Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1924)
THURSDAY, TH F SPRINGFIELD NEWS __a 1____ „________ ___ . ____»' FAG K FOUR C A U S E O F P A IN F U L F R U IT W est W in s P e n ta th lo n fo r the Second T im e P O IS O N IN G C hu rch P a rty -M ra L id a M r an d „ „ O a. , , „ , , ttu> dav w flp r b p r , j C ox I t. 1924. “Hunchbnck of Notrp D im »" Marks Zenith of Film Indus- try*« Remarkable March Fortiand. Cre., June 5.—Re«e«rch workers at t>e Y’ulvcretty of Oregon Medical ecbool have su cteed el In discovering the cause of ao-called fruii poisoning. a disea.«« which et tack i hundreds of workers In Ihe can oer'ea end psckl g hsHlscs o f th • N onhw taf dur'eg ihe fruit packing •'Thu Hunchback of Noire llaihe.** now showing at the Bell theater, stands out aa a uttl«-*1"1*« lit tilt progress of moving piiiur entertain m ent Il will bu ahowu three day«. There Fri Rat One of th« ploncvri of the l*d u s - try. who happei.etl to he in this city on (he opening n'ght and who ac After six rnenths of Inveellvallon. 1 copied a special Invitation sent bint I»r Lyle Ktngery, professor of der by wire front M r Carl La utiule. pro mafolofi*. and Dr C, H Thlen«.«. pro- : duegr of the film, recalled the old fnasor of pharmacology have Isolated , days when anv'hlng over one reel was the organiam that produce* th dis I cnuglderod a feature, and when a lit- ease and they are Row on the way i tie painted scenery was uni pi for a to findtnij the moat effective mean« of I background for the adore. Sew In checking and preventing the mala tv number, who cavorated through more Dr Ktngery will preeent the reau'hi or less conventional motions The at of their Investigation before the an j (loft, or “hualnoss* as II was calletl, r.un! meeting of the American S o c i e was largely developed aa the work ty of Dermaiologtata In Minneapolis 1 wen! on. In Jul ■ The present masterpiece ''The Frail poisoning is a painful akin I H u m httark of Notre Dame,“ present» ilifwIUm uhich attacki workers «ho i such a contrast that It Is hard to he per and cut fruit In canneries Those Here the «Irides whlrb this form Of who hull strawberries aru al«« liable i entertainment had made In the f”w to be Infected The disease cause« the j Intervening year» W armlna art persons infecte<| to be completed In ' seen from dlxxy heights, and II 1« capacitated for a month or two and hard to believe thai the acev.ea were often rraults In loss of the finger not made at the ancient t'alherdral nail« Before the Investigation« of of Notre Dame llaelf. the I'nlveraltv of Oregon men were E terv aludent of hlalof knows made, the cause of the dieease was i the epoch making events lhal center unknown Tho Infec tion causes ’arg • «round that famous building. bullde<f economic loeu Io Ihe fruit Industry on an island In the river at l*arH. ar.J Its workers IFranre. Every soldier who has been When »uffera from fruit poisoning to l*»rla ha« seen Its massive pllay were brought to Fortiand hospitals last year Dr Thlenes and Dr King and It will bo hard to convince any ery became Interested In dlicov> ring one who has been there that It la not the origin») building which la a cure for the disease, which was u-ved In (he film, and vet It la only then unclassified by medical science one of the massive "seta“ built for They made trips to Oregon archards thia wonder film and cannertea. and studied cases of And yet Ihe enormity of the task the poisoning, finally Isolating the or ganlsm which caused the trouble In producing this moving picture pro They are row experimenting at tho duction la almost forgotten In the de Medical school io find the best means velopment of the story and the nut«. Of exterminating ’h - from '*rfu,1’r ,h llf‘" ,,f , '<* C h w ’r the human body that c u r « may be!