PAGE FIVE 78; Anc Hlat 78; Typ 78; MT 71; Dep 79 Eaton, Orval Eng 81; Alg «8; G»n 8c t 84; MT 88; D*p 79 Gerlach, Harry— Eng 71; Anc Hiat 87; Gen; Set 80; MT F; Dep 87. Grove«. Gladys— Eng 91; Alg 77; Hist 85; Gen Set 81; Hep 95. Hack. Juanita— Eng 88; Alg 93; Anc Hlat 94; Gen 8cl 91; Dep 91. Hartley. Aza- lie—Eng 84; Alg 90; Gen Sci 87; DS 88; Dep 92. Haettnga, Leland— Eng 91 Alg 91; Anc Hiat 80; Gen Set 88; Dep 88. Hawtor., Catherine—Eng 4. 80; Alg 78; Span 78; Typ 82; Dep 90. Hughes. Evan—Eng 93; Alg 98; Anc Hlat 93; Gen Scl 91; Dep 93. Inman. Violet— Eng 90; Alg 89; Anc Hlat 82; Gen Scl 88; Dep 92. Jack. Cecflle— Eng 90; Alg 89; Anc Hlat 84; Gen Cel i 91; Dep 93. Louk. Edgar—Eng 2, 85; Get; Scl 84; MT 84; Dep 84 Lyon«, ¡Theda—Eng 2, F; Anc Hlat 75; Gen Scl 78; Dep 82. McPherson. Pauline —Eng 2, 79; Eng 4. 83; Gen Scl 73; Dep 93. Manning. Jesale— Eng 2. 88; Alg 91; Arc Hlat 90; Gen Srt 89; Dep 92. Markham, Parmlee— Eng e. 82; Eng 4. 88; Sten 83; Typ 78; Dep ¡35. Maa'erson, Dorotl» <— Eng 89; Alg ! 88; Gen Scl 84; DS 87; Dep 90 ¡Morse, Grace—Eng 88; Alg 71; Anc '¡Hat 85: Gen Scl 81; Dep 92 Moran. 1 I>ane—Eng 61; Alg 70; Gen Scl 77; MT 91; Dep 91. Nadvornik, Charles ¡ —Eng 71; Alg 91; Gen Scl 82; MT ¡85: Dep 79. Neet, Inez—Eng 78; Anc i Hlat 90; Gen Scl 80; Dep 89. Oder- j kirk, Margaret—Eng 95; Alg 99; Am; Hlat 89; Gen Scl 90; Den 98 Paddock Wade—Eng 72; O n Scl 85; MT 86; Dep 82. Phllllpa. Violet—Eng 84; Aly F; Anc Hlat 89; Dep 87. Pollard, W il liam— ling 95; Alg 90; Anc Hlat 87; Gen Scl 90; Dep 91. Potter. Arthur— Eng 72; Gen Scl 78; MT 86; Dep 90. Richmond, Helene— Eng 77; Gen Svi 84; DS 86; Dep 90. Robley, Asa—Eng 90; Alg 74; Gen Scl 90; Meeh Dr 83; Dep 88. Stahlman, Nalda— Eng 67; Alg 57; Gen Scl 82; D S 86; Dep 90. Torbet, Fremont—Eng 89; Alg 81; Anc Hiat 89; Gen Scl 86; Dep 80. Walker. Gladya—Eng 4. 86: Alg 95; Anc Hlat 91; Gen Scl 92; Dep 92. CHARLOTTE STEW A RT ALFREO TOW NSEN O a u d r ey M c P herson W IL 8 U R B R A T T A IN M IL D R E D P E M B E R C L IF F O R D P R IT C H A R D G LA D Y S BA U E R v ir g il M c P h erso n TH E LM A SW EENEY A L IC E T O M 8 E T H H E R B E R T H O R N IN G MARY BARKER R O B E R T C L IN E C H A R L IN E L A M B E R T A M Y LOVE ■ P A U L D IL L A R D G ARCE W A L L A C E C A R L L E W IS M A Y BLO OD YOUNG MEN TO ATTEND CITIZEN TRAINING CAMP A number of Springfield young men, 17 years of age and over, are plan ning to take advantage of the offer of the U n it’d States government and MABE l roof spend part of the summer vacation in the citizens’ m ilitary training camps. The offer Includes transportation to and from the camps, instruction in courses which rouy be chosen by the men, and regular wage«. Those who wish courses in connection with the infantry service are planning to at tend at Camp Lewis from June 1» to July 18; the coast artillery w ill be at Fort Worden. Washington on W AYNE HAW KE the sam e dafes. and the heavy artlv- Typ 2. 