PAGE SEVEN T H E BPWNGF1ELP NEWS THURSDAY. MARCH 27. 1924 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE HTATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF LANE , Augnilo* Hill*. Plaintiff, »*. Sell what you want to Mil. buy » * • ! you b“M thr’ ° « h »►»••• May A. Hh’ pard. Fred Hhepard, J O" Hhepard. W alter Hhatard. Blanch column*. Writ* or phon* TWO Wbllback. Harry Shepard and Clan. ----------- - ------------- ------- --------------- ' Hhepard, heir» at law of Frad W H ilt HALE Jersey milk, all g o v rn . r o l l RENT—Clean modern furnlabod Hhepard. deceaaad. Wm O. Hugh A ClassifiedAdvertisements dual»« of th* day of »aid flra« pub llcatlon and defend thia ault or p a y , the amount due aa above shown to gether with the coat* and accrued float* and accrued intrrest and In caae of your failure to do ao a deer«« will be rendered forecloalng the Hen of aald taxea and coat» again»» th» land and premia«« above deacrlbed. la lh oubllahod nurau- - Thia — auii'inona '" '" 7 Z /,r f" a Honorable H LABOR ENVOY TO U. M 27 A » HI of record therein on the 3rd day of '¡o ld J. Well». p> fxndauta. W ANTED- Will give pluno beat of I 413 K *»d •» Ma-ch. 1024 and lb* date of the first SUMMONS .a re for II. to anyone wanting NT Qp of thia summon* I« ,1, th’ TO MAY A rPARTMENT OF TH, THE INTERIOR INTERIOR A. HHEPARD. FIFED I I«.D publication |.«i. . . e . a. a fan a n n . l »hü H a t n. IPARTMEN U Hnuburg. HIIEPAItiV X>E SHEPARD. WAD «th day of - w March 19 4 dH o h. «mt., ihelr lustrum- nt. No ch it O PR AR '"»an i w....... U.regon, k u n b 22. IÜ74 . TER HHEPARD. B L A N C H W H IT ‘of the « » ^ p u b lic.H o n will be the dren Inquire Newa r ’r\o'l"i( Ë"’là"hcn'by 'given that An BACK. HARRY HHEPARD AMD Fth day of May. 192« . »............ A KA HHEPARD.’ HBIR b ’ÄT LAW All proc«»* and papera in thia pro- r o l l HALE Hlngle mill and packet . • Lindberg of Crow. Oregon ; I ( LAID . . . . . W.M0 «5»» .. i . tuai . . . . made - g - i IDF .e m « /» » ; » « ■ Ä y J S Ä T » ................... ..nn . . . . . . , iiv itf.nitO -- FI Bert Figi**. Creawell It H N o I r 2» Mar 4-1.120 a. k-Olt HALF. - A number of a . . . . ISO range* Priced from »1100 to »30 M« Wright and Ron ,,, S. NOTICE TO CREDITORS N otice la hereby g|ven that !-«n» M Knickerbocker waa appointed ad- mlmlstratrlx of th* eatate of E. E. Knickerbocker, deceased, by order o f Ihe County Court for Lane County, Oregon, duly made on the 13th day o f February. 1924 All peraona ha v in e claim* agalnat aald ealate are hereby notified to preaent the sam e, w ith proper voucher», to the »aid adm in­ istratrix at the office of lo u n g f t Ray, 860 W illam ette Street. E ugene, Oregon, within a il month» from th e date of thia notice ) Dated at Eugene. Oregon, the -atn day of February, 1924 I LENA M KNICKERBOCKER. Administratrix of the estate o f E. E Knickerbocker, d -ceaaed. Young ft Ray. A ttorney, for eatate ‘ ' “¿ni, s W ’i of TRATOH OF THE ESTATE " OF of O regon'at the addrea-i he.elnafter , 1 T„ |»H FRED W l o w wn. n a , u llp .p . . . HHEPARD. DECEASED, mention id. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT aw. ear t i ' l l l a m a l I .. iM r llM fi I. M. Î It ’ .» nu. IllJ tn tl* V*. Ft. " W «*» a - - - - --------------- ’ " ------------ ’ .