•fMb¡ aH H iW U H M L tU WBiWa L IF T FA C E S IX SOMETHING AUTO »TILL IN T M i MINORITY There are M horses and « u 'a n j » .dism issed from the Ooahen hoapltal -» g ♦ > h Y » » r Caaveesatlea ••Old ha leave a will -Patrol! this country for every tour Ameri­ Mrs Will Arnold and aon Leonard "Yea. the survive» him.' “Sheffield” can». A comforting thought when By Spacial of Trent have gone to Portland for Trays made of Sheffield plate News your car l»nd In a mud hole. Corraapondanta are |a>pular »-«aiding presenta. a visit of several weeks. Sheffield plut lng Is a procesa heavy atorm accompanied *»y EXACTLY (1 M Spague. Mutual Life Insur­ which waa developed at »her- Bam— "What am you doin' now!' ance C o . Eugene. Ore , Phone »7T If thunder and hall vl.lted the Plaaaant fleht Englund. In the Eighteenth CAMAS SW ALE Hill district Monday afternoon The H»>—"I'ae an exp orter” century. A metal ware la made « . ba Hoailand and children of I Mra. Bert Beaver and two ch'',’r<‘" hall fell In streaks Although the 1 by a prorttae of laying a thin "An exporter? „••«..•tai p u tt’K! on plate work "Yep. the sleeping car company »!'«< 1 * 1 .I H«‘ » « •■ P ........... silver plate on one of «-opp««r and highway was whit < with hail for over Craawall have been visiting the past /^ /X n /^ tn r d .y U Just fired m».“- J o h B Hopkins Black N W Emery dnnllat ; rolling It. The accent la placed an hour from the Knudson ranch to few day» with her parents h re. Mr dren went into « - ¡ on the ffret syllable. the cemetery hill practically no h all, and Blue Jay attend the revival m eetings at the and Mra. W. P. Napper. e « 1 11 h u 111 » m 1 1 111-*-*-» Church of Ood. They r. turned Sum fell one half mile south of the high- Mra. C. E Williams. wh0 ha» heen day evening Mrs R o.e Beaver and way t h e ben d c a n n o n b a l l qui te 111 wlth appendiciti». 1» ahle 10 Mrs. Flovd Lord and children and Word has been received at I **,an "la my Wife forward?" asked the toe np and around a little once more Hill ofo the arrival of a baby girl at w .p --------- --- j fianrae Lord went In to the X M . n T C h ’ .n v " .l,.n « 'serv ices Sunday. Mra. Beaver ex the home of Mr and Mrs. Oh nn_h. passenger on the limited. • She wasn't to me. air," replied the The w lt i Mr a n ? M « Na«a in C reawell.1 p ect. to a t.y In Eugene for two w eek . Roberta of Salem. March T conductor, politely.—Iksachutea l*tno H e waa here S.turda> and took h l. ’ stopping at the home of Mrs. BI»- baby's name Is l.a b etl Alena Mr and Is the sclenos th a t la restoring health to thouaanila Pleasant H ill' Echoes, Mrs Roberts lived at Pie* tractor Into Creswell. returning Sun coner. w ho a u tfe r fro m stom ach trouble. tonslUtle. it e r v o u a n ^ last summer where Mr Roberts waa day morning for hi» car. , Kenneth, the ot glwpleagnesa. headache., enlargeed p ro .tra te glands, h g assistant engineer on the W illam ette Rvervon, 1. bu»y getting In their and Mra. C. E. Jordan, who broke his highway construction work Wood pressure etc., by scln e tlflca lly c o o rd in a tin g the p rin ­ •p rln g crops and garden» b etw een 'left arm several weeks ago. has im Mrs T E llaurlgan. who has been eliOWfni I proved enough so the arm can be tak ciples o f C htropraotlc and E lectro-T herapy. T ie reau sick for some time, has gone Io Eu­ Mr and Mr» Robert Huffman and en from the splint. By order of the Common Council gene where she will receive medical are Safe. Sane and Sure. fam ily of Pleasant Hill were Sunday The following interesting and en of the town of Springfield, Ore. visitors at the Sutton home. Joyable program has been planned treatment. Sealed bids will be received for DR. CEO. A. SIMON Jordan, a resident of Pleaasn ■ J c C . E a*. JVIU-,.. Miss Pearl Edwards of Eugene {or the annual convention of the 3 aewera. each . a - K . K w * t r l Mt Over Ludford'a HUI of «he arrival.of a baby girl at .,h.