Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1924)
3 ~) z ì i / . 7 / D E V O T E D TO IN T E R E S T o r S P R IN G F IE L D A N O T H E F A R M E R S OR T H E W IL L A M E T T E VALLBV > THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS g p iii» ''1 TW K N TY -H 11ST Y KA 11 PRIZES FOR ROSE PARADE LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, "T h » People*« Paper" A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 21 1924. Ü. Of O . L ib ra ry New . vhairm an DEAD ARE HONORED W ITH MEMORIAL CEREMONIES ¡TWO FOUND GUILTY OF ROBBERY BY JURIES Firing Squad, Sounding of Tap«, Ad C h atter W b eatfll and Harold Stuman Held Up and Robbed Two M en; dress by Rev. Pointer and Pray •r at 0. A. R. P lo t J. WESTON ALLEN 21 AT New J u ro n Called Diplomas Awarded La3t Night Honoring the soldier and sa ilo r ' Verdicts of guilty on the chargee of at Commencement Exercises; lead of the nation Memorial Day aery- a*t»H and robbery were returned by i ices were held May 30. arranged by , circuit court Juries yesterday against Professor Barnes of Univer 'h1- ladles of U. A. It. headed by Mr«. Harold Stuman and Cheater Wbeatfll. sity Speaker of Evening. ¡Charles F Egglmann, and Civil War Both will be sentenced by Judge Sklp- j veterans, with the cooperation of the worth Friday morning I he men were With the commencement exercises The Roe« Parade, tloalng the »»la American Legion. jaccuaed of robbing Claude Waggoner, last evening in the Springfield high day of the Rose Show bebl here Leaving the W. O. W. hall In cars deputy county surveyor, and F. M school auditorium twenty-one gradu Thursday, preal<l»<l ov< r by Alice at 9 o'clock In the morning, the pro , l*ylo- Mrs. Maud T . Bryan, of Spring- ates completed their high school life Darting. the lo y ea r old queen of the (.•»alon passed to Laurel HUI reme-ifHdd waa B m m her of the Jury In the and were presented with their diplo ltoee Show, wan held at 7 o'clock I tery wher exercises were held atih tu n ian caae. mas by George Ditto, acting chairman The affair was sponsored by th<> La- IO. Reveille waa blown by C. A. The >-»«• county grand Jury was of the school board. This Is the sec dies' Civic club, of which Mr«. F J. j Swarta, bugler for the American Le- called to convene today by Judge ond largest class in the history of Grim».* waa chairman of the parade l »Ion post calling the aaaembly t©. I Rklpworth tticre being several other the school. An address on "The In comm ittee, and by the Springfield I tether at the G A. It plot. The Moab- «d m ltal cases to he taken up. dividual and Education” by Prof Wal Chamber of commerce. ' |er Murphy quartet sang ''Just Before ' Twelve more Jurors were drawn ter C Barne3 of the history depart Prizes for the entries were »a fol tb Battle, Mother.” Rev P oin ter,. Wednesday when the panel was ex- ment of the U niversity of Oregon was low«: • ' "•**' ' Wm. M. Butler of Muaa., man ‘ ,,a»tor of th‘- Springfield Christian haunted They were: a special feature of the occasion. For Ibe heat decorated doll buggy ager of Free. Coolidge's primary I church, gave a 15-mlnute address. I Nathan Jack, farmer. Eugene motor Prof. Barnes str-ssed the Import campaign, will succeed John T first, June Her»; nacond B »ale I J. Weston Allen, former attorney ance of the individual development •'T h e re m ust he some r<n»ou— lom « ' ” ’“ 1'' H Adams of Iowa as chairman of tha Graonwtmd; third, Bessie Cox Clara C. Hogan, housewife. Spring general of Magpachusetts. who de- which would make one at home in National Republican Committee great, grand, ar.d glorious reason for ' strayed the fish trust, drove Charles For the beet vehicle—flr>t. Hobble immediately after tha Cleveland our gathering here today.” Rev. Potn- any environment. He protested KodenbauKh. second. Kyle Sinltah; convention. Maud E Luck»«, laborer. 