Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1924)
TIIVItS U A Y, MAY Classified Advertisements ••II what you want to Mil. buy wliat you wont to buy through thoso column*. Writ« or phono TWO CIANO Ful» KAI.E Ju»t like new I’Olt HALE UKKI» b«by cab. 233 8th Carly unable to flulah p«vtn>tit»l between A and H M 22 Chon« 212. Engel.« or wrile It K FUR " m a l b ~ i ton Cord truck (nr Callahan for particular« and a,p-| nal» ehMi; N. W Gay, South •' and I olnteinent. Kaay payment«. M 22 M22 2» M Kt CALL Hiv raid., hairy (or pure Jer PIANO FOlt MALE- Bought new pi sey milk and t'r am Chonn 3 4 i’3 ano th ir d days ago; paid >50; un. »pr tr able to finish; will lot you have It rather than ate dealer take It (>50| T o TRADE t-ar In good condition Write Mrs. Carle Jacbna (or Kprlugfh-ld proper Call 126J General Delivery, Eugene M 22 FOR ItKNT and Calo- Il ou nee and Eighth Grade Exam ination real ratal» W E Ptacey, 246 3rd ¡ The uniform eighth grade eximltiu- mid C Street. •1, lltm will lie given In school 41a- trlct where applications (or tjuea- Ilona him been made on Thursday and WHEN IN Bt’GRNK Friday, June r.fl, 1924 Questions wll' r o u THMroAtr o h w e e k h- sent Io dlatrlela where there are • T O P A T 1 io : M atlock h o tk i . • conditioned pupils without appllc»- tlon Any who have (ailed and want Io CORNEI» k i l l A WILLAMETTE lake It again will have to apply for qtteOtlona. FURNISHED Apartment« and rooms E. J. .MOORE. for rent by day or month. Kilts County School Superintendent M 22 29 Hotel, !rd and Main street. »I B U S IN E S S Real Estate, Rental* Hom«*, City and Country Property. -T he World to Sell, Who Want* to Buy" Wm. E. STACEY A SONS 24« C Street Sprlngtl«ld. Or* Phon* 109 J D IR E C T O R Y Contracting and Building Plana and Estimates Furnished Fr*«. Will Help You Flnanc* Your Building. CEO. W. PERKINS Corner 5th and D streets Springfield, Oregon W. F. WALKER W H. BROOKE FUNERAL DIRECTOR Attorney at Law Full Auto Equlp'.tont W. O. W. block Office Phone >2 M Res Phone 62 J U. H National Bank Bldg Phon» >38 J Eugene. Ore. DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST Call Sutton Bldg. Phono 20 J Residence Phone 153 M SUTTON TRANSFER Springfield. Oregon Phone 57 SHOE REPAIRING Work Promptly and Carefully Done JOHN A. NELSON 509 Main Street CEO., N. McLEAN Automobile, Fire and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bond«,. Phone 817 My buelne • ie to protect your bueineee I 860 Willamette St, Eugene Oregon WM. C. HUGHES FIRE , A. A. ANDERSON ANO AUTO INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Office at BARBER Of«9°" SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con crete or road work. Wo make a specialty of crushed rock and rock aand. Bunk ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW SHOP 31.50 Haircut 40c 83.00 R azora 82 00 81.00 Fitch Shampoo 85c FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield. If The Loop" Your Home When In Springfield DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 Vitus Bldg., Springfiold, Ore. NOTARY PUBLIC 8tMton Buldllng Springfield Oregon. Pruning. Planting and Tr«« Work Specializing In Shrubbery and Lawn Work W. C. SHEARER 617 B 8*. Between 6th and 7th Springfield, Oregon PACIFIC FEED & SUPPLY CO. Distributors of Fishers Flour, Poultry and Dairy Feed« COLLECTIONS No CO Juclion, No Charge. Willamette Collection and Credit Service 8C0 W illamette Street, Eugene, Oregon, Phone 37C and will save a needle*» w aste of NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S BALE ON dor, HU«» J. taxon, Jo». K. Phillip», Styles That Suit I book room and of the secretary's Emma O. Harden, Thomaa Harden, FORECLOSURE the Younger Girls time. Call on the secretary