78; DS 85; Dep 90. Stewart. ( Eep 86. Brattaln, Helen— Eng 86. Alg ]ery * Wyoming camp. ton, Iowa—Eng 3. 91; Alg 3. 99; Eng Lucllle-j-Eng 3. 86’; Eng 4. 87; Anc i 84. Oeu Scl 83; DS S6; Dep 84. Carl-, K not of age the consent of parent» 4. 90; An« Hlat 96; DS 91; Bible StU- Hist 89* Typ 86; DS 90; Dep 91. St w- ton’ Naomi—Eng 92; Alg 93; Anc ¡, reuquired for each person. Cfrcu- I dy 92; Dep 93. Casteel, Ray—Eng 2, 62; Anc Hlat 72; Typ 73; Man Tr 92; art. I aiuls— Eng 4, F; Anc H ist F; Lat Hiat 89; Gen Sci 90; Dep 94. Clowet Jars announcing courses, equipment, Dep 75. d in e , Ralph—Eng 4. 79; Eng J 67; Dep 79. Stubblefield. Lenore— Mildred— Eng 82; Alg 86; Anc Hiai and other data are in the hands of J. 16, 85; Civ 80; Biol 82; Anc Hlat 85; Eng 4. 83; Anc Hist 81; Tvp D; Ecog 97 Gun Sci S6; Dep 8?. Colo, Lotlce E Torbet, high school principal. ' Dep 90. CoRUta, Gladya— Eng 4. F: Dep 83. Thanipso.-., Charles— Eng JUNIOR GRADE SHEET Tie- flnul grades of the high achool 87; Biol 90; bat 91; DS 91; Dep 9; 3, 83; Alg 2, 90; Anc Hist 79; Mech atudenta for the aecond aenreater Carr. Ada Eng 6, 92; Biol 92; Sten- <'(>W|,rX> Byron— Dropped. Cox Charles Dr 89; l)ep 87. Tomseth. Abbie— Eng were announced today by Principal og 2. 91; Bkkg 2, 95; Typ 2. 80; Dep K lg 4 gB. Mech nr 92; Typ 9 0 . Man 3. 88; Eng 4. 85; M O Hist 73; Typ J. K. Torbet. All atudenta receiving 86 Cline. Harry— Eng 4. 80; Am Hist Tr po. |>ep 90. fo x Ida— Eng 4. 81; 91; Dep 83 Walker. Eugene— Eng 4. 90 per cent or more were «zenipt from F; Phys F; Bkkg D; Dep 81 Cline. Oeom 2. 78; Biol 81; Dep 86. q vine. 84; Alg 2. 70; Anc Hist 70; Man Tr ezanilnatlona and duo Io good work Alice—Eng 6. 90; Civ 86; llkkg 93; {.^)wan[__Eng 2. 68; Alg 2. 91; Anc 88; Dep 84. Yarnes. Raymond—Eng 4. Typ 78; Dep 93. Collier. Allene— Eng H1s, p . MaI, Tr M; , )ep g7 Doane, 93; Oeom 88; Anc Hist 02; Typ 89; many did not have to take the testa. Following la an eiplanaUon of the 6. 88; Am Hlat . 75; Civ 82; Dep 95. Belvin— Eng 6, 75; Eng 2. 70; Blol Lat 90; Dep 93. FRESHMEN Cooley, Abbie—Eng 6, 81; Am Hlat Fi gg; Typ p ; Dep 83; Duryea, D«Et- abhrevlntlona and the grade.): ta Eng 9. 91; Eng 4. 92; Ane Hint! " d rlch , Velma—Eng 80; Alg F Anc Dep 84. Cog. John S ten og 2. 8 Am, American; Alg. Algebra; Anc; Eng 6. 76; doom 3. 93; Civ 90; Benn 01; !>S 88: Dep 9.1. Fritta. L ucille— . H' t 7R; Gen acl 77; Dep 94 An<ler' ancient; Illol, biology; t'iv. civic«; Ch-laty—Eng f2 ; Alg 89; Ant < 87. Typ 83; Depe 89. pillard, Anna— Eng 6, 88: Anc Hlat 81; Biol 88; Sna- Bk kg. bookkeeping; «DS, domeatlc ’ *’ P"' ' • Eng 6, 86; Oeom 2. 91; Am Hitt 72; 85; Dep 93. Girard. Doris— Eng 2. 