OBVOTEO TO IN T E R E S T OF 8P R IN O F IC L D ANO TH E FARM ERS OF T H F W IL L A M E T T E V A LLEY THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-FIRST YIU ‘ o( O- b 'br#xy BIDSlALLED FOR - ON THREE SEWERS HPRINOF1ELD, LANK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 13. 1924. ISPRINGFIELD SCHOOLS ENTERED BY BURGLAR Both Lincoln and High 8chool Build­ S^art Numbering Vote on $ 3 0 0 0 Houses o f C ity Bonds S atu rday ing Entered Sunday Night but No Loot Gotten Council Will Enforce Ordinance; Polls 0:>en From 2 Until 7 Chamber of Commerce Has O'clock for Expression on Charge of Numbering Manual Training Building Council Asks Estimates; Law An attempt to r«b the Spring« id Enforcement Discussed; C o -;b*sb *»bl «»«t th« Lincoln «chool With the backing of the city toun ! A 12000 bond Issue will be voted on operation Decided on as Best ,,B Mubd"y »‘«bt re.uite.l only in the taking of leas than a dollar In small <-1' ,b*! house numbering campaign baa by the Springfield taxpayer« on Sat- Methods of Handling Minors. change. the breaking of several pant« i b*"n »tsrted In Springfield by the j u.-day, at the special election called "The People's Papar" A L IVE NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E TOW N NUMBER 9 STRICT ENFORCEMENT OF LAWS FOR MINORS ASKED 150 Favor Anti-Cigarette, Pool Law and Curfew Ruling be Rigidly Adhered to Hall 300 IDEES PLANTED ID CIVIC CAMPAIGN One hundred and fifty tamilica ex- Springfield Beautiful Movement pressed them selves as being Ln favor Under Auspices of Chamber of tbe strict enforcem ent of the cigar­ fo Commerce and Civic Club ette law for minors, and for tbe es­ Meeting With S u c c e s s . tablishment of a curfew law, It was of glass, and considerable disorder In- Chamber of Commerce. The o r d ln jb y the school board for March 15 found by the Child Welfare and Law- A rail tor 1,1.1 a tor the con stru ction Over 300 trees have been planted side (he rooms Nothing was taken by “» c* Providing for the renumbering i for the building and equipping of a Enforcement league In reply to ques- In the tree-planting campaign In of throe aewera In the seal part of the thieves from the high school build- ° f tb# houses will be enforced by manual training building on the high tlonnalrea sent out to parents and I .. . , _____ . , .... F Springfield, it la announced by W. P. th« city was made by th« council Ing, It was believed, though the sm all ,b ® cltT To expedlate the putting school grounds The City Hall will ebaool children. Better methods of Walker, president of the 8priagfleld • I Its regular sosaina Monday even­ amount of money was obtained fro m ' “ P of numbers th» chamber will be the only polling place, with the securing law-enforcemept were d is­ Chamber of Commerce. Thia means ing. Each sew er la a block long and the teachers' desks ut the Lincoln *end mcn »tound In a few dayr„ tf ! Judge» chosen on election day as pro- cussed at the Sunday mass meeting in that the people of Springfield are «atonda from Ninth lo Tenth streets school. ¡measure off tbe lot» and put up new jvlded by law. They will probably be tbe W. O. W. ball, to which all citi­ entering fully into tbe spirit of the In the alleys. Ulda are to lie opened Entrance was mad« to the h i g h ¡ s e l e c t e d from the Parent Teacher as- zens of Springfield were Invited. "Springfield Beautiful" movement, be­ April It. school building through a basem ent! Property holders will be aske !