PAGE THE RPltlNOHELD NEWS THURHIIAY. MARCH 20, 11*24- Aurhority T e lls H ow Clear Lake W as Formed by N a tu re ’s Action thousand dollars per anmum. Thia Installation may be made at lower unit coat than la poawlble for any proj­ ect of equal capacity In thia »action, and that with Ita water-way con­ structed entirely, or practically en tlrely In tunnel, on which maintain- ence coats would b e practically nil. Now la the opportunity for W illam­ ette vail y to gra«p the eubatance and becoqia one of the h-althleat. wealthi­ est and moat to-be-dealred habitations within the burden» of the United Htales.— Albany Democrat, H a ll’s C a t a r r Medicine Te Vielt Hara Soon— Mr. and Mrs. R E Yoder and baby Martha are expected to arrive la Springfield Bat- ,T J. Littlejohn, merchant of urday • to visit Mrs. Yoder's parent». r id your system of Catarrh ot Meadowvlew. was In Saturday for a Mr. and Mrs W. M. Green. caused by Catarrh. truckload of flour. F. J. C H E N E Y ^ T C O .. Toledo, O h M Jack Pullen, truck driver for Frank O M Spague, Mutual Life Insur­ E Blair, Ixiwetl merchant, was In ance Co.. Eugene, Ore.f Phone 877 tf town Saturday for supplies. Springfield Nbwa »1.25 par year. Iloa, from many aurroundlng town». A bam] furnished music in« walfnre and hualth of th» popula­ Illy ('»plain Ue«irg«« H Kdniundstouei tion of the W illamette river valley. Neatllug at the foot of Mount W»»h A» baa been alaled, the w»terabed of HiliiMi. at an altltuda of lhr«« thou lb« left bunk of the MrKenxIe river The Anderson Manufacturing com- anuil feet abo»« »«a level M»a Clear ■« almost wholly covered with »halter I any shipped a carload of lumber to Lake, tho focua of tho rutmff from «d lava How, auatalnlna but stunted California Friday. on» hundred »qu»re mil«» of «parody- timber, wholly unlit for iho needs of The Sprlogfleld Mill and Grain timbered. badly »buttered lava tor- commercial lumber, forming a per company »hipped a carload of flour rain 1» Hi "t a»grl,.u| lur(l| (action. Thia lava ter- on prices on plate and other work, tf mid length Except »for two amai» n()n #n(J gcatlerlng Umber extend« Sprlogfleld visitor Thursday. T. b. Harkins, of oaarldge, was nnh(< , 0 tha jUnrl|On of the In Springfield on Thursday. the source of water supply la solely uuJ M (K lllll, river», William M. Hunter, miller of the eub n cran eaii. saving during a limit- n »Karar bake a» the source »4 period of the <»rly summer, when and with no dependence upon the run­ feed plant of the Sprlngfleld Mill and name “Webster” th» melting enow« discharge twelve off of the aln-am Jrom the lake out­ Grain company, quit work for a few synonymous w ith days this week taking cape of hi» hundred second feet of water through let to Smith river, It la perfectly f««» -Is largely a m atte r of Ila outlet, then, and then only 1» Ible to d> velop a minimum dally «up- sick wife. hetionary” be' Mr». P. A Hodges was here from right buying. You buy there a surface discharge Into the ply of water In »he nelghborh«H>d of cause o f the ability of right, here. lake through a shattered water way two hundred million galtona. amply Marróla Thursday. .Arthur Bushman returned Friday th a t early compiler. Just leading from Fish l.ske .ufli.-l.nt for the needs of a popule . Arthur l.usnman r .« « ..« « , , sufficient for tho needs of a populu Th» «rente»! visible Inflow 1» lion of a million and th r e .sjn .r te r . of night from a tw oday trip to Coquille so, “Red Crown” means through the "Glani Spring." a lava inhiibiunts, served with water whose and Powers on “gasoline” because it is I b. Hixon of W endling wa» In basin sixty f»«l In diameter amt six­ purity can not be eicelled at Sprlngfleld Thursday. :ne recognized standard teen feet In depth, floored _4jllh daXXl- ¡plac« In the entire world. PHONE 66 It E. Hill, road supervisor from the tng whlla volcanic sand and dlacharg Of courso It would be uneconomic of quality. “Red Crown’s” tng In minimum, elghiy-elx second to consider such development at the Mohawk valley, was In on bualnexs quality is a definite feet, whlrh Is equivalent to In excee» present lime, and conducting water Saturday Walter Platt of Thurston was In o f fifty fl»-- million gallons of water sufltclent for the needs of one hun­ matter of greater •luring each twenty-four hour«, sup­ dred forty thousand people Is all that town on business Saturday. "True Service Is The Con­ C'harlee Grant waa here from plem ented by the "Pigmy," which I should I»« underlak«>ti at thl» time, stant Desire And Effort nows eleven million gallons during a but. with adequate supply of pure, Thurston Saturday. Charles Taylor of Thurston was a like period To Render Every Man (wholesome water, It Is hut reasonable In ages tong gone, before Clear Ito assume a material growth la popu­ Saturday His Due"— Justinian. » Jess Gates of Camp Creok was here Cake was; the head water» of the lation. and by setting thia water »up M«K «title river flowed throuhh mod­ ply aside for the use of the people of Saturday. Nick Mier» w-a» In from Camp You like to trade at a store erately Bleep mountain vail»»»; on» future gen- ration» a far-«lghU-d pol where you are so well treated branch, the mwlh westernmost, hav­ Icy will be Inaugural««! which will Creek Saturday O. A. Roberts of Marcola was a that you'll want to repeat your ing Its origin In "Iron Muunlalif," the »»sure the walfare of our children