Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1924)
D I V O T I D TO I N T I R M T O F 8 P W IN G F IIL D A N O T H I F A K M IR 8 OF T H B W IL L A M IT T I V A L U IT IHE SPRINGFIELD NEWS «« n i 11 a i“ V > 1 v w»w* — —■ F llfS BOND SALE New Post office COOLIDGE SEEMS G.O.P. CHOICE ¡ Bids Called For Ask 5 or 10 Year Leaee on Site Suitable for Handling Mail In Springfield Bid« of $1400 in City Bond« to be Opened by Council At Spe J It Fulllnwlder of Spokane, In- cial Meeting June 23; City •pector for the Uatted HUI«« Poat Office department, le In Springfield Water Reported Good. 3tA'V/» Cfdivh Now Full Swing L IV I N E W S P A P IR IN A L I V I T O W N ROAD AND STREET Biggest Celebration Ever Prom ised by the American Legion Sponsoring Celebration Here Chamber of Commerce Starts Movement Toward Paving Preliminaries fo r Springfield's Second Street and County Fourth of Ju'-y celebration are now In Road at Bridge Approach. i full swing and indications are that It i- . Paving of the roadway from the will be the biggest patriotic event today looking; Into the matter «f n« Pacific highway to the W illamette An ordinane« authorising the laati p ,„, office accomodation« for the city ever pulled off In this part of Oregon. .«y ' »3 anc« and aala of 51407 40 In city bond« oj Springfield American Legion comm ittees are work- bridge and also paving about «even to pay »he coat of the throe new | |(» atatea the need« of the new I Ing on plans for the big barbecue, blocks In Springfield from the bridge era recently laid In the east end of accomodation» a» follow«: street parade. carnival, athletic to Second atreet and to Main, a dis the city waa paaaed by the council «t "The po,io f f lc , department will r«- stunts, open air dance, band concerts, tance of about seven blocks, was d is 11» meeting Monday evar.lrx. The lm -'re iv e | roposaJj up to and including fireworks and the dozen» of other at cussed by the Chamber of Commerce Committees were provement coat »167» «4 but caeh h a s , j „ ,y j , 92< for furnl»hlng aultable tractions going with a Fourth of July Monday evening. appointed to secure estim ates of cost been paid by aome property holder» I qu«r,era for po«t office purpose» at celebration. and a delegation was sent Wednesday The engineer reported the work Springfield. Oregon, at a «tated price Preparations are being made to han to wait upon the county court in re completed and accepted on the » - • '¡ p e r annum. Including heat, light, wa- dle 15,000 or 20.000 people. It Is ex gard to the matter. ere from Ninth to Tenth street be- t„r mllrt facllltlea. vault or aafe pro pected to give the visitors and local To Put Up Sign. tween Main and A. A and B, and F ¥tded with a burglar proof cheat, and people a free feed at the barbecue and The chamber voted to have a sign and O. »treat». At a «pedal meeting Bj| ne<-e»-ary furniture and flgiuree. provide amusement for all day. All of the council called June »3 bid» will j un<j„r a )ea»e for five or ten year» the attractions except the carnival ten b* twenty fe?t erected Just across be opened on the bom»» and the bond» from October 16, 1924. floor «pace of and dance will be free according» to the highway from Springfield, about 200 feet from the arch. People in Eu aold to the hlgheat bidder. about 1500 »quare feet b> Ing dealred. plans. gene have agreed to match whatever After voting to d oae Main afreet Good daylight and central location» Goddess of Liberty sort of sign Springfield plac°«, the on the Fourth of July on requeat of important consideration», A Goddess of Liberty for the sign to be at the opposite approach to the American lotion the council re-j •'Hperlflratloaa and blank proposal« Springfield Fourth of July celebration the highway. This proposition was considered It» action later tn the eve- may be obtained from the postmaster, was suggested at a meeting of the presented by D. H. Seymour who nlng The queatlon of closing »treeta , nd „ »ample form of lease may be ex- American Legion Frida« night. The operates a stand at the McKenzie on which there were gaa filling ate- amlned at hla office." Legion’ will not sponsor any candidate MURDOCK FUNERAL AT fish hatchery. Mr. Seymour has Hone wa» raised and It wa« decided | t |a qu|te evident that the pr»e«nt FOUR IN RACE FOR MARCOLA LAST SUNDAY *» organization hut