• to m oor in th e t-ltjf■ ; y w ||h B (ia>g koy Furniture ruling change every 10 feet and a a » 0 0 0 one for the purchase of more out by the educational com m ittee un 1 nlgbt tQ u lk OTer {he progreM a(jy Cnnncllman Long m in d e d the cotn -iWB|1 ,n ,||M>rrtei. overturned, and Freat many of the numbers now on school property as well as the build- der the leadership of Reverend James shade trees for the carklnga are be^ mitt«« that the place law enforce- 1 books umt article« taken out of desks ,b * houses will be obsolete. In som e log of the manual training building. Pointer, pastor of the Christian church-. fng urged and C street is h tuent should begin wns st horn« and ’ The large pane of glass In the of It will be possible to trade ,but through legal difficulties this wa At his recommendation a committee completed with otfc - -{reeta fol^ then bo followed up In the schools. .floa ' door of J F T orbe t, p rin c ip a l o f "“nibera with houses In the sam e j abandoned. of A. J. Cowart. Dr. W. H. Pollard, and iowing clo*»ely " urges II,« ..ague u»- Its p o w erl|h a b|Kb g(.hoo| wag a m o v ed careful bl ftoor ro„. The telephone company asks phone would make possible the moving of Present at the m eeting of the city rOge bugbe negr th ina. „ d h n‘" ’r" 1 ’’ ,b " oonimlt- 10p desk wns forced open, as was a hcldera to phone In their new number the manual training department from 1 ° c “ncll held Monday night to a s k . of jn back ygrdg Whare they are a«- t ml t . ,.o , r- w.-r<- do- , n, k drawer. Nothing has been mls-t •» *oon as It Is put on the house to Ihe basement of the high school for better law-enforcement. eluded la beine advocated hv th«. ng i. r > utv ml , xpresst'd him self , ,| however that they can he printed In the new building, thus making more room for "rbe Lane county Juvenile officer Is committees n fa v o r of ou.alde help In handling The j , , ) , f), Mrg Ora Hem-.nway. directory to lie Issued soon the moving of the Junior high school . ,o be a sk c i to prosecute any cases R epresentatives of several (principal of the Lincoln building, was System atic bouse numbering Is from the Lincoln building, and the ' “"com ing Juvenile delinquency that gnrteg made bid. to f.,rnis h tre— no. man I.ei.l.-, lul l th« council gong through, but no articles of value badly needed In the city and the transfer of the primary grades from* !nay be brought to him from Spriag- we], ag t(J DreDa, . thf. b • w a . unable to gel a Springfield werg o , „ „ n«d. chamber ex p eel. to meet with the ( »he high school to the Lincoln school, j fleld- »« decided. \ 1 Prep" e the ground for the planting. man I . I., l,e the place of ( N Hurd , wave of robbery has sw ept hearty cooperation of the citixens In It Is also thought by the teachers Committees for the campaign were u -V h ofFuer Sevornl ih i»u»{h Kprtngflf’ld In the last year th* campaign. It is b e llr e d »hat that study conditions will be Imnrov- J O H N S T O N ATTACKS LANE appointed at the m as- meeting"rhurs* Kill >' .« ib.- " i , ' w''r" >"«l • b»lf. Including the robbery of bouse numbering along with the new <-d by the transfer of the machinery j COMMISSIONERS’ ACTION daX "f8b‘ in th» Chamber of Com- d (» * ' ¡the (’««h and Carry store, the John fldewnlks built during the Inst few to an outside building. i --------- merce rooms. At that tim e Professor r .I ' " - * p,” "',n F f',r the r Ketela r.» ld ei„ e, where Jewelry, months will soon entltla the city to Consideration of the land purchase Change« Illegal Method« In Recall E. E. DeCou of the U niversity of Ore- \,t l» ll(i.n l,« « i.,n 1. * I. .-.1 , .. w a .« n « a . . . . . « . « .•■ « ■ .« « •« ■ « ..« ■ .r « « m « n uanw «m v , . . . n««n n /.« v n « n A z i nw I ... . . «. . . . . I g O ll, W h o is c h a i r m a n f th j,- pi riitlv slo n watches, and other article« were atol- free mall delivery. Many blocks n o w , has been Indefinitely postponed by I Meeting; Petitioners Claim 1600 ».I In the sid-w alks the flag ,.n Albert Perfect's resld nce on the have sufficient h o u fis J.o warrant the hoard, hut It la expected that the; i tree-planting campaign, addressed the Names on Wednesday s n(Ta th« Hprlngfiet.l post wer* or highway between Eugene and Spring delivery. It Is pointed out, and If ero sio n of the manusl training build- Springfield citixens on the trees suit- • b r in g U I E<-< b-slon was grint.