5 THURHOAY. MARCII «1. 1U24. TUR SPRINGFIELD NEWS ?AGE SIX Took In Game— John Bushman went ' Hot Air Menoapea to Corvallis Saturday io alt >n of them How >ver, no one knows what can be heard over the one at Injured Ankls— John Smith of Fall Haa New Position— Misa l.ucllle Back (rom Portland— Mr. and Mr». the Booth Kelly aawmill. J. A S wvcy returned Thursday after Creek tell down a springboard while Cook haa accepted a (»altlon with The March. 1934. Issue of the 41. a two-day business trip to Portlano. working In th? woods Friday s n d -ih ? Farmers* (exchange, and began Bulletin, published In Portland. In severely Injured his ankle. He came work Monday. Mlsa Cook came to eludes the following little article by Went to Marshfield—D hk and Roy to Springfield for treatment. «Springfield from Canada two months 0 W McKinnon of Ute Booth Kelly Sharman went to Marshfield Mondas «ago. and has been staying with het office force: morning to spend a few days. Went to Portland— M r and Mrs. aunt M ls. Levi H. Neel For diversion during the noon hour John F. Ketels went to Portland | Baby III— The infant daughter »'■» Tuesday Mr. Ketels to be gone two ( Taking Nurse'« Training — Mrs. period at the Springfield. O re. plant Mr. and Mrs. Jim M artin of Marcóla days and Mrs. Ketels to return in a ¡Hasel Jarvis, of Marshfield, formerly of the Booth Kelly Lumber company, Is reported seriously ill. we 'k's time. Miss H«s-‘l Jones of Springfield, who a home made hut high powered "radio" ; haa been visiting M r and Mrs J. K »•« has been designed and Installed Recoveing from Ope rat low— Mrs Here from W estfir— Hugo H a llln ! Stewart for the past two weeks, be- by the boys who work In Ihe planar. H ilda Upland is doing nicely after came down from W estfir Saturday gan her work of nurse's tralnlug Mhn I : According to a very technical re | her major operation Thursday. evening to spend the w ee k end with day morning at the Mercy hoppltal.ln port from «hrMglleld the construction, Left Hospital— Mrs, G xirge Pullen his sister. Mrs Emma Otson and his Eugene. ( <>f this particular radio Is unique left the Springfield hospital Sunday n ‘phesrs. O. M. Olson and Odin Olson. IA strand of haywire suspended he i Here from Portland Mrs I I t | W„ a||r ka serves as an aerial ! tor her home in Walker. On Saturday the four took dinner „ madr fro m ' with M rs Olson's daughter. Mrs. D>e and little son. Harold J r . ca»c #nd , he reo ,,Tlng To Hold Meet inp— The ladles of Monday from Portland to visit Mr , W(J , U g . n, Oprn , nu, m ure E»r Bruce Lansberry. th? O. A R. will meet Friday after­ Dye's sister. Mrs. A R Sneed M t- grB ur>tl frvlll noon at S:30 o'clock In the W. O. W. rr Left for Idaho— Mrs. C. E Marechal i Lloyd drove to Portland Sunday. r> called The Battle of Rolling Bones. a month or more. a former Springfield resld -nt. who j turning Monday morning. Rehearsal was begun on this part I has hewn visiting Mr, and Mr».« Atflended Legion Affair— A number C harles Eggtmann, left for Ixtwlslon. | Motored to Klamath Falla—C E Sunday. of SpringftMd men attended "Stag Griffith and W. B Cole motored to Making Repairs at Depot—George Night In Parts" given bv the Eugene Idaho, Tuesday afternoon Klamath Falls Thursday on a busi­ ness trip. They returned Sunday Tycer. house carpenter of the South- post of the American Legion In the At the Springfield hospital March 1. ern Pacific railroad, came to Spring- armory Fqday night Among those evening. 