} WHEN IN EUGENIS Court of the State of Oregon for th e «loner ai hi» office, at Eng ne. Ore are hereby r qnlred to aroear . CIRCUIT COURT OF THE » n .w .r the complain. filed against » V STATE P™ OF THE ¡County of Lane hla final account and FOR THE DAY OR WEEK r o " on the 7th d. of May. 1921 OF OREGON OREGON FOR FOR THE that said Court by order duly m ade ('a lm a .., nam e, aa w ltne.aee: Wat ¡you In the above entitled ( ourt and, COUNTY OF LANE •T O P AT THE I cause nn on or or h*f<»r* before th* thn 3rd 3rd duv dav of of and entered th »reln. J 1“" 5 ? tor ,, E Hont I. of t ,• < row. iirgeiffiri- Oregon 1 J. '*’*»•«» L. M. Watson, Plaintiff, MATLOCK HOTEL appointed Saturday the 2»th day o f May 1924 »aid date being more than A Miller, of Crow. Oregon; N i March 1»>4. at the hour of ten John i "lx weeks from the dat-' nt the flra, CORNER OTH & WILLAMETTE i Woollne. of Crow. Oregon; John J Banta. Edward L. » ‘•haul» ------ - 1 ‘ « i A M. of aald dav at the Coun- . ni tillrallon of tht» summon» and be j o iio u and all . Hooker of Crow, Oregon Ing the lim e prescribed for aurh an ¡and Alma „ • If an» W vlM °r Lelfur Magnuaaon, prominent la b « ty court room In the Court Honae a rVRNISHKD Apartment» and room» HAMULI, A. CANADAY r»p«r«nr* bv vou In th* order for oub jem oii« unkn «.»tate In the expert who I. to be the American rep- Oregon, as the d av time■ and for rent by day or month. Elite , Register ; llcatlon of thia aummona herein en claiming an l « » ; ; ^ - n e X d i t l v e In Waahlngton of the In- p,.c e for the hearln,; off O bJ^toin, to Hotel. Sfd and Main «treat. « Mar 27. A 3. 10. 17. 24___________ _ _ _ _ it* r e d of record, and If you fall »o to hereinafter «openr and answer for want th reof fendanta. o iim m d n S Continued quentiim» from American r ment . . . . with the Clerk «r a w i tn n g and Bled oF the n'nlm'ff will anply to lh« C o-r, I i nA NT A EDWARD I- L aaunw u » » » u ™ M,„bU»h- ■ ■ . *, w ^,<>ea 11 nK, said Court on or before said day ants for ihe relief In her romnlaint de ; TO -B and ;business houaea led to the e mended and praved for. to wit: 8W AJ ,J » u n v a V nkn 'DWN IF ANY. men! of an American branch. • Judgment ag'ilrat May A Shepard *k L PERSONS • • JJJTER Uagnuaeon la well known In the I n • ^Tiated this 25th day of February, for the sum of ««♦««« wl«h Interest HAV1NO OR ,',L K1’i«c\ETER DES- ed State*, having held numeroua labor Contracting and Building SHOE REPAIRING •S,.r ..d from February 21at. 1«74 . EST( IN THE 1 ^ . ^ ^ e f F.N- publication post. here. Including en 1824 chauncey meachem Plana and Estimate* Furnished Executor of the estate or «, S«', rer annum and for coats and < B U T ’’ »‘ LAL I the t,ureau of labor statistics. Work Promptly nnd Free. Will Halp You Finance Erallv M- Baker, Deceased. Carefully Done Your Building. Frank A. DePue V o u 7 n d T^ h 8o T ^ Z ^ l3.t0 . n JOHN A. NELSON ga^ b i ^ X a ld “ H er, From W e.ttb -B m -t Doane Attorney for the GEO. W. PERKINS lio n BU s T n E S S ~ P IR B C TORY a Z— = - At Hall'« Cash Storo Main Street Corner 5th and D streets Springfield. Oregon nronert» d<«crlb»d therein end full' the h o lt r ,»e» forth In «lglntlc'a eomnla'nt b- ‘Y ■ • F(.'})r,l!ir'v nn |h e waa ln Springfield from e 1922 bv the ,h e week end spending the time wlta NOTICE TO CREDITORS N otice la hereby given that th « rnaia. disbursement« and attorney a ; S«»«« and ninety-six and und -rsdgned has been appointed Ad­ W H. BROOKE HOUSE wiring ' T»'«. 