-d fissld th« Prusslon horn-, the Peter- building continues to develop larg) Ing would forestall other building at i An attack on the methods of Coun !able tor Planti"g i" Ibis Part of the « permit to operate a pool and bll , son sn.| Flagg residences, the W est'arena ran quaHfv undar the govern- least for a time. Or Commissioners Emmett Sharp and conntry- Norway maple, white birch. Hard parlor In tbe city. .Springfield store, the Loop pool hall.im etn rtFlng. « N els Roney in transacting county soft maPIe- black locust, and grafted O. Ilu-hmsn Charlie. (oa,| the Springfield ........ Mill ............ and G ... r a i n ------------------------------ SURPRISE PARTY r GIVEN of ti Commerce c a n s laid for the r „ „ » i., i.. r - . r u . w .v * ..« i business and building roads was made En«llsh walnut were recommended. t h « h o u s e , befo'r,. thw co u n cil and It I ^ ^ ¿ t a Z L ^ e c u r l d e T a n T X - M l w L E C ' ° N 0 F F E R S P R IZ E S j ' PEOPLE MOVING AWAY by District Attorney Clyde N. John-’11 ’ •» ‘> * « • 4 aa as possible to ston Monday night at the armory reat’’*ct the tree-planting, but each » a s agree.! that the work should l.rnks were taken The«« earlier rob FOR PATRIOTIC ESSAYS The friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. In a meeting held by the recall com- Pr°PertF owner will decide Just which start st once with the backing o f{M rl« s were confessed to have been "Peace Tims Patriotism" Them« Pre- Hoppe gave them a farewell surprise mlttee. Nearly 1000 people gath ered :wlU ** used ior hig ,and- the city administration done by the organised gang of boy were urged to get their sauted to Springfield p ,r,y a‘ horae ln DouKlaa Oar- at the armory and listened to the to Springfield robbers apprehended In December. No trees in the ground as soon aa pos- dens Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Hop­ district attorney's remarks. High School 3tudenta clue as to the attempted school rob­ OREGON CITY MAN BUYS Illegal ovedrafts and transfers In ,lbIe’ “nd m anr wb° ba»e not yet pe are soon to move to Porterville, beries have yet bean followed down. California, possibly on March 20. The various funds and violation of the 1 planted ,benl baTe th««" ordered, and SPRINGFIELD POOL HALL -- -------------------------------- I xk - . I prise« for high school atu- Pren|njf wag gpent ,n mugic #n(, con. law in not calling for com petitive road wl11 pIanf as soon 88 tim e and con- ELITE RESTAURANT IS ‘ «n t» w r itin g th e bcat^ essays on raraB|,OB an,| „„ elaborate supper bids were the principal charge« hurl- d|tIon8 of the ground permit. Mrs. W. II Ercleaton of Oregon City la SOLD TO ROBERT W H ITE ' l'8“ doti«m" are being wag gerved by lb e guesta ,gte ln tbc I by Jobngton who admftte(, bi Maude Bryan, president of the Civic the purchaser of the fixtures of the --------- differed by the Springfield post of the e ,.pn(nK inabiUty {o progecute {he tw<} club, asked that thev be in the grounu I’.Kil hall conducted by Troy Hulbert T H a E llie ’•eHfturant has been I p » r - «A ,n ' r ‘ an L °K io n . ne’- p r in c ip a l prises will be } . j O Josephine Hucklns and two chll- liar to the one he made at the tax- 8treet8 are 88 follows: the building from Charles Fisher of Tom Showey for an indefinite period. ,l'Kb Hcbo"1 rb9 The deal wag completed Tuesday B f-i‘ aBb for ,be beBt e88MF auhmltted to dren n orace and Josephine, Mr. and I payers’ meeting. He did not delve in Second street and W illa m e t t e Eugene. Mr. Errleston wns engaged In the tarnoon, and the first meal s c r v e a ilhe blgb 8tb00* principal before M ay;Mrg B Q gTOjtb and sm au soni jjr. scandal, as has Colonel Mercer in Heish ts— G. G. Bushman. Mrs. M. 