Lane County Farmers Union News I ■ E N ME URGED IO M E INTEREST A M essage From the Editor County Union Officers Reports of County Locals SPRINGFIELD PUCE OF GOURD MEETING Ralph Lair«». Preaidsnt, Mt. Varnon: W. L. Wh»»l»r, Vlee-Rraaident, Trent: i n rA L t MT. VERNON »ecK, > r.r, — - ** jasp er had a good meeting. March The me ting of March 6 wa* called H. L. •» ck , oevr»*»>/ » .e r a t.r y - T ■ r.a.u Varnon. 12 with a majority of the m em ber, to order with over 60 m em ber, present Farmer»’ Union to Meet if» present a number of » U llo r. from Three new mem ber, w er. add d to H A D LB Y V ILLB LOCAL Mt Vernon l,at a r*c,B t me ” n< “ Thi« City Friday. April 18: Hadliyvtlle» local met March W Intereat had run low but the s - voted unanimously to build a ball for Important Matter« Up and »Ith m tuber» Menate* „ 12 -------- -- . present. men . took ho Id of II I .^ un.t M brought brough the the Mt. Vernon , local. w„ The plan» # com (iT„ n i President Laird Urge» Large To tha Member» of County Far- ruer* Union:— You »re receiving with thia Issue of the Rirlngfleld New* only » sample of what we hope to do In publishing u Leno County Fanner»' Union N- wa. Mr». Ralph Laird Point» Out The possibilities <«f *u< b » paper. 11» P a r t F » m ln in » M e m b » r» C n n Inspiration anti far reaching help t an Tak» in Affairs of Local»: only be approximately suggested at To hear what the different' ' " X e r a l of the mem ber, are » nd Mor» Can be Accomplished. union« art itulI1„ , Skyward with the govern , great stimulus to all of powder obtained through the We «11 take pride In our -cnee. clybs n i,o . and ...n various .......... .. | u, wm only »trenfthen the ,, , w arehouse hut there Is a g n churches. organ lima, and think the one* to , U b 4 , but w,|| u n - 1 complalBt that they can t hav. laatlima. Io which . we belong thl) b It. »Ince they «’i't h ' doubtedly encourage other locals to I account of the powdex have .o m e feature, that • • P ~ l a » r ,“ X g enough noise. story building The com m ittee a.k eo trlc t . kept som e of our m os* lo y ^ for a discussion which brought out the good point of both» one and a tw 0 »«ory building President Laird told of the request from one local for MlO pounds of squirrel poison. After a brief discussion a motion was made energetic members T for a »P»*dy rtcove y outbreaks of t e ♦ sample broom, were ex soned barley <’r*‘ . ... taken In favor of Installing Attendance.____ fregh The next Lane County Farmer»" Union meeting will be In Springfield . pol Friday, April 18. according to the . announcement of President Ralph rad|o radio Laird today. Delegat s from all the organ la». 24 locals of the county and member» appeal to ua, I n ut the cc - •» ______ and seconded that we keep on with But the «u buco as of of such such a a paper paper de- de­ from every vicinity are expected to When It comes to a farm Joca, of , he Mined the raember.hlp of le tag n up at each meeting. Visiting A delicious lunch was served at noon I building. Springfield. Oregon. present but they should take an ac­ at (he »choql house Bunday proved » mem5e„ frora the different locals MRS EUGENE B TINKER success. T h-re was quite a crowd (.0|Bjng t0 our m eetings have «onu tive part In the meetings The day has long since n»*«ed A Few T ip , for Student» by 10 o'clock and noon found a happy i |deag that we can profit by. w h-n a woman'« Interest Is supposed _ but hungry mob all ready to par-, The nM t me ting will be On th» Sp__ (>ke of |b(, heunteou. spread which 2Bd A„ Farm ert. union to extend no further than the foui walla of her home From ,dm e old examination papers conalsted of roast e* lck*B * " h d5?”* member» are welcome. W« are equally Interested with the 48-inch Oil Cloth Table Squares, each ........................ pup... of the eighth . w ... Ing. salad . ' ------------------------------ men In our state and national prob r pest .he answ er, for .h e benefit doughnuts, ca k e, and coffe andI ~ R IV E R V IE W LOCAL Also 8-oz. and 14-oz. Bats at .......................... 25c and 45c lema as well as our local ones, and which I. might have for pupil. w h o !« rv .h ln , that goes to make a good The Rlvervl w local Is steadily we should not onlv be willing, hut Scrims and Curtain Material will soon undergo their usual exam dinner. , . . h|nn. d . Pt. 1 growing. Last m eeting two new glad, to do our part, even though It I, was just an old •"b,on' d mbere were obligated, and there Fancy open mesh Ecru C urtain m aterial, 36 inches be a very «mall part In helping to Inatlon. together m eeting RD the day was appitcattous In the hand, of London 1» a beautiful country al »pent In visiting Several members | « e four app _ wide, prices are .......................... ----....... - - 4^ c t0 • solve them. Plain or figured C urtain Scrim, 36 inches wide, 30c and oOc Take part In the meetings. M assachusetts Is a large town ° WB i ’ 0’*" ' hearty laugh Our worthy President John Parker Cretonnes, plain and figured, light or dark colors, I am sure the president of the lo­ ed bv Sir William Roger and wife i which J “ «mint»nances and Conductor A. H Bennett have .......... .................. 