1385 Oak . '¡““^ . ¿ ^ . " “ ‘’’l l ^ - against any standardization of person said. He took up the meaning of District Attorney» Pelletier and Tuft« third, Hllle Steven Itlce with a »mall true Americanism, and the honor due street. Eugene. for malleaaance and finally broke up ality. iimipanlon. Patty lx>u Murray, on B e r th a Fitzgerald, housewife. the Boeton blackmail ring, baa been A march wa3 played bv the orches to those who ¡aid the supreme sac LINCOLN SCHOOL HOLDS pink and blue tricycle«. Springfield. rifice appointed general counsel of the CtU- tra as the graduat-s entered. P.ev. H. For special entries —flrat Fay Dria EXERCISES AT CLOSING I /'Am erica'' was sun» by tha assembly George Powell, farmer, Eugene, tena* Federal Reeearcb bureau, opened C. Ethel! gave the invocation, tallaw- coll, as a dancer; second Maxine Wat- ___ vy Frank A. Vanderllp for the purpose ed b a song by the glee clnb. J. E. : followed be « prayer by Rev. Thomas routes. son on a float reprwmnllng a rosebud Or.11« Hald on Lawn by 150 Pupil«; Edward Hart, farmer. Eugene, mo s t "driving rottenness cut of govern- Torbet. principal of the high 3chool I). Yarnea. The firing squad, standing third. Florence Grim«« and Marjory School Haa Highest Scholarship In ; to the south of the G. A. R. mono- tor routs A. nent.” presented the class for graduation. JoHlff« dressed alike | c ounty. Mrs, Norman Howard, housewife, j Two musical s e le c tio n by Ronald I ment, fired three ahota in salute. Tap« Uncle Bam, Mias Columbia and the j ______ STUDENTS HEAR DR. LEE Springfield. were sung by Miss Gladys Ke ney, ; were blown by the bqgler. Goddess o f L ib e r ty w e re aw a rd ed a Ruth S. Addison, housekeeper, Eu A patriotic program was given on; Flower« were banked at the f o il student In the school of mnstc at the DISCUSS CHARACTER C ‘ ( i special prls" for their float. gene, 561 Twelfth avenue east. the lawn at the Lincoln school Thurs- of monument after the aervlcf University of Oregon. Followirg the Comic entry—Margaret Mortensen (lay afternoon With drills by the cbll- an<1 f| r wreaths made by the Ladle E. G. Quigley, orchardlaL Eugene, Relation of Language and Character address and the presentation of the d ies and Alma Greenwood, dressed as ° old lar..„ (Jri)n .n Bni, ,i torgely I . r e s l v . at,ended ( ( e n d e d exercises.! ,ho o A R and American flags motor route A. Them e of Baccalaureate Address at diplomas the audience «»ng "America" Dayton C. Thomson, farmer, Vida. m ,ld " | Bach grade had Ila own part In tb a l w«re placed on the graves of each and received the benediction by Rev. M ethodist Church. Beat drill—school class of Mrs proBra,„ which was conducted under , veteran, and <a V. Holbrook, fanner. Creswell. Ethell. ach Grand Army alat- Ivan Male direction of Mre. Ora Read Hem- er The graduating class and tha mem The Intimate relation of language A complimentary prise was g iv e n ,,,nw1l). principal. In one drill on the w ater services for the sailor died FIRST SECTION NATRON bers of the faculty were invited to and character was the theme o’ the to Mildred Morgan and May L'len pr<,gra„, , 6o children with rod. white wer# conducted on the Second street fteW Ice cream CUTOFF OPENS JULY 1 baccalaureate address to. the class of Ketels' . , . „ parlor by prin- Shriver and b)u, rape „„ made a formation , bridge at 11:30 o'clock on the return 1924 of the Springfield high school d e -|cipai Mrs Torb«t >fler thn Judge, were C F Egglmann. O. Il >n Arocrlc, n flag. ! , he . OKn A pray, r waH gl¥on by The first section of the Natron cut livered b- Dr. W. H. Lee. dean of program, where theT en- K asey. J. E Croa«. F C. Wester- Yesterday waa the last day before Rnr yarnes, and flower» were placed off to be open for traffic will be 31.1 Alabny college, at 8 o'clock Sunday ^ ed 1!’ ht refreshments. F M. Roth. field I the summer vacation. The Spring- (>n i|hp wn(Br by the school children. miles north of Kirk ° n July 1, accord evening in the Springfield Methodist lnstractor in the hl«h sch<x>1' >cted “ I field pupils hud the highest scholar Rosea were donated for the serv ìi« to Information received by local chtirrh ; toastmaster. Toast3 were given by the graduates and fatt INSTALL NEW WATER ship In the county, accorditi» to Mrs. ices by the ladpa In charge of tihe Southern Pacific officials. Freight ' n r ' Lee emphasixed the Importane J Mr Tort>et SYSTEM AT CEMETERY Komen wg*. R obo Show of the city of Springfield. lend passenger service will be estab- oi cultivating a working vocabulary "*t7' | The Springfield list of those who I I’-he-d over this section and extended through the use of the best books. Hawke- * • class of 14 Installation of a new water system hare passed their eighth grade exam- ICE DELIVERY TO BE * la j th^ line progresses. Fast work Is taken 'rom and Mrs M- M McLean for the fac- The scripture lesslon In the Laurel lllll cemetery waa com- Inallons and will enter high school MADE IN SPRINGFIELD reP°rted on ,he other 8lde of thl the third chapter of the book of James ulty. pletad yealerdar, by Springfield lodge In the fall are aa follows: r-ountalns and the manunouth tun- Principal J. E. Torbet introduced I Edward Bates, John M. Bench, Wil No 70. I. O. O. F . owner« of the cem e Sprlngfleld is to have lee delivery ne| Is getting well under the summit the speaker, who was his old teacher CUPID ON JUMP W ITH tery. The n-w system Include» a lard Dale Carney, Hugh FMvIs Cow- twice a week this summer according of the range. The new train service of Latin and Greek. The Invocation NEWLY WEDS FOR JUNE 70callon pressure tank, one lsrge art. William Cox, Dennla Clifford to arrangements made by Hol«or»on make it possible to travel 75 mllee was given by Rev. E. B. Luther, p:i3 eprwy fountain In the center of the Frost. William Gerlach Richard Har- brothers. Deliveries will be made out of Klamath Falls by rail. tor of the Baptist church, and the b«?n- June, the month of brides and rotes. cemetery. and one drinking fountain, pole, Lester Knnusn. Carl Henry Me- Reports »his week form K‘am®lh ; ¡Miction by Rev. James Pointer, pastor hag sU’rted in to uphold its reputation Tuesdays and Frlds'H starting tomor are part of the new equipment The Klnnls. Austin James McPherson, row Hoi verson brothers will make Falls are that the Southern P a c ific ,of thB rhrtetlttn churCh Rev. Thomas at the marriage license bureau. Dur- water Is piped from the 100-foot well K»nne"i Mulligan, Leroy I* Nice. Mar- pari of the ice at their plant in the has purchased 39 acres for rouno D Yarnes. Methodist pastor, had ing the last week licensee have be«n on the west side of the grounds. | vln Nystrom. Ormell Reding. Ronald meal market and be supplied the re house site there It Is said Klamath charge of the program. I granted by the County Clerk to the Water In the cemetery Is an lm- Rycoff. Dorotha M. Bailey. Bernice mainder by the Eugene Fruit Grow Falls may be a division point. A i following besides two or three coup provem-nt that ha» been needed for Virginia Cox. Doris Lucille Crider, era association. The management of tract of land has also been purchased PORTLAND MAN OFFERED les who did not wish their names some time, according to W. F. Walk- Pearl Ellaabeth Cyr, Hilda Irene Dlt lately near Coburg, unofficial reports to. Dorene Larimer, Thelma Ruth the Eugene plant haa agreed to furn have It. GRADE TEACHER POSITION ¿ ° h n P Rq ! " L er. Odd Follow president. ish Ice all summer even If there ______ Not!, and May E. Stephens, Veneta; Morefleid, Willie Moyers, Ione Rhod Railroad men who have beer? at the L .S a U « es Margaret Stella Sankey, Winifred should be a shortage In other terri railhead above Oakridge say that th e| The position of teacher in the Reopeea Sboesbop H ere tory. An electric shoe shop conducted Tyson, Annette Williams. Edith Ano- construction crew« are rushing the grades was tendered to Elmer H. Hal- i ° j ji «, cw-m by Henry Schrenk will b“ opened S a t-' la Yoet. five conditions, work along. More than 2000 m"»i are stead of Portland, Oregon at a meet- an ' an ' al1 * ' ~ Plcnlc at Stafford's Grove urdsy between Third and Fourth on To thh list