The Jackson county sheriffs offleu bws rwcsdved word >Bkl Milam Jk>o»e- •on has be*n ill for a t»w «Java pa»t long sought by th* author« lea aa a member of the JiMee brothers gang at her home, «offering from lnflu> n«a. Of Josephine and Jackson counties, has W a n t ta Albany— M r. an.l Mrs. Kl boon arrested In Los Angeles. Jones i l l Taylor * vnt *» Albany Friday Io will be brought back for trial. attend the Price revival meetings. Brief Resume of Happenings of Two large eagles, which linemen Th y returned Saturday. the Week Collected for believe had been engaged in an aerial 1 Here From Portland- Mrs. Iris Wl- fight and failed to see eleetrl« power Our Readers. lines, resulted In power hying cut off hoff la down from Portalnd for a from Pendleton for a brief period. The few day«. She ta stoytug with her Activities of operatives of the state birds were found dead entangled In mother. Mr*. N. Buley of West traffic department resulted In 1«' ar- the line« not far from Umatilla. Springfield. • rests during February. Increase In the street car fares In Went *o Thurston—Mrs. Pat Adri­ Organisation of the Clackamas C oup - Salem and Eugene from 6 to 7 cent«, an. of Eugene, who has been 111 at the 1 ty Credit Reporting association was effective April 22. Is proposed In a W. H. Adrian home for several weeks ' revised schedule filed with the state ’ I perfected at Oregon City. past. Is now recover d, and went to public service commission by the Agitation for an aviation field for visit her father. C. W. Ruth. of Portland will be started Immediately Southern Pacific company, which owns Thurston on Saturday morning > the trolley systems In those cities. by the Aero club of Oregon. Back From Portland—H K. Mitch Oregon has rapidly become the Voters In a special election authoris­ ell returned Monday from Portland ed the city of Roseburg to Issue up ; haven of refuge for distressed Can­ where he had visited friends for a to »19.000 In bonds to acquire a city adian husbands and wives who aro week past. He will remain here for i fleeing to thia state to obtain dl- library. a f w days with his parents before I vorces that they cannot get in the The second annual dog show of the going back to his work si Oakridge. ' Portland Kennel club opened Wed dominion, according to R P. Bonham. Immigration director for the district. entertained Guests— Mr. and Mrs nesday In the public auditorium In For the announced purpose of pre­ Arthur Peterson had as guests for Portland. venting the possible Introduction tnlo Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Of <43 head of cattle tested In Vina- thia district of the hoof and mouth M ad of Eugene, parents of Mrs. ' till« county recently for tuberculosis, disease steps are being taken at As­ Peterson: Roy Mead, also of Eugene, only six head were found to be af­ toria to prevent vessels entering the mother of Mrs. Peterson, and Mr. and flicted with the disease. port from dumping refuse and garbage Mrs Will Darling of Springfield. The democratic club of Oregon will Into the harbor or onto the wharves. Between 40.000 and 45,000 lambs Visiting from California—Mrs. E. hold Its annual Jefferson day ban­ Larkin and daught rs, Grace and Al quet Saturday night. April 12, at the grown In Umatilla county have been contracted for sale for fall delivery, freda. are visiting at the home of Benson hotel in Portland. Mrs. George H. Burnett, wife of according to Mac Hoke, of Pendleton, Mr and Mrs. John Fltsgerald. Their Justice George H. Burnett of the Ore­ secretary of the Oregon Wool Grow­ home is in Altours. California. gon supreme court, died at their home ers. Prices, f. o. b. nearest shipping ; Drove to Albany—Mr. and Mrs. Roy In Salem, after a lingering Illness. point, range from 9 4 to 10 cents a A. Humphreys and sons. Russell and Fifty delegates were registered at pound. Charles, motored to Albany Saturday the annual presbyterial or missionary The Cold Springs government reser- night to spend the week-end with conference at Eugene of the Breaby- i voir, which supplies storage water for Mr. Humphrey^ parents. Mr. and terian churches of the Willamette the Umatilla project, is now full to Mrs. T. M. Humphreys. the flashboards of the spillway. It j valley. contains 50.000 acre feet of water, or The farm value of Oregon dairy S. P Man III—M O. Klrkpattrlck. what Is equivalent to 50 Inches of products in 1923 was J23.SS2.362.29. bridges and buildings foreman for rainfall for the lands that will b« Irri­ i according to statistics issued