The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 22, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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    T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S
Holding S ilver Tea— The m em bers'
Club M ost*
Mrs. Psnnlngton Nominated
Walter Winslow. Salem attorney, NEW PRINCIPAL HERE
of ilia I nolle»' Aid of the Christian I The A. K. N K. A. M club met at | The deni.a rallc nomination for
has filed suit in the circuit court to
CONFER W ITH BOARD church are holding a silver lea this J the home of Mrs. J. W Coffin Tut»»- 1 county supwrltviedent »»• receiv'd by
restrain the state game commission
Vern Ham. newly elected principal afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock in their | day afternoon The house was delight Mrs Nettle K. Pennington, Eugene
from changing the opening dates of
of the r'pringfleltl high csbool, arrived room at the rear ot the Christian fully decorated with roses. Luncheon teacher, when friend» wrote her
the deer season. Mr. Winslow filed
from Adna. Washington yesterday to church Mrs M. J. McKlln 1» ohalr- was serv’ d. Member» present «ere; i tiain in on thu ballot at last Friday »
a similar suit in the circuit court a
with the school board and look man In charge of the arrangements, i Meadames Wright. MrK'in. Rwarts. election. Bh- recelv«‘d ,!C> votes ami
ago with the result that his con
Brief Resume of Happenings of year
i I'inery. Browning. Catching. Ixmibard K J Moore, county school superin-
teniion was affirmed by the supreme over the situation for next year. He
visited with friends and went on to
the Week Collected for
P urchased Property— Mr and .Mrs ai d Coffin th io ls »ere Mnsidaiues I Undent and republican nominee, re-
the coast for a short fishing trip. A
Milwaukie turned down at the elec­ special cot 1 >retu-e (meeting of the , C harles Clover have purchased the V alentine. Montgomery. Moore and ■ rived 61 on the demotunti«' ticket
Our Readers.
tion Friday the proposal to authorise board has been called for Satur>lal' 1 property at Fifth and A streets from Wheaton,
Heneflt for Playehed,
, a tax of six mills annually for ten night In the city hall at which he ¡the heirs of the Bryan propel')-, uc-1
A r«x» kesi (< hm | sai*' for the heneflt
Gaston is to have a tourist free auto­ i years to provide a sinking fund grad
Celebrates Birthday,
i cording
will be present, as will Otto Burcham,
mobile camp.
The sixth birthday of May Ellen * for the Lincoln achool playehed fund
I through the Flowers reality company,
I ually to pay off the $45,000 indebted-
new principal of the Junior high, and
Shrtver. email nelce of Mrs. Julin »III l>v held Maturday at the Ixmg A
i The d al was completed Monday.
Fire of undetermined origin destroy­ ' ness for the installation ot Bull Bun
I Mrs. Ora Hemenwaj. principal of the
Tomaeth. was celebrated on May 17 Croea store on Main Street The l'ar-
ed one ot the barns at the slate train­ water, and to change the town char-
I Lincoln school.
when Mrs Tomaeth Invltixt In some ■ i Teachere association la holding
! ter to permit creation of a aewer
Lab orer K illed at O akridge
ing school for boys at Salem.
Miss Marjory Tracey, a resident of
the little girls' playmat e, Its- the sai" There ia allll $150 owed on
W Ba’iard. a laborer for W A
Altbcv.ith the season is early, cater­
I Newport. Oregon, and a graduate this
of rake and Ice cream the iduyehrd and tt la hopun! to mako
pillars are already appearing on the
| year from Monmuoth normal school
The birthday cake wna a aubatantial reductloti In the aniount
and Roscoe Wilson, while Wasco coun­ was siev ed as primary teacher at
fruit trees in Benton (ounty.
gene Monday night, after he had been adorned with six pink cantflea Ouesta at the salo Saturttay
The steam schooner O. C. Lindauer
the Lincoln school at a special m e t brought from Oakridge where a large present were Mlldr d Morgan. Sidney
struck the bar at the mouth ot the on a still along the Deschutes river, ing of the school board Monday night
Hoped to D-> Better
bolder had rolled on him. Ballard Ward Jr.. Echo June Tomaeth, and
believed to have been operated by
Umpqua river and is a total wreck.
"You will never get anywhere un
was working on the grade about to Daisy Tomaeth.
Quinn and Wilson, officers declared a
Charging non-support and that ho
The Marshfield chamber ot com­ bootlegging and cattle-ateaiing ring
lesa -<>u Ivavn higher ideal« thin
nillea from Oakridge when struck by
merce annual banquet was attended which baa been operating for several treated her violently. Florence A. the rolling rock.
W orkm en Given Judgement
this," preached the woman nt whiroe
Mulligan was given a dly-orce decree
by 400 people representing Coos bay years had been broken up.
