THVHHPAY, MARCH «, 1924. PAGE FIVE TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS ClassifiedAdvertisements • • I t w hat you w ant ta M il, buy w hat you w ant to buy through these column*. W rit« or phono T W O Club W ith Mr«. Knox N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SALE ON of tha last publication w ill be the I E X E C U T IO N IN FORECLOSURE. 6th day of May. 1»24. i The Kensington club met with M -a All proceea and papers In thia pro ... ____ Notice 1« hereby given that by ylr- Krlday »««™oon. tue of an execution and order of aale reading may be served upon the * “ "** KnoM In for vloaure Issued out of the Clr und»TBlffD4K] residing within the State Member» present wera: Mr». H w y cult Court of the State of Oregon, for of Oregon at the address hereinafter, Korf, Mrs. O. B Kessey, Mr«. C. £. the County of Lane, on the 41 h day m e n tio n ^ i Sw art., M r., John Edward., M r. of February, 1(24, la a suit wherein AUorney for the Plaintiff. IE ° 8u“ ° n- Harry WWV on the SOth day of January, 1*24, la aald court W alter M. Pierce, an Gov- Address, Hprlngfleld, Oregon. , n’ Y- Mr«. J. T. Moore, Mm. J. C ernor of the State of Or (on, Sam Mar A May 10 ( McMurray, Mrs. Lawrence May. Mia. A. Koxer, aa Secretary of Slate of the 8. Ralph Dippel Mrs Levi H. N»et, State of Oregon, o P llo ff, as State NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mrs. Paul Basford, Mrs. Herbert Treasurer of the State of Oregon, Notice la hereby given that the constituting the Plate lan d Hoard for undersigned has been appointed Ad­ Moore, Mra. W. C. Rebban and M lm the State of Oregon, plaintiffs, recov­ ministratrix of Ihe estate of Melvin Edna 8warts. Mrs. W illiam G. ered defendants. H F Judgment I Ibbv and agalnat I n r. F the I Ibbv for theI by CouD,y °»i Hughe, was a guest Of the club Re­ Bell Theatre SATURDAY, MARCH 8 _ Reginald Denny W A N T E D — W ill glva piano boat nr FOR R EN T—« room house and bath. T h ree blin ks west of high school on cere (or Ila uaa io anyone «ranting IN Ml. Lola of ground. Heat place In to atora their Instrument, No chll- Hprlngflehl (or arnMlI fam ily. Place (iron Inquire News, (or cow and chickens Fruit of all Ft lit H A LU Mingle mill and packer klnda. iteaaooablu rent, furnished nearly now, 10.000 rapacity. (160 00 or unfurnished. Inquire of II W llart Flglea. Creswell H II. No. 1. A Jack London Story Smith at high school. aunt of (1096.00, with Interest there s>«e.>i>^ iiaiiiig late In the F 2» Mar «1120 mene«« ram ie " in * on at A % per annum from January present same duly r »rifled t<> the arterno° D rhe n eit meeting will be COMEDY— LO T (or aaln on vaty aaay toima. Can W A N T HD— to rent or base mod t n ::oib. 1024 until paid and th<- further undersigned at her home In Spring In two week« with Mrs. Korf. “ EMPTY BOTTLES” home. Address 123 care News. tf sum of (160.00 attorneys fees and the Held, or at the office of Whitten Swaf­ pay (or It la work. See B. H costs and dlaburremi nts herein In the ford. Attorney. 