üt O K V O T K D TO I N T I » C O F * F R IN O E IK L D » .,U T H E F A R M E R * OF THU W IL L A M E T T E VALLEY THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T W K N T Y -n ilS T YEAR TEACHERS HIRER IL SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON,THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1924. MRS. VALLIER LOSES s U n | C c $10,000 DAMAGE Jury In Hlalamam Furnltura Larceny W ill Caaa Olaagraa and la Dlamlsaad by Judge Balt ; \ V Haar = o Report of L V UZ v Com m ittees; Questionnaire« Sant O ut Regard, ing Liaw l ^ ^ C ‘ > " « ‘ ’ -“ ^ " Camps S ta rted Railroad Builders Preparing to Start Work on We»t Slope La w K o force of Cascade* Enforcem ent "The People's Papar* A L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IVE TO W N NUMBER 8 NUMEROUS CANDIDATES’ HATS IN POLITICAL RING Brow nell to rn ey; Candidate F arm ers fo r D is tric t Select T ic k e t For A ll Office« A t­ IDEE PUNIERS IB GATHEB TONIGHT Coach Wilcox Retained to Coach ; Th« suit for »lo.uoo damages of The Child W elfare Baseball; Mr*. Page and M r*. Mr«. jan e Valller againat the W «u meui league, made up of the Joint Moore Given Contract*; Re- am 1-uRtber rpmpany Io circuit committees from various city organ­ A Aa a candidate for district attorney Civic Club and Chamber Cnals are being sent comes from a family closely connect­ fLeater Wilcox, University of Opt­ dant. M r*. Valllar had brought Th> "Springfield Beautiful" cam­ against the company barauan of the ¡" ’clock In the afternoon. The meet- ln aad camP* * r® being put In shape ed with Oregon's political history. paign carried by the Springfield Cham- io n senior who coached the Spring- death of her son, Clyde, who was j In * Is open to the pullc, and those | < > n fo*" 8,d* "Hullar to those which field high school teams through th He w ill be a candidate at the re- her of Commerce and toe Ladles’ Civic Interested In the aubject, whether b e-: bav® b* '‘n ««tabllahed on the east football and basketball seasons Is killed last August white working In publican primaries. club is to have a rousing meeting to- longing to any organisation or not side tor several months. D lstrirt Attorney Clyde N. John- night at 8 o’clock ln the Chamber to be re ta in ’d for the baseball aea- the lumber company camp Eight horses, two wagons and other aon, according to a motion passed at A disagreement was report-M by are cordially Invited by the committee aton and Attorney Oordon Well« arc room« In Monison hall, with all cltl- to attend. Report of the Educational outfll,ln* equipment was routed a meeting of the school hoard Tues­ the circuit court Jury last night In alao candidates and w ill be voted on »»ng invited, according to W. F. committee recently appointed w ill b e ,*bF"u* b Springfield yesterday to the at the May republican primaries day tn the offlr» of Dr. W. H. Pollard, the ease of Donald Norrie, accuaed W alker, president of the Chamber, 'Utah Construction company at Oak- Judge Harry H. Belt, of Yamhill and Mra. Maude Bryan, president of chairman. The board voted to retain of stealing furniture from the reel- ,ly,B' aDd o,h«r matters In connee- be ' ridge Contractor Hurd, oí Hurd county, who la serving this week on the Civic club. him at a «alary of »50 per month. ® one leading to McCredli the announcement of the Farmers’ will be submitted, and (eneral plant Moore Io teach the rest of the term FENWICK FUNERAL HELD limoni of the public can be aecer- 8prtD,a and wb,ch formerly was on Union nominating committee of can­ formed." for *75 par month. the railroad gaade Plans are to SUNDAY AFTERNOON juined didates favored for all offices vacant. A conmxlttee of Mead am ts M. J. Mrs. Ora Hemenway registered a The questionnaire asks four ques build roads to take tunnel construc­ The ticket follows; McKlln, W illiam Donaldson. W. H. vomplalnt concerning the street cross­ Fun >ra| services were held for Mel tion machinery beyond the rails Ilona; For county commlaaloni», R> O. Stearmer. W. C. McLagan. R. Q. Hal ing at Hlxlb and R streets, which Is vln Fenwick on Sunday afternoon In IAi you believe that the cigarette