For labor performed In falling Urn door tbs Iraiup hail applied f >r as-
from Frank Mulligan In circuit court
and coast sections.
and logging L. N. Klrtley ana alatane». "Aro you resl’y cot ten! to
The Oregon-Washington Railroad &
Institution ot the Bend Kiwanis Navigation company, in a suit filed Tuesday. She was allowed the cus­
All Sprlnsfleld people buying books other workmen have secured a $13,ot)tl spend jrour life walking armili I the
club, the first organisation ot the in the circuit court at Salem, seeks
or tickets to the American Legion cir­ Judgement against the Western I.utu country begging?"
kind to be formed in central Oregon, to prevent the public service com­ for its support. The couple were cus in Eugene must do so by Saturday her and Export company of Cottage
"Nix lady." aisiw ered the weary
married in October. 1918, In Molalla,
took place last week.
in order to aid Springfield'« candi ; Grove
The claim was allow««! by W illis, "m any’s th« tune I've wished
mission from enforcing an order re­ Oregon.
date in the queen cont'st, Mi’s Ellen Judge sklpworlh in circuit court
I had an auto."
The work ot rocking a nine-mile quiring the corporation to establish a
Nancy Ellen Peck was given a de Tomaeth. Any hooks purchased after
stretch of the McKeosie highway from crossing at Dodson station on the
the Belknap Springs corner toward the main line between Portland and Hunt­ cree from Grant Peck on grounds of Saturday night will not aid In qual
non-support and cruelty They were
summit has been started.
Ifln g any of the candiadtev for the
ington. in Multnomah county.
married at Toledo. Oregon, in 1893.
diamond ring, even though she should
The executive committee for the
John Quinn, national commander of
have more «ales io h'r credit.
Lebanon strawberry fair and rose the American Legion, and other na­
Carly sown barley, oats and spring
ehow has fixed the dates tor the fair tional officials and prominent eastern
A buslnes «‘ducatIon means future success und financial
for Friday and Saturday. June 6 and 7. and western Legionnaires will make wheat in western districts are in fair
Mrs. M.ethews Funeral Held
Independence. It is the difference between a men* Job at
The funeral of Melinda J Mathews.
With a nucleus of 500 volumes in a special trip from Indianapolis to
so much per, and n real position with an opportunity for
1877. the sceond year of the Univer- attend Portland's Rose Festival. June crops in eastern counties is practically 77. was held this morning at the
advancem nent.
aity of Oregon, the library at the state 11, 12 and 12. and the state Legion complete and moisture is needed for Pleasant HUI cemetery at 11 o'clock
university has grown to 130.000 vol­ convention to be held in Portland at their germination, according to the Mrs. Mathew* died at her home In
Our school will be in session during the sum m er m onths,
Oregon weekly crop report of the Dexter Tu-sday
and we Invite you to Join one of our classes. Enrollm ent
the same time, it is announced.
She was born In
Weather bureau. While winter wheat
dates an* May 2H and each Monday thereafter.
Damage roughly estimated by the ’ A ruiinf i f the board of"appralsers Is suffering from drought In some of Eulton county. Illinois. Jt , • 27. 1847.
Il’s a good school, and the rates are reasonable.
owners at $100.000 was done by fire at New York whereby the import duty the northern counties. Its general con­ and crossed the plalna to Oregon with
her people In 1853. ¡•'hs had been a
in the furniture-making plant of the on cherries would be reduced from dition is very good.
rosldent of Dexter for 48 years
Strauss Manufacturing company in 514 cents to 2 cents a pound will be
A. L. Wtshard. chairman of the
She la survlv«>d by her husband. D.
- • „
appealed. Secretary of the Treasury
board ot directors of the Klamath Ir­ (' Mathews; bv eight children. Mr*
The Hawley Pulp & Paper company Mellon has advised. Cherry growers
rigation project, received notice from Eliza Wolfor of Orleans, Cal. A H,
of Oregon City has purchased approxi- in all parts of the northwest have pro-
Washington that Director Mead of Mathews. Lu Mathew». Mrs Laura
mately 11,000 acres ot high-grade pulp tested that the tariff reduction would
092 Willamette Street
E. Roberts. President
Phon* 666
the reclamation servie» had recom Smith. Gainey Mathews. Henry Math-
timber in Tillamook county, accord­ prove Injurious to their industry.
mended before the house Irrigation ear*. William A Ma’hewn. and Ira It
ing to recent reports.
With more than $200.000 in federal! committee the passage of the Smith
The La Grande post of the Amer­ funds authorized for the summer train- bill under which water charges on Mathews. all of Dexter; by two brr,
ican Legion has voted $1000 In pledges ing activities of Oregon's citlxen sol- ‘ government Irrigation districts be tilers. William A. Stoop of Eugene,
to be used as the initial fund for the dlery. Brigadier-General George A based on crop productivity Instead ot and Oacar Stoop of Portland; and by
construction of a proposed armory White, commanding the Oregon na cost of water supply. According to three sisters. Mrs May Wllse of Mar-
building in that city.
tional guard, has returned from Wash Wtshard. such a scheme would relieve cola. Mr* Lena Elliott of San Fran-
Plans for the new Elks' temple to lngton. D. C„ where he has been for | the situation on the Klamath project cisco, and Mrs. Lottie Monroe of Sa­
he erected in Salem this year have two weeks attending a national de­ immensely.
been approved by the grand exalted fense conference at the war depart -
ruler of the order. The temple will tuent.
cost approximately $175.000.
