ntlTIlH IM V . MARCH fi, 1924. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. PAGE THREW TH E SPRING FIELD NEWS Indication* of activity In the wool market aro evident In Klamath county by contract* between woolbuyers and sheepmen. A number of eontracta bava been drawn with the price eet at 40 rents and ( 1 - a bead advance made on the dip. Mystery of Silk Underwear Solved by Col. Harbaugh Petty scandal »tori»» concerning INCOME T A X IN N U T S H E L L Albany may have a pickle factory If pluna ot about 100 Linn and llenton County Commissioners Knimett Hharp WHO7 Single persans who had county furthers materialise. If su f­ and Nela Roney have been freely cir­ net Income of *1,000 or more or ficient acreage la planted to cucum­ culated by those barking the recall gross Income ot *6.000 or more, morsment against the two officials. and married couple» who had Th» rmnbtno'l »»In* of p i port« from bers a California pickling company One of the moat fictitious stories told baa guaranteed to build a factory for net Income of *2.000 or more Portland for F«bruary rua< hod *3,741, 1 le tho "Mystery of the 811k Under­ processing (Item. or gross Incom» of *6,000 or 966 wear" which coats ”*6 a ault," accord­ more ynust file returns. John J. Roborts lias lot a root m et | The eastern Oregon basketball tour­ ing to the racaller». The "Mystery WHEN7 The filing period 11 from nament to decide what team will for s thr«« story nparttn«nt house In of the Hllk Underwear at ,5 a ault,” January 1 to March 16, 1924. Hslom that will coal approxlnialoly1 represent district No. 1 has started. If ever silk unduiwear could be WHERE? Collector of Internal Ten teams qualified to enter—Ontario, floo.Md. Prairie City, (laker, North Powder, bought for that price, I* solved by revenue for the district In which Polson. planted maliciously In on» I'nlon. I.a tirando, Imbler, Wallows, Colonel J J Harbough. Juvm lle of­ (he person lives or has his of thi* logging vamps noar Bond ro- ’ Enterprise and Joaeph. ficer. In the following affidavit: principal place of business. cently. has causvd Uio death of 17 "1. J. J Hnrbnugh, being first duly HOW? Inwtruetlon on Font The public service commission. In valuahl« dog». sworn, depose and say: That, acting 1040A and Form 1040; also the telegram s sent Io the Interstate com T»X»a In Mitflon imyity duo daring marce commission, has recommended ivider the direction of (he county law and refutations. 1924, ba»«,' held by llvoatovb men after ruary esc«« dod those «puty aaaoaaor* have received no­ The Curry county grand Jury at uary 3, 1024. caused Io be pprthased porations or organizations “orgagi- tice that la iea will be reduced 9 per (Sold R, n< h returned a not true bill and paid for out of county funds, Iz.-d and operated exclusively for rent In I'nlon county for the coming after hearing evidence on the killing on requisition No. 942. two suits of religious, charitable, scientific, liter­ year on all Improved farm land». of Lawrence Hare by Paul Mumpower, silk underwear for a certain E ugeni ary. or educatlonel purpos e • • • William D. W allace 39. Oregon plo state liquor ugept. A not true bill woman. no part of the net earnings of which near, died at Jasper. 11« W>| the »on also wae returned In the case of A. “That 1 have Investigated the mat­ Inures to the benefit of any private of Mr and Mr». Jnine» A. Wallace, E. Neill, who wae working with Mum- ter and find that I Issued requlstloi. stockholder or Individual” are deduct­ who cro»«ed the plain» to Oregon la power. No. 942 on January 3. 1924, on Hamp­ ible to th» extent of 15 per cent of 1*62. In 1923 the state fire murshul's ton's Dry Goods store for two suits th ■ taxpayer’s net Income for 1923, (¡«or go Campbell, 12 year old Rend department, tinder the Jurisdiction of of underwear for Frsd Withrow 632 «ximputed without the benefit ot this boy, accidentally discharged a platol Will Moore, slate Insurance commis­ Oak street, who was at that time deduction. Every church constitutes which he thought wa» unloaded, tho j sioner, obtained confessions from 24 working for the county liquidating a a religious corporation or organiza­ tion for the purpose of this deduction. bullet lodging In Iho musclos of hl* persons who were parties to the crime long term Jail sentence and fine. of arson. Fires started by these per­ thigh. "That I have In my possession a Donations to m issionary fund*, church Roseburg'» city boautlful commit- sons resulted In losses aggregating receipted bill for two suits of men's building*, pew rents, assessm -nts, wool undnrwe»r bought e t i requisi­ and due* paid to churches are deduct­ alon ha» »tarted a movement to elim ­ **4.000. inate wooden signs, and unattractive More wheat was exported from the tion No. 942 of Alton Hampton on ible. Deductions for contributions to po­ awning» from the city'» business Columbia river during December. 1923, January 3, 1924. for Fred Withrow. than from all of the other ports la "That said statsm ent published by litical campaigns are not allowable. streets. The the said Elbert Bede, on said date Forty p«r cent of Portland'* crime» thè United M ates combined. And Why Mot? during the month of February were December shipments from the Colum­ setting forth that th i county records The tough young woman of heroic bia river lotalod 2.566,6*3 bushels »how that two suite of silk underwear cleared up by the police, according to the monthly report of the Inspeotor*' against 2,362,107 for the rest of the were bought end paid for by »aid proportions bad appli»d for and re­ United Slat«» ports. ’ county court, by requisition No. 942. ceived the Job of assistant cook and division. Five hundred thousand trout five for s certain Kugene woman, or that general factotum in a restaurant. Sud­ John L. Cooper, who for SO years denly there was the noise of battle, ba» guided tourist* through the fast­ and tlx Inches long were recently lib­ any allk underwear for any person iund next morning she appeared in nesses of the Cascade mountain*, died erated In the McKenxIe river above was bought and paid for by the coun­ court, unruffled and undamaged. at Salem following an operation for the elate hatchery near Vida, accord­ ty court of Lano county, on requisi­ "What did you mean by knocking ing to E. H. Goff, superintendent ot tion No. *42 or other. Issued by me appendicitis I those two helpless men unconscious?" the plant. These trout are longer during my service under said court, Pending an Investigation. »to.Lie, > ’;<■' Ohumawa InstU-uMou nsP, e ids -ourat4mg In dR w jv',^196-1 'wUlch Uh' seudte had J<. a tho <*»< ty?L •• ."¿irfas t