Likely Olympic Jumper ............................... .................. ! HAVING YOUR : FORTUNE TOLD By TH O M A S A. CLAR K Dssn o( Man, Uelvsrslly of 11 llaele. PRODUCTION NOT la Remedy .................................... 9» HA VE always llkml In have my for« luuo (old, tlioutfh I think I am. imrlinpa, Isas superstlllous than the average I lia r* no feelhi« about blurk rata running nrroaa u y path or rooe- tara crowing In ihu iiornlng, or ■(>111- Ing the anil at tabla, or any of llicaa popular aopcrallllona, but whenever at tha county fair, or tha carnival, I aaw, whan I waa n boy, tha fortune teller's booth or tha astrologer's advertise- uiaut, or whenever I ran unto a gypsy camp. I always fall for their hunk. Whether It waa paluilalry or tha gaa- Ing hall that waa employs«] to wraat tha aacrata from tha future, It always Interest«! me. I knaw It was all a faka, hut that did not affect tha situation materially for ma. Thera was an exhilaration In bearing about mysterious people who ware to cross my path and money that was to fall Into my hands and travel which I waa to enjoy, and It was some­ thing more than a momentary pleas­ ure which I derived. The constant thinking u|>«>n tha thing which had been predicted made It more possible « f attainment. 1 believe, and so wae a regular and worthy Incentive to ao- t compllah something • mJ ragij a atitfy only a few weeks ago of 7 woman «ITecouraged and down on bar lack who [«id fifty cents to have her horoscope read, and who, believ­ ing In tKe fortupr which the raker had predicted, gain«*«! new courage and new Inspiration and ampll«had every­ thing which hail been prophesletl. and to a certain degree the same thing happens to all of us who have our for- tun««s told by our teachers or our friends, or by ourselves, for that matter. —•». •— ■«■»•.».. We most often predict our own for­ tunes an. I). Franrla of Toronto university b r pole vault honors. Pickard claims lu have cleared two Inches higher than | Francis at a recent exhibition. IJoth nen are likely to go to France for the Olympics. Visited at Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. j A. C. Wilson motored to North Le- j ha non Sunday, returning In the eve- inlng. W hile there they visited their | old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Latham It : Prophet. (By