Image provided by: The Springfield Museum; Springfield, OR
About The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1924)
V. Of O. Library n t SPRINGFIELD NEWS D tV O T K O TO I N T E R I « O f S P R IN O P IE L D AN . T H E P A R M E R « OP T H Ä W IL L A M E T T E VALLEY T W E N T Y -H U R T Kl'HIN(JEIEJJ), LANE COUNTY, OIWÖON, YE A H FOURTH D A IL Y M A IL S E R V IC E • TO EUGENE RESUM ES • 1« IRAFFIC METHOD ■ PLANS M A D E B Y L E G IO N N A IR E S Event« Hally mail »orvlue hciw w n Springfield and Eug no lies been reeatahlinhed heglnlng Munday. Ot, April 2« trslu number 18 9ny , which started from Roseburg waa Be- • »«ken off. and 1» now made up I., Eugene To make contraction. OF JU LY • * of Big Celebration Spring» eld Poet L IV E N EW 8PA PEH IN A L IV E T O W N 11 ¡I 1C'HAY, MAY IS, 1M4, S P R IN G F IE L D T O V O T E N U M B E R 18 « ..... SUM NER W ELLES A T P R IM A R Y T O M O R R O W Decided Pour Polling places w ill be op<n from Upon and Comm ittees Appointed ’■Th« People’s Paper** 8 O’cllck In the at N ig ht; STAND OF TIMBER M orning! U n til 8 Two Boards Used. .1 Cruisers fo r County Find F irst Springfield will so to the poll» to -! 30,000 Acres Short More than morrow ..... and rote their ticket» for re-' .... ... $45.000 on Last Years Taxe« publican and democratic nominew for county, i(at<« and national office» Based on Stand and Sales. Ilesldes they will he called to expreaaj [• from the Springfield postoffice at the different feature« of the celehra- > their opinion on the recall of County Enormous stands of timber that Objection* lo the ntethod of Irat • 10 a m (tally, leaving Eug ne on tlon which 1» expected to eclipse all (Commissioners Emmett Sharp and have not paid Lane county sufficient northbound at 10:38. The mall He law enforv «tant, o.ip«(ially the taxes by over »45,000 a year are re previous efforts of Uhls city In com-, Neb Roney and the election of two goe* to Eugene In two sacks, one use of the slren. waa volced by tn »m nt moratlng the great event. candidate« In their place. Also they! vealed I» I the cruise of some 30.000 to Eugune and vicinity, and one lw»r» of the fham ber of Commerce at Two big beeves will probably b e ' be given a ballot with the Har- acres Just filed with the county aa- \ straight to the train the meeting held Monday Hintit. A aeaaor. The cruise I» by the M. G. «laoghtcred and barlM-<ued for the vlshurg two mill tax proposal and one résolution wa» pasaed calllng for the N<-ase Timber company on lands in i free dinner to be given Springfield's *>«> '»>« county (ourt resolution j dlscoutlnuatue of tlie use of the slren th« southern' part of the county des VETERANS TO CONDUCT guest during the day. A street par- chan gin« the allotment of »<0.000 In aa It » « ' (leeaied dangeroua to tierv- ignated by the county court. Valua- M E M O R IA L E X E R C IS E S »<’« <*«*r.n« float, by the budawra road bond money to he expended near oti» driver» • inn Is based on government timber _ _ _ _ _ houses and a childrens section w ill,Creswell. Whlle they salli Hprlngfleld n e rd ejl , sold nearby for »2 per thousand feet. be one of the big events on the day's ' Tbe polls will be open from 8 a. m ., a trafic offtier lo keap down apaed- Ladies of G. A. R.. Spanish Wer Vat The assessor placing the valuation at (program according to plan». '» « P m. counting of votes to begin Ing and oilier violation» member« d e-1 arana end Legion to Hold Spa 50 ped cent or »1 per thousand and The children will be lined up by at Id a. m . and no returns given clarad Ihat UW alrlrl enforcement of 1 elei Ceremonies for Dead. out until after the polls cloae. Poll- ¡ reckoning on the 32.1 milla levy last 'the Ladle« auxiliary. the law In regard to technical viola year. Ing places are as follows: w r it" m arket for a The legion In In thr tion* gave ’ he town a reputation ! Commemorating her dead Spring- h e ,* ' J’reclnct 1—High School. The first section cruised by Mr. among motorist which wtmld drive w(U pXprrlaea „„ Memorial rarnlval- The Fourth is on I riday _ Precinct 2 —C ity HalL N ease was section 1. township 21 travel «y«„ Members toatlfled that , ur.,lpr , ba auapl<l<„ the Ladle* »ad R •« planned to Invite a carnival ITeclnct 3—Lincoln Behoof south range one west. It had been P1^ “ »* whol,‘ week-*r’d in Spring they found Sunday there was far of 'he G A. It Spanish American Sumner Welles, special commission previously assessed at »12,980 and Mrs. Precinct 4— Residence of ft Id. A ball game, band concert. more travel up ’he McKenzie rlv»r War veterans and the American Ixt er of the United States, persuaded the Frank Fisher, 4*6 Eighth Street. yielded taxes last year of »299.37. The by way of Hayden bridge and Wal- Mr, cb a rll, Eggtmann. of , he flrem e' '* contest«, race« and stunts wn-rlng factions In Honduras to agree to an armistice, thus paving the way tlm b-r cruise showed 98.490,000 feet Election boards are as follows: tervllle than on the highway through (jn n « , o( lbp O A. It la chairman arB ,or th* <,aT’ program for a peace conference to be participat and the assessor figures it should Precinct 1—Evelyn fcnery. ch Springfield , h. general committee ln charge. *•«» * dan<* ltt ,h e ed ln by representatives of the United have been assessed at »98.490 rais Ie«»Mrr« from Renal on» McNary and M s ........... I'............ ..f UM t h r l * S p rin g fie ld . 1« in v itin g all the peo- M g i 13,1, C. gtewart. udge. R. Representative Blnnot on regard lo will d-llver the ad d ress P|u of , ’“ n*' ro u ,4 y tf> celebrate hen- sm ith, Cora M Hl neon, and John States, the Honduras factions, and the ing a tax of »2.275.12 or »1975.74 more governments of Salvador. Guatemala than the section paid. keeping the Mi Ken»!, pal» open for , b<( (}rand AnnT p!o, , h„ cerae. end help make the day a big Jol'-lfl ----------- clerks. Itzgerald, - The counting board and Nicaragua. The assessed valuation of the 16 will be James Clark. Lottie W hit traffic wer read T hev-w ere In re Upy op Mpnlor(at imy. Plans are lo cation. sections ln the township in which thia taker, and three other members yet sponee to resolutions passed at last b#Ve , be Hrh(K)| children and meet at | “ “ C IT Y IM P R O V IN G F IR S T section la located ln the Lang civek meeting. They reported having tak- w o w- ha|, h), , akcn M ETCALF FUNERAL AT ¡‘° be chosen. district was »165.000 last year and ia S T R E E T ; LO W ER M A IN S er. the mater vp with ’he bureau of thi cem etery In autom obiles All th e, W A L K E R C H A P E L M A Y 16 Precinct 2 George W. Carson. paying a tax of »3.827. The actual public roads S ln r then the engln- graves will be deoersted, ______ chairm an, F. P. Thurman. Maude T. d eocrale.l., W a te r Mains on N inth Being Lowered cruise of the township shows 982,905,- eer haa announce,) the p a « would be ,,umbprlr< ab„ut g0 v funpral of Emory O Metcalf, Bryan. Hattie MlVJrs, and Rhetta Mc- So As Not to Conflict W ith 000 and at »1 per tiiou.and should open except for short periods during Tb„ AroPr(ran will h iv e a 170 years and 10 months old, will be Lean, clerks. Counting board: John have been assessed at »982.905 and Sewer. the summer. ^firing squad take part In the cartoon - held at the Walker chapel May 18 at Ketels. L K. Pcge, Mrs. R Mont- paid taxes amounting to »22.795.11 or The next meeting of the Chamber )<r 2 j y Moore will Romery, Mary Robertson, Mr. Lans- The Improvement of First street In an Increase of »18,877.44 over last will lw- held In two weeks and a din ; preach the funeral sermon. Interment bury. S- ringfield has been begun under the bar. ner will be aerved by the Civic club will bo In Laurel Hill. Mr. Metralf | Precinct 3—Hattie B. Drurv, chulr- SE C O N D H A N D S T O R E The 30,000 acres raRoried by the Indian. dled at the Pacific Christian hoapl- man. Adda M. Peorv, judge, E, J. Per- authorization of the City council A letter from C. II Ihircell. district M O VE S: BA NK T O B U IL D tal In Eugene shortly after 5 o’clock kins J Baxter Young. Pearl I. Clark, w '.itch met Monday night In the City cruisers to the county assessor raised engineer, to the Chamber of Com on the morning of Wednesday. MayK ¡»clerks. Counting -board: C. Clark. Hall. It is to be graded, graveled I last year on the 23.1 mill levy »10.332.