*'"* hHJ “'”’" " 1"* *•*’ effected eludes Ernest Torrence, l*atay Ruth _____________ Miller, Norman Kerry and a host of w i »«Il kamra to tovotogg of tho V is ite d A u n t— H L. Jones, nephew Went to Colorado—Mr». John l.loyd of Mrs. b id s MacOowan. was here let« Sunday for Pueblo,' Colorado. Saturday and Sunday from Portland S h ip p ed Goode— C . F Vc’gamor*'» W e n t to boa Angeles— Mrs Ivan > household poods were shipped to Van Male left Wednesday for l.os Angeles. co u ve r. W a s h in g to n M o nd ay. California.' She will motor bach with Went to Weott r— Mrs E W ia Olson relative«. erect to W strtr Tuesday to visit her V is ite d fro m P o rtla n d — Joe C la rk . brothers. John and Hugo Halltn. Instructor In Hill Military academy. T o H a v e P ic n ic — The Kensington Portland, yisited hl» parents. Mr and club will entertain the bu-hands of Mfs j u crarki ot<>r U<1 w„ k ,„ 1(1 th e member» at a ptenic oa» Friday. June IX Underwent Operation—P C. Drury underwent an operation on h is Jaw1 Had D in n e r Guestx— Mr and Mra. a | the Springfield hodpltal during the H. C Jackson of Eugene were dinner 1 Charles West of guests Sunday at the home of Or. Washington and and Mrs. R. P Mortensen Called' to Roseburg— Mr». Frank J e f f e r s o n won Hamlin was called to Roseburg Sat- the pentathlon at Left for California— Mr. and Mra. urday by the serious lllnese of her the annual Penn W C. Wright and two children left brother. Charles William*. relay games for the wound consec Mondav for a trip through California. j »- He They will go o a ... to i Lo Angeles. » R e tu rn e d fro m S e a ttle — Mrs. Mi- utive time. g ee« K ester returned Saturday night finished the five- H e r « on V is it— F r e d B M e rm a n Is »ft-pr a week's buainess trip to Seat- event competition with the winning bere on a visit from Portland. He ar- tiP Washington. score of IX 11« rived Sunday morning, and will re- „ ma'n here the rest of this week Visit- Taken to Hospital— Mra A E Wells finished firs t In leg'relatives and friends « Swissbom • was operated on at the the running broad and the Pacific Chrlstion hospital in Eugene Jump, S aw B aseball Game__ W. D. Frit’s. Monday l.atXkmeter run. third In both the Javelin un.l SWMneter. and fifth In the dlecua F rel Fritts. Cart Bosserman. and Ira throw. Left foe Bands*— Mrs ft. Ralph ____________ — ------------------------------ — — Hake wrnt to Portland Fridag where they witnessed the defeat of the Port D»K*1 Mrs. Levi H Neet Motored Visited at C om Horn*—>lr *n<l Mrs. D E A D L IE R W E A P O N S FOR Monday m om inr to Bandon to spend , Clover and daughter. June. o<i land baseball team by Vernon. 10 days visiting Mrs. Dip pel s parents, were Sunday dinner gtiaata and» N E X T W A R IN V E N T E D A tte n d e d D IS C O V E R E D JUNK ----------- MacGowan and Miss Elsie W eddle „. ..»I Almost at the same moment, sd en w e r guests at the dinner g lien by Invited to Reunion— A dosen Spring * ’ , tilts In France. Greet llrltian and Cox. the Women s Alliance of the Ctritar- «eld people, n a tiv e of the state of J*rs I Germany announce the discovery of Kentucky, have been invited to lh* Injured Hand— M Mullins of Spiring a “death ray" which Is Invisible and lan church in Eugene last evening Kentucky Homecoming celebration at field route 1 was injured at the G'“O|.a| » distance of 8 miles will bring Here fro m Portland— Ralph Kadder- June 15 to 19 Stafford sawm ill on the Mohawk Sag-. down airplane«, paralyse any fVwt. U of Portland was a Springfield busi ness visitor yesterday. While here Went to Weed. Callfonrai— Mias urday when he mashed tho thumb of .bdM tanks on the battlefield, ruin mo- he called on Mr and Mrs W. Henry PwuUne McClintock, domestic science his left hand on the carrier betwe*« . , or car<i aUd spread an invisible cur the log and the upright. ¡lain of dewth-denlitgg electric ray. AdriiU1 teacreg a t the Springfield high school similar to the gas clouds of the recent ¡«ft last evening for Weed. California T o T e a c h in S u m m e r