D IV O T ID TO I N T « » » * » * of b f r in o f iih U- T H I FARMIRS O W IL L A M IT T « E SPRINGFIELD NEWS ’ of O. Library V A L L tV I ■ SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 27. 1024. TW KN TY- FI 11ST Y EAU FORTY-SEVEN FLAGS TO BE DISPLAYED IN CITY Legion O rdara F lag * and Tham for M erchant»; Will Lead Host to Washington INTEREST IN COUNTY POLITICS IS LIVELY A fte r W ith Lists of H a lf Ifoxen Candi­ date* In Sight H o lid a y * Olvan Pao^isa PapaC L IV E N EW 8PA PER IN A L IV E TO W N NUMBER 11 D istrict A tto r n « /» Offlca Most Sought Inatallad “T M CUMBER TOLD 400 1REESN0WPL1NTE0 A number of new hat* have been Committees Tell of Progress heaved Into th'- political ring lately of City Beautiful; Arch Near­ In Lane county and a few more are ly Completed; Membership about to be flung Into the circle be­ Campaign Started. fore time for filing expires within a Short time. The office of district at More than 400 tree* have been torney a ema to he the moat »ought planted; the city ha» been practical­ after with four candidate* filed on ly all renumbered, and the arch on the republican ticket and -tw o al­ the Pacific highway at the entrance ready to file pn the democratic ticket. to the town will be finished In a few Walter Jones. Eugene attorney, has day«, committee» of the Springfield Joined with Howard M. Brown II and Chamber of Commerce r1 ported to Gordon Well», other county »eat law ­ the regular monthly meeting of the yer». In making the race against Dla- body held Monday night in Morrison trlct Attorney Clyde N. Johnston. T h e . Tbe rbamber ,aunched a mem- democrats are grooming John M edley, t.ampaU N ew V nr‘a Day—January 1. F II Hamlin, captain J F Kat- Lincoln'» Birthday—February 12. ela. W. F. Walker. C. E Wheaton. Wa»hlngt in'* Birthday—February FOUR f . ENTERTAINED AT ¡SPRINGFIELD YOUTHS HELD 0 - It Ke*»ey, J. Ijtroan, D It know|i |t lh„ >ecl|o0 0, ,t5 , Murphy. N. A Rowe. N W Emery. 22. FOR STEALING FROM CARS v, Z .Mother'» Hay—¿Second Sunday In MONDAY N IC H T MEETING F Fgglinann, C A. Kaattnan, and , The offices of county clerk, asaes- ihA Central Oregon Highway asso­ .M a) May. Henry Chaae The Smith Slaters, Vira and Rea Henry Conrad Pleads Guilty and is gor. treasurer and school superinten- M Memorial Hay— May 30. "V. ciation which is undertaking to ad­ Te>m No. S fc'mlth. of Portland, assisted by Ward Sentencad; Four Other* to Com* dent present no contestant so far and vertise more w idely the McKenzie C. W a-L Fl lag Hay June U Julia» Fulop, captain F Illce of Eugene, put on a varl d pro­ Before Juvenile Court lit Is understood that the present en- highway and promote a road through Labor Day— First Monday after the terflelrf F G fttack I, K Page John gram at the social meeting of the -------- cumbants will again file. the state to be known as the north- t> Adams, w O. Hugh»», 1‘aul Reals, i*'w * Sunday In September. ! Ixiyal Ix-glon of Loggers and Lum­ Charges with stealing 11 motomet- With the possibility of the recall w est branch of the Lincoln highway, fe. Wm Donaldson. H H Jolllc. J Indian Hay— Fourth Friday in Sep. bermen Monday night In the W. O. era. three auto robe« and numerous being on the ballot at primary tim e 'Georjre Melvin Miller, of Eugene, II Xftili-hav, A. A Anderaofi. and etmber W. hall. Georg-/ Davenport, chair­ other articles, five Springfield boys and an Intense campaign carried on tbe gecretary of the association. Is Columhua Hay—October 12. Robert While, man of the local 4L group, presided have been arr sted. Henry Conrad, for and against the com m issioners the preparjng to Issue n w road map» Armistice Day—November 11. Team No. 4 at a short business meeting when 20 years old. Pleaded guilty to the pr sent campaign promises to be a an(j | be money raised will go toward Thanksgiving Day—Last Thursday Vernon Grime«, rantaln A C W il­ lumber conditions and state of the charge In Justice court In Eugene warm one. The recallers claim 1800 ¡this cause. son II E Maxay. W. C Wright. J. In November markets were discussed. He has been Tuesday and was sentenced to 30 names and must secure 2400 to file Chrltmaa Day—December 26. President W. F. Walker reported to r McMurray. R E. Higgins. John absent during th« winter while In days In Jail and fin d 225. petition 30 days before the election. Election Days the chamber that the Ladles' Civic llem lerer. W C McLagan, M J. M e Ixing Beach. California, for his The other lads range In age from club was planning on equipping the Arbor Day fix e d by governor). Klin, W II Pollard. A. F. JFIowars. health. 