< construction of —- ------ - . w as a Sunday visitor at the Napper 1 Cr<>, wrn district Sunday school which m u i>i Examination Free • 1* WUIametta 8tr»»t school house Thursday evening on the sewer to be bid on separately. Pl«n Miss Jessie Williams returned to w,„ be held at Pleasant Hill March Phone 355 J and apeclflcatlon can be seen at Cl*7 Sharp-Roney recall EUGENI, OREOON school Tuesday, having lost four days J0; Halt. Springfield. Ore Bid» to be on account of the illness of her moth- 10:00— Song service opened April 14. IMA 7 « P “ • • w ’ W 10:10—Devotional service Mark envelope Sewer Bid. er. FARM reminders M isses Margaret and Ella Smith of Elkins. ! Right» reserved to reject any and Pleasant HUI were Sunday visitors at 10.20— Address • ..........................................................an bid». 10:50— Departmental class work— th e home of their sister here. Mrs. W eevil infested beans and p e.e can j w COFFIN, Primary. Miss Houston. Lawrence McKay. be treated with scarbonblsulfld to | City Recorder. Eugen - Butler, who Is taking treat­ Junior boys. Ernest Wheeler. ., - , r o v the w eev il, before planting. M>r __________ m ents at the Brooten Kelpore Baths Junior girls. Mrs. C. A. Miller. The seed to be treated Is i a t Cloverdale, is reported as improv Intermediate. Miss Gibson. placed in * r ~ * P ‘Bcl’ ° ‘ , 11:05—Special music, Cloverdale kind and the liquid elth- r Poured J lng Miss Lila Smith, teacher in the Sunday school. oxer them or p . a c d j u »a C «nu? Swale school, visited over the 11:10— Pioneer demonstration. top of the s e e d . The ----- week-end at her home in Albany 11:30—Vocal duet. Creswell M. E. covered and left for 24 hours. The Ladles' S atin la ttlc pumps, dosage 1. one and one half oune » I Men t Dre»« Shoes Sunday school. ehort vamp, very neatly COWS SUPPLY MAHJONGG SETS B row n vlel kid. medium 11:35— Observance of the Lord's for ten cubic feet of ’ P»ce U‘PP I made. R egular >8.60 value Those who have bought imported Supper. round toe. V ery dressy and the seed in boiling water and Im- j mah-Jongg sets from China may be 11:50— Appointment of comm ittees mediately cooling will destroy m oat, Borvlceable. Interested in knowing that the tiles 12:00— Basket lunch. of the weevils. The n w crop 1» ] are manufactured from the shinbones usually infested by planting Infested . 1:15— Song service. Ladles* brow n auede one o f American cows. Three carloads ___ B lack kid. round toe. 1:25—D votional service. Reverend j seed. o r tw o etrap pumps, m edi­ o f selected shinbones recently were Grissom Very com fortable. um. high o r low heel »Won­ shipped from GalTfston to Japan and 1:35— Primary class exercises Mrs . AU seed potatoes while »till dor 1 E R E ’ S that d e rfu l value« from there to China for the mam. j w . L. Wheeler, mant and before they ar, «sprouted tu b e t h a t facture of mah-Jongg sets. What J 1 40— Address. Mrs. V C. I vie. should be given the corrosive sub Black and brow n shof-s lifted a five-passen­ would old boss think if she knew ISO.—Special music. Creswell Pres llmate treatment. In ca lf o r kid. E xceptional­ g e r t o u r in g car the bones were to be used in a game bvterian Sunday school. Ladles* patent leather ly good values w e ig h in g 2 9 9 0 A light application of land plaster | In which folks talked about silver ®:00— Address, pumpa, m edium o r high pounds— dragons and bamboos and got excited I 2:15— Spec-lal feature. Pleasant »’» '.o n the clover crop will stim ulate the heel. The best value« on T h a t expanded z>ver pungs and chows? ! Sunday school. early growth of the clover * Men's W ork Shoes the m arket to sixty inches in ------------------------------ 2:20—Junior church— 'amount used 1» 40 to 80 pound, to E xtra heavy w o rk ahoea. B R ID E O F 5 D IV O R C E D J Busin ss session c i r c u m fe r e n c e the acre. W ill stand the wet and w ithout bursting— Mr». Ire Marcella Powell. “5-year Reports of Sunday schools, rough wear. A t this low And that did not old bridet of Thomas O. Harvey, 2:35—Special music, Entarprls; _ (nd|. C hildran'b Shoes price o f only w ealth y hotel owner. Is awarded an Sunday school. The presence of files I* a show the least ef­ One lot c h ild re n ’« «hoe« Interlocutory decree of divorce from' 2:30— Address. "The Supreme End cation of u n d esn lln ess, fect from either o f o f a ll kind. .Slxe« 3 * j to him in a San Frandsco court Mrs Of the Funds«- School." L n Harvey conditions, and Improper these severe tests. Medium heavy ntid lig h t M. R egular 62.00 values H arvey has been called the “5-year- j 3:00—Special feature. Hebron Sun ln *'hlr" Yet it costs no as the w o rk aboes of a ll kinds, at old" glr! because hpr birthday com es day school. Scr enlng the food as we more than o r d i­ windows and door. Is an Important only on February 29. In reality she was 3;05— vocal »olo. Miss GllRlen. nary tubes. precaution to take against the fly to 3:10— Address, county president. W 20 y ars o’.