by J. D. the Southern Pacific Railway com­ Mickle, state dairy and food commle- gated this season. pany with headquarters at Roseburg, j sioner. In addition to some 600,000.000 feet has been in town for the past few of Klamath Indian timber advertised The Sawyer Brothers' sawmill near days, and la now 111 at the Spring- ' Brownsville, suffered a loss of J65.000 for sale ten days ago. 250.000,000 feet field hospital. * | by fire. The mill Itself was saved, more has been offered by the depart­ Injured Ankle—William FilkJns. but the fire destroyed large stack« of ment. The latest offering, known as the North Marsh unit. Is practically assistant foreman of the Southern lumber. ! all western yellow pine, for which a Pacific bridge gang which has beet An allotment of 123.000 for Improve- working on the bridge across the 1 ment work on Willamette slough at minimum of 14.50 a thousand feet Is Willamett?, fell off the approach to I Portland, was announced by General asked. Although an illegal search warrant the bridge on Thursday, and sprained ' Lansing H. Beach, chief of army en was issued by officers In searching his ankle by the fall. i glneers. July 25 and 26 have been set as the premises for liquor or apparatus used Expected from Portland—Mr. and dates for the 17th annual convention in Its manufacture, any evidence found Mrs. R. P. Davis of Portland, form r ' of the Oregon State Editorial »»•<> In such a raid may be used against the 9pringfield resident!} ar«| expected ciatlon. The convention will be held defendant in the prosecution of the case according to legal opinion handed this week-end. and will stop at the at Tillamook. down by 1. H. VanWinkle, attorney- home of O. M. Olson and his mother. The Clackamas county court has out Mrs. Emma Olson. Mr. Davis will lined a program of road construction general. Captain George Mayo, corps of engl rl- I accompany Mr. Olson and Roy A. that will Include 20.45 miles of bond Humphreys to Eugene Sunday to a roads that have teen designated as neers. United States army. In charge of the first Oregon district, received meeting of the Brotherhood of Rail­ : market roads. , word from Washington. D. C.. that the way Clerks. • The Upper Columbia Athletic league, award of the contract for 886.00« tone Orientals to Have Social—A num­ comprising the schools of Sher of rock for use on the Coos bay Jetty man. Gilliam. Wheeler and Morrow had been approved. The contract was ber of Springfield Rebekahs and Odd countie», will begin the second annual awarded to the Hauser Construction Fellows are planning to attend a so­ baseball season Saturday cial meeting and entertainment given company. Inability of the Bank of Gold Hill by the Oriental Order of Humanity Surveys for the power plant of the and Perfection at the I. O. O. F. ball to pay checks sent through regular Pringle Falls Power A Water com­ In Eugene Saturday night. A minstrel ! banking channels was given as the pany. 40 miles above Bend on the J cause for an order Issued by the state Deschutes river, have been completed, troupe from Halsey, members of the bank examiner, closing the Institu­ it la stated by Oswald West, president order, will give their contribution to of the company. The company plana the entertainment. Following a pro­ tion. The Oregon state fish commission to develop 6760 theoretical horsepower gram a basket social will be enjoy­ has appealed the decision of a Jury at for use In pumping water for irriga­ ed. Hood River. March 6, awarding to tion from wells In the Fort Rock Springfield News 11.26 per year. I Sidney S. Mohler. J5000 for 5 4 acres valley. I of land now occupied by the commls- The Guardian Life Insurance com­ I sion. pany. Incorporated under the laws of | Indignation, especially by business New York state, brought suit In the ] ( men of La Grand?, has been aroused Douglas county circuit court against 1 in the last week because Industrial Roy A. A. D'Atttremont, alleged Siski­ Workers of the World have establish­ you train robber, and Miss Dorothy ed eastern Oregon headquarters in Wilberg. clerk In a Roseburg confec­ that city. tionery. The suit Is to annul four In­ The Astoria city commission has surance policies, amounting In all to granted a 20 year franchise to the »5000. alleged to have been taken out Astoria Transit company for operating In favor of Miss Wllberg by D’Autre- motor bus lines ip the city to replace mont prior to the train robbery and the street car system, which Is to be murder In which he la believed to have