10. »5 for the second best, and »2 50 M„ c , gnd gm>11 gon other recall m eetings but confined B HuntleF- A. Morgan, Frank Fisher, pool hsll business In Oregon City un­ was Wednesday morning breakfast. for the third. The state prises will M(gg ^ nne Gorrle, Miss Margaret him self as he said “to the records ln Jr ” K W’ E l»e ’ F Th» reataitrant being roefiaged til a year ago. His family Is still In Mrs. Bert Harper. Ted the courthouse.” or the “lack of rec , . A 8treet— Mrs. Maude Bryan. H. that city, as he has had som e dlf- by Mr and Mrs. White and Mrs be 1200. »100 and » » 88 offered by Gorrle. Mr a^id Ix-glonnalre Hamilton F Corbett. Harper Bert Harper. Albert Harper, ordg" in the courthouse w- W. H. Pollard, Jofcn F. White's mother. Mrs. U. H. Pa,rk. fi.-ulty In finding a residence here In That the com m issioners used »34,. lK<* e*8- Joh" Winxenrled. who formerly worker) at the nurse's Portland millionaire. Iris Harper, Mr. and Mrs. John Paden Springfield. E ssays must be submitted by the and daughters, France« and Esther, 000 of the emergency fund money Im- B 8tre«t~-O- H. Jarret, F. B. Ham- Mr. gn.l Mrs Hulbert and little son profession in Eugene. The new restaurant people are high school principals not later than of Santa Clara. Mr. and Mrs. Ross properly, made bad trades in m a -' ,,n- R p - Mortensen, J. L. Lorah, leave tomorrow for a motor trip lo against Eu- ^ rs- eat on. Gold Hill where they will visit Mr. wall lijKiwn in thia vicinity, Mts. June 1 to a county division of Judges. Paden and children, Norman and Met- chinery, discriminated c 8tre*t—W. F. WalUer, W. A. Hulbert’» grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Park having lived In this section for accompanlrd by a certificate as to the xel of Santa Clara, Mr and Mrs. James gene m erchants and sold the county R- Dtppel. Mrs W. C. Me- W. H. Clark They will then go on 17 years. Mr. White la »xperlenced originality of the work, signed b y . Bristow of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. L. ¡ purebred stock at the poor farm to staceF- In the restaurant business, and fol­ the student. The state board tn turn ' Clou of Eugene, Mrs. Maggie Smith, the butchers, were things touched Lagan. I. A Valentine. to Klamath Falla. D street—Nina McPherson, M. J. Mr. Hulbert plan* to enter the lowed th e trade l,n Cleveland and will render a decision not later than Mr. and Mrs. James Mathers and Mr, upon before the road attack was be- Akron, Ohio. Home cooking la prom. August 1 as to who wins the contest, and Mr». N. A. Rowe. McKlln. Carl Olson. J. E. Stewart, Igun. grocery business In a suburban dis­ ------------------------------ Ised by Mr White a« the outstand­ S tate Judges are Robert S. Bean, fed-i The violations of the law charged C. A. Swarfs. Mrs. W. H. Steam ier, trict of Portland, They will spend ing point of the new management eral Judge for the state of Oregon ln . .E ntfrfalns NefctkecraPt by the district attorney Included E 8tr««t—W. G. Hughes. Riley a few days In Springfield, and some Some red-»coral Ion of the walls Is to Portland, J. A. Churchill, state super- The N eedlecraft club was enter the spending of »20,000 more on the S"odgrass. T. C. Montgomery. W. P . tim e visiting friends In Albany be-' be done the near future. Intendent of schools, and W. B. Ayer, talned by >,rs. Ralph 'Dtppel and Coburg road than the contract called TT8<’n- E O- Sutton. fore going on to Portland. chairman of the Multnomah county Mrs W. H. Adrian at a o(ne o'clock for; the spending of »19,000 more ots F street,—O. B. K essey. W illiam * "I wish to thank the Springfield F K i Hundred Entertained library association. The local prlxee luncheon at the College Side Inn the Cheshire north than the original Donaldson. M. M. Peery. S. Jacobson, people for their patronage during our The "500" club wa» entertained with are to Insure som e reward for the Thursday afternoon in Eugene. Cov­ contract called for. the spending of D- 7- Reals. tealdence here,” Mr. Hulbert said. a party given by Mrs. Zells, Cantrell best Springfield contestants, regard­ ers were laid for 17, with a color lesser amounts ln a similar manner G street—Mra. Paul Brattaln. 