will lend Its agreed to help solicit funds from the to u»e extra police to handle traffic quarter» of the post office are load NEW SCHOOL DIRECTOR _____ I aid in promoting the sóbeme. C. U. various places along "he McKenzie Instead of cloaln gthn afreet. The po nquate for the volume of business Funeral services for William Ja» ¡Chase waa made chairman of the to help tynance the booklet that is to lice committee and the fire and water that )„ n„ w being handled. M rs Paul Brattaln and 8. Jacobean per Murdock, who died June 6 in a com lttee on selecting candidates, be gotten out In a short Ime. comm ittee were authorlaed to meet | , |( understood, however, that ih j Latest on Nominating sudden heart attack while at the F Is-, It 1s proposed to have the various Highway guard fences are to be with the American l.eglon Fourth of Commercial Bang which owns the Petitions. cher lumber mill, were held Sunday ¡clubs and civic groups of the town placed at the entrance of the McKen j i ,’v comm ittee In regard to police pOg( office building Is contemplating at Marcóla. The clergyman in charge make their own nominations, com- zie highway where it leaves the Pa mid fire protection during the cele- remodeling the present quarters so Four candidate» for achool direc of the cerem onies was Norman Work munlcatlng with Mr. Chase. Votes cific highway. brBllon* ¡as to meet the requirement of larger will he cast, and the Goddess of Lib The Mountain States Power comp- and beter accomodations. Several tor will compote In the election for man. Interment was In the Marcola Call on Court erty gowned out of the proceeds from an • reported to the council that ehem- other partlee are figuring ofl (he prop- achool district 19 to be held Monday. I. O. O. F. cemetery. We d ne sd a y the delegation of the support. Mr. Murdock was born 68 years ago, lute had examine«! the SprihlfleM (oaltlon and may submit bide. Inspec June 1« at ’he C l Hall. Grace Brat Springfield business men called at the (Mrs. » Paul and w. 8. - Jac City water and found It In very good lor J. R Fulllnwlder of Ppokene who tain «.«III ^uin, au. Brattaln) aw« -- I.ip OH Ul 1 «IIITO iwuiww» the B son of « James Murdock sas.u and Ellen — Arrangements for carnival attrac court h otee to get the county to put condition. The city water here com has been In SprlrgflrlJ for two days obson. an employe of the Southern! Moody Murdock. At the time of his tion and fun festival events will be in a substantial roadway from the pared favorably with that u«ed In , w|| Ireturn about July flrat to check Pacific railroad company are the new q ^ th he was a widower. Surviving closed up this week. Many conces highway across the river to the w est th(J brldse a dlstance of about Albany and Salem the report stated up on the bids and make hla reco- nominations by petition; 8. 8. Pot hlm are three sons; T. O. Murdock sion» have been signed up and It looks gnd __V1___ ter and Fred Louk. both of the Booth and O. A. Murdock of Marcóla, J. R. like there will not be a dull moment * . two The council authorlaed the chair- mendatIona. blocks. lumber ■....................................... company, were nomtnat- JIUIUtAH man of the street comm ittee and th - A-pplIoatlon« will be made soon by Kelly 1». sw..aww. »6 Texas, I - ano, sauvs Murdock « of and by - one sister. during the week-end of July 4, 5 and To Ask State Help 6. atreet commlaeloner lo buy a mower Roetmaster llam lln to »he First Aa ed earlier. The new director wll serve Mr«. Swenson, of California, And appeal to have the road paved to cut the graas and weed« along (be , u u n t Poatmaater General at Wash- for three years on the board. | Mr. Murdock was a member of the and a suitable culvert Installed was ¡Ington. n. C. for a village carrier J. W. Coffin Is on the ballots as l nhilng Star lodge) of the Masonic MANY CO TO PORTLAND proposed, . . . or at lea3t some road that " A A petition neUtlM for of South Springfield. Th(« tor lb« m e «r*dlng — ---- --------------- -- system ----------• - for ------------------- ■ delivery , *«• C’erk for “ ,Prm ° f order, number 428, Center Point, Tex LEGION AND MASON MEETS woaW ««* re<iulre 80 moch upke*’’ _ »aw _»_.»