which are now laid io McCredle Brady, tanner of Creswell. ¡•ey and Clark E. Wheaton has al- 1n had condition In rainy weather, she Ihe W alker chapel, at 3:8«, the Rev­ Springs, it Is «aid. law should be enforced? For sheriff, Hugh H. Earle, tax i ready been appointed by Mrs. Bryan, said Th.’ m atter Is to be referred to erend J. T Moore, retired paator. ol Do you favor the strict observance expert and accounuA , of Eugene and further committeas w ill be ap- the city council. flrlatlng He waa assisted by t h i of the pool hall law? For county clerk. R. 8. Bryson, of r pointed to go into every detail of ASK STUDENTS TO BUY Repairs are Io he made to a window Reverend Mr. E B. Luther, paalor | Are you In ravor of the observance Bugena, for re-election. the new crusade for the beautifying CAN CONDEN6ED MILK of the Springfield Baptist church In ! b i the Lincoln school, and two doiw* of a good curfew law? For county «reasuer, Miss Edna of the city. primary chairs ordered, as well as a lertnent w *. In the Laurel H ill cem W ill you lend your moral support Solicit H tlp fo r N ear East R elief; Ward, of Eugene, for re-election. For some tima past there has been theae new blackboard and one set of Am­ .«vry. the Springfield Odd Fellow . for the ilr lc t . nforceme>nt For county school superintendent, much agitation about the m atter of School Play Plans Being erican history maps Hand la Io he having charge of the aervlcea at the lawa? E. J. Moora. of Eugene, for re-elec­ the laying out of parkings, the plant­ Mad« by Council purchased to flx the hall ground, tion. f It states that crime la growing ing of shade trees, and the general though not more t h ^ 13 load« have During the funeral service« at the among minors, and that the courts For county assessor. B. F. Keeney, building up of the city. The high been aulhorlted for purchase by th> Chapel about 20 hooded flgurae. mem are filled with Juvenile cases. R a ­ "Near East Relief" waa the theme of Eugene, for re-election. school cooperated with the movement board J. R. Torbet, principal of the bers of the Ku Klux Kian, filed Insisten ce la solicited from every pa of a talk at the Joint assembly of the For county surveyor. P. M. Morse, ( by planting rose bushes and trees on high school, was given authority to atlemly and ptsuv-d a wreath of rent to help make the town the b e .t : W’ h • cho° l « ra<,ea by * ambeau of Eugane, for re-election. its grounds with a special ceremony act tn this case Support was voted to flowers on the casket. The Kian chap -J tpaafble sof* In which to rear a of Portland yesterday at 1 o'clock In For representatives. H. C. Wheeler, on arbor day. The Chamber has read the high echool auditorium. In the Die high achmtl student body, and ! ktln offered a prayer, and after aal family. .a .a a .1, a Ot **lea8ant H ill, for re-filectlon; and discussed articles ln various per- " h ' , ? a Ha,pb L* , r t ' <* P1' aaaa‘ H IIU . Ed- iodlcalg ralatire to the subject m past cooperation will be made In procuring «'Ing the flag they disappeared The campaign for law enforcement ' 7 ' “ ° ° -.n X «tage scenery for the high school through the aide door. " ' ’ 11 "* " ‘‘ n er ' aus w»»d F. Bailey, of Junction City, for meetings, and Is prepared to cope among minors was begun by Mrs. alagp Mr. Fenwick died Thursday after >Ora Hemenway, principal of the Ltn pices of the Near East Rallef associa re-election. with the problem from the s d e n tile an Illness of typhoid fever. Ha waa coin school, after discovering that . i “ 0" Mr* Rambb®r of the students were using HELD SUNDAY AFTERNOON having served as a member of the ,ob*«,‘'« *nd frequenting pool h alls., WOI*? r ot ,he Por,1,ad brancb of NEW SPRINGFIELD ARCH * F®'1®» WILL SOON BE FINISHED THURSTON STUDENTS TO Oregon stale leglalatur» daring the 9b* 4*Bvered a sertea of lectures at method of helping the move- _ ------- PLAY “SAFETY F IR S T The funeral e f Vincasl Williame. 1818 aaaalun; ha waa a t ona Uioe a u“*®t1®«8 of various organixatlona mnnt •• to aak eark|M Iffispltal for some lime, suffering from compllatlon. in Jack Montgomery, a young business WORK AT B.