Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1924)
DKVOTCO TO INTEREST OF SPRINGFIELD ANO THE FARMERS OF TMK WILLAMETTE VALLEY C7. °t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS O. TWKNTY-PIIWT VF. u . 4LS OPPOSE JAP LUMBER ary bPRINGF’IELI), LANE COUNTY, ORBOON, THVRHDAY, LEGION POPPY SALE TO BE HELD NEXT WEEK MAY 22, A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN 1024 Commencement Decoration Day Program Ready Events Prepared NUMBER 1» CIRCULATE PETITIONS FOR SCHOOL DIRECTORS Sherman Potter and Fred Louk Can Flowers Msds by Disabled Vetarana didate« fo- Dr. Pollard's Place to Be Sold In City for Committee Arranges for Obser Graduation Week Event* Fixed; on Board. Memorial Day. vance of Memorial Day at Meeting Tuesday. "The People's Paper" Senior Play May 29; Com mencement June 4. 25 WHITEST FOB ROSE SHOW OUEEN Petition« are being circulated nomi Annual Show to bs Held May nating Sherman Potter and Fred 29; Prizes for Rose* and Best Louk to run tor director on the school Decorated Floats in Parade; hoard of Springfield for next year. Elaborate Preparations Made. Dr. W. H. Pollard retire« from mem June 4 at 3 o'clock In the evening bership on the board this year, and a of the Joint com m ittee of the I »id lea xiliary The proceed» will go to the Twenty five of the you.~.g ladles or ItMolUtlon* Opposing the movement of the Grand Army, of the American "The Individual and Education," will new director will be voted upon on disabled veterans. Springfield, ranging in ages from 6 on foot to admit Japaiiime and other be tlie theme of a s address by Prof. Monday June 21, from 2 to 6 p. m. In j A booth from wihlch the poppies Legion and Civil and K-panlsh Ameri alien« io membership In the lx>yal l*e Walter C. B srn-s, of the history de ; the city hall, C. A. Swarts, m em ber1 to 18 years have been nominated by can War veterans. Gathering of auto-i will he sold will be eslabllahed at ■ton of Longer» and Lumbermen wnn, partaient of the University of Ore of the board announces A petition the Ladle«’ Civic club as prospective Main and Fourth street according to mobiles at the W. O, W. hall and passed by the he al 41. at a mooting ' gon Prof. Barnes was a Rhodes nominating J. W. Coffin for clerk of I queens of the rose show to be held a procession to Ute Laurel hill come- Thursday night, and presented by D 1 plans of the legion auxiliary. Th' pop Scholar at Oxford, England, where he the board is likew ise out. Nomina here May 29. At a special meeting py sale has become an anqual affair t< ry where the exerclaoa will take of the club last evening the date W. Crltee. »«ho la a member of the \ studied for three years. tions thl« year will be only by peti before Memorial day all over the place Is provided for. was set, and plans made for the par iMtard of directors, at a meeting of the ' Cltlxens with cars are requested to The calendar event« will come In tion country ade and award». It has been first o n ta n H u t Io n In Portland this week. | The Hi rlngfleld auxiliary Is prepar be at the Woodman hall at 9 o'clock till'’ following order: May 29. 8:30 p. suggested to have the show In June, The reoouttion were slgr.««l by George 1 to take out others who wish to go in.—Senior Play. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ing a Jelly and Jutn collection for the bat the roses have been blooming so Di venport. chairman, and I). W. M c High School. benefit of th« dlmbled In th- Portland hut have no machines. Donations of ELECT NEW OFFICERS early that It was thought best to set Kinnon. secretetV A further reoolu | flowers for the services Is also re- June 1, 8 p. m.—Baccalaureate Serv hospitals Women who would donate the date ah‘ ad, Mrs. Clark E. Wheat- tlon aaeerted the Intention of the cm j ice. are asked to get their collection readf nested by the committee. Student body officers for the com os, general chairman, announces. I»"«»/»’ , of th Booth Kelly »nwmlll to Program Methodist Episcopal church this month. Mrs 11 B Freeland, too ing year at the Springfield high Nominations for queen include; "stand tat" at the nunlnuni wag» o f , G. A It Plot at Ioiurel Hill cetne- June 3. 