^9<a • I — »A . * *a>ew «A ma In iBFffl’F CiL Third street between D and E. street« ,ervl, e Is the earns as In larger cK on# year. as. Twenty-five brother Masons at ______ and at th e sam e tim e make a good wi « laid on the table by the council. ies where the population Is over 5.000. The poll« wm be open from 2 o'- tended him to his last resting place. • .ro road, met with some approval with A number of • c Springfield people are " Cnuncllmen said It was not properly Complete data has been prepared cloc„ t0 «. Liberty Lodge number 171. A. P. and , , . Judge Barnard, the only member of wh<j present. Thurs- drawn WUlIngness to omprove the and the growth of the postal buslneoa A. M had charge of the Masonic ser In Portland attending the grand lodge jodK<j f<>r port,and «iri'-t If the property builders would more romont aldewalka. house num- vices. The ritual was read by C. A. of the Masonic order and the Order Democrats Organize all expense waa expressed by herlng and a number of other require of the Eastern Star. Mrs. ar state hlghw.*' commission Swarts. fi» V At a meeting of the Lane County monta arc at auch a ata<a that the Wheaton le ft Monday*. Mrs. C. V. #nd gecure ¡ble 8ome the councilman. democratic central com m ute In the acrvlcc now «•»‘nía very probahla Thank Participant, Swarts and Miss Edna B w .rts left on However, the adjournment of Con- cotfrt house Tuesday afternoon Alta The Civic club wishes to e x ten d , Tuesday, motoring up with their son j proposed that there might INSTALL NEW PUMP FOR ’ rreaa will delay any action for aome King. Eugene attorney, was elected thanks to the Springfield hand, the ¡and brother. C. A. S » a r s. w o s a be a sm all amount of money in the chairman and George O. Goodall, sec CITY WATER SYSTEM Urns. schoo', and to all who helped to make delegate both to the asonic ge emergenCy fund. A» the proposed retar:; E B. Parks, mayor of Eugene, and the American Legion convention pUn Jm,,ndeg the exten8lon of ap. the annual Rose Show and parade a was elected state committeeman and The local plant of the Mountain f y a m i M A T IO N FOR Verdon May and H. B. Freeland are tQ the west end of the bridge F. L. Wooleey congressional commit real success. S ta le s Power company I» assembling TAKES EXAMINATION FUH also delegates to the Legion meeting. jg that gome of tho teeman. „ new centrifugal pump lo he used to REGISTERED PHARAMACIST Mrs. Ed Perkins went Tuesday to monpy could be uged Injured Arm— Miss Harlet Oosslei Precinct committee In Springfield pump water through the filter Into --------- ETiind lodi© held of tU© S ta r , Judge Barnard thought that as the which IS being this Eastern week from! had her left arm and knee injured th« the (dear well for the Sprtngflold city, Oregon Agricultural College. Cor- are; Sunday In an auto accident near the Springfield No. 1, H. C. Ethel. W ednesday to Friday noon. While highway commission was very much water aupplv. I» Will b« ready to oper- v„ui». June 12.—Esther L. Brattaln of overhead crossing on the Pacific high- Springfield No. 2. Mark M. Peery. , ,1, x ohlo to «ee Interested In the McKenzie highway a le by June 16. Springfield la one of 81 student» at there these people will be able to see .u»* ' h r- «of a a way w av clea way. Tha accident was not a serl- i i t c o that they might see clear r to to Springfield No. 3. Harry St- wnrt. The n* w pump la a 6 Inch sise, drlv- o . A C. taking the annua] examina the Rose Carnival. ous one. assist In this short piece of road. Sprlngflold No 4. G. W. Crites. or by an electric motor, and with a tlon' for licensing registered pharma Securing this road would probably capacity of approximately 760.000 gal- cists tn Oregon The state board of lead to the paving of Second street Ion« In 24 hour« Il replaceo the old pharmacy conducts the examinations ¡from Main to the bridge, a distance «h an . driven pump .which cover pharmacy, chemistry. of about seven' blocks. - - j materia medica, practical pharmacy. Three Hurt at W eetflr | Identification of drugs, and pharma M any to W ed. Ed Mavfleld, John Brink and Char ceutlcal calculations. Ins Webb, employes of the Western Oregon examinations are unusually Marriage licenses have been grant Lun.b r company at W estfir. Injured ! difficult owing to the high atandards ed during the last week by the county II, the woods, were brought down ye»- required of the profession In ths clerk to Oscar Wilbur Kizer. Portland hrda.1 afternoon on the train and state. If