1934. to Mrs Vln Williams, a daugh field fom Lebanon Friday to spend who went from here were: Howard ter. Attended Dance— About 40 persons, three or four days making repairs Freeland. O M Olson. W alter Con­ members of the FqrfnightL't club, st the Springfield depot The plat- rad. Ernest Black. Floyd C. Wester attended the club dance held in form la to be extended, among other field. Ernest Black. Vern Woolley and A| their home March 4. 1924. to Mr and Mrs Severt Jacobsen, a daugh | Stevens hall Thursday night. Dugan things, so that four cars can be loaded George Godfrey. ter. The Infant Is the fourth daugh- ‘ Brothers, of Eugene, furnished the at once, instead of three as at pres­ ter In the family Plan to Attend Bvsqusa— Bishop music. ent. Shepherd of the Methodist church w ill be In Eugene Friday and will Forbidden o be honored by a banquet In the even "Sweetheart. If you do not promise , Ing at the Eugene M-thdlst church to bn mine I will kill m yself!” the I On this occasion the Rev Mr Thom a.-yo u th cried theatrically as he knell D larn es and about 15 members of before his ladylove w ill attend. “Oh, surely you w ill not do that " "I w ill I'll go out <>• your own Attended Masonic Banquat— Frank front lawn and hang myself on a limb Taylor of Thurston and W. H. Clark of a tree. Then perhaps you will re­ of Springfield R F D dbre two who gret your heart leanness * attended the Masonic Commajodc-y "Oeorge. Geoge. you — mustn't! I banquet In Eugene Monday night T h .» ’ L - * Ï , sa, *4 •' « Promise me you won't do th a t!” banquet was In honor of Right Em in-' ' ^ h ' Then you do love m s!" -n t Sir Knight Frederick A- Van "No. But Dad told ms that If I let K rlk af Portland, and 81.- Knight A jP. Davis of Marshfield M r Van K irk you hang amund here and be found If oat he would cut my allowance In careful to choose the motor oil that contains the least sediment. Sediment grand commneder. and Mr, Davis half."—American Legion Weekly is caused by the heat of your engine breaking down the lubricating oil. To Is grand senior warden I avoid sediment use a lubricant that resists heat. ¥ The Lubricant That Resists Heat. Real Economy in Motor Oil Veedol is mode by the Faulkner Process, a new discovery that gives remark­ able heat and wear resisting qualities. I t reduces sediment 80%. Veedol cor*s a little more than the average lubricant, but five gallons will run from 2XXX) to 5,000 miles. Con you afford to use anything cheaper ? FOR SALE BY Springfield Garage Authorised Ford and Chevrolet Serviee . “ Note these wonderfully LOW PRICES On Staple merchandise Men’s Moleskin Pant». Good heavy weight, extra good wearing q u a lity ......... ... Men’s whipqord Riding Breeches, medium and heavy grade, at only .... $ 2 .5 0 S 2.25 Men’s K haka Riding Breeches, medium and heavy grade, a t only $ 2 .4 5 to $ 2 .9 8 Men’s Cbttonade Work Pants is pencil strtfie. a t only ........................». ....<.......... $ 1 .9 8 Men's Wool Dress P ants in plain color and {»dhcH 8trtPe a t........ -............ $ 3 .5 0 $7.8 5 long or short 98c to $ 1 .2 5 Men’s light weight Union suits In sleeves ankle length, at M en’s Medium Weight Cotton Unlonsuita. long sleeves, ankle length, at ............. $1.65 N) $ 1 .9 8 M en’ s 16-inch R eliance Pars, good h e a ty upper. E xtra heavy sole $ 9 .5 0 Men’s 14-lnch Reliance Paes. medium s a t upper. Good w earing sole a t ... $ 8 .5 0 Me-a'a extra hrpvy W oA Shoes, erorur i per, e c tra heavy sole $: 4S '*$ 4 .9 b Old Shifts at Plant la Full Swing— F. Patrick of Hayd-m Bridge « (T h e old shift arrangement has been made a business trip to Fprlngfield | 1 restored at the Mountain States-yesterday Power plant, with L. E Dank» It. M r and Mrs W illiam Rixkenbaugh charge of the first shift. Jack Het. drove to Salem Tuesday on bualness |edrer of the second shift snd R. L. Mrs. D. W McKinnon assisted In I