O I V O T I O TO I N T I R I f l T OF » P R IN Q F IIL D ANO T H I F A R M IR S O F T H E W IL L A M E T T E V A L L I* THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ¿ri TW E N TY -FIR S T YEAH HE TREUTING i - l ANT IM I BE BÖILI SOON ¡LEGION MINSTRELS TO PROMENADE TONIGHT JOHNSTON TO SPEAK. AT A Paepls’s Paper" L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 10 SPIUNGFIBLD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1924. O "T h e BOOTH-KELLY MILL NOW BOARD GALLS FOR MAV B U IL D BLO CK H E R E OPERATING ONLY 5 DAYS RECALL MEETING HERE E. C. l-ake. of the granite and marble work» In Bugene, la Raeallara C laim T hey Can Put Mea­ Shutdown on Saturdays Is Expected •H ot T lln e In th» Old T ow n" Prom j g wrecking the frame building to Lot M a rk e t Catch up W ith sure O ver W ith O atharing Sched­ Iced by » l« c M « R Boy* and Dusky j . on hla property on the south Production of Lum ber uled; Money Coming in Also Malsono In Tw o P e rfo rm a n c ia , » aide of the atrtet between Sec­ • i ond and Third on Main. Work­ A flve-day run a week for an in­ Measure Defeated in Saturday's Revelations from the county rec­ To B p First Unit of Shops Ac- Dlairkle» who aln i and danc men have been at work for Election to be Voted on Again ords that Commissioners Emmett definite period was begun Saturday the past two days under the cordini to Information; Much blackface# comedians with «orgeou» on April 11; Believe People Sharp and N ils Roney should be re­ by the Booth Kelly company with Its . Al - o - ... n . b r id o « a n d lly colorad coatonioa—will (Iva th«. called will he pre-seted thia evening Springfield plant and the sawm ill at Activity Seen at Oakridg. and tlÜM|ig lhp tb. lr . direction of Oeorg» Hjrklna. Don’t Understand Conditions. contractor. Mr. l-ake has not at the Woodman hall by District At­ Wendllng. Beginning last Saturday Westfir by Local Visitors.;((VM lonlght „ tbe Amartpaa Legion¡ yet determlnde w h'ther or not A second school election to vote torney Clyde N. Johnston. The die th - mills will be shut down on Sat­ ' T t l . treating plan, where Ih . ma• M m -tr.l .h ow at the Bell theatre. he will build on the site, he trlct attorney will speak to a meeting urdays because of the Inability to 13000 bonds for a new manual train­ Urta» « ••# on lb . Natrop CutoB c a l l i » 8dd“ ‘° » “ *• " •» * •' anounced today, He has Just .'arranged by the recall committee at market the lumber products, says O. ing building on the high school •Ing , ra," the dancing glrla, and the erected a large concrete struc­ M. Jarrett, superintendent of the grounds has b e n set for April 11 tie dipped will be ealabllahod In j Jokers, there wilt be a two reel movie . ' 8 o'clock. ture In Eugene and la consider­ . 1 Tbe Springfield bridge and the Mo- Springfield plant. In a statem ent Is­ by the school board. Taxpayers de­ Mprlnglteld as the first unit of the comedy Jack I-arson. proprietor of the ing a similar building for . ! hawk valley road as well as other sued to the men. • •••'«41"' feated the Issue Saturday by a vote Mont hern Pacific »hope here, accord th«atra promises. The performance Springfield. Before taking any action tbe m ill I of . geren The vote stood 39 for the Ing to seem ingly well founded D- e roads built by the two commission- starts at » o'clock tonight, and a sec- _______I era w will ill be discu»»eu io snow raai ««#«*»•» consult d the conference I bondg and against them. fortuatlon reaching thia city through be discussed to show that ond performance will be given to­ . , . • • • • money has been wasted and the law committee of the Loyal Legion of | - W e wtsh glrp the taxpayers a men connected with the engineering morrow night at the same time. C H A M B E R W IL L M E E T » .v io ls', d. accordlnj to the recallers. 