t-'prlugfleld visitor Saturday visits. next toward the north. In Cr> »cent i who will follow after us William Huck» waa In from Walter- Mountain, the third, lu the PvrauiMa In addition. It ha» been definitely At our stop - an effort 1» always and the last, the moat eesterly. had demon»!rated that Clear bake la sus­ ville Saturday a» W».» also M J. made to render this sort of tt«> origin In the glacier» of Three- ceptible of producing en rgy to the W earln of that city Morrlaon and Ctlngan unloaded a Angered Jack All of these streams amount of two hundred ten million service. ’ flowed uninterruptedly to a union at kilowatt hours delivered anually lo carload of cem- nt from Gold Hill a point about tbr » quarters of a mile low tension buss-bare of a »ub-statlon and a carload of corn from Nebraska In fact we believe that a drug north of the present Clear bake. store'» right to exist depends , to be located In tho immediate vlclb on Saturday T he ban e O u iily Auto com pany The second lava flow apparently i lly of upon how well it performs its ot the m e city of ot Eugen«?, r.ugeno, which w h i c h If «« all so - - . „• m .r rsl.ed the w ater, of the lake to an * pr(Hlu,.„(1 wer.. B„,d one cent (had an automobile parade a t h function of promoting public of 2.925 but extended the M,owW( hour wtmM producp a cars through Sprlngfleld on S.turday. health and safety. base of the harrl r well up stream. r„¥#nu, of , wo ra|||, OI1 on. hundred I Nineteen cars were Included ------------- —------ --------- but the third and l»«t eruption was . . . . We welcom-i your trade and audden and violent as 1» evidenced by this appreciation finds expres­ the condition of aome of the tree» sion In a constant endeavor to whlrh atlll are standing In th - lake, make yon feel at home and to with their side toward Belknap Crater furnish you with the best pos­ hearing Are marks. This flow e f­ in popular priced sible goods at the most reason- fectively dammed the water and pre ! able prices. served the limber ao flooded, »«> ef- , fectlvely that the wood fiber» are ; So— w e aoliclt your business practically unimpaired during the , on the ha»i» of superior service reniurlee of aubmeralon. T he newest of the new in styles. The largest volume of water came from the glacier» of Three fingered | The m arket's best in m aterials. Jack and as the source of Ihe lava ! The latest In colors. flow came from a point "down- f air am" and «-onstantly met the wa­ Give us your im m ediate attention. ters of the partially melting glacier. The result was that the original water course was utterly obliterated as surface flow, and the present lake which « «>»' rs an area of about forty acres »•»« formed, with no apparent outlet The approaches to the valley were pr«'«-lp!tous, well wooded and dif­ ficult of access, save by the "fore»t- folk" and so It remained hidden until aurv yora Invaded It «luring their pre1 llmlnary rernnnolssance for the "Cor­ vallis A Eastern railroad" In ISS1. In 1H8R the railroad was located, com­ municating roads were rut. bridges were built and during Ihe year fol­ lowing, actual construction of grad­ ing waa Instituted, arc««« was made easy and »<> Ihe valley was "found." STEVENS HALL Ilow ver, the actual work of con- atructlon of the railroad was termin­ SPRINGFIELD ated at It» present location on th« north fork of the Santlam river, the THURSDAY. MARCH 20 wind eroded tho roadbed, the bridges HEART BREAKERS ORCHESTRA rotted away, trees rotting fell across and blotl d out the roadway; the for- eat reclaimed Its own, Ihe handiwork of man perished and again the vnllev was "hlddetjf' and ao It remained wbpn Ihe writer, tinder »kllfltl gtild- nnce penetrated Ita fastness«-», through devious, tortuous paths and found the old construction csm in rot­ ting away, wllh only the gash far 'f|> Procte.- and Gamble products. the mountain barrier nnd had aban­ doned the onterprlae, a s' superfluous for transportation needs. Assortment, regular vale- 95c I Reconstructing Iho valley as origi­ has been requested to present facts regarding County nally constituted, and aasumlng a uni­ Special Friday and Sat day form hydraulic gradient, reveals that affairs under adminstration of these tnen. the valley was covered with lava to a to depth of 250 feet for the distance of 10.000 feet down stream from tho lake go outlet. And then to n depth of In ex- geos of 100 foot, for a distance of 34,- at 000 feet, a point well below tho third lowest falls, whore Iho Increased volume of water opposing tho on rushing lava flow, produced violent explosions hut did not wholly prevent or rather check tho Ilow of the molten mass which finally exlomled to moun­ tain slopes on the right hank of the Sanitary Meat Market Personals .. Holverson Bros, Props. THRIFT J • , < Eastman Grocery « < V The Market's Leading Values Trimmed Hats STANDARD of QUALITY $3.50 to $10.50 »• ¿I ■ STANDARD OIL COMPANY1 The MODE DANCE Shall Sharp and Roney be Recalled? Soap Special District Attorney Johnston stream. Ho much for tho romance of the' forthatlon of Clear bake and the beau- llftil waterfalls In the valley below It. |t was born In violent travail and has left Imperishable record» of Its birth, rlenr m d db-flnce r-i e-hen flirt iv (, ft-e • utcivsmlc rflfiillf .« in ef • • ' li.ii«? on e r a : C ASM 4C Hear him at Woodmen Hall Thursday Evening - 8 o clock RECALL COMMITTEE, Chas. M. Emery, Secretary.