â that month. Misses Shoes disturbance. L. Wh eler. Boys' Shoes MIsse« Shoes and Ox­ d e f in it io n 3:15—Chorus, Creswell Christian E xceptionally good val­ Teacher—""’hat is ignorance?" ------- ----------- , A grafting wax which has beet. . ford» o f a ll kind«. Uood Sunday school. ue« in boy»' w ork and drees 3:20— Special features from Goshen found the best for all p u rp o se may j L ittle Horace—"Ignorance Is w I value«. Bhoett you don't know someth:-«? and some­ Sunday school and other Creswell be made at home as follow s. Re " body finds It out."—Shovlin Equal­ district schools. a lbs ; beeswax, 1 lb-, f'n e'- ’ .. Mr and Mrs Robert J. English and verlzed charcoal. 12 lb ; Hns " d o ., izer. daughter Margaret sfen t Sunday at 1 gill. Melt beeswax over slow fire.. H 's» spilled the beans. Crow visiting relatives of Mr. English, add charcoal, stirring, then t i< The country leans Rob rt Bushne’l of Dexter was ad- MouWi| bricks should I" Pu , I Far out to find m ined to -the-M ercy hospital at Eu- greased pans The wax " ■ gene March 22 broken In lumps for use. and melt d. j What Gaston Means t Mrs. Walt Strand of Trent has been Should be applied In ll'iuld firm l»r. S. Ralph Dlppel. D en tist Vitas building. Springfield. Oregon. Community News CHIROPRACTIC Notice to Contractors M arch Offerings Pennsylvania AUTO TUBE "TON TESTED $4.50 “nd $4.95 $5.45 $4 95 H $4.95 $3.45 ™ $3.98 $3.98 “,ld $4.50 $3 50 ™ $4-85 $1.39 $1.98 $2.98 I C. J- BREIF-R Co. G05 to G09 Willamette Street Springfield Garage Hall’s Catarrh _3IS ■ < ____ will do what we ci ^ « for n - rid your jyitem of Catarrh or Deafne« caused by Cat2TTh. Sold h dr»*»»« f<" 40 F. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, O hio I AS GOOD AS YOU M e u icln e CAN MAKE at home— that's the strongest statement we can offer about our Ice cream When you can get cream like ours which com­ pares in quality and flavor with your own d llclous. cream« hom em ade, why bother with making It at home? The cost Is about the Bame and you save all the fuss and annoyance. ¡Wb.'-' spy Why Attend School EGGIMANN’S Without a business education you are not prepared properly to cope with the many problems of life. Regardless of your position you need It, and you can secure It at a reasonable cost. The question Is—Are you go­ ing to make th t necessary ef­ fort now. or are you going to k ep putting It off until by and by? We are here to serve you and we are always glad to tell you about our school. Hundred, of young men and women have completed one of our c o u r t s and are today holding respons­ ible positions. You may do the same. Will you? Eugene Business College A. E. RSBERT8, President EUGENE, OREGON Eugene. Oregon What do you think of this? M r. Car O w ner:— ¿ " .« po i o r , : ’ ,0" : ; A y . ; : . ™ . « .« « « « « ... prices ever listed by a reliable concern. >» r h A v r o le t O v e r la n d , v o lt size fo r only Studebaker, Hudson «’ " ‘‘ ' " ’" ‘ sie.OO Hupm obile, Buick 6, w ith 6-volt, 13-piate Dodge, old type M axw ell, F ra n k lin , tw o lead. 1 2-volt $18.00 Mack’s Auto Supply House the house of friendly service D istrib u to rs fo r P R E S T -O -LIT E B A T T E R IE S B a tte ry and E le ctrical Service F.'igene, Ore. Cor. 10th and Oak Sts. LMURESQUE Friday Night H. S. AUDITORIUM A. Stunt by Each Class and by High School Organizations F u n a n d F r o lic f o r E v e r y b o d y BUY YOUR TICKETS EARLY Admiaaion 3 5 j , Children 25c, Reservad «eat» at High School. Prone 256 ».-rrancd^ m C T .T ï 7T3T? ZúZ-Tm