a candidate succeed«, In and Anna E. Nelson, Eugene; George \CJ Harrison Bell. Los Angeles, and Myr taken »o 11. Eugene hospital. All passing the examination, he Is per il,re e are painfully Injured but not , milted, by an Interstate reciprocity tle Pierce, Eugene; Daniel Hamaat, ll‘ agreement, to follow hla profession In Cottage Grove, and N ellie Myers. Eu- «orlon» It wa» reported. any one of 43 other states gene; Charles S. Hall and GladJts Dix. both of Cottage Grove; Robert Here from C hehills ■ V' A number of the member» of the Bradford. Yoncalla, and Vivian Parks. Hugo Hallln. brother of Mr«. Emma Eugene; Glen C. Elwell, and Marion Ol«on. »topped In Springfield Friday Kappa Omlcron sorority at the Uni C O N V tW T IT N Rogers, both of Elmira; Ralph M. 4 ? on hl» wnv from Chehalis, W ashing versity of OregtAi of which Miss E u- 1 nee Parker Is a member were guests I Coleman. Butte Falls, and Elba Marie M ASSAG E, ton. where he attended hla son's grad EH.vUHAT: Isaacson. Eugene; C. A. Harry Elfring nation from high school, lo W' stflr, nt an Informal dinner party at th e | X . and Myrtle VanScholack. both of Cot where he Is superintendent of the John' C. Parker home on Thursday; > /1 n t . e r 1 n ,i Lum ber . —...... ...... H o'ovenlng at 6:30. The evening wns tage Grove; and to William Chester W es company. brought with' him two children. Ge-1 (pent In music and dancing, Fletcher. Aberdeen, and Violet Clar urge and Genevieve, who will visit Ouoses present Included Mrs C. M. ice Pilkln, Coburg. X 0 for a tin, with their aunt, Mr». Olson, i Krumbeln. Kara Omlcron ho’iaemo- Mra Hallln and four children are e x - ther. and members of the sorority a« Simmons Found Not Guilty pected to nrrlve from Chehalis towny I follows: M IsK Isle Buchanan, Miss Ned Simmons. Indicted on a charge or tomorrow for a visit In Spring Kee Buchanan. Mia, Alone Larimer. of possession of a still at the farm field before they all go on to W estfir MHs Ruth’ Ellison. Miss Helon Klhlan where he was staying on Fall Creek, h|lss Margaret Kr"»sn,ann. Miss Ka was acquitted Tuesday by a Jury at to live. tharina Kresamann. Miss Marjorie his second trial. Simmons was con- n¿ Nichols. Miss Flossie Radahaugh Mis« Build New Boat victed at the first trial but later 'll/lbi M and Doreno Larimer wa« also a guest. Hugh Jolllffe. Paul Scalfe he court ruled that certain evidence "C aptain” Adam s of the Second Ave-1 was admitted in error and a second Eight Pay T ra ffic Fine« nut, garage have nearPt com pleted} trial was held. persons wero fined for dis- E lg h a 6 by 20 foot, gasoline motor boat of George Terry, found guilty on a the aeroplane tender type. It will b e , obdlonce of traffic ordinances In charge of ellegal possession of liquor, Springfield during tho past week. moved by an 8-foot propeller. was sentenced to serve a year in the E. K. Harkness of Eugene paid a |r, county Jail. George Morgan, colored, fine for cutting corners. Pass Eighth Grade who drove an automobile stolen from E. R humn was fined »2 for driving Five Springfield pupil« were sure»«- W. H. Sutton to the McKenzie pass ful In passing tho elghtlh grade ex an automobile without a license. and stalled It in' the snow, was sen J .7. Jargensen of Eugene was fined 'S » aminations on June 5 and « accord tenced to one year in the penitentiary ing to the announcement of tho coun 16 for passing street Intersections too In1 Judge 0 . F Sklpworth Court ad- ty achool superintendent. Thev are raldly. Oocar Snow, also of Eugene, Journeu W ednesday until the October ____ Jowell Roden, Samuel Edward Mos- waa fined 95 for the sapio offense, term kop, Virgil Jam»«. Velma May Mil's, us was Helen Weaver of Portland. Pr Harry Shoot of Portland and W. Sybil Agatha Cnrr.ey; one conditioned ~ J-. Mt Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wilson went to __________ j. Oglesby of Wendllng were each - - ' I * ' f ‘>. Lebanon' Frlady to attend the straw Msr M M Male has returned from 1 Pneil 310 for speeding. 4-X berry fair. Spokane where she has he n visiting | H. H Wendorf was fined «2 for ‘ V W 1. D " A.,,A(«yTce-^ - □ Ince the first of May. ¡parking too close to a (ire hydrant. «*1 rl A NUMBER 22 HPRINUKIELD, LANK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1924. 00337880 "Th* Paopls's Papar" GETTING DOLLED UP fr ‘Ti —p , « G.O.P.