With a record for approximately
Contractors have begun work on the 12.000.000 rainbow trout eggs so far
North Powder gymnasium and It Is thia season. Diamond lake in eastern
hoped to have the building completed Douglas county has become the larg­
by the opening of school in the (all. est egg-taking station in the world,
according to M. L. Ryckman, state
The cost will be about *5000.
A mortgage given by the Coos Bay superintendent of game fish hatch­
Water company for $450.000 in favor eries. More than 3.000.000 more prob­
ably will be taken before the end of
of the Security Savings company of
Portland was riled last week in the the season.
The Blachly-Ralnrock section of the
county clerk's office at Coquille.
You can have your clothes now. CLEANED very frequent*
Willamette valley-Florence state high­
Oregon pensions have been granted
way, now under construction from a
ly. and inexpensively. CLEAN Clothes wear longer, looks
as follows: Martha W. Williamson.
point a short distance below Triangle
La Grande. $30; Joseph B. Johnston.
better, thus saving an outlay for the cost of new material.
lake in Lake Creek valley and Rain-
Medford, $12; James C. Stevens. Port­
Ström berg C arburetors. Bosch Ignition Systems, Gabriel
rock on the Sluslaw river, has been
land. $18; William A. Hicks, Portland,
closed to all through traffic on ac­
count of the danger to persons driv­
Snubbers installed on 30 days free trial.
The logging industry of the tower ing over it and annoyance and delay
Columbia river district is having hard to the contractors.
sledding at present, both from the
viewpoint of the operators and that
of the employes, owing to cuts In the
"We Clean Everything"
price of logs.
Voters of Multnomah county retired
the three present members of the
Cor. 4th <& Main Sts.
Springfield, Ore.
county board of commissioners in the
recall election and replaced them by
Phone 11
414 Main St.
the candidates who were sponsored
by the recall committee.
F- A single selling agency for the $5,-
000.000 Oregon prune crop and a
single featured brand bat been agreed
on by prune growers and others who
have been working with them on the
project for nearly a year.
The use of calcium cyanide flakes
as a means of poisoning red ground
squirrels that are a serious pest in
Comedy and News
aome parts of Umatilla county has
P rint in large letters, and hang them where they can be
proved very successful, according to
seen, these words: DRINK MORE WATER! Then do it.
Fred Bennion. county agent.
Drink a t least six glasses a day. More w on't hurt you.
Drastic alterations in the state in­
W ater is the great lubricant. Plenty of water, inside and
come tax provisions, intended both
outside the body, keeps the m achinery oiled, so to speak.
to popularize the statute and to over­
come the serious legal objections In­
But you chn’t have plenty of w ater pure w ater--on tap—
volved in its present form, are plan­
when and whre you need it—w ithout good plumbing.
ned in a new law drawn at the In-
Plumbing is w hat gives us pure w ater when we w ant It
atance ot Governor Pierce.
where we w ant It.
Walter T. Eakln of Astoria was ap­
pointed a member of the state fish
Plum bing you might ay, has connected the Atlantic and
commission in place of John Smith,
the Pacific. For, without plumbing, the cities which
aUo of Astoria, who declined to serve.
I t ’ s *o much easier to keep it neat and clean and sanitary.
stretch from Coast to Coast could never have been built.
Announcement of the appointment
It briirhteni, up the whole house . . . and lig h lrn i labor
was made by Governor Pierce. Mr.
They would not exist, Instead there would be only small
Acme Q uality enamels impart a genuine, por-
Eakln will succeed Christian Schmidt,
Cclain-Iike enamel finish that wipe* clean with a damp cloth.
who term has expired.
CAM. L A f M M L i
So, when you drink more w ater your six daily glasses
There is being distributed from the
he thankful for plumbing. And see to It th at the water
office of J. A. Churchill, stale super­
you tiring is plumbed to you fresh anti pure. T h a t’s the
intendent of public instruction, pam­
Enamels and No-Lustre Finish
kind to drink.
phlets containing information relative
to the Issuance of bonds by school dis­
No-Lustre gives walls, ceilings and woodwork a flat, soft
tricts in Oregon. The circular Is
tone. Made in many heutiful shades. Cntne in
authoritative, having been prepared by
m any things we have for brightening up the
I. H. VanWinkle, attorney-central.
inside of the house.
Many Balter county farmers are In
Hor 0
fear that the serious water shortage
will cause a heavy loss In farm crops
this year. In many sections of the
i Spt m ^ i o l d , P h o n « • 9 j
county the range Is reported to be
drying out, and springs which have
never been known to go dry are lower “BLOW YO'JR OWN HORN'
thia spring than any time in previous
"In the Days Of Buffalo Bill'
What it means to you
Eugene Business College
Special Prices
Tires, Tub*3, Spotlights, patches etc
Get our prices first.
Springfield Garage
Cleaning and Dying
Service at Springfild
“Red Lights”
the years greatest
mystery play
Drink more Water
W h y n o t h a v e W h ite
E nam el W o o d w o rk ?
Wright & Ron