- The building on the southwest cor- and macadamized, according to J. W. 41 and on the basis of the cruise mnree declare., that the highway will The Immediate cause wa« appen,Helt Bruce Lansbury. George Stewart. El h - open by July 1 and kept open al, her of Fifth and Main street owned Coffin. c i | f recorder Chairman of should heve yielded »56.066.06 or »45,- ls. .sis Weddle, Katherine Basford. , summer evon with construction work hy the First National bank ha» Just the construction comm ittee, M. J. 743 65. Mr Metcalf was born In Penney!- Precinct <— O ar* E. Wheaton. going on. It •» not the lotantlon of b*eu vacated by E E. Ix>e. who mov- The cruisers express the-ms»lwaa Ivanla. the son of Milas J. MMenU chairman Frank Gordon, Judge. Mrs McKlin. has been authorized to have the Bureau of Ihibllc roada to keep «•>! hta second hand atore to the bulld- and Mell’ sa Itunbar Me’cnlf. For th e ,;surman Howard. Mrs Clark Wheaton the roller repaired for use In the that the wihole 100.000 acres to be the pass rhwed to travel during the "'K "«will of the Ketela drug atore cruised this year will show a greatly pnst 12 years he has boon a resident Mr». Wheeler, Clerks. Counting board work. season, he says He ay* further that owned by n. 8. Reals of Riddle. Ore- Over 200 feet of water main on increased valuation. After the tim of Springfield, retiring from the hard- Mrs. Elma Halsey, C. A. Swarts. Mrs. tttnrn la no reaaon to b lleva th«< It iron. The lot on Firth and Main will ware business 5 years ago. He Is WUllam Donaldson. M rs, J. E. Stew- N te'h street Is to be lowered a foot ber stands is tabulated the valuation Will be cloned one or two yeara more be used as s building site by the First because It conflicted with the sewage gotten at by the accessibility of It to «urvlved by Ihls wifo. Mrs N ettle art, Mrs. C. A. Swarts although he »limit« cl,wing It last National Imr.k. according to William system. Men are now at work digging m arket Metcalf, one son, Oren both of Spring -----------------«------------ season on July 28 and keeping It «■ Hughes, president. The time of it up. and the kind of structure h a . ' h* Kh,,er' Mr" W , C° X ° ] M O D E L O F G R E A T E R The, valuation of the timber now Jesse Srnltson. chief of the city closed alt the travel season Homlch. Iowa. Mrs. Hattie I>ee and cruised was based on the timber sold New members taken In by the not yet been made public. The bank U N IV E R S IT Y T O BE S H O W N fire department reported 1550 feet of Mr*. N ettle H ew itt; by brothers. to Anderson Middleton company a chamber wer., Harry L. Reck. B. W. expects to build Its future home on hose to be in good condition, with Charles Metcalf. Estus Metcalf. Wal few days ago by the forest service. A mode’ of the Greater Unlverslty Alhera, A. Pierce, E J Reynolds and H'« “"d It ta planning on the ter Metcalf and Edgar Metcalf, all of ,a.« I» Is planned to be as soon as the 200 of little value. He was ordered to It is claimed that this is even better F. W Christopher of Springfield and H»«»l building In Springfield dispose of the 200 feet to the best ad Iowa. : »5,000/10 Is raised, will be on dis vantage he could. The family living than- that 3oM. Fifteen m iles of rail W II. Sutton of Rums. play a' the Springfield News office In' the hose house was given notice to road would log more than two bililon ____________ Surprises Mrs. Olaon. Purdy to Preach. Saturday afternoon. This miniature vacate by Junel. R. A. Bates was Is I feet of timber in the section cruised, The N ‘ <die, raft club gave Mrs. -Y E L L O W T IC K E T " W IT H lit is said. Carl Olson a surprise (party Tuesday Next Sund t \ morning. M ay 18, Rev. University shows the proposed n e w 1 sued an order to remove h is beehives E N D O R S E M E N T S A P P E A R uttnrnoon Mir* Olson Is leaving May j j; j>urdy of Salem will preach al buildings that the Alumni are at from the city. 20 for Plattsburg. W est Virginia, for ih„ Methodist church. j present raising funds for. Their por- Bills to the extent of over »600 L O C A L C H U R C H M E N A R E The ’'Yellow" ticket carrying the # T,a,^ wjtb bpr «later. She will also in the cvnning, a t 8 o'clock