will be added a number now working for the railroad contrac-1 lug of the school board Tuesday ° L » , h 6 ^0° The grove at Stafford's school tors la that vicinity. nlsM In the City Hall. George Ditto. °f Main street in the building formerly from other districts, school author' house up on the Mohawk river was ____________________ acting chairman in the absence of Dr. Carl F,8her and Pearl « « ’ •*«• »*>«» occupied by the shoe shop of W. H. tie« ss.v. •he scene of a delightful picnic Sun / » m 1 C A T i n 1 V A k i n I A M Q w H P»«*rd. and C. A. Swarts at- of Eugene; sad to Marvin Keler Lu- Gott, recently deceased. Mr. Schrenk ___ cas, Klamath Falls, and Freda Biebn, day enjoyed by the following persons: COLLECT JELLY AND JAMS ! tended. Grading on First Street. purchna'd the entire stock of hb pre- ; decessor. and has had the building un- i Street grading was begun Monday Mr and Mrs. John l-amberty, daugh FOR VETERANS SATURDAY The Booth-Kelly company's wood Eugene. der repairs It will be re painted In ,narnlng on two blocks of roadway be ter Charlotte and Mias Haxel Tihbetta, bid was accepted for the coming year Shipped Large C ar of Wood. Jellies and Jama to be donated to cords at 83.50 caoh for school side and out, and re-papered. Mr 'tw een E and O on First street under all of A lborll Mr and Mra. John Haj- Schronk waa formerly in the same tbo direction of William Donaldson, rlaon and son Russell all of Coast the disabled veterans In Portland ] uge A car of rough lumber estimated business In Eugen . with a 3hop on street commissioner. Preparation.» are Fork, Rosella Hoppe of Springfield, hospitals may be left at The News o f-. A motion for the purchase of sup- at 50.048 feet was shipped from the yor grade school use for Septem- Booth-Kelly sawmill consigned to the Eud Ninth street being made to give (he road a maca Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Rowe, Mr. and | f|(- until Saturd;| j afternoon. Mrs p- Mrs. Elvis Taylor and son Elvis Jr. H. B. Freeland, delegate to the Ameri ber , delivery was passed. j Lenox lumber company, Minnesota, dam finish Boosting Brow nsville Píenle Miss Bernice Neher. and Miss Lena can Legion' auxiliary convention, w h o , Schc d will probably open Septem -' o n May 27. For rough lumber and belle Harper, all of Douglas Garden. will carry the Jelly and Jam to P ort-, ber jg j . be (all. according to sch ool' volume this is the largest car ever »42 In Fines Collected. A M Templeton, of Brownsville, land, will call for them at that time, recorder J. W. Coffin. j shipped from the mill, the office force A total of »42 was netted from fines Return to North Bend. president of the Linn County Pioneer The local auxiliary ts anxious to take , i ha3 determined. The car w as a 50- aisoclatlon, was a vbltor In Spring In th- Springfield police court this having spent two weeks visit- a large supply to the veterans In the NESBITT FUNERAL TODAY j foot one, allowing three lengths of 16- week for disobedience to traffic ordl- field (»esterday In behalf of the l’Io ing at the home of A. E. Saul of hospitals. Anyone who wishes to give AT CHAPEL IN EUGENE foot lumber The «>“ ber was s*’ «*“ II or Picnic to lx« held June 18. 10 and !n in " H V'" "" " L l Springfield and one week In Portland Is requested to bring their offering ______ one surfaced side and one edge. 20 at Brownsville. The plcnlc Is an ; Hnddes °f ldv ' ' ' Mr and Mrs. Lew Klmhall of North to The News office. The funeral of Bert Nesbitt. 