for your Jennie Walker, John Walker, Ed Notice Io hereby given, that by vir ward Aahlcy, Caladoiila Aahley, Wil receipt*. tue of an execution ai.d order ol Sul liam Wllluraon, Jr. Myrtle Wllkeraon Henry C. Ethell sec. lawed «Ut ol I be Circuit Court of Margaret Gronar, I*. J Gronar, and I be »tut« of Oregon (or the County of Buaknell, wife of John T. Bu»hncll, Lane «„, U h , Htb <1 f of May 1824 on (h ' unknown he)rg of any of Judgement rendered In »aid Court »ai,t defendant» who may be deceased Your tlck»te with Mlty Nice bread 1924 In a _ gn() rlleg on the 13th day of May ,,,,, uu . . . . . . . . ()(hpr ...... perenna or or p, partlea redeemable at lc each In Mlty Nice suit l i l t wherein AnneHn Hilla was unkll<jwn <:|ajmlng any right, title, eo- |(> „ >r jnl(.r Bread or Paatyles. M. 29 I !alnll(( andi May *;_^«pher«l * rad Shepherd, Joe Shepherd " * *r real «alate described In the complaint Khephertl. Blanc Wbltburk, Harry ¡,7relm'd‘efend'«nu’ «rein. defendant«: t hepherd and Clara Shepherd heirs CAIil, AND BEE Dr N. W Emery at law of Fred W. H tm h rd. decea»-, IN THE NAME OF THE . STATE on prices on plate and other work, tf «si. Win G Hughes, administrator of O ’ OltEOON, . ou are hereby requlr- the . »late of Fred W. Shepherd, de- ed to appear and an»w r the complaint c«M«d V M. Travb, Inc. and Harold f led against you In the above en- J Well« were defendants uiid where-, tided Court and cauae, within s ’x In the Plaintiff r covered a Judge-' we. ka from the date of the first pub- men t aglnxt said defendants for the ll.atlon of thia summons, and If you xuin of Eight Hundred and n in ety, fall to eo appear and answer, (or and «41-100 Dollars together with In I want thereof the plaintiff will apple (ereat thereon from the 2lat day o f!to the Court for th» relief prayed for February 1924 nt eight per cent | <-r, potuolaln’. to-wlt: for a de- annum until paid and the further sum rr„„ »hat you and <a.-h of yon have of On. Hundred and twenty five dol P(, right tlt'e or Interest In or to the lara us atti.rne a fe«» and >42 94 f,,||owlng described real property, to- coat» and dHburaetnenta and n ccru e-w tt: Ing coat* whl.-h Judgement was en ' Commencing twenty feet w»»t of the rolled and docketed In the office of i.outheset Conor of Lot No five In the Clerk of said Court on the 13th Block No Eleven In Mulligan'» Dona- day of ,\l«v ’ 924 and "aid execution tlon to l«»nn County. Or gan, which For Oyer forty Jdears we have to me directed commanding me In the point 1» 1302 12 feet west and 335.20 kept pace with the progress °f name of the Slat.- of Oregon In order feet couth of the northeast corner Taffeta silk Is a friend, tried and to «utl.fv »aid Judgement and nc- of thff Charnel Mulligan and wife rue, to every daughter of Eve. from our community. And In order . cruelng t-oata to sell the following D. L. C. No. 73, Nolf. No. 3271. run he time of her first perky lltUe purty to do this, we have bad to k-ep described real property, to-wlt: nlng thence west on Eugen»'"oregon the nor»h side frock “» ot her ,a!'t 1MWeetl’r d1«' I Commencing at the south west cor- Ninth street. In in close contact with all ac itfied afternoon gown. It la most kind rur of C C. Ktolherg'» lot In Wend- ,w ntv <2«»t feet thence north »lx-: m the awkward age when »harp tivities. ling Precinct in Township IB south tv (M l feet; thence east twenty 20 of Range one w w . of W illamette : ">«»'<■ south «Ixty (BO) feet ingles must be softened. Its crisp- Perhaps the wide exp elien te , Meridian , ,,, , i Lane fo „ u , n ty , a ..» » to IR» place of beginning In Lane l e u and color make It very flattering, In State o< Rni) |h a, vo„ and »specially In berufiled frocks like that we have gained through