0 . Friday ,nlght at her home In Emerald less of the outcome of the state con­ schem e carried out In pV>k carnations on several other roads during the W. Stewart. Robert Sedwell, William Heights. The evening was spent at test. and ferns. The next m eeting of the past year. McBee, Wilbur Lepley. Mrs. Swarfs Hoatsaa cards. A ontycourse luncheon wa« Examinations are being conducted club will be in the form of a thea­ While the recall has taken on some Mrs. C. K. Swarfs was hostoss to gnrvg(, Those present were: Mr. and C e le b ra te s B ir th d a y at the Springfield high school this tre party tn Eugene on March 20. renewed life during the past week tb e A. K. N. E A. 8. club on Tuesday F . gnk A Mr gnd „ „ The thirteenth birthday of Mis« Mar- week, beginning thia morning. Thia The members will meet at the home only 1600 names were reported on afternoon, assisted by her daughter, w f, X(lr1g)n Mr and Mrg E o week closes the first fi-week period of of Mra. Harry M. Stewart at 1:00 the petitions W ednesday. Friends of Karet Swarfs was celebrated Thura- Mias Edna Hwarta. Decorations of I Mr gnd Mrg R()ng,d Robp. , g the com m issioners point to the fact ‘ daF when some of her girl friends the second .sem ester. Grades w ill in the aftei^noon. pink carnations were used. A dainty Mr> gnd Mr„ j A ,.orklng Mr anU Mrs. J. L. Clark wag a guest of that the previous recall move In re- PnJ°yed a «mall party at the home of probably be made out In tim e for th« luncheon 'was served. Those who Mr«. John Edwards. Welby Stevens, the club at the Thursday meeting. gard to Commissioner Sharp had ber Parent’ . Mr. and Mrs. C. A. next Issue of the News. attended wore: Mrs. Ella Iximbard, Fre.) Cllngan,, Mrs. Maude Brya,n and Members attending were: Mesdamea about that number of nam es when it S*nrta. The occasion was observed Baseball practice for the hoys Is Mrs George Catching. M>s, O. E. Misa Crystal Bryan. Martin Miller. A. P. McKensey. W. fell flat. j by 1« 6^30 dinner. A large white helng conducted after 3 p. m. by Browning. Mrs. N. W. Emory, Mrs. During the week the Central com ! b'rthday cake decorated with thirteen F. Walker, Carl Olson, D. W. Crites, Coach Lester Wilcox, and for the girl* M. J McKlln, Mrs. J. W Coffin, all Hospital Pet lent» R P. Mrirt^nsen. Floyd Fianery, munlty held a m eeting and drafteq plnk candle« adorned the center of members, and a guest, Mrs. William Mrs. A. C. Clark, who was admit­ by Mias Anne Hill. The glrla have Harry M Stewart, O. H. JarretL A, resolutions hgaJnat the recall and the table. After dinner games were Hughes. The next meeting will be ted to the Springfield hospital a an Indoor court marked off In the C. Wilson, W J. Scott, E. E. May. similar oppositions had developed in p,ay®d- Those attending were: Miss with Mrs. Browning In Eugene on tho week ago. Is much Improved, and high school gymnasium, hut during W. M. Long. S'. Ralph Dtppel and W. other comm unities. However, the re- Rv®lyn Jacobsqn, Mis« Ione Rhodes, the good weather they have been second Tuesday In April. will be going homo In a few days. H. Adrian. cellers claim thye are meeting with M,ss Maxine Snodgrass. Miss Helen Charles MMar of Eugene wus ad­ practicing out doors. success and will soon secure the r e Sw»rts and Miss Maxine Swarfs, The Springfield boys' basketball Woodcraft Bntertalna mitted to tho Springfield hospital Marriage License« Issued qulred number of signatures to put team won from the Cottage Grove March 9. as was also Joseph Schanks Willard Day Morgan