1 I t 1’ “ , ^ " d u a ’and* d ^ e n t T r ministratrix of the estate of M e lv £ • s ' ;x - - : .'7 'n " r ; Z Attorney at Law Fenwick, by the County Court oC pr.parad to do Houawlrlng of all Lane County. Oregon, and all persons n order or tht Mono’ « " * u r «am " " '„ V ' and coat*' thereon STAT^.v OJTp ? akf ° N Kind*. Æ P. ORAHAM. Cornar of having claims against said « t a t e w ill worth Judge of «aid Circuit Court interest. penalD *"d c®»1« COUNTY OF LANE. made erfered of or r cord on tu» — ■ pronerty K,em D i THE ^ AT,Tn¿{ j f i x r í T ’and present same duly verified to> th e n ..d e and ertared th - '‘«n™ ».Pon • real ’»J« e- " ^ aa w owner m er V. S National Rank Bldg ♦th and M atraata. P. O. Bo» 188 130, dav or March 1»24 ord-rtng tb " t;th e tmrne of E . ^ K l ^ g ^ e T I G ^ O F CLALDB (or underaigned at her home In S P ^ Phone S3« J Eugene. Ora field, or at the office < * T 'J ,t‘£n ¡«aid aummona be published o n « ' situated In »„.wtt- The « s t a /ic n c --------- „wild nam- ford. Attorney. 315 M ft W B ldg., iiarfc week for six con«<-cut'»e and deacrlbed a a fol . Oiiarter and leave to adopt an Eugens, Oregon, on or before s ir months from this date. A»arci. For I ’Hlntlim. Tinting a»d 2O'h 19’ « a n ' the date of th» la«t quarter of the northwea q |h e Court on the petition of the "ft’h 193« and nt "r‘r,h* e C ,h th®. ’‘e ,lti° , Dated and flrst first published Marcia - - — ■ —»apt a tract owned b> Alfnvrl c . named petitioners for leave to Call Paper Hanging 8ee h , .. „ „ b. , h. ...d o » M— « W illam ette Meridian In bro WN and to change the w t?/?en*^wafford. Attorney. ED THE PAINTER SUTTON TRANSFER Oregon, and that thereafter on the of . , H ,nfant ch„ d to BETTY £ hltten bwa" Attorney for the Plalntiff. Eugene. Oregon- * ^ ^ « . a X Leave orders at the 10th day of August 19-2 and the atti JONES; Photje 57 Reslde’dre. f»”r,nr"’ »d. Oregon day <>f September 1922 said d e l l n o ^ ^ n(J )t ; ppe; rlng that the parents Springfield Cabinet Shop M 20 27 A 3-10-17 2« M 1. certificate was partially •e d ’emed fhUd gre n(H wSthin , he State NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT and taxes were paid 2 on all *,® the of pf Oregon, and the Court, being betng n and anvl8ed ln the Premlae8- “ l8- iv .- — - «TATE . OF_OREGON FOR T H E , W f a n „ ,n c .E n AND DE- undersigned administrator of the ea- CEO.. N, McLEAN W. F. WALKER r n i'N T Y OF i I w est quarter ot tne n u o - — -« w ------ o rd ered , adjudged AND DE - Ann E Hutnley, deceaaea, I M Watson Plaintiff and th ' north h ,lf ° f th e, ’»hV'lio’r t / ORFED that said P’ Utlon be her-d flled hlg final account with th* Automobil«. Fire and Life FUNERAL DIRECTOR L. M Watson, p la in tiff. f goulhweilt uarter of Ihe north. (h - dgjr of Mav „ „ , the « a n^ eaclerk of Lane County. O r» IN S U R A N C E Minnie G Tobey. Mrs. R E. B illeu .!s. R 5 * " nr «.W s e c ' 11 Tp ' 17 p nunty Com-t room In the C£ ’H ' and that Friday the 25th day Surety B°nda.. Phon* 617 Full Auto Bqulptnant <^rl a T a i * a 1». a^w Etta Parsons Vera west (|u quarter tn Eu«ene. i—.. Lan County. Ore- . Anril at tne the hour of 10 o d ocB wesi » n n of «aid sec. It J» . House Mouse m nour m a A—> a a> . A. M : .¡ o f Aprl Ap J9, at 4 hag been fixed by th e S T -la .L T J . a - . «• «.Id . due and ?on g( {he , n „.r,„ck W. O. W. Moe* business Standlfer, heirs at law of Fred W delinquent on 8ald , ^ ' ‘‘2, ’ ® at>d 11 18 fu r ' " o RpERFL n thi ‘ ’hl* judge of the County Court of Lane g«0 W illamette St. Eugene Oregon Tobey. deceased, O. H. Foster. U. S taxes for said year 1919 '°Bether Of H e. Phan* «2 M. R«» »hon* ^r^er he ctb llsh ’ d In th’ “S -r'n g ¿,“d8’ Oregon- a9 the tim e for hear- I National Bank of Eugene, Oregon. interest. penalty and costs the sum N >w g.. c-nrlngfleld Oreron. .