'Logger» and Lumbermen, the bead» chance to reconsider," said Dr. W. department of the railroad. It la aald Local talent makes up the cast, and • 'Jrth ston ’s talk I. expected to take t<* lb8 T8rlou" department». and o th e r j , p o, U r(, ch atn n aii o f the b o a rd ^ ’ ' ’ that thia plant may be construct'd The regular meeting of the the member» of the cast hare he n within the next few weeks. I the same lines as the one he made employe». The notice was then post- ..¡p ^be bond» db nol pass It will mean Springfield Chamber of Com­ working hard, with rehearsals nearly ed on the local bulb tin board.__ that we wm ba¥e to rent building» The prospective plant la lu line every night. Ml»» Of an, of the Vo. jin th- armory at Eugene last week. merce will be held Monday "This condition was brought about down town next year to take care of The recallers now claim between with Information had for som e tint# bight In the new rooms In the veralty of Oregon, Eugene, has b an 1800 and 2000 of the needed 2400 slg- by Inability to m srket our products," , he congestion of the schools. Thia that a large material yard will be Morrison hall. Important civic . natures required to put the recall of Mr J» " ® « ’« announcement read. It w )„ mean paying ren , w ith nothfng directing rehearsals D. W. McKin­ maintained here durln g th ' construc­ matt rs wilt be discussed and • the two comm issioners on the M a , ' 1’ boped 8nd non, the "Booth-Kelly Caruso," Al­ tbat tbe cur to »how for our expenditure»." tion period. The ehop site here baa fred Townsend, I’aul llraltaln. Tom report» of tree planting com­ • primary ballot. M eeting, to be a d ! ,a,lm ent’ t0«etbeJ w,tb wbat oth« ; Dr. Pollard point, d out that defeat- bean aurreyud aud staked out for Lusby, Walter Gossler, "Mod” Gard­ m ittees and arch builders will • dressed by Mr. Johnston are to b e j m1“ 8 in th® norIh*'e "} 8re doing, will lng the bondg wag economy from tracks and building» and It la aalu ner. and Jaaa Meats are the end men be discussed. . held In Cottage Grove and Junction br'D* conditions back to normal. the taxpayer’» point of view at all. plane are perfected for the building who will regale the audience with City as well as Springfield Members The ’ ““‘down a«f®ri* “ early 6 "Voting bonds for a new school program. Jokes. McKinnon. Townsend. Gossler of the recall comm ittee say Johnston me. D “ 197 ^ « w m l 1 a’nd’ tam '°U“ dlDg *’ lmP°88lble 8t tbl8 tlm8> tlr atly increased traffic on the Oak­ and Bratlaln will give vocal selec­ BENJAMIN HAM M ITT. 63. III provide sufficient punch this week and over 40® *" the “ » J s r ib le b"‘ “ “““a’ lr8‘ning bui,d’ ridge branch h a . occurred during the tions. t h . r e r .l t over ber can,F* W® dU? ’ J * 18 P°88‘ Ing would suffice for a year or sc. « DIES IN SPRINGFIELD to . put the recall over. past month MurJt machinery and This Is the second mlnatr-1 show many ,bat th ‘ re ma> be 8 furtber shutdown and tbe money would be expended on Mot only are there being «am p equipm ent for the fta h ^ C o n | , ha\V h e ? c g l< .n Y a » ? ln g " d , n Spr, ntt rhp f in a l m e L e g io n n a s in o p n n a i m e funeral of Benjamin Hammitt, so that the mills will only ran fo u r : achool property.” He further stated •tructlon company and ts »» >«<>»> field, and e , that bB, j, » | #3 y,,ara old, and pioneer of the Mo signers to the petitions being circulat­ days a week, mill officials say. urj- that the noise and vibration would and tbpy they promg| promsle It | 1» tractor» are being sent in. A ra , pyp|| better than the other one. Tbe ! hawk country, was held at 2 o'clock; ed but money is rolling Into reca«. less the conditions of the lumber bg removed from the high schoo« toad of material and animals went cast will b < taken to W endllng oom« yeaterdav afternoon at the home of headquarters to pay th'- exn»nse» market Improve. building. in last week and sm aller shipments tim