-K. MILL cancer of the bowels He died Sat­ The student council has laid before charge of the construction, man _____________ ___ Perry t’riow urday morning at « o'clock, and his the student body plans tor a "Laugh The record of the Booth Kelly mill LEGION SHOW TO BE The arch, the Springfield Chamber Jerry A -n tld . friend to J «ok Mont­ Infant 'laughter was horn the same teresque” to be held on the evening gomery ------------------1 bert Taylor for protecting the workmen from In­ STAGED ON MARCH 14 of March 28. Tbe council also rec- of Commerce project for advertising evening, shortly after 8 o'clock jury was highly commeuded b> the city, was designed after long de- Elm er riannel. college student and L Bom al Harrisburg May 10. 1878, The evenings of Thursday, March omnion'l!' ,he purchase of a forest liberation and consideration of varl- cousin to Jack ____ Frank Rennie George f'H co tty" Aitken, of Poi# M g W illiam s lived for some yea-« f° r ,h<' h’* h "cho01 ,ta' would b** Pa|d fo” Mrs. Barrington Bridger, Helen Eyler The Loyal Legion of Loggers and For the past 10 years he has been ^ Lumbermen u m o e rm m w wu, nave a a new new su nag ,2 “ *“* 8' dauSht®F of Abou Bern Mocha as bruises and cuts The local safety I formance will be at the Bell theatre I Tb« work of Coach Laster Wilcox ill have 4L flag a resident of Hprlngfleld. and at the — .... ........... .............. Peal T ali“ for r l time of hla death resided at Second council, working In cooperation with , at 8 o'clock, the net proceeds of both durlnX ‘be «u< / ssful basketball sea ln the near future, to replace the old the 4L'a haa aa a goal no Injuries nights to be divided between the Am s°n was commended in the highest ¡one. now much tattered, that hangs Mary Ann' 80rT* nt «lr* fo Mrs Mont- and M ill streets. erlcan Legion for a new clubhouse. * ’*rms by Principal Torbet. Both the below the American flag at the Booth-, K°me?7- whatsoever through accident. About a year ago he married T lllle Mr A1tMd Junior high letters across the middle. Almost all The secretary of the Chamber of Alice Halch. and one alster, Mra. for alertness In avoiding accident He went on to Wendllng In th«* here there may be one at Wendllng If acho° 1 d',f’'ated lhe Monroe Junior mills have similar ones, according Commerce has prepared a book In Clive Taylor, both of Wendllng. Mr. W illiam s belonged to the Co­ afternoon with E. E. Martin, chief negotiations can be carried through h,* h ,cbo<” bere w,th ♦ "core of 26 to ‘D. W. McKinnon of the Booth- which It la designed that anyone who to 1. Kelly office force. is engaging i,n any specialty in the burg camp of the Woodmen of the engineer In the Booth-Kelly company !and a Wednesday afternoon. ing. A general business meeting was voice;" Paul Brattaln, Alfred Tows- the Fourth International Sanitary Con- and Ellxa Hubbard, both of Dorena. The yellow daffodil waa the motif followed by refreshments served by send, Tom Lusby, W alter Gossler, teeace of the American Republic," di­ and to August Olsen. Wendllng. and ly form an exhibit that w ill (how to visitor* what we have in thta vld n ity of the decorations, also the yellow Mra. L. K Page and Miss Mary Rob­ George Moon, Jess Meat«, Vern rected by Barrett, aleo tho report of Minnie Read. Eugene. In these lines. Come In aad register the fifth conference aa well aa two scheme waa carried out In the vary erta. Meats, Charles Scott, Oswald M. Ol­ Thoa» attending were: Mrs. and help to start It off. Genefleld Club Meats dainty luncheon Mra. Wm. Peterson, N. W. Emery, Mrs. Jim Davis, Mrs. son, Orlo Nettleton and C. A. Rw.aria. volumes on “The Report of the Com­ missioner of Education." Principal Mrs Ralph Hlclm. Mra. Wm. I.lght- Lae Clark and Mrs. Vina McLean. The home of Mrs. Carl Fisher of Honors Daughter*« Birthday Torbet aald that all gifts af books are Eugene was the meting place of the root of Eugene were special guests. Surprises M other highly acceptable, since the library The club will meet March 10 with Geneltold Bridge club on Thursday af­ A Sunday birthday dinner nt th * ffintertalna KHears Mrs. Rdetae Cox gave a surprise has only