The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 13, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    TH VUS PAY. MARCH 13 1921.
¿«BW* onm
xT/-'nri yn Kirivc
ft **■
«!•» ,hus
NEWS dated
283 R C. has
An Km»<i*n divorce paper
be.«» deciphered by a trans
'la to r at the University of Pennsylvania.
Published E very T h u rsd ay at
Springfield. L ane County. .Oregon, by
.. C. W
w fr
a« r
M T tfr
E R F fik
E MAXEY. E ditor
E n tered as second class m atter. F eb ru ary 24. 1903 at the
poatofflce. S p rin ffleld . O regon
T h ree M i'nths .... 50c
i l 25
S lag e Copy -------- 5c
On» Y ear In Advanc«
8lx Month*
Mr. Mellon would ren
the e tax burdens
ew m
oilm ens of
the poor
, 7 ^ (<
Oerm any she
n of .,,ev„
the burden on the poor by.placing a higher In-
come tax on the rich. Both are rendering ex-
pert opinion for the adm inistration but one Is
flavored with polities.
Editorial Program
Make SpHegfiUld the Indus»«- al C enter of W es­
te rn Oregon.
II. Develop a S trong T rading P oint; Build a City
of C ontented Homes.
III. Im prove Living C ond't ons on th e Farm . P ro­
mote the Ra sing of P urebred Livestock snd
th e Growing of F ru it: W ork for B etter M arkets
IV. Tell th e W orld About O regon's Scenic W onder-
E d ito r ia l
THURSDAY. Î ’ ARCH 1-5. is :«
C o m m e n t
W all St el h aa th e old trum p-card tu«ke.l up it» sleeve
It hn» played It on occaalon* in th e vast It » o n pi*«
It this tim e. T hut card Is played by In tim ating to Wash
Ington » h e n th e tra il grow s hot th at W ashington'» a r
lions a r.' g reatly d isquieting W all u trect »nil suggesting
th a t W ashington ch an g e Its course. W alt » tre a t 1» p ra tty
■mad. hut It w on't play th a t card thia tim e It has lost
'c u t on Its tax bill pro p ag an d a: It will l.we out on Us
anti-bonus rro p ag an ria; some o t Its little tin gods have
!been sadly b a tte rM up W all S treet'» h eart Is full of
an g e- and It» m ind bolting whit thoughts of vengeance
It would like to play th e old t rum p-card. But It won t
, l t w ou't hecauso hgck In Its head som ew h’ re W all S treet
has an Idea th a t It wilt soon be Investigated Itself, and
While ihe liquor laws should be enforced as tlon.—V ictor . Mun1ock
w ith
in . Eagle
Murdock <«
In W
stringently as other laws on the sta tu te books the
• • •
crim inal methods used by some prohibition en ­
forcem ent officials that have come to n ig h t in T he T eapot P om e affair can n o t be treated a» a partisan
som e cases recently are contem ptable. The pub­ political m a tte r an y m ore th an a w ar can be T t” c,' :
lic can justify the use of its money to buy ru p tio n lst I» even a w orse toe of hi» country th an »
booze flrom bootlegger in order to eet the evi­ foreign Invader
dence but no decent upright citizen will counten­ E m -rg.m cles amt Unie» of trial b ' l men out. TJi"'
ance an offl ial furnishing liquor to another eith e r develop th e yellow stre a k In them o r bring out
citizen in order to secure an arrest for illegal th e ir qnalitl«» of nobility. N othing th a t men high It
possession. This is the most low down method the political partie* could do at thia tim e would he so
th at can be employed by any stool pigeon. Bad effective In resto rin g public confidence and giving
e practice
of I taking ...............
with the people
U* th
iu v u l c V
prtipiv- a new . resp ect for men, m easure» an t party pur
m oonshiner or bootlegger. An officer can be as' p<* t, , , ,0 k , ,h, r«P,ie s .e them rt«e above »11 au
much of a crim inal as anyone else and if he plclon of political Jockeying In ih e oil affair and to have
uses these m ethods he is a crim inal of even a them go thro u g h w ith It a» sin c e re ly 'a m i aa ro u g h -h a d
a» a Are d ep artm en t goes to a Are.