e In the near future to put on a b|g mother, Mrs. Franc » Hammitt, of the campaign, declares members A. C. Dixon, general manager of J. W. Coffin, John K etels, Sr., and of the committee, who say that many go »P every day or two the Booth Kelly company, m et with L. K. Page, judges, and S. S. Porter, performance there. Proceeds of the | „„ , be o| d homestead near Donna, Activity both at Oakridg and W est­ two performances here will be dtvld-j Mr. Hamltt died at the Springfield of the donators will not sign the pe­ the 4L conference comm ittee on clerk, were appointed as an election fir and at the railhead la Intense,, ac­ • d between the Legion clubhouse fund i jiogpitgj Monday morning at 5 o’- titions but are willing to help finan­ Thursday to discuss m easures of ; board by the sp rial action of the cially. They say that this class of meeting the situation. cording to local people who vlaltod un l the Parent Teacher playsheo ' c|iKg The llum m ltt family settled In school board last Saturday at 2 p. cfttxens will sw ell the vot? when It tho section the last few days. fund. i Oregon In 1832. He was born and ; m. in the city hall. It is not known comes to balloting on the recall. Tow n» Grow ing Fast The young women In the cast have raig d o „ the Mohawk, and attended HOUSE NUMBERING IS as yet who will act as a board for Oakridge and Westfir, a mile and arranged some dances and songs (hl, f n| ¥eralty of Orgeon at Eugene C IT Y tbe new «Isctlon- as the law provides PROGRESSING IN a half apart through the tuuuel and which will be In the nature of a In the 80's. Twenty years of hts life LEABURG FARMER SEEKS that they be appointed on the day of three and a half around by an Im­ ; surprise. were p'-at In the mining country In SHARE IN BIG ESTATE House numb ring In Springfield tho election passable road, are both experiencing Idaho. About seven years ago he --------- 1. 5tarte1 p aren>Teacher aa- Increase the population of the two , paM( w gb by the county clerk In- marrled, and purchased the old Skin n;ay mean , hat w c Yarnell. Lea- the chamber has the approval of the sotlatlon wi„ hold itg regular m -et. places In a short time. ¡elude: Herbert W. Stevick and Effie ner property, famous for the shoot-1 farmer. may share heavily In council which has am-nded section 4 jng Qn March 21 at tbe Llncoln gchoo, At Westfir the large mill Of the M (jjjjgon, both of Fall Creek: Harry Ing affair 20 years ago when a r e ls -ltho patate of hla brother. David H. of ordinance 94 providing for num- a{ 3 o .clock )n the afternoon There W estern Lumber company Is going Ooyi«, Eugene, aud Isabelle Wright, tlve of the Skinner» shot Mr. and Mrs. Yarnell, wealthy Alaska miner. Heirs bera to be changed every 10 feet and wl„ fae # program t>e, i de, rPgaiar uh'ad as fast »» tim ber «can be cut Walton; W alter O. Baker and Ellxa Skinner. busin- ss of the late miner, who died leaving allotlng 100 numbers to the block. from the hills north of the big mill J beth Whattam. both of Eugene; Wll- ac- Mr Hammitt Is survived by hi» the bulk of his »130,000 estat The numbering was begun com The association ladies will sell Crewa are at work nt the little mill ,jani Clayton Bowen and Julia E widow, Mrs. lnda Hummltt, his aged wording to an alleged will, to At- mencing with Mill street east. On ‘home-made candies at the American where the lumber Is secured and at ;u (Miinan, both of 1» xter. and H arry........ .. _ r, who _____ Is ____ _ by wrJW moth an ____________ Invalid, and torney Frank J. Golden ______ of San _ Fran- ,a all streets running north and south Legion minstrel shows on the even- the main mill wherf It Is rapidly be- E Harbe rt. Sprlngleld. and Marie J-1 n"ve"brothers and 'flve siste r s? Mrs. c is " ? have“ started ‘artlon wMch has "he odd numb rs are placed on the jng Thursday, the twentieth, and Ing used to make a big addition to (jypen> Coburg William Seavey, Harry V. Hammitt. caused Goldtn to be removed as ad- ¿gt s tde of the street, and the even Friday, the twenty-first, at the Bell Lane county's lumbering Industry. I _____ Ralph G. Hammitt. all of Donna, Mr», mtnlstrator by Judge Dunne. | on the w est sid». Those runntng theatre. The candy will be put up Company houses, the temporary Bridge Men at Work Frtul Bean and John llum m ltt of Eu- The San Francisco Chronicle In a eagt and WP(.t have the odd numbers In convenient packages and will be property of the occupant», «re scat­ Fifteen bridge men of the Southern gene. Mrs. 11. It. I’resntTII of Salem, story of March 15 says: "evidence on tbe south side and th • even on for ten cents a package. Many ter d out over several acres. Side- Pacific company are at work on the Mrs Fannie Barger of Astoria. Mar was produced by attorn y for the the north »ide. Failure to com p ly, delicious varieties will be included wiillcs are being built apd wafer , i-nllroa I bridge near Springfield Jum 'in Hammitt of Los Angeles. Calif., is m e ll brothers and sisters In Ore with the ordinance, which was pass- ¡„ each. says Mrs. C. A. Swarts, P. T. mains extended and Improved Road, u ,,n The gravel deck Is being re­ end Claude Hammitt of Aptos. Calif, gon alleging that Golden had a ttem p t-,ed ¡n 1907, makes the property own- A. president. work Is under way In several places. moved. a standard bridge made out of ------------------------------ |ed to persuade the heirs to sign an er subject to fine. At Oakridge each day brings Infor­ It. Gravel hrlges are now out o. HUNTER FUNERAL HELD acceptance of their »6.000 shire» be The numbera them selves must be To Attend World Conference mation of some new business house dale, and the bridge will be made YESTERDAY AT CHAPEL fore ,he w 1“ has b en admil,ed to not 1 ss than two Inches in height. DV. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard and or other enterprise that Is to eon modern In every particular. Timbers probate ! according to the ordinance, and trlhule to t h ) growth of the town. w lll'b e used to strengthen It. "A ttorney Golden said yesterday width In proportion. On all streets baby Robert, Miss Ella Boesen, and The funeral of Leora Mae Hunter, .Mrs. P ollard s sister from 'Oregon The newly organlre.l commercial runntng east and west, the number- wife of U . M. Hunter, and their in­ Entertains Club club Is active. The school hoanl Is m his office after the petition tor its , ing begins with the numeral 100 City, Mrs. Lottie Crawford, are plan^ nlng to leave for Springfield, Mas­ The Kensington club met with Mrs. tent s«t> was held yesterday alter- probate had been filed. So far only ¡from Main street trying to decide whether to build an other grade building or to er ct a Ilin i» Korf Friday afternoon, every iMou at Ute Walker Chap 1 at 2 a copy of th will has been pro .uce.l j be telephone company r quests sa c h u se tts, som e tim e bet we n April modern high school An overflow of itiemb r being present for the first oclock . Rev. T. D. Yarues preach- and the whereabouts of the orig in a l;, hat cltllen8 phone in their numbers 15 and April 20, where Dr. Pollard students lias necessitated the use o f f l i n e this year. After spending a do the funeral sermon, luterm nt was is not known, GriiL.