these Oregon thence running south to th» ' bit. have no right. iRIp or ,ne pictured. east and west line of C. W He J J Interest <h 1 th- many years can prove helpful rein or thereto whatooev-, _________________ east 11 rods; Holcomb's land; tb«nc» ease n n ~ . . pr >nd , hB, y(nl an<J pai,h of you l(e his wife, ______________ ____ _____ anu son, Oren, both __ of to you In your financial affairs. theno north to the south boundary of frir„v<.r barred and enjoined from aa- s pric g fle ll Ore and one daughter us know and w - shall be the Woodman Hall; thence weet to .»rUug Bnon _ou Mrs. Besale Cos’ of Iowa, end four both ready and glad to serve th« place of beginning containing four , .,hl|caMon thereof for six consec- grandchildren. Also tw o sisters and you. acres more or less In ka"® • ounty. u(| yp weeks In the Sprlngft Id News, fi>ur brothers, all of Iowa. Oregon, also one lot as follows: g newxrarer of general circulation M Metcalf was a highly esteemed Beginning at th« northwest corner p u ,.H.h e d In Len« County. Oregon in Qm-.nrfleld H» had the of th - grounds which on December conformity with the order of the H on., clllzen of Springfield. H ad «, 24th 1910 belonged to School District 0 p Sklnworth. Judge of the above respect of all that knew him. His 40 Years No IBS. Lan County Oregon, run- entitled Conrt, mad» and enter d on sudden going was a shock to the nlng east «« feet; thence south 23« , he j3 ,b ,jav May. 1924. Date community of H elpful Service feet thence »■«' B6 feet; thence f)r)H publication the 15th day of north 23B feet to the point of begin- M»y. 1924. nlng the same b Ing In the K W. *4 YOUNG A- RAY. Suggestions to Members of Chamber of the S W 14 of section 10. town- Attorneys for Plaintiff, of Commerce. 'vhlo IB south of Range 1 west of; PootofTlee Address. Eugene, Ore- Wt’lsm elte Meridian In lame County, gon. About 37 of the new members of Oregon together with the tenements, M 16, 22. 29. J 5. 12. 19. 2«. the Chamber of Commerce have not heredltanvnts and aopurtenance» | ----------------------- ------- j thereunto belonging or In any w l» e ,,N Tj}E CIRCUIT COURT OF THE yet paid any dues. A number of the i appertaining , STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE older ones are not up to date. If OF EUGENE Th© payment of the Judgement of COUNTY all the members should pay one said plaintiff Beale DeclOLB, Plaintiff, Since 1883 month at a time, the secretary would The balance If anv there be Io he vs. disposed of as the Court msv dlr ct. have about 2500 receipts to make In Harre Declou». Defendant. NOW Tl'FREFGRE IN TH E| TO HARRY DECIOUS, DEFEND- the coarse of a year. Larger pay- NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE-1 ANT menta will be better for the member. GON and in eotnnll»u»» with «»Id ex ’ i n ' THE NAME OF THE STATE eeutlon I will on Saturday the 2 1 s t|oy<- p Rj¡^ oN : You are hereby re- day of June 1924 ’h* Í,OU¿ ,,««¡aired to appear and answer the com- of ft rtclock A. M nn'l 4 oclocfc P. M plaint filed acaingt you In the above tn-wlt «. tb - hour. Of o n e o 'clock lied a™ wpekR from P M «vfaald dav at the -outh w e , " publication of this «utn )f P.on fa„ an!,w(.r fo, door of the Countv Court h o ,re In monR »,g.-nu Ian© '? r ° h want therof the plaLntlff will rerlv f»r for sale In on» n«rc»l for c»’ h | ronrt foj. ro,(pt prinw, for The best meat at a price that will bring you back and make subject to redemption al th» right complnint, to-wlt: the dlssolu- title. Int r < c l a i m , equity ami p"-;t1on of , be marriace contract exist you a regular customer. • tat« of each and all of the afor« |„ K between you and plaintiff, and for FREE DELIVERY 9:30 a. m. DAILY «aid »I fen,tan's, or either or anv o f « omp|e(e divorce from you. , th»m In and to the hereinbefo’c dec This summons Is published once jcrlbed roul property nnd every fOr g|x successive weeks in thereof Tbe Springfield News, by order of FRED O. STICKLES. John C. Kendall Judge of the above Sheriff r»* I,«ne C»-*ntv, Oregon. entitled court, made and entered on 12. M 15. 