THURSDAY. MARCH 27, 1824. TUR SPRlNGFIKI.n NEWS PAGE BIGHT FOR PVRK jersey milk, call liar- Qlvea Up School •vltable reaction cams. illalug to go C» Uh- Turrhsr Deed fur her services • The Springfield Mill and Grain com ­ twvnie one evening, ahe suddenly fell poles Dairy. Phone 18 Moe us for Mlsa Robin LeVee. of near Spring- Esther tore up the check as «he de­ pany received a carload of oyster to the floor In a dead faint created by stroyed Andrews' letter. Then the shells from Portland Wedn sday. a field, who ha* been leaching al Wolf special rale In quantity A3« utter nervous exhaustion. sent out for a Mwapaper and studied carload of mill feed, and a carload Creek In west rn Lane county, has And When consciousness came back the advertlsenienta for "female help given up her school and returned of wheal C a rd of Thanks to her she found herself seated in a w anted." T wo carloads of horses fur Kelly home. She has been In III tcalth chair and Andrews bending over her. We f.vlsh to (hank our many and Sullivan went through Springfield lately. and his lips were pressed to hers, and friends and elghhora for the gym his han,ls clasped hers tightly; and yesterday on the way to Oakridge pathlea and kindness > xpreaaed dur­ she. too weak to resist, lay there p«h- R e g is tra tio n C lo s e * A p ril 18 A fire Insuranc > Inspector visited «•% " “ ld John Amlrew» to hia MetiOgrapher. “I» ■ gum! sively In his arms. flip Booth Kidly sawmill yestilrdivy Reglatrallon books for the M a y It! ing the Illness and death of our At last she gathered strength to rise. woman and it would break lier heart B L. Ikiane. Inspector of lumb r primaries will rlos • »0 days before loved one. Also for the beautiful realize »h at 1 have long since real- She stood u p : she looked at hint and L. Drury was in from Jasper on for the Southern 1‘aciflc railroad, was the election or at 8 o'clock April IB. floral offerings lzeil— that we were never meant fur he at her. Both realised the tragic business Tuesday. w M H IN T E R anil Family. here yesterday and purchased a car according to County Clerk It S Bry­ nature of the passion that had conte each oth er.“ F. S. Jackson, merchant at Jasper, Mil anil MRH. (' A BRADY. load of lumber from the Booth Kelly son. Many people have been regis­ Esther Sinclair made no reply, but Into their Uvea. Neither spoke, for was In town on business Tut »day. Mit ami MRH W. H BRADY, company to be shipped to Brooklyn. tering al the clerk's office lately and bent over her notes. Only the heigh» there was nothing lo say. George Platt of Thurston was In Oregon. "Goodnight. Mr. Andrews," she said MR ai / MRH C E LYON, Indications are that there will be a ened color in her face revealed her at last, moving with an effort toward town on business Monday. emotion. MR anil MltH K H BARGER heavy vole al the primaries Charles Grant of Thurston was In She did not like to hear her em­ the door. O bserve P ast M atron's N ight He bowed his head and she went on business in Springfield Monday. ployer speak slightingly of the pretty. Past Matron's night at the Evan Not to rest, though. All night simple tittle woman who had one« l home. . Jess Gates o f Camp Creek was a gellne chapter of the Order of the come into his otflee, spoken kindly to she ,n “ fever. "nr love months. der regular prices, the banquet colors extra value yd., ' on business Monday. for him was strong within her. She She went home to pass an almost knew that she loved him, spite of dis­ Sun and Tub fast ipa'e'l*ls. In sleepless night She reviewed all her past. She was already thirty years of honor. It was not the opinion of the assorted colors, great 33c to SSc GlnghatAa. «pedal age; no love worthy of the name had world for which she caret! But there value, yard the >»rd ever come Into her life. And she could rose before her eyes the picture of not hide from herself the knowledge innocent, pathetic little Mrs. Andrews. She tore Andrews' letter Into frag­ that Andrews and ahe were made for ments and sat down to compose her each other. She fought against this awakening answer. In It she said that they must near Luxor, Egypt, is 4376 miles from love. Day after day found her on her never meet again. She acknowledged guard, test by a chance word, even a her own love for him. but—but— The mills ar - anxious to dlspofce of short pieces at much le s t than She could not finish that letter. She hxA. she should betray herself. regular price*, hence the great saving possibilities to he had here It happened at last, though. The tore It In pieces also. thia »erfc—lh»y T i i t f i i m Slfc lo lO yard pieces We will cut any «ruggle was an Intense one. She had Then a wild Idea came Into her Call us for road troubles. piece for you that does not leave a had remnant not realized how it had depleted her bend, born, perhaps. of the delirium TOWING AMBULANCE 38-lnrh dark Percales. 