School— M r s .' Changed Residence— Mr. and Mrs. wj,er„ „he spend the summer with her Ora R>«d Heraenwidy principal of the The first announcement came from A. J Perkins moved Tuesday from parent« Lincoln school will teach at the sum *4 Faria, the discoverer being Grinnell th e Seavey apartments to apartments above the Bell th°atre formerly oc- Motored to Lott Lake— Mr and Mrs m et session of the P«ndleton branch JMaltbewa, a British subject. Then copied hv M and Mrs. Ivan Male. Belford BlcktKll and Mr and Mrs of the Montuoath normal school be ' London announced the discovery of «cre-n Truman Gay motored to Lost Lake ginning June 13. She leaves Spring |S similar ‘ death ray'' by Dr F J H ats and S carfs Go Hand in Hand "The lluornhark of Notre Dome." G. A. R. Meetln Called— The ladle« Saturday evening and spent Sund<g Held for her home In Cottage Grove I Wall of Sheifieid Voiversliy The Ger ! --------------- this morning ------- before going to - her of the G. A. R. will hold a m eeting then. '— on — I made from the famous story by Vic man mvention was announced in the Friday afternoogi at 2 o'clock, accord-' tor Hugo, has again brought up tho .sum m er home R et.hstag by the leader of th* mill ing to the president. Mrs. Charles F. —Went on Trip G G Bushman. Mr ' value of visual education through tho tary party. Egg-maan. 1 and Mrs. F. J. Grimes. Miss Oall Gray A S T O R IA . O R E G . R E B U IL T ! fVm« and shown how the moat won- Matthews, who has been recalled end Miss Thelma Morefleld went on i derful acting, together with most W o n Fishing—Mr. and Mra John a motor trfp t0 Cagca(, e summer re AS A R A T -P R O O F C IT Y to Englsnd. s.igs his discovery can ¡powerful dramallr action, can lie C. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. John Win- son Fri(1„y --------- ■ h o be used to start fires and bring blended with sincere fltl-llly |o his aenried. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lem-. As a result of convincing rat con -. death to Invading armies many miles torical fact. from mon» went fishing in Clear Lake w est Returned fro m Ca’ifornla— Ca'ifornla— Mrs B jro| wor|( done last year In Portland, distant The present limit pf the In Hol'lfwond. where this wonder of Eugene Sunday. They «aught a A. Washburn« is back in Springfield j o r e g . under the direction of the Bio- ray's effectiveness Is betweea 7 and film was made and where the enor number of catfish. « ' after visiting her daughter. Mrs Hel- j|oisi«_-»l Survey, United States Depart- 8 mil«« The new destroyer Is aimed mous sets were made, the school au- en Martin of San Francisco. Callfor-. ment of Agriculture, the city of As- as a searchlight 1s directed. ,thorttlea were quick Io see Ihe poe Guests at Ne'*>" Home— Mr. and ni> g,n(.p , hp Qf March toria. Oreg,, which was partially slhllllies of this replica of the facade Speaking of hl« death beam, or ray. of Wendltng were Mra. J . Q. Wilson W burned, is being rebuilt along the Matthews says it will not destroy of th - famous Cathedral of Nt^ire dinner guests Sunday at the John N el- Taken to Hospital—Mrs. Higgins of lines of rat,proof construction out iMme at Faris, where so many hie sh ip s.' because they hav« water con » o c home. The two families made Dexfer was taken to the Pacific Chris- .. ............... j ..... . _ lined by the district Biological Sur- torlcal events have taken place, and nection with the earth. But vital a motor trip to Junction City In the tian hospital in Eugene where she afternoon. ¡submitted to a major operation M on-lV<*y r. present», ive Mr Carl Lartnmle. producer of ihe parts of the ship's marhlnerv can be rhich a portion ppt out of action and the crew.