316 M ft W Bldg. Kepner. U INTERNATIONAL NE.WS Purchased Property FOR SALK — A number of used •uni of (3 * 4.1, which Judgment wan Eugen i, Oregon, on or before sir enrolled and docketed In the Clerk's months from this date, The new boose being built by ranges. F r ie d from (2.00 to (30. office of eald Court ta aald County on W H E N IN ■UUIONR Hated and Aral published March .George Perkins on Fifth and C streets W right and Hon. M6 the 30th day >,f Januatv, 1124, and F o il T H E DAT OR W EEK * ' JE N N IE F E N W IC K . Admlntatretrlx ^ ’ " da" r Coburg to- (hereon, ihe several amount« set •treat, H block from «treat car opposite the names of the respective South. rang- ( ( ) West of the W iliam- iat® of Emily M Baker. de '« h t with Mrs. Qeorge Catching In COMEDY— «11 B tod at. H aubacrtbi ra as follows: rendered and filed In the County her car to attend tb - meeting o f the “ C R IM S O N COPPERS” ette Meridian, also beginning at tor th . e ■— C obtlrg Ueorge W. Phlller. thirty aharea. northeast corner of the southeas, ‘ ,ourt. - Of , th , e S la t, of Oregon , — •« R eb * kah (3000 00 fourth of the northeast quarter of 1 " nBtF ,Van* *! * f "? * ' rer voucher». 1« the «aid admin and ths expenses of the aale of the Montana after a trip to California. Istratrlx at tba office o( Young * »aniH B M BURGHARDT, Interest, attorney's fees, costs of suit' Hay, 660 W illamette 8treet, Eugene, They stopped over In Springfield two OePue. . Secretary, Eugene Foundry «1 Ma and accruing costa. I will on Satur- i Frank A Oregon, within alx month» (rom the days. chin« Co. 'day the 16th day of March, 1»24, a t | A ,,orney for the estat- date a t thia notice. F 28-M «-13-2O-27 F 21 28-M C IS i the hour of one o'clock. In tht aft r- dinted at Eugene. Oregon, the 26th of Oregon at the address hereinafter i noon of aald day. at the Southwest day a t February. 1924 What has the future ln «tore mentioned. O, M Rpagut, Mutual Life Insur­ front door of the County Court House, IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E LENA M KN ICKERBOCKER. F R A N K A. DePUE, S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E Administratrix of the estate of ance C o. Eugene, Ore. Phone (77 tf In Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, offer for you? W ill you b? better pre­ Attorney for Plaintiff. C O U N TY OF LANE. I for sale and sell for cash, at public E E Knickerbocker, deceased. Address: Springfield, Oregon. L. M Watson. Plaintiff, 'auction, subject to redemption as pro- Young ft Ray. pared to carry on? It is a very Mar 6 May 10 vs. Hr 8 Ralph Dtppel. DentlaL Vltws j vld> d by law, all of the right, title, Attorneys (or estate John J. Bants. Edward L. Schaub and Interest of said defendants S. E. F 28-M « IS 10-27 building. Springfield, Oregon. good plan to stop once ln a IN THE COUNTY, Libby, Lura E Libby, J. J. Chase. and Alma Schaub, hl* wife, and all L. M Trsvls and all persons claiming I rersons unknown If any having or CjO U R T OF THE^ while and think about this prob­ by through or ltnd-»r them or anv or'clalm lng an Interest or estate in the S T A T E O F OREGON f C IT A T IO N described property. D e-1 IN AN FOR •««-=• either of them In and to said hereinafter ---------------------------- • ----------— LANE- lem. Tomorrow should mean fendants. | CO UN TY pr intses. SUMMONS In the M atter of the Estate Fred O. Stlckels, much for all of us— the realiza­ TO JO H N J. BANTA. EDW ARD L I of Contracting and Building Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon SHOE REPAIRING SCHAUB AND ALM A SCHAUB AND Minerva Billings. Deceased Plans and Estim ates Furnished F 14 21 28 M 6 13 tion of our hopes and ambitions. Work Promptly and A LL PERSONS U N K N O W N IF A N Y .I To James R. Billings, Martha A Free. W ill H elp You Finance Carefully Done IN T I1 F C IR C U IT C O I'R T n w t u p H A VIN G OR C L A IIM N G AN INTER- Lewman. Leota M. Alexander. Thomas Assure your future by saving Y o u r Building. S T A T E O F l R P v i.K P< R T I P EST ,S T H E H E R E IN A F T E R DES A. Billings. Etta M Billings. Nancy JOHN A. NELSON C O U N TY OF L A N E T H B ,CR1BED REA L PRO PERTY. D EFEN Carney, W illiam I. Dmlth. Nettle C. GEO. W. PERKINS every day, whethJr the amount At Hall's Cash Storo DANTS. Christy. Ruby BarretL Hulah M. RU­ Corner 5th and D streets U M Watson. Plaintiff, Main Street IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S TA TE IU]gs. W illiam Billing.