and Mary Ellen the measure on the May primary bal­ IF YO U'VE EVER BEEN G U IL T Y The Neighbors of Woodcraft en ter­ of Eugene, and A. C. Carby of Oak­ five Friday night at Cottage Grove Moon, both of Springfield; Allen Mar- lo t OF KNOCKING, T H R O W DOWN tained Ha membership Inst night with ridge. They will receive medical with A «core of 16 to 14. The girls cun\, Marcóla, iidnd [E),ulah Nadine YOUR HA M M ER AND GRAP A a we^ner roast In the W O. W. hall. lost to the Cottage Grove girls In treatment. Uler, of Wendllng; Llndeil EUlay- 8PADE. The tables were decorated with green Priscilla Club Meats the last game of the season with a Jens Pederson of Springfield was son, Eugene, nnd Mae Vaughn, Eu­ candy snakes The entrtalnment com­ 37 to 2 score. operated on Monday morning. The Priscilla club met Thursday af­ ONE T H O U SA N D T R EES IS T H E gene; Harry WIBtim Wooley, Spring- m ittee was made up of :Mrs. Charles Emil Bauer of Springfield will un­ The Hl-Y club Is holding no m eet­ field, a,nd W o » -,o e R. Taylor, Eu­ ternoon at the hom e of Mra. A. J. GOAL OF T H E S P R IN G FIE LD E. Egglmann. chairman, Mrs. Bert dergo nn operation thia morning. CHAM BER OF COMMERCE ings thia week beeau»» of exam ina­ gene; and 0 . 1. McAuliffe, 22, and Morgan In W illam ette heights. In Donne. Mrs. Stella Baton. Mrs. Carl tions. AND C IVIC CLUB IN M AKING the decorations and refreshm ents the lmelda A. Murphy , Eugene, were Jerard and Miss Osi! Gray. 8P R IN G F IE L D B E A U T IF U L . The Near East R elief drive result­ granted mnrrhu- V.-ensea during the idea of St. Patrick'« day w as carried Attended War Vsterwn Dinner A number of Spanish War veterans ed In the fund being raised to »20. past week by th county clerk. out most effectively. Tho afternoon' T H R E E H U N D R ED TR EES HAVE Legion Show Postponed and their wives attended a dinner T he students were asked for 11 cents, v as sp^nt playing "600’' and enjoy­ BEEN P L A N T E D A N D T H E R E the price of a can of milk. Thia sum ing friendly chats over needlework! Hold Joint M r ln n a ry M e e tin g T he American Legion minstrel given by their organlxktlon Monday ARE LOTS MORE TO BE P U T hose present were: Mre. Riley A Joint nil- If» .» v meeting o f the sh ow which was to have been put on night In Eugene. Mayor "and Mrs. will lbe dupItoaWvV by the Border IN W H IL E T H E SEASON IS lad le s of the < I , Han, Baptist and Snodgrasa, Mra. John Tom seth. Mra. at the Bell theatre tonight and to­ Charles E. Egglmann, Mr. and Mrs. Milk company of Naw Jersey. RIG HT. Methodist ehur< -»ns held Friday Lev ion W righ t Mra. Howard Fro»- morrow night has been Indefinite!» Sima and two small daughters. Pro­ T H E R E ’S W ORK TO BE BONE afternoon at th* irtstlan ehnrch. la n d , Mra. L. E. Baetord, Mra. John postponed because of the Inability t>7 fessor and Mre. J. E. Torbet and son “ Ledge Widows" Maat »«•« v e i l n o e ,». T H g Talka nn m’» - . - • subjects made 8' avey, Mrs. I. D. Larimer. Mra. Wll- som e of the players to take part at and Mr. and Mra. Sam tk-hm end and daughters, raicllle and Helene, a h The T oAve WMnws Ihsd a Mra. D. W. ¡1' •' 'VwiHldgon, Mrs. J. M. Withrow, H a H N £ s o WITH ili:- . ' i l l up th* f ’ . rr in, very thia tlm*. Rehearsal» are echednled »cal solo. R e - ¡Mr» C. A. Swarta a,nd Mra. Morgaa M U N IT Y T E A M 8 — T H E for tonight tn the theatre and to- tended. Cover« were laid *>» • • a« r.’-..«»e,nt " cn 'rg together nn Tu«sday McKinnon gave « S P R IN G F IE L D C H AM BER OF morrow ntght. but th« deftaitte date «be •:»0 covwrsllah d u ller in the night at the home of Mra. Paul 8. rreahments « »■>. -•>- «1 at the etnee ¡B i t i II B etty Seavay, May Ellea Shrlv- of the m*«Hng ; < r »nd Mildred Morgan attended COMMERCE AND C IV IC CLUB. ».J the parfciriBanca will be set later , armory Baaford. a im j ,,,