OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings ol the Week Collected for Our Readers. Polk county's Jail la again crowded beyond Ita normal capacity. There are only 1400 bales of last I year's hop crop left unsold In Oregon . Revenues of the port o( Astoria (rum February 1 to March 1 totaled ap j proxlmately (44,000. Cove cltlaans are propoalng to start a campaign to float an (4000 bond la ; aua to build a community hall. Girl reserves from all sections ol | Oregon gathered at Salem to attend i the annual convention of the organise I Uon. Tha North Powder Commercial club la the name given to the civic organl nation which was formed In that city! last week. The University of Washington won bat« at Eugene on the Harding world cuurt plan. Tbe port of Astoria will expeud from | I t . 000 to (10.(MM) during the coming auuimvr for repair^ to Ita property aud for new equipment. Uniforms have been ordered and within a few days the members of the Oregon City police force wiir appear' tu regulation apparel. Effort« of pradatory animal hum. ara of (ha Unllod Statea biological aurvny in Oregon resultad in (ha death of 6'14 animala In the month of Febru •ry . according to a report o( fltanle, Qut |Q Olnn#r__Mr. and Mrs. H arry Hprlngftold and ate Sunday dinner O. Jewett, predatory animal Inapector ' w whHn«y entertained at dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wilson of this city. Mr. Wilson's birthday falls James Henderson McFarland, one ol Sunday M r and Mrs. Carl Olson on March 6, and Mr. Heinrich's on the founders of the city of Cottags Motored to Monroe— Mr. and Mrs. March 11. For the past «lx years Grove, died there at the age of 71. H l C. E Swarts and Mis» Edna Swarts they have managed to celebrate to­ was a pioneer of 14(1, coming from Missouri, and took up a donation land motored to Monroe on (Sunday. gether. cboslng a day between ihe claim where Cottage Grove now Here Rrom Idaho— Mr. and Mrs two birthday» on which the families stands. Jacn Machen arrived In Springfleld can take dinner together. Mrs. Mary Rtarmer, Oregon pioneer Monday. They are former residents Spent Sunday Here— Mr. and Mr*. died at Silverton. She was an auni of this city. Wayne Clover of Mabie were In of Homer Davenport and cousin ol Back at W ork— W. T . Thompson Springfield Survey, and spent the T. T. Oeer. She was born In 14(1 la Waldo bills and lived all her life oe was able to be back on the Job at tbe day with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cox. part of the old II C. Geer donation Mountain States Power plan; Tues­ Mr. Clover Is a brother of Mrs. Cox. land claim. day. Injured Hand— George B. Rhlne- Major Luther Felker. United State» Returned From Portland — Miss army, retired and now at HUI M llltarj Gall Gray Is back after spending tbe bault of Landax was Injured Thurs­ day while working for R. C. Edwards academy. Portland, has been cited bj week-end In Portland on a business and son. As he was lifting timber on thé war department for gallantry la trip. ¡a roll he received a compound frac- action against Spanish foreea durlni Rented Property— L. F. Wilson and H ire to his thumb the attack on San Juan hill, Cuba July 1, 14(4. family moved Into the M. O. Evans i Bruised Ear— E V. Schiller of the Little Eva Kicks. I years old. was house In Douglas Gardens over the Cam as Lumber company of Lowell, burned to death In a barn fire on ths week-end. z ! received a severe cut and bruise on L. N. Conley ranch, four miles from Here from Albany— Mrs. f h w grandmother. Mrs. T. a few from Washington and Idaho at- I j Graves. She went to Salem on tended the third annual convention i the woods. Oregon pensions have been granted Thursday and her grandmother's of the Orogon chapter of the Amort | r u ik Millard L. Opdycke f uner#l was held Saturday. can Association of Engineers, held In as follows: Grants Pass. (18; Harvvy L. M e. Portland. Alllstsr. Lexington. (12; Amos D , Had Birthday Dinner— Mr. and Mrs At a meeting of Ihe congregation of Wooden. Portland, (12; Mary AUc«! F. A. Heinrich of Lebanon drove to the First Presbyterian church at Jackson, Portland, (20; Sarah J. Mil Salem It was decided to proceed with­ ler. Corvallis, (30; W illiam M. Wise out delay with the construction of a Portland. (12; minor of W illiam H new church to cost approximately Robinson. Clackamas, (20; Clemaot (125.000. Underwood. Portland. (18; Zacharla» | A Union county economic confer­ Zimmerman. Falls City, (18. ence was held at Union for a aurvey The question of the validity of th< j of agricultural conditions. Several slate law which provides that license» hundred farmers representing overy for flailing In the Columbia river shal aectlon of the county attended the be laauod only to cltlsens of the Unltet conference. Statea will be tested tn the courts. It Representatives of the Silverton la reported at Aatorla. Attorneys hav, goal of the American Legion appeared been employed to bring court action nt a meeting of the city council with but what the nature of the suit wll Men’s Moleskin Pants. Good heavy weight, extra request for an ordinance providing for ( bH„ not been announced. It la un a (10.000 bond Issue to build an deratood, however, that the ronstltu good wearing q u a lity ............ ................................ armory at Silverton. tlonatlty of the act w ill be attackot Men's whlpqord Riding Breeches, medium and Ole Nelson, former sheriff of Clat­ on the ground that It Is class leglsla heavy grade, at only ............. ................................ sop county, who waa recalled from of­ Ion. Men’s Khaka Riding Breeches, medium and heavy fice some time ago after being charg­ A wagon drawn by the same powei grade, at only ......... ..................... ed with drunkenness, waa acquitted of that moved pioneers westward acron Men’s Cottonade Work Pants In pencil stripe, th« charge In circuit court at Aatorla. the continent In early days, slow, bu at only ...................................— ............................... Nelson had appealed the case. reliable oxen, was In nend last woel Men's Wool Dress Pants in plain color and pencil on the final lap of a 3000 mile trlj Steps will ho taken to force the Im ............ ............... to stripe at from Connecticut to Oregon. Th, mediate raxing of all temporary bust Mens light weight Unlonsults In long or short oxen were driven by J. C. Berrang nesg structures erected In Astoria Im sleeves, ankle length, at to mediately following the big fire, whose who Is accompanied on his slow trol owneaa liavo not compllod with the across the United States, by his wife Men's Medium weight Cotton Unlonsuits, long llorrang said he had headed the oxer city ordinances before March 18. sleeves, ankle length, a t ...... . to Spring farm work la starting earlier toward the western prairies and moun Men’ s UUnch Reliance l’acs, good heavy upper. In central Oregon this yenr than ever tains on'December 1, 1020. ,The trli Extra heavy sole ............... ................................... before. With practically no winter, of the Borranga w ill end at Medford Men's 14-lnch Reliance Pacs, medium soft upi>er. spring arrived more than a month where the Berrangs Intend to maki Good wearing sole at................ their home. earlier, and plowing'and harrowing Is Men's extra h t - n v y Work Shoes, crom e upper, The San Francisco chamber of com general In Ihe agricultural districts. extern heavy sole ................................ meres has petitioned to Intervene ti Experiments conducted near Ilerm support of a movement Initiated by th. Iston In the west end of Umatilla coun­ ty for converting alfalfa hay Into mut­ public service commission of Oregoi ton by feeding lambs has roaylted In to obtain construction of a rnllront line Intended to lessen the dlatnnci an excellent prloe for the hay. ac betweeu eastern Oregon points and Sni cording to Fred llonnlon. county agent Francisco by 400. miles. TJie.petltloi The United States forest aocvlco, was forwarded to tha Interstate,com which is under the department of agri inerce commission. The action wli culture. Is hack of two Mils submit be henrd at Portland March 2«. Th, t„d by Senator McNary .to Inq’ ude railroad line is requested from Cranr large areas of the Oregan & California weal ward to a connection at Ode! railroad lantl grant and tha Coos'Bay with the ftatron cut-off of the South In national wagon road land grant tin Pacific. foresta. Note these wonderfully LOW PRICES On Staple merchandise By order of the Common Council ot the town ot Springfleld, Ore. Scaled bids w ill be received for tbe construction of 3 sewers, each sewer to be bid on separately. Plan and specification can be seen at CttF H all, Springfleld, Ore. Bids to bn opened A pril 14, 1(24. 7:30 p. m. M ark envelope Sewer Bid. Rights reserved to reject any all bids. J. W. CO FFIN. City Recorder. Mar. 13-20-27. Tbe board of directors of the F a r -1 V V f l l V f f a ♦ a rare»' Union Warehouse met at Cot- _____will do whet we tag-, Crore Monday night, March 10. | , i . _ fo, A. C. Berntxen of the Dqnebo local r( of or was chosen to fill the place of W . H. by Catarrh. Andrews, who resigned from the H ir»!!1*» JW F. J. CHENEY fix CO.. Toledo, Ohio board some time ago. Sanitary Meat Market The best meat at a price that will bring you back and make you a regular customer. FREE DELIVERY 9:30 a. m. DAILY Holverson Bros, Props. The Thrifty Man Buys in the Best Market! The thrifty man when making a trip will USE TH E TRAIN because: He can save money by purchasing a round-trip ticket at reduced fare. He will measure in dollars and cents the safety of the train as well as the comforts it provides. He will spend his money where he knows his home town will get the greatest benefit— with the railroad— a big factor in the development of his community. He will capitalize on the fact that the train will run regardless of unfavor­ able weather conditions and get him to his destination safely. Be a T h rifty traveler and ride the train For any railroad ¡information call on your ticket agent— he w ill gladly assist you in every way possible JOHN M. SCOTT Asst. Passenger Traffic Manager Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific Lines Convinced that highway advertising signs detract from the natural beauty o f the great routes of travel of the Pacific Coast, this Company has de/ cided that it will erect no more such signs and that it will immediately re/ $ 2 .5 0 move all of its signs of this nature now $ 2 .2 5 standing. Hereafter the Company $ 2 .4 5 to $2.98 $ 1 .9 8 will confine its use of signs to com/ mercial locations. $ 3 .5 0 $7.85 T he Company feels that the splendid 9 8c $1.25 scenery so characteristic o f nearly all $1.65 $ 1 .9 8 $ 9 .5 0 $ 8 .5 0 $ 3 .4 5 t0 $4.98 C. J. BRE1ER Co. 605 to 609 Willamette Street Eugene. Oregon o f the highways of California, Ore/ gon, Washington, N evada & Arizona should be unmarred, and on that ac* count is willing to sacrifice the adver*. Using value o f the signs. STA N D A K D OIL COMPANY ( California )