lower tvpe than the dry law violator
• • •
No h esitatio n should be shown in d eallrg wttfc
No citv o r com m unity ever became great by t0 publl(. conn«ience. if faith in governm ent 1» to be
• “ those
discrediting others especially
in the sam e malnt<lne<1. T he Im perative duty developing upon public
of all p p arties
a rties at
Is > to
and , •
state. No m an ever built up a large business by men or
at « W » ashington
n u m i» » >-
“ work unitedly
- .........» -----
. to uncover and to bring
keiee to
m ugni
n»ht m
the e t full
depth P
knocking his com petitors. Yet we see on every »Incerely
u n neptu
hand in Oregon misguided cities and business of the infam y which may be concealed In , h l. .ra n d a ..
n ir ii u u iu p
m ío
- - ----
a n a i o orín
the chief obstacles th at is holding development • punll>hinen,
in the state back.
I Aa a co rru p tlo n l» t make» no d istinction betw een
California overcame this by preaching the state
an ,i Republican, let p arty men m ake no «II»
wide doctrine instead of the individual commtin- flnction ln the)r treatm en t of th e co rru p tionist, w h «e
tv propaganda.
n r o p a g a n n a . The
i n e u Oregon
i v g u u o S u tate
n c Cham . « ber
v. —
o rn
of » , eome»
cnm(„ to
to prosecuting
p ro ie<utiiig ine
th e c co
rru ip p o to jr r ui
of governm ent, •••
'om m erce has recently brought the form er sec-
„ R .p u b llra n or a D em ocrat can r e n d *
etarv of the Sacram ento Cham ber of Commerce
,o for(tm abon, par, y line* or party a«l
o Oregon and he has started to com bat the T, n„ fe, u,,„ c er and Join hand« with hl» political
uockers am ong our people. He should have the
, p resen tin g a com bined front to th« enem y
lupport of all the boosters in this and every ! Of
of »U j^oT em m eat. T hat is in fact, hi*
Mher com m unity in the state.
itjt;. —c a p p e r's W eekly.
A Senator, a fter investigating the m atter, re-J
norts that the spread between the cost of a bar-
- vanderlip savs
rel of flour and the bread it would ™ake.
A bsolute know ledge have i none.
118.30 in 1923 and that a New York baking house
w ash erw o m an ', » later» win
made 118 p e rc e n t on its 1923 business. Evidently
on hw
the farm er is being gypped, the consum er is b e - .
* lab<>r„r on the . trtet,
ing mulcted, and the bak ng house h ^ been y
u tu r JuH
profiteering. Such t™ - * * « 0"« ral1 ? rp
A U tte r which he aid no, a e e k -
organizanon to com bat them , or the m odern. F-om a C hinese menhant
m erch an t ln
In T
T lm buctoo
housewife will have to resum e break m aking.
W ho said th a t hie b ro th er in Cuba knew
SpwyftM MutUApaC»
«d »»*♦-»
T ° ¿ " in i'
. ,
s ; g
. r r f «
Ucally it I*, in bilking bread with n texture. wonderful
Hom mid a wholesome nutrition that the whole family
applet lutes.
That.-» what thousands of good housewives arc saying
every day who use FEATHERFLAKE FLOUR.
T here’s a big difference In Hour von know be sure you
gel the famous FEATHERFLAKE.
Remember the FEATHERFLAKE trade mark a white
dove In a red til*
th it Insures '’light as n te \th e r" bakings
These quality stores »ell FEATHERFLAKE \. It Sliced
Store, Eastm an Grocery, Com m unity Cash Store, ,\«-w-
port Grocery. McMurray’s Store. Glenwood Cash S t o r e
Snuford. Mr».
, .
P anford. Mr»
Pet Punford
. ..