-t testified on tae lgg soon ag possible so that the cor­ will be one of the four delegates from the Laymen's association of the a small building some distance from itglitful afternoon with conversation, made in the Luurcl Hill cemetery. witness stand rect house addresses can go in the Mrs. Hunt r gave birth to a son Methodist church In Oregon to the the grade school for the high achool 1 needlework and Vletrola musle, the Oregon brothers and “The seven new telephone directory to be issued World Conf rence of the Methodist atudents. | guests were served a delightful lunch at the Springfield hospital on March sisters hold that the estate., which 1 von. . . church. Plans for Incorporation are und rjh y the host ss. Mrs. O. E. Bastard 16, aud died the same day. Thu child Includes Island No. 2 near Napa, is j" ” , W hile in the east Dr. Pollard ex- way now and us soon as possible the was n guest of the club for the died March 17. valu <1 at »150.000. Golden and Yar-, K illc a re in Eugene x , . . . Mrs. llu u ttr was S3 years old. She nell were Alaska prospectors together pects to take some graduate medical town will become a < tty. Private en ¡occasion. The club m eets next week An afternoon at brige was enjoyed work. and M,gg 3 ^ , , wUl take a Is survived by her husband and two f(jr n yparg , n thp >IIpged copy of terprlse will probably develop u more with Mrs. G. T. Moore. children, by her parents, Mr. and tbp w,„ yarnell rfter giving »6000 to )v tb® k l,lta r e club on 81 course in nursing. adequate water supply with electric Mrs. Charles A. Brad y, and by her pach of (,1a »even brothers and sisters i'be bome F - U Poindexter in Observes Birthday lights as a possibility. Eugene. Mrs. W alter McCornack won A hous party gathered on Sttndnv j orotlier, W H. Uradey. Buildings B ring Completed bequeath d the remainder to Golden.” B n tertains Co-eds the prize for high score, and Mrs. -------- Buildings Just completed will nc- at the homo of Mr. und Mrs. C'Zo j Miss Dorothy Poyle of Eugene, Mlsa Bert Vincent received the consola­ Repairing M onorail confmodate a hardware store, a bah. Smith on Seventh and A streets to STUDENTS PRACTICING Ellison of Portland, and Miss Aline tion prize. A one-f Oregon, were enter- g|Ten ,n thp h(gh gehoo, audltor. the Curtailment on production, ac­ floor, one of them a drag store, Is and sisters. Mrs. Henry Castan a n d L Members present w'ere: Mrs. Eugene Gained by Miss Eunice Parker at her )n March 2g #re golQg forward( cording to J. C. Parker, master mech­ nearing completion. Foundations are family, Mrs. Harold Hartley and fam | Kester, Mrs. Fred Chess, Mrs. Clark home on Tuesday evening. The young j being laid for a hotel, a rooming Ily and Miss Axel and Bla Hartley of ¡with stunt p ractlc s from now to Fri- anic. This work has already begun. E. Wheaton, Mrs. McCornack, Mrs. ladlfs had a social time before going house, theatre, another gottenil store Camp Creek. day by nearly every high school or- with a number of new 12 by 12 feet Maude Bryan. Mrs. J. E. Clark, Mrs. j home for the spring vacation follow- and a church. 8» veral new dw ell­ ganlzatlon. The proceeds will be trusses Installed. Ninety trusses A. J. Perkins, Mrs. Wilfred B e c k .' ln8 the winter term of the U niversity. Bible Class Surprises used to purchase more stage scenery j which are part of the means of serv­ ings are going up and others will he Mrs. Vincent and Mrs. Poindexter. ----------------- ------------- A numb' r of tho ladles of the Bible started es soon us material and men for the high school stag , especially ing the sorting tables will be replac­ ................ The Carbollneum Wood-pn serving class at the Baptist church gave a can be secured. 'd and creosoted. A special crew of of the sylvan variety. company received a carload of treat- Surprises Husband Oakridge Is basing Its growth on birthday surprise party for Mrs. Mary The need of the scenery vili he eight men are to work Saturdays re» poles from Cottage Grove on Wed- M rs. W. C. MoLagan gave a »ur- Vincent lit her home on north Fifth railroad developm ent and a general filled at an outlay of »200. It is theiularly uatll the work is completed, prise dinner party last evening In nesday. A carload of poles was al­ Increase In business from the sur street Tuesday. She had been to a purpose of the student body to pay IA handy run-way Is being built under honor of her husband's birthday. so shipped to Springfield for Forest rounding territory. At the "front" birthday dinner nt the homo of her this In Installments by contributing j’h® f ° r 1™®**» to drive in and out Fourteen guests were present: Mr. Supervisor Macduff. where tho active railroad develop­ daughter. Mrs. I. D. Larimer, and to tho fund the proceeds of one o r juP°n' and Mrs. L. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. on her return found the visitors. The ment Is taking place crews are bus R. L. Burnett and son Billy, Miss was her seventy«fourth two plays a year. The forest setting A R E Y O U O F S E R V IC E TO T i r » grading and working on the tunnel. occasion Club Meets Ton ig ht will obviate the cluttering up of the Nalda Stahlman. Miss Allene Collier. C O M M U N IT Y ? The loflg tunnel Is now being work­ birthday. Those present were Mes- The K. F. club m eets tonight at stage with fir boughs and other In­ Miss Oneta Smith, Miss Arniol Smith, ed from both ends. Right of way dames Montgomery, Tobias, Stacey, the home of Bob Driscoll, the presi­ Russell and Robert McLagan and Mrs. NO M A N S H O U L D BE A D R O N E flammable material. has been cleared of trees for several Barnard, Llth' rland, Rice, Robertson, dent, to appoint com m ittees to take I.. W. Smith of Eugene. Yellow wa» ON ANY C O M M U N IT Y — O N E l)r. W allace ll. Lee, dean of Al­ miles ahead of the grading crews. The McCItatlc, Luther, Bryan. Shannon, WHO TAKES E V E R Y T H IN G bany College, has accepted the in­ charge of the dance to be given for ithe color schem e carried ont In the muln part of the construction Is about Hastings, Cowart, Davis, Walker and the members on March 28 In Stevens decorations, with yellow candles and OUT AND PUTS N O T H IN G vitation of the Springfield high school Mrs. Vincent. Mrs. Cowart and Mrs. air miles above Oakridge. had. Arrangements will be made for daffodils. BACK. senior clasa to preach Its baccalaure­ The following officers havo been Davis served refreshments. special music and eats, A Silver Tea was held Wednesday ate sermon on the night of June 1. choseh by tbe Oakridge Chamber of T H IS IS T H E A 8 E O F S E R V IC E A practice baseball game between P atients a t Hospital Commerce organised last week: O. afternoon at the Baptist church. A N D Y O U C AN B E S T S E R V E Celebrates Birthday Thurston high school Hnd Springfield Hom1 r Fltz of New York w as ad- O. Otto, president; C. A. Paddock, T H IS C O M M U N IT Y T H R O U G H Tbe fifth birthday of Buford Hoi- iulttrtl to the Springfield j hospital Undergoes Operation— Miss Mildred will be held on the locnl grounds at vice-president, F. A. Jones, treasurer. ver^bn, »man son of Mr. and Mrs. last night and dismissed this morn A F F IL IA T IO N W IT H TH E 3 o'clock If the weather permits. Ward wna taken to the Goshen hospi­ The board of directors ts composed I’ratf Holvcrson. was the occasien for Ing. C H A M B ER OF COM MERCE. of Dr. Wilson, W. R. Orr, Charles tal Saturday afternoon nt one o'clock Ila Shahan was operated on In the a dlnnor Tue:iday night to which i i r . and operated on at 10 Sunday raern- Charles LaMar was dism issed from | IT IS O N L Y T H R O U G H COOP­ H ills and L. G. Griffith. and Mrs. Roy llolverson and sen Le- Springfield hoapltal Tuesday. Ing. Mlsa Ward had been Buffering the Springfield hospital yesterday. E R A T IV E E F F O R T T H A T T H E Rmll Bower underwent a (major ¡Roy, an l John Wilmot were Invited Mrs. J. R. Scott of Creawt 11 was from kppandlcttla for som e tim e past Miss Sena Heersma was here from M 0 8 T C AN BE A C C O M P L IS H E D . A large birthday cake with five pink She 1» now resting easier, though for operation at the Springfield hospital here Fatiirday and vlsted her son, Thurston Wednesday. a time h»r Ilf» was despaired of. Thursday. j candles adorned the table. Loyal Scott.