the tlon Is »1,000.000 end as the securing H O N O R E D W IT H O F F IC E S were allowed. er.dorsemen of the Lane County Conn- vjM,( (n ^ « c a n g in while away. Those pastor will speak olt the subject. "The of the first million is necessary to get ell, Oregon Fed-ration of Patriotic prtM(Pnt gf , bP „urprlse party Included |.;n,l of The Present Civilisation.” | the last four, every Oregon man or Rev. El B. Luther and Kenneth Dress Party at W . O W. Societies, has made Its appearance Mr> p H Flanery. Mrs. Ralph Dip- Sometimes ft Is said that civllliationu woman Is supposed to contribute to A “dress up" party in he W. O. W. Tobias of the Springfield church w ere > and 1» being distributed among voters pt(< Mpg () w fr ite s. Jean Crlbra. w<)U|,i „ot stand another general war, the endowment fund. 1 all last evening w-as atttended by honored at the meeting of the Ump on both Dutmwratlc ,anp Katni« Mn, p Mortensen. an,i gtm the nations go In preparing fxx-al headquarters for the Soring €) members of the Neigh bore of qua Baptist association held May 7 anil lt»i«ibllcan ticket , are made. Mr„ w j ^ t t , Mrs Elvlti May, Mrs. for the next war. What will ba the field territory are at the Springfield Woodcraft. Father Time, a highway to 9 In Junction City. Rev. Luther Following 1« th« ticket: „ j urrotji Mrs T. D. Yames, Mrs outcome? Mrs. J C. Bailey will give News office On Saturday during the robber, school girls, an Danish im was elected clerk of the association District attorney, none In' either \Y N. Ixing and Mrs. Olson - “ an Ore- a special musical number at that time the model I» on display migrant lady, coquettes ln hoopes-all and Mr. Tobias president of the party; coroner, W. W Bransletter, jgon student will be glad to point out i;-ined In making the evening a gala Young people's association. Rew. service. Republican Incumbent; commission P-T. to Elect. Barnes of Marshfield, was chosea . On Monday evening, May 19. the the various buildings that are planned occasion. er; J. II Moffntt, Democrat; rlerk. The Parent-Teacher association will in d ies Aid of the Methodist church moderator. It 8 Hryson. RepabUfiMl. Incumbent. plP,.t(on o{ off|cer« b< a meeting w-,n K| vo a dinner in the church par- Local Man Honored. The session wa* marked with the Rose Show Com m ittees Selected a*«a«sor Ren F Knoney, Republican tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock ln lors lo which the pub'lc Is Invtted. greatest attendance in years, accord Harry ?.T Stewart of Springfield Committees were appointed to look slierlff. Hugh Earle, Democrat, and the Lincoln' school building, Mrs. C. Van Svarverud, Republican; tTMUmr- A Swarts, president announces aft r the Rose Show to be held In was elected -ecretary and treasurer ing to Rev. Luthef. Springfield’s M arried at Parsonage Pprtngfield In June at. a meeting of of the l*ast Masters’, Master*, and young people took first place in aL er. Edna Ward. Republican' Incum I f bio l.csl.v and Rosalia W illiams the 1-adle«' Civic club at 8 o’clock Wardens' associe on at a meeting in tendance Friday night. bent. Kenalngton Club Meets Endórseme«»« for «tat- officers i The Kensington club met with Mr were united In marriage last Satur-,Tuesday night. Mrs. Rosa Montgom- Eugene at the Mr.sonlc lodge rooms. T O ASK C IT Y T O G R A D E were made to Include the following: j , Hrr>. w Rrhnney on Friday, The <lay al fho Methodist parsonage. A tt-riery is chairman of the place and con- Professor Arthur Peck, master of the S O U T H T H IR D S T R E E T Vnlted States senator. K K Kubll. hnl|, p waa rtP||gh tfu llv decorated w lth l'h e wedding they drove to Portland test comm ittees and Mrs. F. J. Corvallis lodge was cho“n preeident. R epublican'; congressm an, W C. Hpn,„ „ M'omhcr» . roamvt l”f “ hon-» (moon. They will make Grimes of the yerade commltte re with S. R. Moahler of É ’gene vice- Petition to grade South Thlrt, Hawley. Republican; secretary of were- Mrs, Alfred J, Mlorgan, Mrs their home In Wend’-lng where Mr. ¡placing Mrs. Paul Rrattaln who re- president. Thé association which take* In all lodgo territory between street between D and E. has been