14 to 16 years and are being held to ¡CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO dining room at Morrison -h all so and W. H Rt-armer i The recital Included violin solos, the juvenile court They are Ray HAVE MUSICAL RECITAL that a membership dinner could be It la understood that avery new LANE POMONA CRANCE pianologuea. readings, vocal numbers, Billings, Frank Wilks, Earl Nyatrom . served before each m 'etlng. The member aaeurwd by each team be­ MEETS NEXT SATURDAY oboe solos, piano duets and piano .and Lewis James. D puty sWerlffs A musical recital given under the chamber voted to be on hand at next come« a( one* a member of that team. the Christian Endeavor meeting. ■ nd that at the cloa- o f the rontest ' L an e County Pomona Grange will *o|os About 20« persons attended the ;lava b ^ n working on the caae for ausptees of Lax enforcem ent of law In regard the two team» securing the largest me t Raturday. M«rrh 2«. at the Wll. me ling, which was an open one with some time and believe the boys h a v e ‘society of the Christian rhnrch will number or new member« »h*n be lakensle grange hall Delegates to not only the fam ilies of the members bo n guilty of other ofTenaes report be ljeld on the evening of Wednes- to licensing peddlers was reported present, but any outsiders Interested. ed in the vicinity of Springfield. This day, April 2. at 8 o’clock In the Chris by merchants present and a comm it­ rvi it with n banquet" at the eg. state convention and measures of In­ An election of officers will be held Is the second gang of local boys Im- ttan church, the proceeds to go ex- tee was appointed to call upon the pens-» of the other two teams. terest will he considered-. The pro­ at the next meeting on March 28. It j plicated In robbery and theft during d a slv ely toward the building and city council In regard to rem edying gram for the meeting 1» as follow». was announced. the last few months. furnishings of the new church build- this condition. A com m ittee con sist­ CIVIC CLUB MEETS AND Music hv Wlllakenxle grange. •-------------------- - )n(f ing of William Wright. Julias Fulop Reading by Mrs. Earnest Field of PLANS FOR FUTURE WORK Werrt to C-sk’-ldq« E L. K ing. sU- 1 Methodiata to Have Dinner— A caf- Special attractions will be g lec- and J ° hn K etels was appointed by ______ th -» Elmira grange Thirteen ladle» attended the Civic ' oca* “n,° b-' Mr" Clifton Harlow.' perlnteniteni jof tip» Portland dlvl- rt(,r(a auppPr opPn to the public has lions by Doris Helen Patterson, 1 3 -,the president. « lo r <* Ih« Southern 1‘ac.lftc rail- h r.n vet for 6:00 o'clock Friday even- vear-old harpist. She Is at present' Th » chamber discussed. /a trade»- club meeting In the Chamber of Com- K" " l,n< fr,‘n> Wlllakenale grsnga. road, passed through Springfield jng tbfl church basement. The af- T nlverslty of Oregon orchestra aolo- at home campaign and different meth- mere« room» Tuesday night. It waa ! **'*' 1 ,roro W lllakenale grange, voted to give the chanter of Com-1 ^*>b***- furnished by the Eugene 1 I riday on his way to Oakridge. \\ hlle fa,r ( b(,I(j unrter , he ausp|Ceg of the 1st. Her 11-year old sister. Martha, is ods ot k eePin8 Springfield shoppers at Oakrldg- he visited the lumber n,,g„ on;lry society . also a wonder musician for her age at home “8 w e,‘ 88 • « » « « ■ « °»t- Werce their first banquet on fourth ( b**b "cbo°l debate team, the subjrct j mllla as well as looking over the wfth tpa|n, for ¡side business to the town, Monday In April at 6:30 o'clock A i *° *>• announced later, tsllro a d w o rk Choir E c -r ia in e d -T h e choD o^ th e More than 400 tr bave b(lftn range 1» now b-lng Install <| tn the* T,'I> minute talk by Pomona mem- Purchased P op.rtjA-H erbert P. flm„ an,, r J Portland, now of Eugene, will give : wTlke’r T rooms tn Morrison hall, being fitted guests enjoyed a social time and re­ oboe and violin numbers Humerous PresH ent ^»H»er reported on tho Uatcheldcr bought three lots from up for the eliib'a convenience« Next ; 1-11 freshments at th« t-onte of Mrs. Grant readings and guitar selections as w e ll;Pr° Kre’ s of the rb ,tn b ' r com m ittee It rt Rose on Thursday. The lots E llio tt Funeral Sunday Tuesday morning at » o'clock has McEihancy last niyht after choir as planologues by local talent will “nd the C,Tlc. cIub in be«uHfying been set for r|enn-up day by the Funeral services for William Glen are Hltuated between Ninth and Tenth practice. vary the program. Springfield. Work has been done on ladles, who will me t In the room* Elliott. 13 year old son of Mr. and I on E street ________ ____________ every street. and set the new quarters In order Mrs. W illiam P Elliott of Fall Creek. H ave Birthday D im e r I Those In charge of house number- S elf Service Receipts Preparations are being made to serve w re held Sundya afternoon at 2:30 The "Lodge Widow«" spent a plea­ t ___ h e ''lnS said they had met with hearty Mr . . . and ______________ Mrs. John Ket^’*, ÉL.. . Join- A novel device for s a v i n g the members of the Chamber of o'clock at the Walker chapel. Rev- sant evening at the home of Mrs. ed their son and dai■’hter-ln-law. Mr. time of organization secretaries and ^p''ron‘'e and ,bat most of the town Commerce luncheons. ¡erend James Pointer, pastor of the Harry M. Stewart. Tuesday. and Mrs. John F. K etels, Mondny 'he necessity for buying vast num -, *' bppn nunibered. Forty dollars Two new members were added to t'prlngfleld Christian church, preach-j evening to "celebrate the birthdays of hers of postage «tamps for mailing ' "I* ° f nurab,lrs were purchased the club: Mrs, Grimes and Miss Gall *<1 the funeral s rmon. William Kl Patients at Hospital the two fadtes. Dinner .was enjoyed, r-retpts, has been put In use at the J” uPU* Up and anoib«r shipm ent Gray Those pres nt wera: Mrs. ¡Holt Is survived by one sister, and ai Jam es E. Brown underwent a ma­ has been sent for. Mrs. James Glendenlng. Mrs W. C. |brother. Ivan, who with his parents, j jor operation yesterday morning at the table being adorned by a large t B