« and Jack Bll is small or large. Do this and vs ! £ ringfield, Oregon ou and each of you lings, and all other persons interested Minnie G Tobey. Mrs R. E Billen. OF OREGON: v-„rt.’ are hereby notified that L. M Watson l„ th - premlsis herein described the problems of tomorrow w ill O r ! Tof»:»» Kgta Pgrstsna. i ™ ; the b o lte r of certificate of Delln- Greeting: ' Standlfer. heirs at law of Fred Foster U 8 lS?®nci numbo£,’ d « ■ > “ tbe IN THE NAME OF THE STATE to much easier. A savings ac­ HOUSE WIRING Tobey, deceased, O. H W H. B R O O KE 26th day of February. 1922 by the O F OREOON You are h reb clte(i r ’ a ' "Trtpp’ nnd7 . .*'.m °o u “ I . a " n ’ o ) anl1 . re')Ulrp1I ’ n ^ o e t o , « o r i \ , t 'fo t b o r''ih f^r»nv»9«r . _ Prepared to do Houe-wlrtng of all count at the First National w ill A tto rn e y at Law M Travis. Incor- ¡p o p .« p e ,.„ n . .n « „ e . n t , . j g » Kinde. A. P. G R A H A M , Corner help you. any having or claiming an Inter <«t ( 4R 100 g, me be)ng fhe •fh and M etreets.. P. O. Box 1U in the County of ¡or estate In the hereinafter descrlb- amount then due and delinquent for thereof, at at Eueone. U. H National Rank Bldg Marc te - mtbereofi t0 40 Years Phone 838-J Eugene, Ore. I ed real property. Defendants. | taxes for the year 191» together with wlt: or 25, h „ f SUMMMONS r Interest, penalty and coats thereon March 1924 „ 10 o.c)ock ,n the of Helpful Service I TO M IN N IE O. TOBEY. MRS. E. B IL IE U , CA RL TOBE Y, E T T A ' In ssld <>un” anil State th-ere -to ’ ho,r caU8e' if BDy you have' 'P A R F t) N 8. VERA STAND1FER. X a t Z ® For 1’ttlntltig. Tinting and “ ‘•■L wby the petition of Lloyd C. Martin, H E IR S AT L A W OF FRED W TOB. ' 7“ “ '"21“ . BR U S i eLcrib,ed f^ lo, r - “J T a aa administrator with the will annex- Paper Hanging ®ee Call ¡N A T IO N A L BANK, EUG ENE. ORE b" ifth °th lrty acres*o7 th e^ou thw esl ed of tb? ' atate of M,nerva BHHngs. ED THE PAINTER GON, F A T R IP P AND L M TRAV !’ " a it e o / the northwest oua^tet d”c e ,’ ®d- for “» “ t private SUTTON TRANSFER 145. IN C O R P O R A TE !! AN D ALL a rL c t owned bv A l S T f 8Ble * “ ° f ,he property bel° nK' Ix*ave orders at the PERSONS U N K N O W N IF A N Y HA V nson T il in s e tr te / l l 17 e8tat® ° f d c ' a8ed- to-wit: Phone 67 Springfield Cabinet Shop INO OR CLA1M1NO AN IN T E R E S T I i R 5 W illam ette Meridian in 80 feet ln lenR,h ot the e“ d r® North IN T H E H E R E IN A F T E R DESCRIB- o rJ i On and' that thereafter tm the ®nd ° f L° t8 S* Ten and E’* ht' * ” ° f OF E U G E N E ED R E A L PRO PERTY: A ± r e Ä ree Mh’ k ° ' ..Nu:?b®r and 30. th IN T I! F N'AMF o f t h p U T A T P , ^,b uay AuA,lilt 1»»- and the 8th j; ortb gf<]e of Lot Number Ten, all Since 1883 IN T H E NA M E O I T H E ^ ¿ A ™ , f ld delinquent BIock Forty.flve o f ’ tbe w . F. WALKER O F OREGON lo u and each, of J o u ; certificate was ra .tla ily redeemed vil|a?,c or c,ty of Spr, nKfle,d. u Lane G tO .. N, M e L E A N are notified L. M Wat F U N i R A L D IR E C T O R son. hereby the holder of that "a"certificate o fi? 