The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 13, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    dore, waa a Springfield butines» vi»
' ttor Saturday
John Maugltu of Coburg haul 'd
Juanita Flowers la confined to her
wagon load» of grain to Spring
home with rheumatism
Ronald McCmaaln of l..tndax was a
T A Edward» wa» In front out of
Mr». J M. Sutton passed away at* Mr »nd Mr» M. J Mi Klin aa»l M.'s t ; rlngrteld visitor over Saturday,
town Friday on business
the age of fifty-five on Sunday, March l.illah Rhodes aud daughter», lone and
T Cameron of Fur.'kn. California.
Mrs. W 11. S te a m ie r had charge Oi
Theda, from Spnngfield »pent Sunday ha„ b w „
Sl„.lB, „ rW for a N,w
Pth. fallowing a major operation
the Mode Millinery shop In the ab
She 1» survived by 6 chlldrea. at Roy Eilmtston ».
day» on business before going on to se m e of Miss Osll Gray III Portland
Anda Calvert and Ivan lllefearil front {he
Bay dlalrict
three son» and three daughter». Mr.
this week mid.
Tonj Mlnn(,y of i.eaburg »pent the
Charlie Sutton In Texas. Mis Stella W endllng »pent Saturday night and
Ja c k Pullen, Lowell truck driver,
Huffman at Pleasant Hill. Ml»» Cora Sunday at John Edmlston ».
week end In Springfield
w as In on buslnesa Monday
Sutton at home. Mr. Clarence Sutton
Mrs. Genevieve Beaman and daugh
John Bushtuan visited the Oregon
Mr and Mrs. H ow ard Freeland left
at Norkenale, Mr». V enla Miller In ter Zorn from Coburg .p en t Sunday j
on to r Snlem Monday, w bare they will
Kansas and Mr. Marian Sutton at at Mrs. HarblCs
•pend a week with relative*.
home. Two brothers and one slater
Ms. Earnest W est. Dorothy Travis
Mies Dorothy Gerard, who teacher
Mrs Sam Tarvon waa In from Har­
also survive her. Messrs George and and Maude Eftnistqn attended an
Charlie Currey of thia place and Mr». endeavor meeting in E ngine last Sat­ near Coburg, spent the w eekend wltn r|»burg tor medical treatment Monday
her parents here.
Adams of Chase Garden».
SEE Dr N W Emery
Mrs. Sutton came here from Kan­
Hasel Edmlston. who Is attending
sas several years ago and had made normal at Monmouth, spept last week Frlilay evening visiting friends In on prices on plate aud other work, tf
many friend» who will mourn her los*. at her home here.
Cottage Grove.
Springfield News *1 SB per year.
She has been in poor health the Iasi
Arthur ltushman returned Friday
Jack and Harry Harblu who have
few year» »nd «tnce the first of the been working a t Reedsport, abs night from a trip to northern Call*
year has been In a critical condition
ifornla on business
home for a tew days.
being unable to take but very little
The Carboltneuin Wood-nreservkng
The play given at the hall last
nourishment and so was too weak to Friday evening by the high school
»hipped a carload of treated
stand the shock of an operation.
was a great success as all of the
to t laiforela Monday, and re-
Funeral services were held at the characters placed their parts w>ea «*'»** “ »••>* c#r ot creosote from
Schwertng chapel on Tuesday. Marek anJ a
crowJ attwi(1. j
11. at 2:00 p. m. Interment was made
W eaver Brothers, who have been
Th* Morrison Knudsen company
in the Howe cemetery.
on a trip to California, have return- received a carload of coal from Utah
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W illiams left ed home.
i Monday
Saturday for Medford where they ex­
Mike Tennis from Marshfield
Is* Th« Anderson Manufacturing cor-
pected to visit a few days with Mr. spending a few days visiting friends Poratlon received a carload of lum
and Mrs. W. A. Messiner.
her from the Coos Bay line Monday. '
In ThurstO|n
Mrs. Bertha Macklin and little
Carl Olsen. Southern Pacific agent i
The revival m eeting started last
daughter Evelyn came out from Sunday The Leavitt Soul Winning / o r Springfield, made a buslnesa trip
Springfield Friday to visit her sister.
team ta conducting It. A delegation U> Oakridge Friday afternoon
Mrs. Charlie Williams, returning Sat­
A. A. Johnston ot W altervllle was In
of over 60 from Coburg came over
urday evening.
Tuesday night Rev. eavttt Just re­ Monday.
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hur­
Mrs. N. Mier of Camp Creek Is
cently closed a very successful m eet­
ley during the week were Mr. a n d .
111 with Intestinal Influents
ing at Coburg.
Mrs. Paul Kollek and daughter. Mrs.
J W. Neet of We»t Springfield Is
There was a meeting held by mem­
N ellie Cornwell and little children of
bers of the hall stockholders Monday recovering from a ease of Influents S
Creswell and Misses Rose and Pauline
Jimmy Hastings was here from
Raegger and Gladys Butler.
The Sunday school sent a bouquet Thurston Monday.
The Camas Local of the Farmers’
W ith o u t a buslns«» education
of flowers to Miss Thelma Fowler,
John Tomseth. J r . was In Spring-
anion will hold their regular meeting
you are not prepared property
who Is seriously 111 In a sanitarium field over the week-end from Camp
at the school house Wednesday night ! .
. . . . . .
to cope w ith tbo many problems
34 above Wendllng to visit his pa­
, .
. at Portland, it being her b rthday
Mrs. John Jones was a Friday al-l
„ ________ _ “ . ___
of life.
