones of Dorena, P C of !„,! Sho .„ „ I Flatt « • • t« » « " J '™ ," '» s ì ”l««floU J«». IT • so that the required number of * . contract to handle the amuse day, scalding Dorma, n Kirkpatrick, W . ments »ml concessions for «1» Collecting agency • plates can be arranged. nf Eugene, and W tf-" » '' ' brought t i Sp . , clehrit'on, will he on- hnrfd and Jim Henry ‘ against Bernard Stacey. gene were each fleeil »T f.> '.og • explain their part of the program * from Cedar F lit on bualne». Monday. Monday. . ................................................................. 1 corner». I Many R ace Prizes Offered Legion Commander Five in Field For W ill Speak in C ity Goddess of Liberty a « • • • • • • »