8 p. m.—Reunion of the class post delegate to the state convention school are: Merle McMullin, president Winifred Ifyaon, Katherine Roberts. 33 40 per «lav. t< ry at 10 a. tn May 30. of '22. In Portland, will take the Jelllee and Pauline Jack, vice-president. Myrtle Marcilene Seavey, Constance Rebhan, Many Causes for Low Market ' Call Assembly, by American Legion. High School. Jaine with her wli»n she goes to the Hawton, secretary, I.enabelle Harper, Maragret Jarrett, O-raldine Wilkin Employe» of the lumber Industry Pong by Moshier-Murphy quartet. June 4. 8 p. m.—Commencement ex treasurer, John Cox, manager of boya’ convention son, Annette Williams, Mary W hit are absolved from any blatne for the Address, Rev James A. Pointer. ercise. athletics, Bernice Neher, manager oi ney. Fan Driscoll, Margaret Swarts. present downward trend, which atlrl America by Assembly. High School. Girls’ athletics. Alice Tomseth, Ruth Brattain. Nay- huted to several contributory cau<os: BAPTIST GIRLS GIVE Prayer. Rev. E. B. Luther. The class roll Includes the follow Ralph Cline head« the Hl-Y club dne McMurray. Mildred Pernber, Ab MISSONERY PROGRAM ov- r produrllon In the paat because ot Firing Kquad. ing graduating students: Mary Bark for the coming year. Other officers bie Tomseth, Mildred Morgan, Alice »ptUlsni developed through over e sti Tap». er, Glad: 9 Bauer. May Blood. Wilbert Include: Merle McMullin, vice-presi The girls of the Queen Esther Cir Darling, Margaret Mortensen, Audra mating the 1924 market; lack of fore Decoration with fir wreaths and Brattain, Robert Cline. Paul Dillard, dent, Kenneth Dillard, secretary-treas. Matsger, Shlriey Hemenway, Iona eight and cooperation on the part of cle of the Mslhodtat church will give flowers and flags. Wayne Hawke. Herbert Horning, urer. Carlton, Inez Neet, Helen Brattain, operators In curtailing production In a missionary program in the church On the return to town there will Charline Lambert, Carl Lewis. Amy A lecture on some of the worlds Hilda Ditto and Florence Grimes. time to ayerl the condition, lumber Friday evening at ft o'clock. There be water service? here at the mill ■ Love. Audrey McPherson, Virgil Mc masterpieces of painting wa3 given buyers taking advantage of the sltua will be no charge for admtaelon but a race. Second street bridge, at 11:301 "A palace on wheels" will house Pherson. Mildred Pernber, Clifford Uon and the farmers of the country silver offering will be taken to be o'clock. Gettysburg address by the Pritchard, Mabel Roof. Charlotte last week by Haig Arklin. who has the queen and her attendants in the an art symposium in New York, Mr. generally Iwltig hard hit; the hoof and used for missionary work parad e The palace will be on a truck Rev Luther Also th - p rt ter. Flowers Stewart. Thelma Sweeney. Alice Tom- Haig described 20 pictures, large re The program la as follows mouth disease influencing the Califor loaned by G. G. Buahman for the wl'l be placed on water by school seth. Alfred Townsend, and Grace productions of which he made w h ile 1 ................. Congregation nia market; the unsettled state of Eu Hymn purpose children Wallace. abroad In the Art Muslum. Paris, the I’astor ropean affaire affecting extort trade; I n v o c a tio n The first event of the day will be Play May 29. Dresren gallery, St. Peter's at Rome, Gladys Bauer and »«peclally the resultant depress Instrumental Duet the roee contest held In the Spring- MANY PASS 8TH GRADE “Am I Intruding." the senior play and the cathedral at Milan. ing psychology of the approaching na and Edith Horning field library. Entries may be made EXAMINATIONS IN CITY o f the Springfield high school, will Solo ... . MargaeH Oderklrk tional election. during the morning from 8 until 11 he presented at 8:30 o'clock on the “PEEPING TOM" FINED As s protection for the maintenance Dialogue; "The Girl Who Had No o'clock. At that hour the doors w ill Thirty puplla In the Springfield evening of May 29, Immediately fol Timo" Ellxabeth Hughes. Ce of an American standard of living $50 IN POLICE