Ben Rennie went to Portland last rents. Mr and Mrs. John Tomseth. Sr.
ternoon visitor at the Leidtke home, j
Friday evening. He drove home a
Jack Harbet was In from Thurs- ’
Regardless of your position
Ernest W istrope, who has rented
track Monday.
ton Saturday night.
you need It. and you can aecurs
the Murdock place, has been out here i
Miss Thelma Blanton from Brooks
S. S. George, state Industrial claim
It at a reasonable rest
several times lately getting his spring
la visiting her aunt. Mr». W illiams agent, was in Springfield on business
srork started.
The question la—Are you go­
Mr. and Mrs George Rickets left
ing to make th ) necessary e f­
Saturday morning enroute to Salem
fort now. or are you going to
where they will visit his mother, who
k -ep putting It off until by
ia staying alone, a granddaughter hav- f
and by?
tag recently left who had been stay-1
tag with her.
We arc here to serve you and
la the science th at 1» restoring health to thousands
who Buffer from stomach trouble. tonslUUa. nervouanoan.
sleeplessness, headaches, vnlargeetl prostrate glands, high
blotxl pressure etc.. by sclnetlflcaUy co-ortllnailng the prin­
ciples of Chiropractic and W ectro-Therspy. T he «m utts
are Safe. Sane and Sure.
Overhauling the Car
Pay Less
Eat More
Good Groceries
Eastman Grocery
tbit summer? Then why not let ua give you an
estimate on your particular job?
Second Avenue Garage
Why Attend
Mr. Handsaker and Mrs. Edwards
of Eugene were week-end guests at
Ute home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Conner geests at the home of Henry
Mathews Sunday. March 8. included
Rev and Mrs. W. A. Elkins, Mrs.
Handsaker, Mrs. Edwards of Eugene
and Mr. and Mrs. W L. Bristow of
Pleasant Hill.
Miss Hattie Brown, who has been
assistin g at the hom? of Mr. and
Mrs. D. G. Linton, Is now helping at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. T E. Hau-
risan. Mrs. Haurfran. who has been
sick since the Christmas holiday»,
though very weak. Is able to be
about a little.
Miss Bertha Manning left Pleasant
Hill Wednesday, March 11. for V;ring-
field. After spending several days
with he brother, C. L. Manning, at
Springfield she expects to go to
W -ndling where she will visit some
time with h et slater, Mrs. Robert
The young folks of the Christian
Endeavor gave a leap year party at
the home of Lucille and Merrill Ben­
nett Friday, March 7. Many interest­
ing gam es were played but the one
srhioh caused the most merriment
was the one in which each girl was
given the name of a magazine. Then
ea-h boy gave the name of his fa­
vorite magazine. The girl who had
Hint, magadine name had to propose
before the rest of the crowd to the
boy choosing her name If the boy
laughed during the proposal he had
to pay a forfeit. Refreshments con­
sisting of green onions, tooth picks,
water and all-day suckers were serv­
About 13 high school students met
at the Dexter hall Saturday night and
spent a pleasant evening playing
Light refreshments were
Miss Alta Manning, teacher of
Coast Fork, spent the week-end visit­
ing friends at Pleasant Hill.
The Christian Endeavor society
h e ll their Sunday m eeting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E B. Tinker,
as Miss Manning who has been 111
the past four weeks was not able to
attend the m eeting at the church.
Merrill Bennett was the leader. The
subject was ‘‘Trifling.’’ Short talks
were given by different members of
the society on ’’Trifling with Christian
Endeavor Work." ’’Trifling with Re-
T rifling with f o ' and "Tr fl
Ing with School.’’ After the meeting
tfcose present enjoyed a number of
piuno pieces by Mary Harden, very
amusing readings by Miss Hattie
Brown and Miss Hazel Powell
The Trent local of Farmers' Union
w ill meet at the Pleasant Hill school
house this week Wedneday,
for fair and square dealing all of the time is one of our
biggest assets. Quality and quantity and low prices
m ake our store popular.
Community Cash Store
i» m t.
W ill youT
Eugene Storage Battery Co.
Eugene Business
Automotive Electricians
A. E. ROBERT3. President
Is opened It will be found firm
and solid as when first made.
T h ose who wish an Ideal des­
sert or a universally appreciated
ref eshm ent for som e social
function, can give their order
to- any quantity with full con­
fidence that the cr--am will be
In perfect condition when It Is
time to serve It.
we are always glad to tell yoU
about our school. Hundreds of
young men and women have
completed one of our coura.*»
and are today bolding respons­
ible positions.
You may do tbo
W . M. Green, Prop.
Phone 19
“as good as
the Bosch
Our Reputation
Over l.udford’a
•16 W illam ette Street
Examination Free
Phone 356J
7 th A venue C ast
*2 0 5 ^
See Our
5/«rf«r am/
fr im o u n la llt
O rd e r Y o u r F o rd
R unabout N ow !
Each »pring the demand for Ford Runabouts is far in excess
oi the immediate supply.
Fast in traffic, easy to park and fitted w ith ample luggage
space, the Ford Runabout 1» especially adapted for the work
oi talesmen and others who must conserve time and energy in
making d ieir daily calls.
II you Jo not wish to p.y cash lot your car, you esn ar range
lor a small payment down end easy Irons on the balance.
O r you can buy on ilia Ford W e ekly Purchase Plan.
When it comes to a sanitary kitchen the sink is the
most essential part of the equipm ent. We have all grades,
sizes and prices in the best quality th a t m oney can buy.
Detroit, Michigan
See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer
May we call and give you our expert advise o r estim ate
w ithout obligating you in any way.
C A R S • TR U C K S • T R A C T O R S
E ugene