• ga^ e A11 perw n s having | F. A. Tripp and L. M. Travla, incor­ »30 30. for three success!»- and con secu tive, J8 tlong , 0 sajd account are notified porated and all persona unknown If of That thereafter said twenty a - weeks, Weeks. the «ame ------------ with the Clerk o f the last last publication publication to to be oe at « h th samP ------- A. A. ANDERSON any having or claiming an In te m t OR. N. W. EMERY aa deeded by E L. Kleiner o least four Ml f<) weeks weefcg before the time J® “»' nn or b forP fore 8Bid aald tim tlmeL ny . »aid . . a =.. e, or eatate In the hereinafter describ­ waa anno(l)ted for the hearing bearing one John J Banta « and d since * the ^ L year #L r |.rt>o1nted „ . b HUNTLEY, BARBER SHOP ed real property, Defendants. OINTIBT 192y Stale Land Board, FtUte School Fund Loans. WILLIAMS & BEAN ATTORNEYS 860 W illlamette 9». Eugene, Or«. Licensed to pracUco la ull Courts of the Stat , and United States. •q Van Zeltn ed rrop^rtv ns the snme appears or record and eaeh of the other above, namM defendants are hereby forth, rj _________ s ? % ' r t s w r t t , 5 S S 5 A «HO. O lili found guilty of doing Ural . hiackamllhing ............................... Have - a your s ihe a State of Oregon for the County of g ? neP U F FRANK A. I for p lalBtia. s ,,-i,.gfleld. Oregon. 1 • " " . 6 closed- i u y order of the district school board of bchooi D istrict No. 19 of Lane “ “ Took Trip Sunday-M r- •>nd A llow e motored to aSnta .............— . — ........ Sunday and took «" «ut° trlp ot A ttest; J. W. Coffin. District Clerk Going fishing’ yo„ are arp herenv hereby ri.T"".’. a« mm?,ne'’ Going flshlng f See ace us us for .o r tackle. --------- 1 ¡,U'An* And ’d yo„ " " ' . ; : ¿ i miles. ! Apr' 10 Gran and ..arson got 1« on Sunday. wlth,n tflXTT BAYS ^ r the sev ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _ _ _ M 27 first mitiltcatlon of this s n m m _ — Di dm ''- i PUT T hat out ONCE TONIGHT ? ON „ AHD DIDN'T I TELL y Y you to LEAVE . HIM OUT ? TO A \XJELL, if T 6OT lost night L ik e T o n ig h t you ' d S ome M S, w ant TAKE* 'W O U L D N 'T p YA' . / one 0 c J lie . / • * 2 B wind a n im a l ^ . j —U at the First National will keep them away from burglars, fir? or in­ quisitive eyes and yet be at your disposal at any time—and the cost is only a fra-.C 33 of a cent a day. 40 Years of Helpfbl Service T h e First N a tio n a l B an k OF EUGENE of March A. D. 1924. IL please A safety deposit box ¿{ the first rubllcatton of ballots cast for or against th? con- No u 6691 Amt. 3140.42 nt 12 per cen t.1 1922 Tax raid July J™’; ¿ 923. R,V thi„ „ummona will he March «th 192« |ract,on o{ gaid indebtedness will, on 1............. - ............ - ------ celpt No. 1S081 Amt. »16« 80 at 12. and the Ante of 'ast 1 1C sa(d dgy and dafe and at the place per cent. , , . , Total amount paid »Ince date ot W’\1.,bPnroce'sses' and' nnners In this i aforesaid be opened at the hour of Certificate. »«63 38. proceeding mav he » ^ * 1 ',’v i'nq ,nfe ’» » o'clock P m. ^nd remain open »463.26. The aforesaid heirs at law " undersigned residing w l’Wn the • hour of gevpn o-cluck p. m . iu W • « » « . " ■ * ............ _ SUCH IS L IF E safe and convenient for you. Since 1883 r r