COURT be dosed, and will remain so until sohool piis.x-d the eighth grade exam lowing the Roue 8how. The time the |3 40 per day for common labor cilia Jack. Inei Neet, Doris Me. era. I nations according to the report of 1 o'clock In the afternoon for the was change from 8 o'clock to 8:30 be was endorsed, on the grounds that ttorotha Bailey. Isaac Webb was fined 350 In city decision of the Judges. In urging County School Superintendent E. J. cause of the festivities of the town Edith Horning the cost of living 1« Increasing rather Instrumental Solo . police court yesterday for making a those who have roses to make entrlee Moore. The state examinations were was announced by ITlncIpal J. E. Tor- public nuisance- of him self peeping Dueat ........ Margaret Oderklrk and than decreasing. Mr«. Wheaton made It plain that all given and there were many In nearly bet of the high school faculty this Several , wars without a single min Naomi Carlton In people's windows at night. He was flowers desired for use on Decoration every district of the county. morning Miss Anne Hill of the de brought In on a complaint filed by ............. — Congregation ute lost through labor trouble 1« the ( Hymn Day, the day following the Rose fes Following Is the Springfield 1st »of portment of English has coached the record of the Booth Kelly sawmill Japanese Dialog*»: "Mra Tree Vil Albert Keyes. This Is the second tival. will be saver for their owners. i graduates: play, which will be the last one of the offenee, according to J. W. Coffin, lage R eceiver«'' Ada Carr. Roden. hero, according to Mr Davenport Containers will be furnished for th* District IP—Edward Bates, John M high echool. A report of the district board m eet 1,01« Spencer, Jule Roden. Margaret police Judge. The first time occurred display. Roaee left uncalled for next ' Bench. Willard Dale Carney. Hugh The cast of the comedy Is as fal ing held at the Portland 4L headquur Oderklrk. Edith Horning. Margaret three or four years ago. day and those donated for the purpose Da via Cowart. William Cox. Dennis lows: tors will be made at a meeting of the Halsey. C. Taylor. R. B. Hall of Weodling. will be given to those who desire, them Clifford Frost. William Gerlach. Rich Mrs. Hastings. The Housekeeper. Albert Krohn of Portland, and T. A. for memorial services at the grave- local Mondsl • night In the W O. W Collecflon ard Harpnle, Lester Knouse, Carl Charline Lambert Scalfe were each fined 310 for speed hall The meeting will be an open one Solo: "Your Flag and My Flag" i-'Mrd. Mies Pauline McClintock Henry McKInnls, Austin James Me Blair Hoover. The Adventurer. M.r Crlt>|i has returned and will ing this week. J. E. Cox paid a 32 Prises will be swarded for the rosea ! Pherson, Kenneth Mu'llgan, Leroy L. Carl Lewis discuss the Issues of the conference. fine for passing an automobile at a In the following classes: I Nice. Marvin Nyetrom. Ormel! Reding Earnttet Rathburn. Jane's Secretary. A report of the finance committee WILLIAM GOTT FUNERAL street Intersection In disobedience of Class 1—Best decorated basket of ¡Ronald Ryeoff, Dortha M. Halley, Ber Herbert Horning traffic ordinance?. will he mado by Its chairman. Sam not les than eight roses of one variety HELD AT CHAPEL WED. nice Virginia Cox, Doris Luclle Crider, Jane Harbison, Vare'a Niece Richmond. Class2—Best six roses of one var Pearl Elisabeth Cyr. Hilda Irene Dit Mary Barker iety. Funeral serve«» for William H. to, Dorene Larimer. Thelma Ruth MRS. BALCH BURIED IN Marjort' Vare, The Elder Daughter At I. O. O F Convwntlon Gott, who died May 19. were hold Morefleld. Willie Moyers, Ione Rhod- Class 3— Best three rases of one Alice Tomseth * I. O. O. F. CEMETERY variety. yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock “ o “ m Olson. B O. Rankey and E. |es. Margaret: Stella Ssnkel^ Winifred Dickie Waldron. A Romanticist Class 4—Best single rosebud or W. Walker were the three Spring In the Walker chapel. Rev Thomas Tyson, Annette W illiams, Edith Ano- Funeral services for Mra. Alice Ar- Wayne Hawke blossom. field delegates lo the slat« conven D Yam««. pastor