, . ,,
Pet Sanford. II
H om er Pa, etc T
over sixty tw o years of ag e; J u t. It ¡strabi«, a» a pension If al Io weil begin«
allows pension to thoa» who Are at from th e tiling of the claim
m ate-lally
from ( The Act of H ep'em ber lai. I»33 en
. . r a i n , .h eir living by m anual labor la rg e , the provlalon. of the Act of
lUWHi iliac«»',
m e it i wag iniixy i»»’
• «»•v T » hia
h i * Riivtig
affects until?
m any
►X- „ s t » / « K a to o ie « t h a t is h o i l d the
i n g result
d e v e of
i o n th m eir
e n t own
! _______
m isconduct soldiers who have been re je c t'd , tn-
C rltel Mr» J S. Powell
iSui h disability m ust be p ern anettt crenaea th e pension of widows and
n erd not ________
be total .. It ____
need not be children under IS years of age and
, ¡but
__ _________
If you served ninety day» or m ore ¡the t -sult of m ilitary service
n r liup*<i uni no« •
effecting »■
8panl»h«Amert. an W ar t h - SOLDIER I h .ES n o t HAVE t o BE «rap s and w idow , S oldiers rejected
Philippine» prior t„ July t. in« • .... sixta t
' ’. AK_ s .
‘ J'AIM on m edical grounda should w rite m<
P lease enclose atatnp for reply .MlJ
m ter.-«...i
g o .,» « <«.
o n m s vB n.lTY
,,f ,,e0
P*'» ‘*l » Pension Lnw or vital IQ. sl»n depends upon th e degree of dis
. .. »
, » m .
ability and ranges from *13 00 to
OK, I g y tl
• ”
T his law contains tw o provision» 33® 0A per m onth W idows of veterans
Peggy: "How did you get along
1st. It allow s p rn slo n s to all ex-sol- a re also allowed pensions.
wtlh the E nglishm an?"
dlera, sailors and m arines with th e
If you wish advice about lb 's law
Polly: "F in e! Told hl tnsome fun­
above service record who w ere honor w rite M E llu< hanan. R oute I. Trev ny stories and h etook ,h-«m serbius-
ably discharged and who a re now Ilians, V irginia Prom pt action I» de ly."
Of an Indian chief In a T exas town
"W here did you get th a t story.” asked the W ho got th e dope from a etreus clown
Judge ‘ I won t tell,” said Ralph King, reporter on T Lat a roan In ih e K londike had it stra ig h t
W aukegan, ni.. Sun. (It is new spaper ethics not From a guy In a South A m erican «U te
to betray sources of inform ation received in con­ T*«at a wild m an o v er In Borneo
fidence). '’Thirty days in jail then." said th e
who rla lm ^ to Un„w
Judge King now w rites for his paper from jail V “ '»w E
and his boss doubles his salary during imprison-
motf,„r wl|, undertak,
m ent
. . .
To prove th a t h e r husband'» slater'» niece
Now we know how strong ou r navy is. I t h a s ’ » « sta te d plain ,n a printed
C o m m u n ic a tio n
' «
¡('has E arl, Z. O E arl, Mrs L II Alex G aroutte. H. I). Myera. S „ .
r-z,..«»» l x,ng, Edd Jen k s. A. T Beldler. Mrs. Edwar«!». F red Kelly. Mrs. Dorothy
Ilb .m ,
*' ,■1,11,1,. M r , H . A. Im rb .m . M r.. M>
,, „
. ...
, „ . „ Miller. A E B urrow s, J B Mosby,
H onesty an«l M orality.
H opman. S M.
Boyd, w m . La.ndess,
E m m ett S h arp was born an«l rears«!
t i inard.