84 count, the yard .. ............„„18c o f her strength. She had fought through which she had passed. She fought. In the hope of beln^ able to took her pen again and wrote him an TIRES AND ACCESSORIES Renfrew Suntub Fabrics, guaranteed fast color, yard 38c retain her position there, and the In effusive, foolish letter such as must, Box 388 Springfield, Oregon Phone 19 Staple Check Apron Ginghams, the yard lie she knew, disgust a man of Andrews' depth of feeling. It ran like this: 38-lnch fancy printed Hllkollaaa. yard 28c “Dear Friend of Mine: Your letter 38-lnrh fancy colored Curtain Scrims, worth regular about 40c. Is no surprise to me. I. too, love you, on sale at the yard 28c O. the sacrvdness and mystery of such sublime love as ours! I have been Regular 38c Madrla Shirtings, sp .cla l the yard _ ..... . 28c It Always Pays to Trade at Grays waiting for you to tell me that you were not Indifferent to me. You are the most wonderful man In the world to me; you are my god. with your tall, 13 munte Pongee. | l 25 regular Ono lot Crepe de Chine, 40-ln. straight figure and magnificent eyes. STOP AND SEE A GOOD And your hair curls in Just the way SHOW 38-lnch Sport Satins, this we-k, Canton Crepes, the yard that I have always liked a man’s hair to curl. Now that I know you love Save Carfare or Gas &nd Oil me my heart heats so fast It mokes We are showing Charmeuse Satins. Crepe ratina. Paisley Printed me dizzy, am looking forward a Coming Saturday, Mar. 29 Silks, Taffetas. Crepes of many kinds—Special values. thousand times a day to our next meeting, when you can kiss me again like you did that time and tell me that I am wholly yours forever. Fresh Garden Seeds, per package '3c No one could Imagine what It cost Canned Milk, Carnation, Borden and Alpine, large 10c Esther In self-respect to write that letter. And when It was written she Small 5c sent the landlady’s daughter out to Campbell's Soups .......................................... 10c mall it. lest the should be compelled Jello. i»er package 10c to recall It. Lye, per can 10c It was the memory of little Mrs. Solid Pack Tomatoes, 2 cans .............................. 25c GLITTERING GOWNS, GLOWINC LOVE. A STORY OF Andrews that enabled her to accom­ Always a nice assortment of Fresh Vegetables and Fruits plish her task. And when she had * LOVE AND DIVORCE IN HIGH SOCIETY B a b b itt's C leanser. 2 cans for 15c finished a great peace came Into her 4-oz. can Black Pepper 10c heart. She knew now that It was Irreparable, that never again need she see Andrews, that he would seek, and Adolph 7u > « ««J JesjeL L a fr in iti perhaps find in his wife's love those qualities which be had discovered In monaffl her. On the following evening a letter AU AN DW4N i was received by her In answer. Jn It PRUUUtTIOfi | Andrews said briefly that he was sail­ ing for Europe with hit wife, upon a three months' holiday. He Inclosed her a check for her salnry during that perl.»1 and regretted that there should .. Personals to W ash Goods Sale all w eek 95c “1 soc TO 5 1 .5 0 29c This Sale will include Mill Ends At Extra Saving Prices 39c King Tut’s Tomb Second Avenue Garage ( Bell Theatre Springfield i Because you can depend on our pri­ ces being right Quality Silks Underpriced this week *rl 89 c ** * 51.9 5 .. 51.7 5 52 9 8 To 53.75 Newland'S Springfield Store E R A /5 CA5M & C A R R X SNOWDRIFT o ip jc T to ’ •S C O T T . w? DUNLAP •W p - Two reel Comedy— “The Explorers” Also— International News With SUNDAY, MARCH 30 Rod La Rocque Hoot Gibson Richard Cortez in 1 and truly great <11 ‘Blinky” cast. Here is a Low Priced Ivory Bedroom Set »ff li Barely, indeed, can you purchase a beatiful hand decorated bedroom set of the same character, quality and price as the “La France,” illustrated. Included in this pretty set is a handsome bow- foot bed, gracefully designed chlfferette to match, beautiful vanity dresser with large plate glass mirrors, and a roeker. IVORY or WALNUT FINISH The Truth About Society The Gorgeous Gloria's Newest and Most Fascinating Super-Production Set includes Also Bed Chlfferette Vanity Rocker A COMEDY ROAR— "AGGRIVATING PAPA” Today, Friday and Saturday $136.00 See this set in our windows Comedy— “ In Hock" Wright & Son WEDNESDAY Don't Miss It! I T he C astle Where Prices Never Raioe ‘The Silent Partner’ Continuous Performances Every Day - I HOME OF THE BEST