PAGE FIVE TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. MARCH 13, 1924. NOTICE OF S H E R IF F 'S HALE O N |'»r th* l«»t publication will be the "LONE STAR RANGER’ EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE, i **«»» <*«y ot May. 1924 W ITH MIX COMING ... . 1« hereby given th a t i. by , v l r I All process end paprr* In (hl* pro- Notlc* (h,. “ ‘.‘’ um ler-lrned residing within th e S tate Torn Mix, bole t u l kl/ig of th e »•XKX,.X:’>OOtX«uX>OOOii FRANK A DePUE. of F eb ru ary , 182-1. In a ault wb rain day In the W illiam Fox screen version yndleal».> A ttorney for the Plaintiff W A N T E lr Will a lt« piano best of EOIt SALE —- A num ber of uaed on th e 30th day of Ja n u a ry , 1921, In Addre«», Sprlngfi« Id, Oregon. of ‘ T he Lone g ta r R anger." popular OTHER HARWOOD m m e *oftly range» p riced from 91200 to 930 »aid co u rt W alter M. P ierce, a* Gov­ r a r e (nr It* use to anyone w anting M ar 8 May 10 ¿larrativ e from the pen of Zane G rey.) ern o r of th e S ta te at ( r gon, Sara! down the sfntrs, tlie light shining W right and Hon. MO to «tore th e ir iRntium nt. No visit- , A. Koxer, aa S ecretary of S tate of t h e ; It I» the sto ry of the life of the on her stiver h slr and a soft sruile oo NOTICE TO CREDITORS S tate of Oregon, d . Hoff, a» H tatv| ilrnn, Inquire New*. flE o o llll found guilty of doing drat daring T exas R anger* v ho w ent out her lipa. She had Just turned down Ice |* hereby given that tho clana hlucksinllhlog Have your ¡T reasu rer of th e S tate of O regon, | their l.eils and laid out their night l onatR iitlng th 1’ta te Land Board for ¡or signed him been appointed Ad- • to g e t th e ir m an" dec. It: hazard E d it HALE Single mill and packer clothes—Andrew's, Andy's and I-au- plow sh ears teinpvr««! In oil. Geo the S ta te of Oregon, plaintiff», rscov- in itir rln g tratrix of the e sta te of Melvin end obstacle." It I« such a nearly new, 10,(100 capacity, 91Su i>0 O rr. M 27 « red Judgm ent af’,;iln»t th * defendant::, F i n» l< k. by the County Court of m ance, th a t has mi ~~ in th e fa- rette's. Andrew was her husband, her Her! Ulgle*. C resw ell It. 11. No. 1 .1 biggest b o y ; Andy and L auretta w ere ¡S E Libby and Lur.i E Libby for the Lane County, Oregon, and all pcr»'«n" F SR M ar 6 13 20 UAI I, RIVE iih T d e DAIRY for pure »uni of J1096 00, with Interm it th e r e ­ ifcavli g claim« against said e * u te will v o rite film acto r he her children, Jnst out of college and H lil.e r. L am bert r, who d lr ’eted th e J , .*. y milk and cream . Phono on at 0 % p er annum from Jan u a ry I pre*, nt name duly v».Pled t«z the full of great Ideas. Mother H arw ood l.o T for ta le on veiy ea»y teinia. Can MW his com pany to the stood In tlie hall and listened, not M 13 20 30th, 1924 un til paid and th fu rth er ande signed a t h er hom e In Spring photoplay, took big »urn of RlfiO.oO-attorney» l ’»»» and th e , field, or at the office of W hitten Sw.-f- plain* of T exas th a t he m ight instill •nvesdropplng, but simply loving th e pay for It in work. He* E. F, erein In th e .ford, co*!» and d i-b lid e m nt» 1 A ttorney, 315 M A. W Ilid g . sound of their K epner. tt H PEi'i \ | , PRICE on p late work Dr. auni of 93« 4J, which Ju Ixi.ient w aa.fhig« tb Oregon, on o r before air into the plct-^ «> every elem en t of N W Em»ry, q n tist Hut*On Bldg "But, daddy,” L aurette cried, “w hat beau ty and in te re st th a t h a s become enrolled and docketed in th e C lerk’* rioni i« from thia date. tf offii of »»I l Court la »aii I C ounty on - Da 24. and «H, 921. FOR T H E DAT OR WEEK Such a com bination as Tom Mix and fifty, and yet she's so se;tled. You NOTICE OF SALE OF DELINQUENT »•Id i-»u n l id to m e di • -i ted cu n - JENNIU FENW ICK. A drnlnl*tratrix have jo u r outside interests—your golf, Z i,e G rey In the Feat production STO P AT T H E in-inillug mo in the n. in- ot th e W hitten Swafford, A ttorney. STOCK yotir clnhs—and m other doesn't have MATLOCK H O W L • rro m ise s to p resen t an excellent pic. a thing.” S tate - f Oregon. In o rd er to s a tis f y ‘ Eugen*, Oregon. N otice la hereby given th at th ere »aid Judgm ent. In