between 850 and 400 volumes, ternoon. Guests were Mrs. Scobert Mrs W. C. McLagan. homo of Mrs. Grace Roberts honor­ The Kllcare club met In Eugene party for her motbsr. Mra. M M. a very small number for the slxe af of Eugene and Mrs. Dan Crites. Mem­ ed her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Bicknell, Thursday afternoon at the home of Pesry. at the M M. Peery home Mon- th„ high school. There la shelving bers present: Mesdames H a rry Stew­ of Eugene. ' Hospital Nates Besides Mr. and Mrs. Mra. Vlo W illiam s and Infant Mra. W alter McCornack. Pussy w il­ day night. The occasion for the affair room at present for twice that num­ art. S .Ralph Dlppel, Paul Basford, Bicknell, th-are were present Mr. and low and daffodil decorations gave a waa Mrs. Psery's birthday. Guests ber. .Harry Whitney. Carl Olson, Alec Mc- Mrs. Truman Gay of Eugene, and M r. daughter arn doing nicely. Mr«. Joseph Mitchell of West delightful spring atmosphere. Re­ present Included: Mra. Maude Bryan The Hl-Y business meeting was held Kenxle, Cogswell Campbell. John F. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts and Mlaa 'Ketels, Alfred J. Morgan and Mra. Mary Roberts of Springfield. Hprlngfleld, who has been III at the freshnienta were served. MTrs. M e-¡and daughter Miss Crystal, Mr. and Tuesday. Knight of Eugene was a guest for the ' Mrs. Y'lark E. Wheaton, Mr. and Mra. Springfield high school students Fisher. Sprlngflelil hospital for the past three! 1 ___________ weeks. .Jlod ys.lerday morning. W e~»*ra ore-ent were: Jliu Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Frank D e will compete for two prlaca; one of- SHEAR YOUR M OSSBACK. Mrs. Arthar (Mar*, who und.wweal M r" ° « » » » b 1*“ f . Mrs. Fred Choss. Ihle, Mr. Welby Stevens. Mrs. C. E. ¡ ferPd by tbe American J.egicn of the A oarload «f Ford cara for the • S T R A N G E R S IN THE COMMUN­ Tim e a mnjor operativa Mtaida*'. Is oa U te lM f*. T. f«. Poindexter, Mra. Bert Vfci Hwarts and Miss Edna Swarts a n d 'atate for aa essay oa "P Anderson Moloc company aeelved IT Y A R E N O T U S E D T O S E E ­ I vent, Mre. MaxU Hack, Mra. Jim 1 Mr. and Mra. Peery. Tho evening was Patriotism." toa other i v t r,OTt- road to re*ov«ry. ING M OSS G RO W ON H U M A N * . fr«m P e rii“» ' Snturday. ... Mrs. W. C. Robhan, Mrs. l»pa«t l«i playing mah Jongg and land Telegram, la an eri •sm- AaOrew E W iw o n was adì Htted to ¡Clark, bridge whist, lig h t refreshments were petition on Ihe ra h je .. Mande Bryan, Mrs. Clark E. Wheaton, -on- Bie SprlugfloW boopttol Friday for BE A L IV E W IR E . Y O U A R E ON Three c a ri ids 'If p o le j arrived Mah Eugoue Kester and Mrs. Me served at 11 »'«lock. The stltutlon cf tho l ' » ' t - l treatment. A S H O R T C IR C U IT IF Y O U from Washlm Cornack. \ Friday for creosot- "ng- first la sponsored locally D O N ’T B E L O N 6 T O TH E irbollneum Wood-pre- the Ing hy Ih: llsli department, the M eet a t Church Parlors Two aarloads of cypress wnro ship­ S P R IN G F IE L B C H A M E T R O F Suo» tn Recover Contract serving pieni classes In civics and «< ped yesterday by tho Anderson Mnn- COM MERCE. The Epworth League of the Meth­ ufncturlng corporation to Memphis, George Dtffenbacher has filed suit odist church enjoyed a social and Tennessee. The Spvi ’ ’111 and Grain rom In circuit court sgalnst Lenn and feed at the church parlors last even- rir.g- OH, Y ritl T H O U G H T V ? U W FR E- A carload of feed fo " - R ow ert Gordon a.**klnj» to recover i«c- Th» ’reds of feed and -*ne e'do of th-1 me’otv-r field M ill and Grain VKH pany shlrp n t r_: A'rtLC. a n 'O '" - • v- nj-.tlour to t olnts during the ING IN T H IS C O M M U N IT Y IS I .h. - i entertained Ihe winning -hipped In Satnrdny A carload of barley arrived this :’ 87(M) w llh in ti. mJ tai . . •corning for the Hprlngfleld M ill a n d ! contrary Fnrsclobur* Is asked to side under tho direction of Charllne shipped a carload ol nf ctributed 13 truck- ■ 13 past w e U. E LIG IB LE IF T H E Y ARE 100 taxds an u ir th< country yesterday, i PFR C E N T BOORTFRS. lam bert. Coos Bay district the ir Grain company. satisfy the claim.