25c, 27c, 40c and 45c cals would be very glad to have the The aettlera g « v a Thanksgiving • “ <> J“ ’ n< r''m haDt,v been working hard and have put In women participate In the discussion* dinner to the Indian, for tho kindness., everyone went home h «”£ Coffee is Advancing several d ay. trying to organize lo­ and to serve to the best of their abil­ a t h e Lord for fair weather T hey; V,..« n , members BB^ « d’ cala L1ber«y and Junction. They in price in many places. Royal Club th a t usually sells ity when asked to ■ rve on commit- the f l.y for three d ay., C.ov, rda.e were Mr Morgan and chH ge „ mem. for 50c in the pound tins, sells here for 47c, 3 lbs. kept up u t dren. Mr and ____ Mrs. _________ Rinehart. Mini, for $1.35, 5 lbs. for ............................... - ..................... $2.10 .. _ F loren ---------.hers. We will find that when w« ou are ahrayg * * k ° ” e *D<1 regularly aa the children who sr« . k l Henry VUI by hls own efforts In * ‘ r ’ „■ v d, lir W illiam , w111 be our turn “ext ’ me' school cannot he taken out on we .nv erensed the populetlon populatlon of c ar‘ ’*,,B * , be obligation ' . ‘ m e! Ther« There waH was <'°n»ld’,rable considerable dlacussion discussion dav nights, hut U»»r eare so msnv ' rented the oi England r-..a .»..u ' « ” L ' ; : were g)v<(n to hem become about the local appointing a commit «„ ,.n « , nP ,h m h „ ,h .n l b . , t e to work with other locals and do ’ “ T." L „ , , ~ l . . . IK. » . I t » » . ' O ' " ™ 1- L 0C ‘ L try to order a carload each of binder Women, be more loyal, and If we twine and sacks. ws»( we or’ will win nils» J' iihi »r»’ find uiiinwivr, ourwelrea r -paid The men of Central local, 12 m'leS| many tim es for our fslthfulness. o n r :suckled Rome,, and Juliet at Rome, outlook broadened, and I am sure F Capillarity Is when milk rises tip west of Eugene, are to hold a kan­ garoo court as part of a ben fit en B and C. U. will mean more to arw,Bd ,b,> nt ,h e h"“ 1” tertalnment to he given at the Cen than It ha« ever done before. shows good measure. MRS RALPH P. LAIRD. i President Coolldg 1» Pecr«fary of tral community hall W ednesday, _________________ _ State by virtue of hla own office. Hls April second Surper will be served Our atock of Acme paint I. com “ >«rF Is that of the President and the Invitation to aft nd is ex- plete. ask us to figure on your Job I A philanthropist I. a man who Is teinded to everypne. The proceeds Wright A Son M 27 wp A mentorship cont st between the dust along along in In years years he he was was until ..nt . last . ' year and nlP„ was closed with a t terproof. e r p r o o f. It completely prevents sn active man. taking much inn s t , nlPmhPrs, The win- th e custom ary irritation Of wet in church and community aftain, be- nera, who will be Rnnounce(, „ w .| I d ia p e r s announced , later. side» hls f|rm work. Hls health broke two years ago after an attack are to be fed by lh losers. PURETEfiT ZINC 5TEAR- Coast Fork looal sponsored tha ATE possesses real healing, of the flu and although he put up a South Lane District convention held hard light. It was a loosing one. Last 2oth An.wtotWng and antiseptic prop­ ln Cottage Grove March erties. It prom ptly relieves the fall he with hls daughter and grand Interested delegation from this lo­ irritation of prickly heat and daughter left Plensant Hlll and went cal was In attendance as follows: the effects of excessive p ers”ir-| to Nnwport where they purchased O. A. Nichols, Lincoln Taylor, Mrs. th« Coffee Cup Inn For some time ation. M. Nichols, Miss Anna Nichols. Mr. Dr. Coleman Improved In health hut PURETEST is smooth, w’ and Mrs. F. C Fuher, Miss Ilnzei slnrp Chri-'lmet he has been failing Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. I,. D. Huff, Mrs and fluffy. and Snturdny he apparently slept Geo. Kobelbeck, Mr. and Mrs. O«n away. While In Plsaaant Illll Dr Coleman made mnny warm fv' nds Baltes, Mrs. P. F. Young. Hurl Me FLANERY’S DRUG STO’ whe are grieved to hear of hls Oolq, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Clerk. Oscar McDole. Harry McDole, Mrs TA» 5 ^ 2 ^ ^ "fA*e death. t-h-i Mu-ry, Mr», Nolrcnc■> Small. Springfield Annb I Buiall. Mr. and Mrs. J 'C p il o n e 15 Going f h ' 1-'.’ :f-’e 11s ! ,r tack Trunnell, Cha». While. Mr. an 1 M..£ Oran and Larson got 14 on Bunday M 27jTrunnel, Mr George Knppauf. signs and colors. th a t are Unusual today Popular tomorrow Individual always and Wright A Eon. J» $tblM J__ I Tg J ..-L-----L