participated. suspended. La Grande has organized a company Installation of measured or meter of riflemen, known temporarily as the service on all business telephones In 162- o<>tieid_. P hon o ? only one sample was pure. Ill st M e Em m a Ol- OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST i Do you beleive in Children? FAMOUS KOREA EOMPOUHB, SENSATIONAL DISCOVERS NOW OBTAINABLE NT ALLEN S DRUG STORE AND RED GROSS DRUG 00. Eugene, Oregon Long Sought and Veritable Fountain of Youth Affirm Many Who*Have Tested it-- n u siastic Users Say Amazing Invigorating Effects Often Experienced in a Few Days. USED BI THOUSANDS THE INBBLO ONER Korex compound may now b . hsd in Eugene, Oregon at AHen • 0™ » Store and Red Cro.e Drug Co. SAYS RESULTS ■ AREWONDERFUL ■ ■ Exclusive »«-«ty ba. been awarded lh .se „ o re . by (he Crown Drug Company of Te Wall-Known Drug Importer Add« His Praise To Statements Made Concerning Korex Compound. Tacoma. Washington—"The quickest ami moat effe live invlgorator of II« kind I h»ve ever h ard of in all my experience a« a retail and wholesale druggist and drug ini porter." «aid George Todd, president of the Crown Drug Co., when asked for his opinion of the murh talked of korex compound •My Inter at In fhe compound was «roused early teat year." he «ays. "when I began reading statements snd reports from all parts of the country about remarkable restorations so health and vigor r ported by those who tested It." .................. - tors of korex All d.«lrtng to regain th. rig«.««« efficient sb ..m - of • ‘ r" ;r \ T " 7 Invited to stop tn and ask or u about this wonder «ompeond. . h m,„ v affirm I. the long sought and V e r lt. hie Fountain of Youth Tested by Thousands Although never sold locally b *re before. It has b en tested by thousands all over the world, and stories of remarkable re Juvenatlon as the result of It« use have been told by users Th- weak and ag d ssv that the vigor of prime manhood has be n restored to them, quick relief from rapid decline has been reported by the prematurely old. some times In obstinate css a of year»' stand­ ing where all other methods anl treat­ ments bad failed Women Report Roll«» Instru m en tal In Securing Mr Todd makes the statement that when he first asked the American distributors to supply him with korex compound for his d wlers, they were not Inclined to grant his request. “I made a special trip all the way to Kansas City, to see the Melton Labora­ tories. who own the korex formula, says Mr Todd, "and convinced them that thou sand» of weary, prematurely old ni n and women would welcome such an Invlgorator for Jaded nerves and sluggish circulation of the blood." "Its now tremendous sale show« (hat 1 was right." he says. Mr. Todd waa Instrumental In bringing korex compound to Eugen". Oregon. Wearr. worn out women, old before their time, have reported blessed relief from «of­ fering after they had become skeptical and practically lost faith In the efficacy of any thing to help them Because It Is especially prepared to have an Invigorating natural eff cl upon the lower spinal nerve centers and blood vessels, thousands have used It for nerve weakness, gland trouble, aching muscles. poor circulation, premature old age and weakness after the fiu Kor x compound ts Inexpensive and »*•* to take It contains no deleterious hablt- fortnlng drug* No operation Is required It la put up In tablet form In cot” net boxes, easy to carry tn the vest pocket Users say Its beneficial effects are nuhklv experienced and are complete and lasting DISCOVERER OF KOREX RELATES ITS HISTORY Based on Extensive Europoan Med­ ical Practice— Missouri Chemist Early Tested its Merits on Self and Members of His Family. PRAISED BY CALIFORNIA PHYSICIAN Kansas City. Mn —Credit for discover Ing korex compound goes to 11. M. Siting n pharmaceutical chemist, conn cted with the Melton Laboratories here Mr. Stunz has spent prsetlraUy all his life In the drug busln a* ami «ays til» origi­ nal Ides of perfecting a reel Invlgorator Declares Korex is Best Invigorator originated while a student at Kansas I nl and Rebuilder Yet Known. y. rally. After leaving college, be continued his research for the proper formula that would have the selective effect necessary Commenting upon the many remarkable to correct overstrained nerves and d pletad retorts made by users of korex compound energy. Finally, he heard of n Eu-n ?ai alng Ita efficacy, a Los Angel«» Ingredient, as yet little known tn Amerlenn physician says; , physicians, hut used quite