'ldj taxes wef e un and. a1’ lb5 Countv, Oregon, as platted and of Autom obile, F ire and L ife IDellnouencv No 1M 5. Issu ed on t h e ' “ J1.1? ’’ecord In aald County; should not b : IN S U R A N C E (Delinquency No. 1965. Issued on the h .. . th _orth balf f the goulb . . J . .. , F ull Auto Equlptrtsn» Surety Bond«.. Phone »17 7th dav of 8entember 19''1 hr t h e ' “ 11 ol lne norl“ na‘l “ l lne soula grant'd and license Issued therefor. n uay or »eptetuoer. i . . i . ny tne west qUarter Of the northwest quarter w iT N 'F « « ; T h e H on C P R arnar Tsx Collector of the County of L a n iiand tb , nortb half M w i t n e s s . The Hon. c. K Barnar M y buelnete le te pro tect y®«*r W. O. W. block and State of Oregon fo- the * nd “ T “ ha,f ° ‘ ’ ° U,h h“¿f Jud<« °< County Court ° f tb* buelneee Use Yourself as Vfcn as the Office Phene (2 M. Rea Phone ( ÿ of O NE H U N D R E D .AND T ilIR T Y ¡ g a * 5 ° w W II “ m “ ^ ^ on which ° ‘ ^ r e * 0”« ' 7 ‘r” ® °f 860 W illa m e tte 8 t. Eugene Oregon Barber Uses ¡S IX and 86 100 Dollars the same be * “ ouarter of' «aid sec 11 Tn 17 L'” ’". a r c“ h lng the amount then due and delln • ’ “anr,v ™ r e e .« I ¡ tb‘ 8 20th d#y ° f Feb . . . . .... ,sald twenty acres there was due a n d , -u a r v l« 2 4 T ire t - fOr.(,.?Xe" f ° r th? year 1919. to-1delinquent on said Certificate for ' p p BARNARD, A. A. ANDERSON DR. n . W. EMERY gather with penalty. Interest and . taxes for said year 1919 together with : ’ Countv Judge. '! ’* ”, . er>“on “ pon real property ; interesL penalty and costs the sun) A T T E S T - R S R R YS^N D E N T IS T BARBER SHOP situated In aald county and S ta te .'.,,« ™™ ' a i i h o i . n. State, of 13030. Sutton Bldg. Phone 2O J and assessrd to Fred \\ Tobey, since That thereafter said twenty acr-‘s (S al of the Count- rtnwrf' For Sale— New and Old Raxore decoased. described as follows: The waa deeded by , aid E . L. Klemer to Residence Phene 1W-W F 21-28 M 6-13-20 : couth half of the Northwest quarter; one John J. Banta and since the vear Springfield, Oregon (1.00 to (2.00 the southwest quarter and the w.»st i 92(} the sam9 ha8 been asge¿sed half of the southeast quarter all In to b(tn ¡section 10 Tp 23 S. R. 2 W. W M You are further notified that the In Oregon. You are further notified said L. M. Watson has raid taxes that the said L. M. Watson has paid on said premises for prior or sub­ D. W. ROOF taxes on said premises for prior and sequent years with the rate of in­ JEW ELER subsequent years with the rate of terest on all such taxes so paid at FINE WATCH REPAIRING A Interest on said amount« as follows: twelve per cent per annum, to-writ: Your Home Whan In 1920 tax paid Sept. 7th, 1921 Receipt SPECIALTY 1920 taxes paid February 25th. Springfield No. 16956 amt. (168.04 at 12 per cent. ¡1922, receipt No. 25303 amounting to Springfield. Oregon 1921 T af paid Apr. 6th, 1922 Receipt ¡J29 13; 1921 taxes paid July 2nd. No. 6691 Aajt. (140.42 at 12 per cent. 1933, receipt No 27255 amounting to 1922 Tax iwld July 2nd. 1923 Re- f? 6 ,2 ij 1922 te,< paid Juljy 2nd. celpt NO. 18081 Amt. (154 80 at 12 1923 receipt No. 16028: Total amount DR. 3. RALPH DIPPEL per cent. of taxes so paid (92.34. . WM. G. HUGHES DENTIST Total amount paid since date of Said Jfhn J. Renta. Ed w ail’ L. I F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E Certificate. (453 26. Schaub and Alma Schaub, hfs wife, as Phons 43 The aforesaid heirs at law of Fr?»l the owners of the legal title of the Hucccnuinr to Jehn Edwards and Next time you shave, try one or W. Tobey, deceased, as