terest, a tto rn y* M 6-13-20-27-A 3. turc. ro itV K it STII £ W ILLAM ETTE 11* delinquent on Sfother Harwood gasped. So she »uhacripiions to fees, coat of suit and accruing cost* . — — . —— ---------- was getting It tonight, and the tem pta­ ¡ » I n k of the Eugen Foundry mi I to sell th • foil.,wing described real N 0 T | CE O F FINAL SETTLEM EN T tion overcame her to find out w hat her FOR RENT -C lean m odern furalabed M achine Vo. by virtue of call» and property, to-wlt NOTI' R 13 H EREBY GIVEN. T hat <• ekduent h ereto fo re duly m u le family thought of her. She listened. Th« lots num bered »lx, seven anil apartm en t» . 3 block« ft ruin Mata ' thereon, «he rev eral am ount* act the undersigned 'X rcu to r of the e s­ "My dear." A ndrew's voice boomed. • tr e e t, t* block from stre e t car oi pi «It,, the n am e, of th e respective • ig’.i in H-Lila i 1M1 ot '■ jiz t- l i> (17 ta te of Em ily M Baker, d e c e a s'd , Fauth, rang (1) W est ot th e W illam ­ “your m other has alw ays been ' nub*i-rlh r* a* follow*: has rendered and filed In th e County (he »ahi adulili thlngs didn't count—the little thing» A ttorney fo r Plaintiff. E xecutor or th e e s ta te of In o rd er to satisfy »aid Jurigw nt. ÌNlratrix m th» office of Youug A- «ame A ddress: SpriDgfield, Oregon. that m ade her home the cheeriest, Eraflv M. Baker. D îceased. B M BUROHARDT. in terest, atto rn ey 's fees, co sts of suit Ray, R40 W lllam ette M irrit. Eugene, M ar 6 May 10 homiest, m ost-sought-after home In F . rank A. DePue. S ecretary, Eugene F o iin ilr/ A Ma­ and accruing costs. I will on Satur- Oregon, w iihln alx monili» from th» their suburb. chín* "o day the 15th day of March, 1924. a t ¡ A ttorney for the estat^ d ate of tht» notte» F 28 M # 13-20-27 ! IN T H E COUNTY» Those children w ere so used to th e ir F 21 2» M f . l J th e hour of one o'clock. In th t aft r- ¡ Jtated al Eugeni*. Oregon, th» 28th C X J U R T f l D OF T H E ' «* a * « * . . . com forts th at they were finding fa u lt noon of said day. B at th e Southw est I» " tu . - > 1>LI A ll ” X rvw U T I T U C iD C V ? n A ’ F day of F •brinirv. 1924. CITATION with the giver. She'd show them , O, M Spagne. M utual Life In su r­ front door of th. County Court H o u se.1 IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E ¡ LENA M KNICKERBOCKER. STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E NÀr. ™ v ' K L A .\L would Mother Harwood. A dtnlnlstratrlx of thè ewtate of an ce Co.. Eugen», O re Phone 877 tf In Eugene. I-an 9 County. Oregon, offer COUNTY for sale and sell for cash, a t public COUNTY OF LANE She went Into the living room, all E E K nickerbocker, d «cessed. 1 In the M atter of the E sta te auction, su b ject to redem ption as pro- L M W atson. Plaintiff, Ynung A Ray. smllea and sat down by her sewing- of B r 8. R alph Dippel. D e n tis t V itos vid .1 by law. all of th e r i g h t title, A ttorneya tur estate John J B ants. E d w a r d L. Schaub M in im a Billings. Deceased table. “Well,” she said to her guilty ¡and In terest ot said d efen d an ts H. E F 28 M « 13 20 27 building. Springfield, Oregon. ! Libby, I.ura E Libby. J. J. C h a se .; and Alma Schaub, his wife, and al! To Jam es R. Billings. M artha A family, “are you «xmsplrators or tra it­ -L M, T ravis and all p s claim ing > ,.ns unknow n If any having or U * . A ' ei.®.?d e r‘ T b°m as ors or something. You l«»ok IL” They all talked at once and Moth«*» hy through or und -r them or any or claim ing an In terest or e s ta te In th e A- Bililnga, E tta M. Billings. Nancy c ith e r «if them In am i to said [. rd n a f ie r described property, De- I ' 1" 1*™ '• -tu lth , N ettie C. Harwood, her mending nnt«xiche«L sat pr m ises. fendaT ts C hristy. Ruby B arrett. H ulah M. Bll- and listened, laying her plans. Fred O. Stlckels. SUMMONS Bags. V.Illlam B illing- and Ja c k Bll- This was the last evening that ther» S herlff of Lane Countv. O regon TO JO H N J BANTA. EDWARD L h n g v and nil o th e r persons Interested s e r e fresh flowers all about, th at th e Contracting and Building SHOE REPAIRING F 14-1 M 6 13 SCHAUB AND ALMA SCH AUB AND in ’•> prem ia a* herein describ en , Plans and Estlmst«« Furnished chintzes were quite so bright and tb e Work Promptly and " __________________ \L L PERRONS UNKNOWN IF ANY. G reeting: Free. Will Help You Finance be«ls ready to receive their sleepy trir- Carefully Done HAVING OR CLAIIMNG AN INTER IN T H E NAME OF T H E STATE Your Building. 