F ran k Kelly, W oodson
75. F. ............. ..................... .......... O
— O
— J- Taylor.
th e C ottage G rove comm unity V pafrh H K Mptr.a )f j x W allace. B os. G arage by O. E. Woo«,son. C
W e. th e undersigned, all reeld eg ts
R oberts. Mrs. M J. Hawley. Mr. P ark er, J . W. Klrit. W m. T horn
of C ottaga Grove, o r vicinity, know
Hawley. Alice W ither» H awley, Boone S h o rtrld g e, Mrs. Ray Short. J
Mr. S h arp only as a man of unques Alsea H aw ley, W. B Hawley,
- Powell, J A Elledge, ~
Mlnnl - s S.
F It Shur-
man of good Hawley. George M H awley, N. W man, F ran k Safley, C. E Dam« wood.
Honed honesty and
m oral ch aracter.
W hite, MS* N. W. W hite, A. M F. II Allison, Geo. W. M atthew s, A.
Geo M. Scott. Chaa. Adams. T. W hite, Mrs A. M W hite. Mrs. W Z. Gowdy, T hom as Miller. J F. Mil
Dale W yatt. O ctran d er & McQueen. ; g Kp
w 8. Key-'s, Mrs. MyrS ler, Aug. H einrich, J. E. Young, L.
C. F. W alker. M rs H. Hohl, Sterling
F eed Co.. Ray Baker. J. H. Baker,
Geo. H. B rainard, Chas. S. H all, C.
A. K u rre, A. S .Powell, C. H Burk-
holder, W. A. W ard, Mrs. M. P. G ar­
o u tte, Mrs. A. S. Powell, A. Alsted.
J. C. W right, C. B Jan zler, W. A.
lle n n e , O. H. W illard, H. F. W ynne,
S arah I,. H artner, M rs H. F. W ynne.
D. H. H em onw ay, L. D. H arvey, Mrs
D. H. H em enw ay, S m ith & S hort,
M innie L. Millet*. L lnnie V lolette,
A. W. K im e, Floyd Jones, L. C. F a r­
m er. C. D Brown, R obt. B. H anna,
L. W. B ran t, A. A. R ichm ond, L. R.
bong, G. W. P itch er. C. J. K ern , H.
B. G riggs, Geo. Ilohl, S. V. Allison,
Be careful tO choM otoro'l th a t contains t! ’ least sediment. Seiliment
A den M iller, H. B. K eene, F W.
ij caused t y th e heat «jf your engine breaking do-An the lubricating c, 1. To
P o rte r, W. £. B lakeley. B. L. Perinl,
evoid sediment use a lubri ant ,..i t resists heat.
8. E. Cole. C. A B artell, C arrie Hem-
Vcedol is tr.ade by th e Faulkner P n ceas, ® neu '« sew ery th at give» remark­
enw ay, F. J. A nde-son. Wm. H iggins,
able h e a t and wear reaistin^ qualities. I t reduce, sedim ent 80%.
P. R ogers. J a s p e r P atten . J. B Slew -
Veedol c«z 11 u lit« ’ , . » th an the aver« e l o b r i « nt, b u t five gallons will run
art, S. R. B rand, B. R. Job, G f.ltt
from 2 Olli ut 5,(n .
Can you o i - 1 to us’iin«’ cheaper ?
G raber, Hugh M urray, W. E. Now«-ii,
E. R. G eorga. Mr*. M. Jones, Arelil««
Jone«, Jo h n M. D urham H enry Shi i -
Orll/i B lackm ore, Mala M iller, C. II
E lliott, C. C. teW al.l, C. O. Or« n,
W. O. W ilson, H R. S h earer, MP nle
B arker, J. P itch er. W. H 7 * • .
y, j
L. E. S pangenberg, G eorge Boyd, R '
A. T rask . H. L. T aylor, T. M
1 H C ham bers, Cbe*. «Jetty», W
Real Economy 'in Motor O ’l
Springfielu Garage
X ,K
r Authorised ford and Chevrolet Serviee
Merchants who have real
values in their lines advertise
the fact. People who buy
advertised goods know they
are buying in the best mar­
ket. Buy advertised goods
and be sure of your purchase.