39. of annual event Mr Templeton put up, "rv ’ «needhig I I ,,l'nd ar" ’■’'turning tomorrow to their A picnic party composed of Mr. Wendling, will be held today at 2 posters and called on pioneers here ’ P n 0 home. Mrs. Klmhall was formerly Stanley Gray was In from Landax p. m. at the Branatetter chapel In and Mrs. Harry Anthony, Mrs. Wm. The first day of the picnic this year I " f timmlngs of ( orvallls was fine 1 ------- .. Tuesday. Miss Christina Saul. Eugene, conducted by Rev E V. Stiv Sellers an daughter Sibyl, Mr. C. E. will be candidal,■»' day and all peo- | f o r pasalng a streetcar while It was ers, pastor of the Eugene Cb-1stian Crites, Mr. and Mra. Jack Henderer p i, running for office will he asked unloading passengers, while II. H. church. Interment will be In' Lu'trel and Mr. Harrnen*' Crites of Eugen« to allend and give their platform.. M«l«»roni of West Springfield paid camped three days on the south fork »2 for parking too close to a fire ,hy- Hill cemetery. of th,e McKenzie river, fishing was drant, Waldron Byers of Eugene »5 Mr. Nesbitt died Monday at ehe Build New D airy Barn. Eugene hospital following an accl- 1 i.;cellent 777 7? »Iso splendid bath- for pnsslng a car at a street Intersec A new »1000 dairy barn Is being dent In which his eye had been put ing. They returned home late Sun- tion, and R C. Fults of Elmlrn »2 for erected on the property of C. E. driving without a license. out and ¡he had been otherwise In- ; day evening. Swarts known as Mt. Vernon Jersey J Jured. He had been eployed as a | ■— ---------------- ——— farm In the Mt. Vernon district. Con . Going to O. A. R. Encampment. i brak°mnn working at Wendling. and Have Swim ming Party. »'ruction was started vest rday. was struck by a switch while riding Mrs. Charles F. Egglmann, senior A picnic and swimming party on The structure Is a 20-cow barn, anj I a moving train. vice-president for Ihe Ladles Depart the Coast Fork of W illam ette river will have 40-ton hav and grain capa Survtfors Include his widow, Mrs. was enjoyed Tuesday evening by tha city «3 well. Il measures 40 by 40 ment of the Oregon O A. R., ac- Stacry Nesbitt; one daughter Hazel j fo„ owlng pprsons: Mr. and Mrs. A. feet ground space, with 18 foot posts ! companlod by Mrs Bert Doane and and one Ron, Billy, both nt home; by j R Sneed, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lee, and 4« foot measurement Io Ihe ridge ' Mrs. Harold llsr tle delegat-» from I his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Mf9 L|()a j i a(;G<jWan, Mrs. Clara Faw- will motor to Hlll horo Sprlnefleld polo. Hugh J. Nesbitt, one 3l»ter, Miss Et ver. Miss Elsie Weddle and Alllan June 23 to attend the O. A. R ta Nesbitt of Colorado, and two bro h'need. New Parlor Opening This Week-End jeam-.ment there on June J». 24 and O f! A t» ,, L ’ n »,1 »*« •» 1.« I n ie n in ln thers, Will Nesbitt of Redmond. Ore 25. Mrs. Ecglmann la In l line for a »»ale Th:i formal opening of Yo Oblo gon'. anil Robert Nesbitt of Jasper. hend of the Ladles of the G. A Hickory, Ice cream parlor of the Ket- ■ ! Ne«h|tt was a member of Ihe Spring Mrs. Hartley will be one, of the three els drug company will b held S h I . field Masonic lodge. . . . . , races st the eonvotitlon. uril l ■ and Sunday. A box of candy | . ____ _ _______ At a meeting tomorrow afternoon "Twenty-ave years will be given away wlfh every twenty , E ntertains Club. ago learned scien In the W. O. W. hnll the delegatee five cent fountain order. A special M bs Marlon Spencer entertained tists were debatin’ will be given their final Inatnictlo"» list has been provided according to as to whether a pas the girls of the U. D, club Monday and credential», The ladb s will Fath J F. Ketola, proprietor. senger in a vehicle evening at her home on C street In er at 2 o’clock honor of her house guest, Mrs. Jo moving at the rote of sixty miles an hour could maintain life. They are I, O. O. F. Holds M eeting— Th Odd Pardos of Portland. W oedmee Meet—The Wood’ still arguin' the same quest4on, except Fellow, met last, uvenlng Ir. their that the speed has been changed to A anelai gathering after Ih e th e World held a meeting In the H . (). F. Jones of Thuraton was Ini on bus a thousand miles an hour.” oetlnr enjoyed refreshment» of t e e , W. hall Tuesday nlgiht, follow d by n iness Saturday. social timo wltih light refreshments. (ream and cake. Dscorntsd Doll Buggy, Best Ve hicle, Special and Comic En tries and Drill» Rewarded by Judge». Studying the Plans m Father Sage fa y j