« made •day morning. ! Burned piling, on which film. garclou-E set aside nullable D o in g P la n in g M ill W o r k — T h e A n- " ¡of Che town was originally set. Is be- lgtpafopt thru shivrk. However. If hoprs when teachers and (heir rlas- derson Manufacturing corporation has Injured Foot—W hi'e resting the (nK r pianpi l^, concrete retalnlsg matthew«' ray can start fires it should ' «’a could vt:dt this eel and learn of gone Into the general planing mBl barrel of his “22" rifle on his right «rails on each j M p of the street The«« be able to Ignite and blow up a ship's Its beauty at first hand. finishing, according to the corpora- foot. Roy Briggs »■ ; shot through the are constructed In such way that powder mayaxlne A'rplanes. the in tton prer’d -nt. Frank Anderson, and foot by an accidental discharge of the when the concrete basement walls of ventor says, ran b- destroyed entire William Donaldson went to Noll vril Ibe ahle to fam ish doors, windows run this week. The bullet lodged In the buildings are finished ther- will yesterday where he purchased a horse ly. and cabinet work from now on. ,the ball of the foot and was removed be a ton riel under Ihe sidewalk be In his experiments Matthews used Jrom the other side. twe4n th e building wal’s and the r» a current of mer«»!y half a k ilow att.1 T h is W id o w a Fing H usband Visited in Albany—Mra. W ilb u r J taining walls on the street, which not daring to use anything more pow I Finding It difficult for a husky w id ________________________ L epier and Mr. and Mra. Harry Motored to B ro w n s v ille — M r and will carry all el-ctric wires, waste erful I I - fe are d a terrtble c .t.s tr o - ( , m, a |h e|f ow to get a Job, Mrs Edn8 B Brit- Greening and children Margaret . Don- Mrs. Arthur R«>bert# motored to J pipes, gas pipes, and the like. f he might occur If a terrible power „curfs this season, snmetlmea attached, tendall. San Francisco, cut her hair, a le and Wilberta who are h ere from Brownsville Thursday evening to vis Sewers have been laid down th» fill rat' got ont of control during h is j but more often separate and made of put on trousers and Immediately got California, went to visit Mrs. Homer it Mr. and Mra. Oick Davis. Mrs ' sheer materials and contrasting colors work ns a truck driver. Then «he D avis of Albany Thursday for the Davis is a sister of Mrs. Roberts. middle of the s ’r.-et and are Inclowd. pgperlments In solid concrete. A fill will I k made During the World War Matthew« But hnts go further than any of them "married” Mrs. Thomas Foster and day. They returned Sun lay. • entirely around this tip to the street Invented a machine In control motor and not »nly have scarfs, hut scarfs for 4 years was the "father" of her L e a v in g fo r E e a s te rn O reg o n — M rs V is itin g G ra n d m c h e r— D r e d a s e l level and surfaced with concrete The vessel« by a searchlight b»am. The to match them. Flalu und printed own two children and Mrs Foster's H. T. Mitchell will accompany Mrs. Bear; and a friend, both of Wisconsin. Btorm s wer entrances have all been British government awarded him 1125. silks un.l cre|oss are used for these three. No«r the struggle for existence scarfs and for trimming (lie ball that Melissa W MltcheM to eastern Ore- arrived Thursday for a few days' vis- equipped with screens of such mesi. non having become easier, sbe Is done hear them company. gon Sunday. Mrs. Melissa Mitchell it with Mr Bean's grandmother. Mrs tha' rats can neither get in nor out The prediction that another war with being a "man" again wears wo plans to »pend the summer visijing p. e . Bean, and hi» aunt, Mrs. Ella of *{>e sewers. The sew r mains are won|d p« far morP terrible than the men's clothes and la teaching her Maizle I,ee who has been qnFe ill h r daughter. Mra Thorrtaa Bunnell of Lombard. j inclosed in 3Oild concrete wallr. These greatest war of all lime, already has | with typhoid fever lj reported much children to call her "mammu " What Enterprise, while Mrs. H. T M itchell' are covered with earth, and are. In come true. can't a woman put over? I Improved. ■will pay a v isit to h«r