22. 29. J the 15th day of April. 1924, and Is ; published the first time on the 17th IN THE CIRCUIT CGURT nx’ iday of April. 1924 WILLIAMS * BEAN, THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Attorneys for Plaintiff, LANE COUNTY Postoffico Address: ' C. R. Scott. Plaintiff. Eugene. Oregon. vs. D. M Thompson and Thompson, hl« A 17, M 22. wife, Meador, wife of Joseph Meador. Obituary Silas J. Saxon, Jas R Phllltrs. E J Ashlcv. Ethel Tomlinson nnd A. D Emory Gaylord Metcalf. who died Totnlli. »on. her husband, Emma G Pennsylvania, Harden and Thomas Harden, her May 14, was born in husband, Jennie Walker and John July 17. 1853, Walkff". her hu.’bad. Edward Ashley. When lo .fears of age. he came w(th bjg _aren^9 al,<i s ttled In Er»<) S Ashley and Nettle If Ashley. Pen ....... Ashley and *nna| . Mfyinnagit« ■ Sam A Uhl»,. s . h . b y . --------------- . ««•>•«.____ ----- , , I A-hiev. his wife. William W ilkerson., M.nncsota. Sonif* years later, lUOy* ,lr ar.d Myrtle Wilkerson, his wife. Ing to Woodbury Co., Iowa, where he Margaret Oroner and P. J. Oronor crew to manho«wl. h r huahnnd. Buehnell, wife of John, . bp Vl,„r iggo. he waa united In T llunhneil. the unknown heirs of m i o ,« anv raid defendant, who may be de- m-rr'age to N e t tle Batman. In 19u8 ceased, and nbo all o*ber r» r o n « they cm V! to Kettle V.r2 r or rart’es unknown clntmjnir anv mP]ninr ‘.here untP 1912, w 'in they iright, title, estate, lien or Interest l n , came ,c snrlng' eld. P r e . where tkev or to the real e s’nte tAescrlbed In havo lived s -’ k - o . the complaint herein, defendants. He hi d lived a devout Christian SUMMONS Bf» for the nast 35 years. He passed. To D M I’hoinrson and Thompson Ills wife. Meador, wife of Joseph Mcn- May 14. 1924. He is survived by JOHN M. WILLIAMS Attorney for Vet. State Aid Coin, Soldier» Bonus Loans. L. E. BEAN Attorn.-y State Land Board, Stale School Fund Loans. ATTORNEYS 860 W llll»mette St. Eugene, Ore. Licensed to practice In all Court» of tile S lat . mul I nlteil States. Eugene, Springfield News »1.25 per year. Oregon Grow With the Community The First National Bank Sanitary Meat Market Holverson Bros, Props. SOAP S P E C IA L bars of soap & 1 galvanized pail, An extra Special Snowflake Sodas, lb.............................................1Co 'I :il AS GOOD AS YOU CAN MAKE WILLIAMS & BEAN O. E. Freight Bldg. East 5th PACE SEVEN TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS 11*24 st home— liiat’s the strongest P t a t e m e u t we can offer about i ur I- e cream. When you can pet er« am like ours which com > y mid f a v o r with ; are ,n delicious, creamy your . v |iy b l i t «I h hom • : It a t home? Ih» e rs t tiiah is a ' the im • mid « <>.i save funs and annoy-ace. all t: Fancy lean side Bacon, lb.................................. 23c Large Grapefruit, ................................................ 1Cc Palles Diamond Flour, 49 lbs........................ $1.59 Delnionte Corn. 3 for ............................... «Cc Try Our Peter Pan Bread EGGÏMANN’S Hr. S. Ralph Dlppel. Dentist. Vitus ► u l l d l- e S erln rfi«1d O regon -A r i’ I «WOODEN EAT OUT UF GARBAGE C AN TH , AN’ I WOODEN T h 'Q U A T C H ON T n E DOOR, — a n ’ i w o o d e n ' c h e w any FIPPPQ’ TH , a n ’ I 'WOODEN N iP T h e ice m a n , a n ' - CLO/E U P , MEANING — ’ \ w h at \ x / a / in ' th e d ic k e n s that k id TALK ING ABOUT r