86; H,st M: tÎpu Scl *' science, Econ, ecouomlca; Eng. Eng- Typ 1. 75; bat 2. 89; l»ep 89 Dillard, ¡ Anr HIs( 76; Typ g0. 90; Ppp 91 Agatha—Eng 95; Alg 96^ Anc Hlat llah; Geom. geometry; Ilia, history; Kenneth- Eng 6. 80; Geom 3. 87; Civ Goss'er, C hirlotte—Eng 4, 88; Span 93; Gen Scl 9 ; Dep 37 B eats, Ol ver j Gen sc, general science; MAIM, med 70; Merh Dr 95; Dep 88; F,un 70 80; T p 83; Di 88; Dep 92. Halsey. — M T 85: De*' 77. Brasfleld. Aida— . ieval and modern; lihyalca; MT. man Dilard. LenorB- Bug 6. 95; Civ 84; M arg aret- Eng 3. 86; Eng 4 84; Anc i En» <4: Alg fi7: Gen 801 72; DS lne: I ual training; Span, Spanish; TTC, Spnn 84; Typ 88; Dep 95 P rguson. Htat 80; Typ 88; DS 92; Dep 90 Har teacher training; Typ. typewriting; lle r th a -b a l 85, Ganter. Llla—Eng «. ¡ vp>, Myrtle—Eng 4, S9; Biol SA; I^t bat, Latin; Meeh Dr. Mechnnlcal 85; A111 Hlat 80; Civ 81; Stenog 85; ' 81. Dg 90; n ,,p 90 Haugann, Murgar drawing; Dep, deportment; Inc. In Dep ï 1' Gnster, Iltlhy Eng 6, 90; A«’ jet— Eng 4, 9 l . m &M H tat g 2. T yp $127.50 complete. j . 1 J J I» llls t 92; Civ 9.2; bat 3. 95; Dep 91 73. n g gg. p pp 93 Hemenway, Shlr- Harper, Lenabelle— Eng 6. 95; Eng 8. ley- Erg 4. 86; Alg 2. 75; Mi M H ls t( tv" •• . SENIORS Springfield 90; Civ 94; Span 3, 92; Dep 92. Haw 90; Gen Scl 74; Bible Study 79; Dep Barker. Mary—Eng 8. 78; Am Hlat ton. Myrtle— Eng 6, 90; Alg 2, 89; 85. Horning. Edith—Eng 2. 87; Alg 3. 78; Typ 94; l»ep 8«. Bauer. Gladya— Econ S3; Am Hlat 80; Span 82; lien 79; Anc Hiat 76; Typ 77; Dep 91. Eng «. 89; Civ 78; Blol 90; Bkkg 9«; 90, Holveraon, Jennie— Eng 6, 90; Hughes. Elizabeth— Eng 4, 92; Hist Typ 84; Dep 88. Blood. May—Eng 8; Oeom 2. 89: Am Hlat 93; Span 90; Am 93; Lat 88; DS 92: Den 90. 1 am- 80- TTC 90; Dep 90, Brattaln. Wilbert Dep 92. lloppo. Roe Ha— Eng 6. 75; bert, Lucille—Eng 4. 75; M&M Hlat —Geom 65; I’hya 73: Econ 85; Spnn Oeom 3. 80; Civ 79; Lot 74; Dep 95. 1: Blol 85; DS 90; Den 88. luivaon, 78; Dep 88. Cline, Robert- Eng 8. 91; Hughes. Howard—Eng 6, 90; Civ 77; Thelma—Eng 4, 92: MAM Hlat 86; phya 01; TTC ; Dep 02. Dillard. Gen Scl 87; Typ 86; Lat 80; Dep 87: Paul Am Hist 77; Phya 01; Econ 85; Jack, Pauline Eng 6. 96; Oeom 3. Blol 91 • DS 91 ; Dep 86 Lenhart. Fa ther—Eng 3. 83; Eng 4. 92 Anc Hist Id 2utomhtic Bkkg 06; llep 93. Hawke, Wayne 99; Am Hint 96; Civ 97: Spun 95; lie? 78; DS 89: Den 91. Lombard, Frank Eng 8, 85; Geom 02; Phva 08; Typ F/VIRRANKS-MORSE 95. Jacobson, HernlCe Hug 6. 76: Civ — Eng 4. 92; MAM Hist 88: Anc H is’ 84; Dep 85. Horning. II rhert -Enr 6. 90; Span 86- T»-> 85; Do 89 McMul 92; Mi ch Dr 87; Dep 88. Moon. K ?ME WATER PLANT ; Geom 80; Am Hlat 94; Phya 92; lin. Men'— Eng 6, 80: Am Hlat 76: George— Eng 4. 77; Eng 6. 71; Geom U S T turn any faucet— in Span 95; Dep 02. Lambert. Charlln»— Econ SO; Typ 85; Dep 92. Male, Lu- .