Burnett of the third. For the past* Newland's store Tuesday and W -d month Mr. Danka haa tak-n the sec nesday. ond shift. M r Henderer the third, and i M r Burnett the first. since opportun­ ity ©as given M r Burnett to learn the management in the day time He waa recently promoted from fireman to engineer. Planning Danes—T h . members of the Neighbors of Woodcraft d rill 'team are planning a benefit dance at Stevens hUU Thursday eveninfl at k ¡8 o'clock The membT» of the team) will wear their uniforms and act aa floor managers and general rnlxera, ; to see that everyone has a good time. ; Music w ill bs tuvyilshed by the •HeartfBreaket*' orchestra. Follow- Ing the dance a fr e e supper will be served by the ladles reet Eugene. Ore,, 7 *-g ■: a w r « " AM"— » . " A.» UJ W W n w n L ® L \w W . M. Orssn. Prop M A K II C H IL D R IN HAPPY tlu r Ice r r s m la the kind that the kiddles cry for. "More. more, more!" they say after testing our dnllclous Ice cream some. too. „ Made lh> real old- fashioned «ay. with Iota of reel  cream and the best of materials like mother used. EGGIMANN’S Erase the marks o fz Winter! O ld w inter leaves its mark on the inside of the house as well aa on the outside. lx»>k for the proof on floors (hat have hern scuffed and worn and now are dull and just a hit shabby. Spring is a time of new things— a tim e to brighten up. W h y not go ov«r the floors and woodwork with a transforming coat of ACME QUALITY V A R N IS H E S T h e r e is s epe. it i m ark a. I by th * famous v sra iih for «very purpose A- ma Quality labal They ara moda in one of «ha largasi and hast rquippad vsm.sh works ia tha c -v o lr y W i rrcom m snd n •barn Io you fo r quality in J long sarvica. Wright selected with great ra re -b o th for high quality ant) correct price. The millinery styles are those spprbited by the most famous d esl^iers.. Wie m aterM e «11 h«Te a chanu thM la not often equaled. You are especially invited to «»e this wonderful display at any tmse. You will not be die. appointed for we Isnow we have A Ward kp PsrWsg J»s: "4»s * that a dlvBte part that t * leg has In kla hair?" • rat e; •'That's not a part. Thgt'a • - re the marble cracked." Thompson of Portland ws the beet fer the money. :i Jehu Hi.-ndirur. Farmers Exchange _ o <<• o The Stone of Springfield” • ' • îeW Ot»eÇror| BS» I . - w.'^VaX. l'X À ,, « All Davors and all good and whole —This early display has been Gavt Lectures — Rev Thornes D. Yarnes, pastor of the Springfield Methssdlst church. w « t to Monroe Monday evening to hold a meegng In connection with the world servlc» 'pW'gram plained by the Methodist church. Oa Tuesday morning he went on to ftsents Pass to attend the even­ ing meeting In the Interest nt thq Epworth Taoagne. I ( «conducted a meeting there In the afternoon. Mr. Y a ra e a !« secretary and manager of Mie Epworth League InsMtate of the southeqi dltkrlnf of IBe Bregon con- '•fereuee. -li wr-qg- .- w Community Cash Store Millinery Attended Funeral— Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Humphreys and sons. Rus­ sell and Charles, attwided the funeral of Mrs. Humphrey's nephew at 8cto the past week. M r Humphreys annr Russell returned to Springfield Thurs­ day while Mrs. Humphseys and Char­ les remained until Sunday visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Duback, of Portland C. J. BREIEi' Co. h for fair and square tli'tilliig nil of the time In on© of our blgKi’Ht ugaela. Quality Mini quantity Mini low price« niMko our «tore popular. Springs Newest Drygoods red f'top sV 4) xdiua was In yaaWsr 605 to 609 Wiilam Our Reputation r r ',X 'ii^ £ a n i- x a iM a iw i! L i'v .'r .^ d iasaï U i U ai VMM s a m ♦