Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1924)
THURSDAY. TH E SPRING FIELD NEW-* For Graduation Gifts See your LO C A L Jeweler We have m any articles in Jew elry th at m ake suitable gifts. A Few Suggestions W atches. Bracelet W atches, Pearls. Eversbarp Pencils, W aterm an Pens, Cuff Buttons. Rings. Chains. Knives. Pocket Combs. Tie Clasps ami Stick I’ins. D. W. Roof Jeweler Look and Listen For the highest grade Fruits. WISE MEN HAVE LEARNED SOME- , THING; HAVE YOU? i H E c ity m ail order hou«c, do in g a na tional business and a d ve rtisin g na tio n a lly . has a m illio n o r more cus- to n ie rv Y ou arc o n ly one o f them , and there is nobody in that mad- o rder establishment that has the tim e to give yo u r o rder a single th o u g h t except to h ll it. \ ou take w hat you get. at long distance, and be th a n k fu l that you're alive T ra d e a t , home and yo u r mer chant has to give you q u a lity to re tain your trade and the trade o f his other neighbors If by accident there is a n )th in g w ro n g w ith ’ he quality, you a-e rvltvic <■!” > get instant s4tM.e.t»vi» 1 ne sstisfo* - • ‘. ion you get i . I< ng distance i* WISE MEN 1 . poor, it any W ire people in the country are q u ittin g the in d o ld e r 1.raises in great numbers. T h is is apparent by the i '. 't »'..«» »he I ,r> o f them are a ll but on the (man, i d rocks iJ o n 't he in tin ! o f the Dtacessicn T rade at home, w l.v iv a p .u t o f yo u r d o lla r conies Lack tc you. Oranges. Bananas. Lemmons, Bell Peppers, etc. l/OME TRADE ON EVE OF VICTORY; PEOPLE NOT FOOLED FOREVER —See our display— We m ake a specialty’ of Fruit and Vegetable Salads Any order promptly filled Drop In Heads Up Every tall building is a m onum ent to plumbing and h eat ing. Or should we turn th at t ’other way’ round and say plumbing and heating are m onum ents to every tall build ing? Sure as you're alive, without the science of plumbing and the science of heating there would be no tall buildings. There couldn’t be. W ithout plumbing and heating, civilization, and all th at civilization means, would be flat on the ground. Plumbing and heating have raised civilization’s head, so to speak. And, with head up. civilization, or progress, or w hatever you care to call it, has steadily m arched forward. Well-plumbed, well-heated buildings—along with w ater supply, sewers, septic tanks, and the like—have changed the faced of hum anity. Instead of men being old and ready to die a t forty, they are now young and strong and ready to live at forty. Men and women now grow young instead of old, strong instead of weak, healthy instead of sickly—all pretty much because of plumbing and heating. ROOFING F.J.GRIMES P IO M B IN O C O M P A N Y 5 t S yin^ield. Pnong y ROOFING~MATERIAL B E L IN C O L N sa id : “ You can’t fool the people all the tim e ." T he m a il o rder houses fooled the people fo r a long tim e and made hundreds o f m illio n s o f d ollars p ro fit by it. B u t the wisest among woke up, w ith the result th .it the , 1 m ail order business i s now going dow n h ill so fast that the rich gen tlemen behind such concerns are M A I L O R D E R Ià w ild w ith alarm . T h e y are fra n ti ca lly adopting new tactics in order 3 3 333 V’ -fere fttNTj ! to “ fool some o f the people" fo r some more o f the tim e. B ut th e ir end is near. I t is a great v ic to ry fo r home tra d e ! H u rra h ! But in the day o f v ic to ry let GOING! GOING! those o f us w h o sell ded' tc or- selves to B E T T E R and G R E A T E R S E R V IC E to the public o f th is c o m m u n ity w ho buy The people who once dependert on the ever-present catalogue w d l w ant som ething in place o l it. T h e y w ill w ant the a ttra c tio n of p ■ fure, tlescr p tio n and price, placed before th e ir eyes in the most a ttra c tiv e and easiest form . T h e w o rld know s that th is means a d v e rtis in g —a d ve rtisin g in the newspapers that the people read T h is newspaper not o n ly offe rs its a d ve rtisin g colum ns to every person in th is , co m m u n ity th a t has som ething w o rth w h ile to sell, but it offer« every one the liveliest co-opei in to the end th a t your buyers— o u r neighbors— shall be served to the utm ost, to the last w ord.- , does the kind of print cream »0 that you g«t th« whol*som«n«ss with a molt delicious flavor. Springfield Creamery Indications are - that flour will l»e higher this fall the price of Bread. th at ordinarily effects MITY NICE Bread, better than ever has alw ays been made of' the fin est of ingredients, hence Is superior sale In Springfield. It’s the quality that counts. Springfield Bakery FRED FRESE, Prop. Q U A LITY As wall as pric« is what counts in m«rchandis« You Got It At Hall’s Cash Store Man and Boys Wear 428 Main Street Paint Up and Clean Up HEATH MILLIGAN Henderer Electric Supply The Farmers Exchange Buy Fly Spray THE VALUE GIVING STORE OF SPRINGFIELD FOR YOUR STOCK NOW We are showing the latest ereatlons In Shoes, Dry Goods, FLOUR FEEDS. GRAINS, HAY, Cement and Shingles Clothing and G ents’ Furnishings 4 4 YVe carry only the z best makes Morrison & Clingan Corner 3rd and Main Phone 44 C. W. Black 100% Pure Pennsylvania HYVIS MOTOR OIL Brunswick, Hood and Michelin Tires Springfield Service Station 5th and Main you can buy in a home product— on« mad« of pure WILL IX) THE TRICK ing that customers are proud of, they tell us. The best butter PAINT AND VARNISH Sibloco and Colonial Pipeless Furnaces The Willamette Press E. G. Black I'.>2I Springfield Buy Fairbanks Morse Home Water Plants .H’NK Phone 50 Your Patronage Solicited. J. Fulop, Rowe the Realty man P ro p . New listings of property of all kinds. Farmers Exchange 'SP R IN G F IE L D FARMS, CITY PROPERTY, HOMES. N. A Rowe