T H U R S D A Y . MARCH 20, 1034. T H H S P R IN G F IE L D NHWS T T W "— . PAGE S IX .Mb her daughter Portland wMh and TH U R S T O N NOTES friend» She was accompanied by her daughter. Mrs. Lulu Lester, and two Ted Carruthers and Mika Tennis sons, who speut Sunday here. They who are working at Lowell, spent I Sunday In Thurston. motored down from Portland F a th e r V is it» — W . C. M cLaralk en- W e n t to O akland— M r an.l M rs i George William and family who Joyed a visit from his father. R. A.JJbhn W lasenried and their sou In Visited Son— Mr. and Mrs 'law and daughter. Mr and Mrs. Jo < Hinson spent Sunday at Shedd. Ore- have spent the winter at Walt rvllle AtcLagan, of Tangent. Monday moved back to the mill last week Lemmons drove to Oakland. Oregon, gon, visiting their son and family, Mr and Mrs. Phellx Spark have H e re from Fall C reek— Mrs Wil­ on Sun,lap- tot calj on Mrs Kate Went to Albany—W C. McLagan moved In Parrel McQutnn house Mr liam Taylor and son James of Pall Chamberlain. I had a vacation from his work at the : Spark Is going to help build Arch Creek were In Sprtngtiold Tuesday. Teaching at Lincoln School— Mrs Mountain Stat a Power company Shougha house which they expect Visits Cousin—Ola Endicott went John P Ketels la acting as a sub ¡Plant here beginning Tuesday, ao to start building lu a few daya to Portland Friday to visit her cousin. Mrs C harll' Gray and son William stltute teacher for the fourth grade that he could make a trip to Albauy Mrs. Edna Ingeman She is expected and Lewis Arnold left for Klamath at the Lincoln school, due to the and Dallas. to return next week. Falla Monday after »ponding some I Illness of one of the t achers. She F a th ’ r Raya Vlalt—Oliver Wall r. tim e visiting friends and relatives Haa Portland Poaltion—Joe Grlskv b*S*a Monday for three dava. father of Mrs John Adams of this Here. Mrs. Arnold and baby Billy re has a position with a Portland trans­ Repairs at M ilk— Tw.> carpenters city, paid a short visit at (he home of tnalned here aa Mr Arnold contem ­ fer company running trucks from Mr and Mrs Adams this week He plates moving over and making his Washougal. Washington, to Portland. om<.e Booth-Kelly sa w -l1'*'»8 frt'nl hl* hon»' ln Corvallis Frl- home h re. Mrs. Sum Carruthers enjoyed a Home From Albany— Mrs. Arthur mill. The entire offlce force don n ed 1“ ^ - » nd >•*» y**«eR*ay to go to Cape Roboerts spent tho week end m Al- ‘ “J did the spring cleaning Igoe near Marshleld. where he will | birthday dlnnar at her home Sunday bany visiting her sister. Mrs. Homer | the n'*k' *" ” U' nd,Hl • ‘•T Ith hit H er daughter Erdlne. who la taach daughter. Mrs. Clifford Herman. Ing near Lowell, and Mike Tennla. be Davis. She returned Sunday. Purchased Residence—-James E. sldaa the Immediate family, were pres­ W*nt to Salem— B. E Lansberry. E Stacey Tro,,er Eugene has purchased the C o m p lsttig House— W ent. First i 10c*> agent tor the Metropolitan Life la Just completing a nlnertxun house Iu M » " » « * « • residence on Mrs. Genevieve Beaman and daugh­ ►inaurane* company, left yesterday between Second and Third atreeta on ‘ nd F « nd W,U ,ake . ter from Coburg visited her tnothet c slon thia week. A. F Flowers, real . morning for Salem where a staff Sunday. : estate dealer, handled the transaction.' meeting of the company Is being held Mr and Mrs. Jam es Calvert an day to visit friends, the D W. Parton treatm .nt. W. H. Bradey of Calgary. Alberta. family. Canada, arrived Tuesday. Left for Portland— Mrs. Alfred J. "Morgan 1 ft Wednesday morning for Returned from Portland—Mrs. Miry Dr. 8 Ralph Dlppel. D -ntlst, Vitu» Portland where she will spend several . C. Magill returned to Spring?! Id Sat­ building, Springfield. Oregon. days. urday night after a month's visit tl. TO W N A N D V IC IN ITY tt »4 tl C £ 8 a Visited Aunt—Sherman Spong. of Salem, spent Sunday here visiting his aunt. Mrs. Bell Spong. of the Spong hotel. Here from Glenbrook—William Co« den and son Rpbert of Glenbrook were city visitors here Saturday even Ing. S p ecial S a ie on Heaters, Universal and .Westinghouse Electric Attended Dane»— Mr and Mrs. H C. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson attended a dance at Thurston Satur­ day night. Irons. Glass Shades. HENDERER ELECTRIC SUPPLY Moto-ed to Albany—Mr. and Mrs N. A. Rowe motored to Albany Sat­ urday afternoon to visit Mrs. Rowe's son. John Lambert? and family. They returned to Srnngfleld Sunday night. Here from Oakr.dge— D. K. Mitchell came to Springfield from Olakridge Friday to visit his parents and sister. He went on to Portland for a few days befog going back to work. Here on Business— E. E. Hartung. formerly of the SprlngSeld office force ‘ of th Booth-Kelly company, no»- working in the Eugene office, was in Springfield Tuesday on busines fo the firm. Fainted in Depot— Mrs James Am brose. wife of the section forman for the Southern Pacific railroad at Lo­ well, had a h art attack while wait­ ing for the Lowell train in the Spring field depot Monday afternoon, and fainted. She was revived by a phys­ ician and took the train home. Ii c c k a d a to s k to g q it o n II to c a P J d is an e*xcellt