brother. O. J. Went Fishing— Harry Anthony and turn. Inclosed by concrete wafts on family and Mr .and. Mrs. Jack Hen- two »ides and th«- lop, which would Poley of Lostine. Oregon Foolish Q uestion. T h e n E v e rb o d y S m iled T h e M an Pays. ,'d erer went fishing on the south fork geem to make them as neaaly rat H e r » for V ia t—Mr». Pau! Scott of Workmen employed on a repair Job "Dorothy, you may give the Bible Ann of Ihe Follies: "I have a hits- of the Mekenzle river Friday morning, proof as possible. Buildings have all Spokane. Washington, arrived Friday Th-.y returne,j Surulay even|„ g in an lnsune asylum doubted the nc- verge for the lesson today," said the hrnd with money galore." ‘ beer, constructed of concrete. to apefld a month eiritlng at the home i ____________________ Htella: "Why dearie, you never told curacy of the clock and asked un In- teacher of the primary class. Dorothy of her parents, Mr. and Mrs A. E. Went to Montana— Mr, and Mrs B _ „ „ , . , male "If that clock was right.” promptly responded. "Go ye Into all me you were married.” Bartlett. She will also visit friends A. Johnson and li f l e daughter Doris . u A the world and spread the gossip to Ann: "I'm not—he Isn’t my hus- "If B was do you suppose It would In Eugene where »k“ attended the |«ft Monday on a motor trip going first ° ’ re*0B- band.” he here " demanded Ihe Inmate. a'l Ihe people." V nlverslfy of Oregon two years ago. U) the coaH, f„ r tfl„n on -------------------------------------------------------- Visited from Portland— Dr. and Mr« *° Montana for an extended 'visit W. C. Foster of Portland spent the past w eekend with Mrs. Fogteris par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank DePue. Dr. F oster was Initiated into an honorary medical fraternity at the TTnlveralty of Oregon, Eugene, on Friday. Tb'1' left for home on Sunday. Here from Kelso— Mrs. Elmer Cyr. sister-in-law of Milton Cyr. Is here' on a visit from Kelso, Washington, ' spending two w eks at the home of j Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cyr. W e n t on P ic n ic — Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Foun- l,ur L1"*L Mr an<1 Mr« K 'erett Har tain of Leaburg passed through !‘ey’ " • J Xloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Springfield yestdrdfly on h is w a y :f yr t,n<* K|m,tr Cyr of Kalso. home from the elate of Washington, ! " ashlngton. went on a picnic and where he stopped at Aberdden, H o a -! ■iW*IIWn'n>? Pariy on the ( oaat Fork qulm. and other points. He report«j®^ l he W illamette river Sunday, that th a lumber Industry there 1 Visited Old Friend»— Mr. and Mrs. flourishing, with mills and I' h W. C. Bohrnstedt, and Miss Grace cam ps doing well. Muir stopped at the Carl.Olson home A tte n d P E . 0 . Affair—Four Cprjt Bunday earoute from C iliforsla to field ladle»,attended a meeting r 4 in Wisconsin. They are former neigh- ltlatlon he’d by the P. E. O slater Jhnra of the Olson family In Arcadia, ran ‘ tohie of Mrs. M. M. — hood at Ao B on-; W’lsc o u ln . «}- of r-Jtgene Monday night, T h ose. •iten ,lin e from her» were Mrs, Lida] Betyrned from College— Miss Viola IfacGowan, Mra. H nd* Korf. Mr. 'N 'h er returned Sunday from I^ js An D W Critec and Mra. Alfr- d MerifM California, to spend the sum Mrs Wolf. Ister of W. F V-’al'ter | n «r hero with her parent». Mr. and who Is vIMtlng here in the city, vas Mrs J A. Neher. She has b<«n at- a special guest. A reoort of the state 'ending L a/orne college, and while convention at Albany waa heard , P l^ s to enrol! in the University About 40 ladle« attended. ' “f Oregon summer session. Formal Opening Ye R e tu rn e d fo r W a s h in g t o n - H O Id e H ic k o r y Ice Cream Parlor ' •! <’ » . •’ » "Ml »•»'/ ’■ ' • 1 Saturday and Sunday, June 7th and 8th «z FREE, * * a box of candy with every 25c Fountain Service M • . / ?. In connection with KETEL’S DRUG STORE, Fifth and M ain Street«