of the Springfield la Yost, five conditions. vllla Balch, who died at the home of Dora Dean, A friend of Vi's, Arrangements are being made to se tlon of the grand lodge of the I. O. Methodist church, preached the fun Shirley Hemenway her daughter. In Wendllng on May O. F at Hood River The grand lodge, eral s-irnion 16, were held In the Walker chapel cure band music for the day. esp ec JOHNSON FUNERAL Mona, The French Maid. ially at the time of the parade, which which la an annual affair, was hold Mr Gott, who was 42 years old. had Mtyrtle Hawton Sunday, May 18. Rev. Jame3 Pointer HELD ON MAY 19 win be held at 7 o'clock In the eve last year at North Bend. It was in been a resident In Sprtngfjeld for the Violet Vare. The Younger Daughter, pastor of the Christian church, con ning. All those who are planning to session this week both yesterday and paat 2» years, whero he haa followed ducted the services. Charlotte Stewart Lars Johnson. 74 years old, died the trade of a shoemaker. tod 1 1 Mrs. Balch was the daughter of enter floats are asked to notify Mrs. May 17 at his homo five miles from Peter Stone, Devoted to VI, Others attending the convention • Survivors Include hb wife, Mabel, Creswell. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Greenwood who F. J. Grimes, chairman of the float John Cox Funeral aervlces were wer • W F. Walker, paat grand mas and six children; two brothers, James held at the Walker chapel In Spring- Horace Vare, The Father, crossed the plains tn 1852 and se t committee. Children are especially asked to come with their decorated ter, Mrs. E W. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Gott, and Samuel A, Gott, both of field at 10:30 a. m., conducted by Clifford Pritchard tled near Harrisburg- She was 76 i F F Barnard. Mr. and Mrs. C, E Sprngfleld; and a sister, Mrs. Alice Overt Sllbrcd, Lutheran minister of Jerry Mays, Jerry, from Sage Creek. years. 4 months, and 2 days old. She doll buggies and wagons. Prizes will be awarded In the following classes: Nolf. and a party of members from Wood. Interment was In Laurol HUI Alfred Townsend 1» survlyed by one daughter. Mrs. El Eugene. C la3sl—Beet decorated doll buggy. Coburg. vis Taylor of Wendllng; by one sis cemetery Mr. Johnson Is survived by his The Junior-Senior banquet wa3 held Class 2—Best decorated vehicle Some of the women attended the Mr Golt was found dead In his wife, on daughter. Alice, two sisters Friday evening at 8 o’clock at the ter. Mrs. Addle Rhenenschneider of Class 3— Best special entry of dif Rebekah assembly on Tuesday. The bed by members of the fan>H I Monday Amity; end bd four brothers, O. L. Mary llolte and Julia Nlckalaeoon of Anchorage In Eugene. Toast were ferent sort. grand encampment met on Tuesday, morning. Oreenwoo 1 of Ashland, George Green South Dakota. given by a number of the students, Class4— Best group of different also. with response by J. E. Torbet. Princi wood of Hogersburg. Washington. O. M Olson Is captain of Canton sorts. Frank Greenw-od of Pprlngfield and Methodist Church pal. and Mrs M, M. McLean. Joseph Morton, formerly a resident Business men are Invited to decorv Ilovey No 4 of Eug-ne, the uniform F. J. Greenwood of Portland. “Conimerolallxing the Sabbath" will here, hut now realding In Tacoma. branch of the Odd Fellows. They yea- Interment was In h e I. O. O. F. ate their automobiles for the festivi Legion to Meet. ties. torday eomtpoted for a silver cup won Is here for a few days. He Is return be tho theme of the sermon' by the cemetery at Coburg. Rev. Mr. Thomas D. Yarnes, pastor A special meeting of the American ing north from California. Several drills will be put on' by the last year at North Rend. of the Methodist churoh next Sunday Legion will be held Friday night In school children- following the parade Springfield Girl M '-rlee morning. There will be special mu the W. O. W. hall to discuss plans for Marriage licen ses have bc«n Issued Part of the May Day program of the sic both morning and evening. tihe coming Fourth of July celebration during the last week to Lew Kimball, Lincoln school will be used for