mate. Kam Kos r; state treasurer, lion* \ Korf. Mrs Annle Knox. Mr*. ¡L w ly 1” employed ln a sawmill. signed her chalrmajiship. Albany and Roseburg will have Its signed by all the resident property Frank B- Sever; delegate to Republi low ron ce May, Mr«. C. E Swarts, next m eeting the second Friday in owners on the thoroughfare and will can national convention. E J Adams Mra. O. B. Keasey, Mrs. Paul lias- October. C. E. Sw-arts and C. A be presented to the council. The attorney genearl. Robert II. Kuyken ford, Mrs S. Ralph Dlppel, Mr.,. J. Swart of Springfbld attended the property owners off r to gravel the dall. T. Moore. Mrs. Herbert Moore, Mrs. stA>et at their own expense If the iu j^ op i Friday. Endorsements are made for two AV. C Rebhnn, and Miss Edna Swars. i T leetlnj cl 11 will grade the same. from ach party for~ representathre* OueRlj) wero Mra Rar, n ll|nr(I ,,nd ^ A d r ia n 's Hosts The street Is now sideling and It from ban« county, They follow: Em Ml* Marguerite Hurd. Refresh- R . mett Howard and WIIHkmi O. White, w'erp" R#rve(, ,n the aftor. dgT «p-O’Mrs. W. Henry Adrian Is said to be difficult to haul wood Min Ropubllcans: and Ralph P. Laird and nnon. The tex t meeting will be with were hosts at an informal evening af to the houses in the block. Eward F. Ralley. Democrats. w ' " " fair on Thursday. Bridge whist and Mr*. C. E. Swarts. Brotherhood Have Supper. T h- Harrisburg bridge lev; Is also the Adrfftn radio furnished diversion to the guests. Late in the evening endorsed. »•** A church »upper open to the public Buglers Blowing light refreshments were served. ! will be held in the basement of the Th- drum anti bugle corps of the Guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Methodist church next Monday night Many at Mason Lodge. Springfield American Legion post J. L. Clark, Mrs. ar.d Mrs. Mark M. ¡at 6:30 und- r the auspices of the A large delegation from the Eugene held a ¡practice Thursday night In the ¡TRIM SOMÈÌ l’eery, Mr. and Mrs. John F K etels, Methodist Brotherhood. The Brother lodge attended u Springfield Masonic Chamber of Commerce rooms. They I ATTA0OŸ Off I WE. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Roberts, Dr. hood will m eet the-sam e evening. The meeting Tunad'M evening. Nine per- in-o hoping lo keep up their rehear- 5A K SAM and Mrs. S Ralrh Dlpp'l. Mrs. W il Ladles' Aid of the church hag charge sons frpn, Wendllng lodge were here ..„p, | n preparing for a public appear- mont Foster of Portland. Mrs. Maude ¡of arrangements for the dinner, and alao, nt)|l the third degree of Master at the great Fourth of July cele- T. Bryan, Mrs. Edesse Cox. and Mess- toe proceeds will go toward a general Mason was oonfensl on two Prom ),ration here ln Springfield, according re. Frank DePue, Welby Stevens, and church fund. the Waftdllng group. About 50 per- tp Howard B. Freeland, Leglpn corn Fred Cllngan. eous w ire In attendance at the meet- mander. Initial plana for a monster Fosrth W an t Siren Diicontinued; Springfield » , of Jul’' « ’'••" »-‘on In .u npr.naue.u Motorist« Avoid Tow n • " •*» “* * « Frtlla’f M"ht »‘ ‘ »e cnuse of too S trict E n fo rc e -.* meeting of the American, Ixedoir • with this train the mall Is »ent ment. »'(«limit’o-a were appointed to handle Trimming I lng. I, M irc a ig e Licenses Issued. Road Tax Revoked Durine the last week marriage 11- A decree clearing title to lands ' cense S i ve been Issued by the coun- owned was given the Occidental (Lum-J cleri * i i latster Brisbane and Mabel ber company In Its stilt ;igainst Lane county by Judge C I Sklpworth Tuesdil I. Thn d e c .uinui» taxes for 1922 and 1923 In road district 31. A. f ren hot’ Ro* > i li ,on, both of Eugene; Law !l< ry Rust and Georgia James. ,i pianchy; and Oble Lesly and o WUllatna. both otf Wendllng. Purchased S tew art House— The Potter brothers, who have Just start ed a tawmlll at Dooina. Tuesday put-1 ebnsed the Ocorve Stewart house at c -- "tvtt, s tr i. They come to ■ * , Cnrvllls. Their mo lt will live In the Father "The itfhsf Ideal istic pits n In the world is the young man Just t " cntygine — but watch him cltuüfcC during the next ten y a r e .”