> Man Tr 78; Dep 79. Nehcr. home, dairy or barn— and Eng 8. 31; Civ 90' nio! 90; TTC 91; Cllle—Eng 6, 88; Civ 72; Stenog 9 l ; i Bern|ei Eng 4, 88; Anc Hlpt 91- t a' •ou get an abundance o f run Dep 83. J.ewla Carl—Eng 8. 71; A m jTyp g Dêp 88. Mtitmlng. Verna— ,¡,4. Typ gfl. Ppn 9-, kiuc • ning w ater, under pressure. Hlat M I T 'P 78; Dep 78. Love. An iY |KnK 90. Am m et 74; Civ 77: n s ! — Eng 4. 91; MAM Hlat 9.3; T v - 82 1 O preserve the n a tu ra l N ot a switch to turn or zd- - E n g 6&>0; Civ 83: TTC 90; De,, MI , p p „ KnR 79: ; Mnn Tr „ . , gfi N^ , on v|t>, ' CLASS OF 1924 S. H. S GRADUA TING SECOND SEMESTER HIGH SCHOOL GRADES GIVEN J McPherson. Audrey Eng 8, 87; A » ' | Gpop, n. gr>: r t y 7A. Cpn Scl S ': I V " ” i "2“ f s,U.'*a- T vr, ¿R- t n i' I’jus'.mcnL tOmate. T tc p U n t operates from any electric light r'» v ™ - «’ • 7R: ¡90. Pember. Mae— Eng 6, 83; Blol 80; socket or home lighting plant I lilol 86; Snan 82: pen 8» j Econ 75- Den 88. !’■ inter. Maralla«'!— circuit. Pumps water horn cis Dep 89; TTC 94. Pember. Mildred— Lola—Eng 6 88; Am Hist 84; Civ 76. 4 gp. M&M H |jt F . (ljo, g, ; Ma]) tern; shallow w e ll, spring, Eng 8. 81; Blol 92; TTC 92; Dep 93. l/.pae 90; T yp D' Dev 90 Thurman. Tr 79 Dep 80. Pritchard, W alter— «•.ream or lake. Has sturdy gal Pritchard, Clifford—Eng 8. 81; Am neulnh -Erg 6, 90; Am Hist 76 Civ 4 77 Ooom 2. 7.3 MAM 1113 82 Dk Î vanized si eel tank. Dependable Hlat 95; Phya 91; ( lv 91; Dep 89. 85; bat 85; D*p 92. Bibb 76. 1 h lin vóf kg I’. 86; Dep 90. Rehhau. Constance | Fci banks-Morse Pump. Ca- Stiw arl. Charlotte— Am Hist 74; Mary—Enr 6, 91; Oeran Plol 92; — Eng 3, 88; Eng 4, 88; MAM Hlat ' pa<.it} 2 0 0 g a llo n » p e r Span 2. 72; .3, 77; Divp 83 Sw een Span M; Lat 86; Dep 91. nour. SeAus I,)«-dei»’!A. 85; Typ 86; JJen 85. Redding. <lqn«« ey. Thelma— Eng 90; Blol 92; 8OPHOM0RBS i; ' r i g I ’ 7 t; Alg 3. 70; Eng Ì. T>6 ■ ,- F. L. CRIMES - Gen 8c| 93; Dep Hi. 11 naeth. Alice— ) » • M!*!« Tr SF; Tie,» 90. Skallcky. Llbbj j Abeene, D < tha Eng 3, 91 PLUMBING CO. Oeom 82; Econ 83; St n 87; IWP 86. — Eng 4. 90; Blol 88; Wlp 87; DS 90; j | To vnsend, Alfred—En : 8, 75; Am 93; Anc Hlat 92; DS 89; Dep 91. An Don 92. I’mlth, Or.eta— Eng 3, 83; AL: Hlat 78; Econ 82; D ’j 87. Wallace, derann, Mal« I—Kng 4. 78; E, g 6. 77; 2, 87; Anc H iat F; DS 89; Dep 91 S e e pum p dem on strated in our Dep 86. Barker, Stolla-^ Eng 4, 89; G race- Eng 8. 73; Blol 90; TTC 86; w indow . 77; Biol 84; DS 88; Dep 90. Carl Stark, F loren ce— Eng 4. 87; Blol 81;! Am Hlat 70; Civ 77; Dep W. I T beauties o f the great ro u tes o f tra v e l o f th e P a c ific Coast, we h ave removed all o f these signs, 1200 in n u m ber, fro m th e highways. STANDARD OIL C.OMPANY [C A L I F O R N I A ]