1N T H E CIRCUIT COURT O F T H E 1 S T IN T H E H EREIN AFTER’ DES OF OREGON. You are h reby d i e d ' den8' ’l 1" as tbeI ,a "t nlBh.t ' hBt AT JOHN A. NELSON GEO. W. PERKINS STA TE OF OREGON FOR T H E CRIBFD REAL PROPERTY , DEFEN- and required to ap p ear in th e County drew, Andy and L aurette had an a t­ At Hall’s Cash Storo COUNTY OF LANE. HANTS C ourt of the S tate of Oregon, for the tentive listener. F or Mother H arw oo«!. Corner 5th and D streets Main Street L M W atson Plaintiff. IN T H E NAME OF T H E STA TE C ounty of Lane, a t the Court Room next day, hired another maid, gave her Springfield. Oregon ' ¥s OF OREGON: You and each of you thereof, at E u ^-n e, in th e C ounty of nary an Instruction as regnrds the “lit­ Minnie G Tobey Mrs R. E. Billcu. a re hereby notified th at L. M W atson Lane, at th« Marc te rn thereof, to tle things." and then became a club­ tkirl 1.4» ». E tta I'ars.u is, V era l th e h .'H - r of certificate of Delin- w it: On or be.’, re the 25th day of woman—In every sense of the word. S tandlfer. n elrs at law of Fred W nuenev num bered 1973 IssuM on the March. 1924, at 10 o'clock In the HOUSE WIRING She Joined every club I d the vicinity W H. BROOKE Tobey. deceased. O. H F o ster. U. S. ?5th -cclos'(ng ’ho m entioned In said certlflcnte nnd you Specializing In th e Inw ,of Raul lien ag ain st the propertv above d 's - '» r * hereby sum m oned to ap p ear with life. Rapidly she decided to substitute no doubt will b« able to coop­ P roperty and C orporations. rrih ed and m entioned In said cettC in slxtv «lavs nrt«-r the first puhlica- half her clubs for lialf the “little Offtci’s 860 WlllHin«’tte J^Lr«-«'t pr .(|p ! tlnn of th is sum m ons exclusive of e ra te with you advantageously. tilings" and half the “little things” for Anil vc" a re h«rehv «umm eoed to the day of said first publication, and E ugene, ©reecm half her du b s. So siie went into th e All kinds of gravel for con­ ¡appear w ith!” EIXT'" DAYS a f t- r the «1ef«-nd th ’« action nr pay th - am I costa ggalnat Ute Soldiers Bonus Loan». ami in - n i. -d Igit rest » ’" I le lla n i ind premia I cheek. street case of your failu re to do so t decree T ',| ■ umm ons Is published by or "Special desrert tom orrow to cele­ L. K B11AN H E N R i' W. CHASE, Prop. will b ’ren d ered foreclosing the Urn ¡«’c r -•' i'« > honorable H H. r olL Ju«!rc brate, and now I think I'll mend a few A ttorney S tate Lend Board, of said tax es and co sts »gainst t h ' of tlu c irc u it C ourt of the S tate socks. Just for fun.” S late School Fund Loune. of ()r . m ade nnd entered th e re ­ land and prem ises abov«« deacrlbed T his sum m on* I r nubllshed pursu­ in .-I« the 3rd dny of Mgrch. 1994 nud Yah, Yahl WILLIAMS &. BEAN , FRANK A. DE PUE an t to nti o rd er of the Hotiornhlu H th e -lav of the first p u b llc a t'o r of OF EUGENE W eary Wiggins—I «ay, Mugsy. la ATTORNEYS ,11. Belt. Ju d g e of th e C ircuit Court of tkls i-ii mona will he Mnrch 6th, 19:4 A T T O R N E Y a t law your l«W sleepy? 8lnc* 1883 690 W llllom ette 8 t. Bugbos, O*e. jth.9 S tate of Oregon m ade and ente-ed nnd 11-. <’nte of the la s t publication of record th erein on th«- 3rd «lav of will 1 Mnv 8th. 1924. Mugay— W hat do you tncanl NOTARY PUBLIC All nroeesaen nnd paper» In this L leenied to preolle» In all Court» March, 1924 nnd the d a te of the flr*t We»ry Wiggine— Well, yer shoe'» Springfield publication of thl:. nummona la the pfocee li'ig may he oerved upon the utton of th e S tate, end ItaMed «late». 7»w «l«I. ................... •re g o n . 6th dnv of Mnrch. 1924 and the date undersigned residing w ithin th e S tate luldllng Classified Advertisements M W hy W om en Use Glycerine Mixture , B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y The Loop Come Right In SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. 1 he First National Bank