owners of ab„ ve described propertv as the same Vitus Bldg., Springfield, Ore. said Ballinger ft McPhewoa Insurance mors of these requisites and notice legal title of the above descrlb-, appears of record and each of the agencies. Office at ed property ss the eame appears of other persons above named are here- ohw much better your face feels. record and each of the other above lbv furs- ar , bpreby summoned to npnear wlth- Property and CorporeMoae. crlbed and mentioned In aald cetl- In slxtv davs after the first publica­ 30c Per Tube Offlees 860 W illam ette fleate. tion of this summo,ns exclnalve o? And you are hereby summoned to the day of said first publication, and REXALL S H A V IN G L O T IO N : Engoae, Oxagea All kinds of gravel for con­ appear within F IX T Y DAYS aft >r the defend th’s aetlon or pav the amount crete or road work. We Freshens, cools and comforts the first publication of thia summons ex­ dtje as above shown together with make a specialty of crushed clusive of the day of said first puh- costa and accrued Interest and In •kin . Especially recommended tor I Mention and defend thia ault or pay case of your fallu-e to do so a decree JO HN M. W IIJ.TAM B rock and rock sand. Bunk­ tender skin. ............... ________________ ill be rendered foreclosing the lien Attorney for Vet. State Aid Com., ¡the amount due na above ahown to- w ers at foot of Main on Mill '¡gether with the costs and accrued'o2 sn,d fax^s and costs against the 4-or. Bottle, 40c Soldier« -Bonus Lon«e. street. Stoats and accrued l|irt?rest and !n ') anda an,) promises above named, case of your failure to do so r decree T b ), s„ mnions ¡« published bv or HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. L. E. BEAN See our line of Raxor Strops Aire w ill be rendered foreclosing II- H'-’’ ' d -r ,,f (h - h-m orable H. H. Belt, judge Attorn >y Slate Land Board, Shaving Brushes, Safety Raxore. of said tnxrs and costa against t h ', „ f the Circuit Court of the State State School Fund Loins Blades, Soap and Styptic Penells. land and pr< ml es above describe I 'n f Or-gon. made and entered there- Thla sum nom Is nublhhed nnrsu• on tb „ <,rd dRy March. IO”« and FRANK A. DE PUE WILLIAMS A BEAN ant to an order of the Honorable 11 , ( b, d lv pf , bp ruhllcntlon of H. Belt. Judge 0? Ihe Circuit Court o f |tb1n ..n-,monS W(H he March 6'h. 1924 ATTO R N EYS FLANERY’S DRUG STORE A TTO R N EY AT LAW tha State of t)n > o n made and ente-ed | a r e f bn ,tBrp pf the last publication 860 W llllam etto 8t. Eugene. Or*. V nw AVora P H a i t ! N O T A R Y P U B L IC .of record therein on the 3rd day of W|fj bp M av Sth. 1924. ZU Ata» Licensed to practice In all (.-.ourta ¡March, 1(14 and the date of the first Ua npocessea and papers In this S fU a b m a n s M a — Button Springfield publication of tills summons Is th e [proceeding mnv he s-’ rved nnon the] of the Sint and United States. Phone 1« Springfield Buldimq Oregon. 6th dnv of Mnrah. 1924 and the date^underslgned residing within the State! “The Abysmal Brute” Jack Hoxie Tomorrow B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Kieme-^a^owne" f?r?noon °f tbat day' tben and T he First National Bank ¥xi “The Loop” ! You Can’t Drive a Nail With ar^Apple Poor printing SPBIH6FIELD 6RAVEL CO. on poor paper never paid anybody. Get work th a t is good enough to bring you . good results. Use an econom­ ical paper such at and come to an eco­ n o m ic a l p r i n t e r . That’s u s / Quick serv­ ice and good work at reasonable prices. -A a k