this North Bend, and Christiana Saul. occasion. Boxes for casting votes for the Springfield; Earl R. Liggett, Sw'sg- home, and Marie Christensen, Junc queen have been placed at Eggt- tion Cltt t: and Kenneth Jam es Hus- mann's, K eteh' drug store, the Drop by and Vira E. Smith, both of Eu I", the Cash and Carry. McMurray’s O. E. Crowe and Clinton Hurd was the choir for p resid en t; C harles L McNary for S en ato r nnd W. C. grocery on Fixth Street, the Fanners' gene. Sworn; Tally Sheet for Long Hawley for rep resen tativ e. R obert Exchange, and the pools halls. Tom Precinct Holds Up Offi K ykendali carted the county for a t Needle Club Meets. cial Count; on Republicans. torney general and E. O, P o tter, H. Party on Birthday The Pine N eedle club was enter- C. W heeler and Em m ett Howard for ained last Thursday afternoon' May A party in honor of the nineteenth Tin- com plete nfflcal count of tho / t a t ’ rep resen tativ es, thlril dlatrlct. | 15th by Mrs. Alva McPherson and birthday of Li’lian Baker was given I Howard M. Brownidl nosed o at tho election !a«t Frlda.J which recalled Mrs. Fr»d Williams at the home o f ' at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. two county cumin I« doner», nom inat 'field for d istrict atto rn ey and Frank Mrs McPherson at the Seat I hop J. C. Burns on Tuesday evening. ed candidate« on the dem ocratic and E. T aylor for sheriff. Ben K eeney I year. Refreshments were served and j Guests at the affair were Cleo Coffee, wa elected count* a(tae»»or over 0 . reipubllcnn tick*'* and pu od th all had a very enjoyable afternoon. ] Mary Neet. Nell Strowbridge, Agnes All o th er county offl- H arrisburg bridge bonds, bn« not N. Cullison Those present were; Mrs. Rose Mont Peterson, Geneva Coffee, Maudella '(-I u I m were unopposed. been m ade yot beenuso of th e Hhort- gomery. Mrs. R. P. Mortensen, Mrs. Niles, Mrs. Halsey of Eugene, Mrs. race for the nom ination for ago of a republican tally »heel In the | Th Bert Doane, Mrs. Ernest Shinner, Mrs. H, C. Moore, Mrs. Earl Moore, Mrs. Long Tom preclaot. O. E. Crowe, of I slu-riff on the dem ocratic ticket, was Roht. Shultz, Mrs. Arthur Peterson, Mary Baker, Jess Cattran, and Claudia Lorane, and Clinton Hurd, of Eugene, won by Hugh E erie over Bud Kompp. Mrs Carl Girard, Mrs. Jack Larson. Moore. were electsd to replace Com m ission I J. S. Medley, Eugene atto rn ey , w as Mrs. Ted Stewart. Mrs. Nick Welch, er» Nets Ilnney and Em m ett Khnrp, nom inated for d istrict atto rn ey , R. Mrs. Alex Stevens, Mrs. Noah HU- and w r e sw orn liv Wednesday eve- it). Brady was endorsed for county terbrand, Mrs. Sydney Ward, Mrs. 31 l eom lssloner. IlHlph Laird and Ed- Walter Lnxton. Mrs. Moody Neet. Mrs nlnd, 'l b ro,lowing counting hoard gave i ward F. Halley were ytiappos d for Wm. Clark, Mrs. Harl McPherson, “Gratitude is thet , tin, vide on the recall as follow s: Yes, j representative. Mrs. Ben Stafford, Mra. H iryey Eaton feel In’ which we be 52(15; ", 4233. For Crowe, 491R; for Mrs Wm. Burnett, Mra. ris Kizer, lieve people should ; Moved to Cottage Grove—Th ’ W. Rm e ,13. on the Sharp recall yes, Mrs Hllman, Mrs. Wrig’’ trs. Coon- have toward us. We, ‘ C. Schneider fatnlll moved to Cottage 637f • 4148. For H urd, 5057; for te. Mrs. Halsey. Mrs. 1 ■ ■ Rhodes, ourselves, are pretty Grove yesterday, vacating the Perry Miss Ostl Gray. M bs Be le Bench, »pt to take their favors for granted." 415. On the republican ticket Coolidge T.ison property on Mill street. Miss Mary Roberts. Resolutions Adopted by Local The official American Legion pop Body Would Bar Membership ¡plea, made by disabled war veterans Plans are now tn readme»« lor The program for Sprlngfleld'a Mem In goveilnineni hospitals, will he sold in Legion; $3.40 Wage Basis the commencement exercise« to be orial Day aervlces, May 30, were ar- In Hprlngfl'ld Wednesday and Thurs held In the high suhool auditorium Endorsed as Lowest Scale. day by members of the local poet au rung' ■] Tuesday evening at a meeting I New County Commissioners Take Office; Count Held Up Aunt May and Family Arrive F d»¿er S afle Jÿy/ -Ä i